HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-21; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING DATE OF MEETING: February 21, 2007 TIME OF MEETING: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Faraday Meeting Center The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin and Council Member Hall were present. Council Members Packard and Sigafoose were absent. The Mayor announced that item no. 3 "Discussion of the Barrio Area" would be continued until at least four members of the Council are present since Council Member Hall cannot participate due to his ownership of property in the area. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin reported that in March she will be going to Washington D.C. with the City Manager for a board meeting of the Beach Preservation Commission. Matt Hall reported that he attended a SANDAG retreat where beach erosion was named in the top ten priorities of the member agencies, especially for coastal cities. The Mayor reported that the County Water Authority is discussing the Met role in financial contributions to the Diamond Lake Reservoir and its intended uses. The Council then went on to discuss the policy for hosting tournaments at the Municipal Golf Course since a number of groups have already approached City Council members and Kemper management company with regard to sponsoring events at the Golf Course and requesting donations or discounts on green fees. Council Member Hall asked to hear from Mr. Owen, President of the Chamber of Commerce on this issue. Mr. Owen relayed that the Chamber has done a number of tournaments at various golf courses over the past 25 years. Typically the tournaments are allowed on Monday through Fridays only between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The fee charge per tournament entrance is approximately $200.00 to $300.00, with $95.00 of that fee going to the course for green fees, cart and box lunch and the balance going to charity. Sponsorship and tee fees are approximately $1200.00 for a foursome with $400.00 going to the course and the $800.00 profit going to the charity of choice. These events typically take 90 days to organize. Mr. Owen stated that several groups would be willing to pay for the right to have the first tournament ever to be held at the City's golf course. The Mayor tabled this matter until the end of meeting for a presentation from Golf Course General Manager Jeff Perry. Council Member Hall asked for a progress report on the General Plan update and suggested that Planning Commissioners Segall and Baker may be good resources for input into the General Plan once their terms on the Commission have expired. Council Member Hall reported that through SANDAG he has tried to build a number of relationships especially with the City of Oceanside which will be revisiting the need for construction of new freeway interchanges at Melrose to Rancho Del Oro. The Council then went on to a discussion of the status of the City Council's goal priorities. With regard to the implementation of Proposition D, the City Manager relayed that there will be a meeting on March 6, 2007 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. with Robert McNulty who has experience in utilizing citizens groups in community planning. With regard to the goal of implementing Village Standards, the City Manager stated that the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin and Council Member Sigafoose visited cities in Northern California, including Walnut Creek and will soon visit Newport Beach and Scottsdale Arizona as well as Arizona State College to experience "The Decision Theatre" a three dimensional depiction of proposed development. Special Projects Director Hammann reported that in August 2007 staff should be presenting plans to the City Council for the Joint First Responders Training Facility and it will take 18 months to 2 years thereafter to build, for a total of approximately 2 1/4 to 3 years from today's date to completion. The consultant for the Public Works Facility has asked Public Works Director Prium to review their needs before proceeding further. Assistant City Manager Hildabrand reported on progress for the communications goal stating that streaming video should be ready for Council meetings by the end of April and the Planning Commission will follow thereafter. Staff is also looking into improving the web site with blogs and pod casting, and is working on projection of a calendar and community service guide. Negotiations continue with Time Warner regarding the cable franchise and Communication Manager Vedder is working on training and public outreach. With regard to beach preservation, Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin reported that she has been getting calls saying that the sand dredgings from the Cabrillo Power Plant are not being dispersed as proposed. David Lloyd has assured her that Cabrillo will proceed as planned with the sand disposal so that it does not revert immediately back into the ocean. Community Development Director Holder reported that Citygate action plan has been adopted and goals have been implemented to complete that multi-year project. With regard to Poinsettia Reach E, the City Manager directed the City Engineer to write a goal to move forward with plans for completing that project and consider whether or not it should be accomplished by a partnering of private development with the City. The Open Space Committee is to report soon to the City Council the Mitigation Bank Agreement is awaiting response from the Wildlife Agencies. The Community Development Director reported that the draft EIR for the Ponto Plan is being revised to include additional traffic alternatives. It is anticipated that the draft EIR will be circulated at the end of March with a 45 day review period according to Community Development Director Holder. With regard to traffic management, Public Works Director Prium reported that they are proposing to have a new position created for Traffic Engineer who will coordinate internally and with outside agencies to look at regional solutions for problem areas such as El Fuerte, Melrose and La Costa Avenue. The extension to Faraday Avenue is anticipated to be opened in July of 2007. Special Projects Director Hammann reported that plans and specifications for Alga Norte Park should be finalized in March 2007. Staff will go to Council to get authorization to advertise for bids in May 2007. Deputy City Engineer Johnson reported that Council had indicated its desire to move forward with the railroad quiet zone, however there is no funding for that project at this time. Staff is exploring various sources of funding which could be an assessment district or SANDAG grants. The Council then returned their discussion to the "Crossings at Carlsbad" Golf Course when Jeff Perry, General Manager for the course arrived. He reported that tournaments will be a primary source of income for the course. The first tournament is of particular importance and Kemper Sports will defer to City Council on the issue of who should be allowed to host the first tournament. Thereafter, Kemper will request that those decisions be delegated to Kemper. Kemper does not distinguish between profit and nonprofit tournaments and explained that the demand for the course sets the price. Kemper will discount fees in San Diego County depending on the day of the tournament, time, etc. Currently they are receiving three to four requests a week for the City's course to host various causes, i.e. donations. Council Member Hall stated that he did not want to discount fees for tournaments since he feels we owe it to the citizens to repay the cost of the golf course. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin concurred. The Mayor asked if the course would host high schools. Perry stated that high schools typically play a nine-hole course on a weekday afternoon, which is not a popular playing time, so that discounts are given. Junior play has the added benefit of growing future golfers. Kemper will provide the City Council with their recommendations on green fees for the Council's consideration prior to golf course operation. The meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, UME MOBALDI 'Assistant City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tern rn