HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-18; City Council; Minutes•Hi 0) •o g£ reo 2Ml |f~•S.'SE EO.JZc0"•C^f<tJ1'5c-(Uat £•4V 'Oi_ Vtrei £ i U i 1 ! 5 gu 0 u 1 ^£•K%f 2re u |i(U§00o f^- P1_ TO ni cQJ . .o> g m w«u _^^; 10 Olu oi c 'S'0 roO 3 ju ti" ^ .tt«§Hitjc .y5 c-io 51•4— i "t/5 l/l:= a;a- 3 -0 ±i -(/j £ £'SS3 § ita B < • "(OQ. |u 1 • X—a>>o*••c 0 B « Si ° roD- m *J TO E 5 g o;4_, 1_-a c o)£c ro Sfc i £ .. Jill *i.br L_ 1— H=! ^ TO?SjHi<S m_r^ w r \ ni t/1 « Research and interview other (• General review of Charter issut• Identify how a charter operate£ « n 8!V£ 2uc Q)u 10 ro(0 ifcX ro 10Ecu Bound by the state's general law,regardless of whether the subject conea municipal affair.E S2« 'io°£o < o ra*- a. >'uXfJt•— c5 3 <2 inji(U«•«•^0^U J3£ '<"~ 105 o£ °-•5 cS ° c8-* osita: u o • in ^li^ -BLLI n! •^ t/)(XJ (D 0) 'C C 13o l-o§58rn i- n V V g. ^ s -a£ 43 c^_ 10 03 -^^ co-"^». "'•a g'JJ§2 E 0 -° (u Sfi«"« «O O tnZ U -D cn Municipal elections conducted inaccordance with the California Election:Code.1ucQ(9 ucoiu UJ J2(UV§mrs 0)c ^ 3^S~ « -S oO .= — ._ i- BJ y*S T3 «— 5", (U -C M— T-,..Sr o^^-^o-^Si? O <U *J ,n>-„ tn-QOc'"'01 ^ -=<i;cO?QJ^> •— ^" S: .— *— "^:= 5 Q. > — -C m .£0) c.Q OroT3 <-> i-ti lllllllll • • ai "•8(D <U £ (/)OJi_ ^-a Q- o3 •= §10 C^: (UJD CiiQJ _0 (U U S ^ J_J v — S-> "5 P,Ordinances may not be passed within fdays of introduction unless they areurgency ordinances.Ordinances may only be passed at aregular meeting, and must be read in fat time of introduction and passage ex<when, after reading the title, furtherreading is waived.£co£ •5 < fll 1 _1 TJ TJ33litoia£•ono!noia(D8(A na1SUB! '^|aa,si^s— fD ^ ^- —f =_ _. ^_|- ^_if |«Sft I liftQ c: oi ^ -i & ^ Itl(=)' S n n q: •< Q) 9-?Q) = 3- QJ 8 ft 8 in 1 -^. o 9, 2s o' ° 8 9- "8 5>8 SE 51 ff -ftff -'s*° ,_. _ 3 TJ QL 3 O 3?5T 3 at nn>Isr in3f | o QJ 3 Q) a 3are r-t-3 1srx May impose business license taxes foany purpose unless limited by state ofederal constitutions, or city charter.—i — * TJ Tl2 =< OJn 3"" nIv0)3aH0)IQSj-a-s °"?B2 ^Z '"S1XC— Qi O .Jk QJ !,» QJ ~n^ 13/T\ ^"^ ^? ^^ ^^"^ ^? 14s ^tf U ^F^e|S F|3 |3 I|CL — ~ J~O (V~O o2fD33 ^ ui 3in "3-|E 1 S- aT^ |S,fDtncn -QC WIT -a^ QJ o ~r t/i ^' ^^ w U) /& 5' o 8 ffi^ ^3 =":^ni=. -^rn "• 3 °Q)U. C^j ^l" fDfD 3^ 111 ^1 ai sgIII l| »! ' 1 1 = 1 ?l i 1 • K "1 0 "* fD 5.^> J51 K o1 w ^•S —t re -i QJ n- <n 3ai o.X O -a QJ 01 ^ a~T3 ai x "o n in >-< 388-t 85i^< § 3"&lIlll MJ* | ra cfDre" ™ - gj ^ fS"5' l||! 1"^ I III?^sl ISg 1 §1| 2. S ° 5 3 « R ^ g: -ocxreai Q.inS g~ ^ai=l!l §si i yj5J=5±f? 01 = rr X 00 gj r5 £L8 3 2 8i^ 01$a*- ;?£ -ia ^-^^ i§ s §' $ ^*in 3re • • • ooiT reaiQj -Q o 3 (~i oi 3~T33n 3 3 =• C^5tnre39iremai inmS =^' o 5; -S to <-*•3-fDfT "'re?}. fl> ^2. re n re oi^i^C Tinrp ^'"'•^M-inT! ^-FTS' x a -o reo'5'aTFr(1) if 11 8^*11! ! !* " llx i ^ NJ W S(DrD ff ff (/) O T3 C O r-O c -n 01 3 T, repg "a in. •< a. -a 19. ,_, n 51 2. a> 5' S? o re •* 3 in ITre c n ^ .9J. 5 ° Q. H S ai n 5 SSIIII ^^ rr (D ^^% 3' "o OOO TJO OSS (/> C5 ^o at s llliilll Illf II o o re re — • n "SI < a! <Q 5 R" c -3~'-ril/'Oi2n) 3. «/> ™ in 3 ""* re ^res-'rt-^ "> ^3 m 3,^^ f5' ^ t" nBl51w'o'OfD3o> 5^^ i n 3 Charter City73 equired Action=!•« 3 55,*f5'QJ j^ 3 "^ (D •Q 0) Tlw S- c— » 3m -• a3-o(A Soo.(A3,mnow C "Oi&rr SI"Tl8(A fil5ISna fD. 0) w _s q CD8 8 §.£§| S1- » ^ I =!. n ILJ. — fl "*~ n> = 3- . n>o ^ 2.3:^9. "> 3 5' o' * So QJ ai 3 cr fD-».< 3 •< in rr n * Tl O CT«3 C O =T3 O fD T3 2m^ll ! ill 8"S--e' * ff a ocr-gsr O» (D i. ST n H = § 1 j* 01 S" 8 o ^ft of •D CTE:^ 3! ai Q. «3 ma s 3T3QJ in £L 0 2ro 35 QJ ff Oi' Q. fD' -& 35 £ l-glm'g.^ Si I ^ > 8 S S " g. §. J g- §= I ° «§; § ~* g:I™•^ Q) rr rrin fD Char CitypuHN 55 o c < lll^^ o 3l/l•%J ic financing?has this bein otherin ffm I S o I(D ff ^ ifD H-' <t) 0) 3 fl) 0 fD - fD I 1'a. S5' KJ n (D Ol I ff O "0 70» 3 £§ 8 (8ill™ no> -i3 3Q. =••3Ralph M. Brown Act is applicable.Conflict of interest laws are applicable£ zo •^ m 3 1 rl- > 01 _. W QJ Ql "O Q) 2 LT^ cr fD • 2 s -q 513 ?i SL § n> £! §e-f g firR w ^z*-^ if oj 3 /-> 3- 3£U X 0> <°3 g rf fD §• =: fjj- Q, lO rr 2L •• ^ti£ /OiOIIi:§ acr <ff.3Ifi(Less Flexible)A majority of the city council constituiquorum for transaction of business.All ordinances, resolutions, and ordersthe payment of money require a recormajority vote of the total membershipthe city council. Specific legislationrequires supermajority votes for certaiactions.=t o a- -* fo3, f£ i? IX 01 <9. E ^~o sa, E. LTo 3 oTcr 3 fD cr S""c ' -o0 S x o 2: g n n.ro 3 fD § I5'l < 1 in • Q) n m Q. 01 01 o^ »|R fir IQ cT "o ? .Q in=. c in fD 0 crl/> — 1 3T-c n> 3 i-1 nA 71 m n nII 3 1I* 1 1i ~ 3n § §•S .4aSalary-ceiling is set by city populationsalary increases set by state law exceicompensation established by city electIf a city provides any type of com pensor payment of expenses to councilmembers, then all council members airequired to have two hours of ethicstraining.fD cu d !4 Q> o' i" cT1 Q. 3- q zf n t-j -?O S ° O ^ =?•c § n 3 Q, ^ 2!§l*ai2|iii3- -j s o y w?>• fD fD 3 S. 3-°s|^§If III 1 ^afiif^ -T- ?* fD 3S^SL o o 5- ^ 8 J"^ S ^ "2 mo n § EL fD 2.in fDf ' § 9L & fD o' r~— \ -^*-" 3cr o, o> M S ?r (A O H <fi i|li'»s,*^»(Less Flexible)An office becomes vacant in severalinstances including death, resignation,removal for failure to perform officialduties, electorate irregularities, absentfrom meetings without permission, antupon non-residency.Q_ '' S 3 = fD f8 | J 1 1 $ (A O trt ^i " QJ — • ••* nt" fD *^^ 5 <-f O rt-2J* — h fD fD **•' — . sr R ^ J° <3 o n Q ^ Q* ff QJ 5'Q. in ID fD a: w — Q. . IlllPlii3g.§5»S- tQ^g S^- _ n <=T 0. wOff •- *< o (A 3 t/i tn2i ^^ T ™" rr ^QJ t/i /^ IQ bi o 3 ^ 1^ ^" ^ ^^"D ^> rt> ^ »' 8 °7T *5 1w nS"3S2.Mrrn'General Law Cityn a>3-?n "^ (D CB & wa^^ ^Bo 3 =!-o3 3<B ^>3_> (D 01 ^ 3 ffl (D •0 -nI 3A 3"" n(U0)Q.015'(OC* O" "^ O" !3 ~? Q) "^ W •--*^ C o fD -^ t/l C qc | o 5 3 §3 ft |.3 *< •-* O T3 3T3 ,-t- S"Q. — . — • -PO (DO O 2(D 3^ 3 ^ </) 3 l/> 3— i -= -g ~o fD iffD ^ On o o Si o~ 8!3- 3"""III H li I! Ill SI *i ss» B 3. = § s £ IS R =r g1 "g ^ sr 3 ~" i-l- J" 3fll Q.X O Q) ^ O"O OJ H "D O W ^ !"! ^^50- g1 £? ft i. SI jt! I III«* HS ^ SPn 01 Q. w 1 g- §^ O ft) ^ fD ^ Q* *— »• 5" 5 n QJ TJ " "1 ws 2- § £! |s O" S t/i ^ m all? 3 ^ IS 3 . QJi fD Q) Q; -QO3o_Qj3"30 33— C-aiflfD39J. SI Si 1 l&lg-l? J3 ^ CT° ^M ^ST°oj."o S2. 51 co S 3 J? 3' ro" £± —1 R i -cr. c/i 3 OJ_ NJ W Snn 25 TJ(DWQ33£5.0153Si. gn 2 3 = 2 s-g 2-pfD q: n> 5 <5 Q Q.^ a; o ^ n>f|i§ 1 |!| mifD fD — _Q sii 13 Q * — ^ [/j S. >S,oBf^c S" -T1" q rf 3_hCft'5lilii i ill W^j — * ^* *"^ ^^ y^ ^ fD f0 "O ^fD Q- fD fD O_ l^ fD *• fD t/i ' 11 sr •§ l|ff "ill 3J-! ft)' Q.Q.3 fl> (D =•no$ P -0=" 3;Tn)o.-,^. ^SS i>83 I'll lil ^l|Rmtf so3" ' a «, So o § § O ~" ? rt O- fill f ijfj s.s1?'^ i ! ft1 8.si-f 3' cr E. ^ ^ o' c w r?§-"S- i 8 1 p-i- "§542 > 9.0,0.3. 9, cr E. {§ ft 3 = 5" J"« «" S $ oi 2. °-^ -,-li -n • O fD1|5°; | | | 3 -a w ' o'33 m Ff Q. ^ 3 3^3 ^3r S5 cr °t> y^ • ?° 3' 9: 51 fA "TJ 3^ Q)i s 3 =^ J-L fD Qia 1 81™i E Q. g: 3 i g 0)n (A n'§L?0 =><3g-o QJ in O vide provisions r, campaign finantibility of office.n 2. 5' o»«Q ff Ol O- 3 rt-Q. O 1 O Olla fD 5- 8 "DO)i— i- CT ^ - n3Tfi)31SoGenera l Law C4?Charter C4? fl> c I > ft 5 3 d-o3 5S»*j5' ni ft•* ^t fD 31i^oni»IT State law describes the city's form ofgovernment For example, general lacities can be governed by a city counfive members, a city clerk, a city treaa police chief, a fire chief and anysubordinate officers or employees asrequired by law. City electors may &ordinances which provides for a diffenumber of council members. TheGovernment Code also authorizes th<manager" form of government.lu -i Q. j/> n •£1 (Do c = *Charter can provide for any form ofgovernment including the "strongmayor," and "city manager" forms.B35'\aZoning ordinances must be consistengeneral plan.r-r 5 r-r Zoning ordinances are not required tobe consistent with general plan unlessthe city has adopted a consistencyrequirement by charter or ordinance.. 0 O 5' 9L fn 3 3.8 ° $"ST — • ^ < «^~CD 3 3 < CTJ Q, w. -, QJ = 81^1 3 s*3|5B ?!« =. cr3^ 3 _fO tfi 0 ro w ten ff SJ?O 3O &)m «"'^ »IO m *^8 ||J" tn QJ <f> ^2 (ft (b 3 3 QJ o -3: f"t" (D <T> ^ X Q) in May enact ordinances providing forvarious penalties so long as suchpenalties do not exceed any maximumlimits set by the charter.'. . n g_ m cr g m (D 3 =• Q. X —to *— — * — ^ i—(D /n QJ QJ 2 QJHI mCO CT. r-r in QJD fT) QJ' c/i "^ — n ftO W1fl>?rw assessment laws and then elect toproceed under the local law.May impose business license taxes forany purpose unless limited by state orfederal constitutions, or city charter.May impose real property transfer tax•o B"On> IWl oTX _^!y01a^SonA A3 LT n Charter CityJO 1 3a S5' 3 =!, If Q| ^fi A a Jflisrt1sE(D1sz(/)n inSfDQ)W-o£3 T3a fD 3r-f 3' — h fD CL Q, r-r75Q> -^' ;^|| -8 3", § </, -. E?-0 - P- $: ' I 1 fD r-l- 3 fb" Q. 9, »1co'f? "S ^11^51 c" ftIQ -I QJjjj ^,iC QI r- ~ Q. fl>" g •§ ^ (Q Q)"• ^ CU 3. m ^Q ZJ rT — ro^ ID O ~* QJ 2 3 ^ & S ID cr ^ =" T3 3fD O =: fD5 1-. 3fD on 8.3-c -« E±. QJ 0 CL 3 Oin -Ort-p if rlni_|z^TJ3<CLfD —i r-r 3 1 w QJ •a 1ol(D 31 S— T 3 (O ^|^-^J i_*M0 Q:^2(Dcrn2^U1 .&. U) NJ t-1 §' tfl3 ~Q3"noji— |f~fCL7O^>ci 5(A ^ o f^ ID ^3 CO ££ in ^ ^n ^^ ^T t/i ^ /D ^^r ^, 3 Uz **^ /^\ ^~* fD3'3CLOOl~l'fl)l-l'V 2 "'S- 5 -< Set S<"-< | 5' t~2.?°oro"t^ft w^- "T* ^ — • !^" "^ ^•O^fDjPjy CX3 rr ^Q Qj fj* <™1" T1 3 CL <5 § fD" 3 "§• ft 3 QJ 8!3 n' 3. 3 rt'S Q) (i CL i— *3. — -T" tn n' -i cr 3- ft. fD Hill?CL fD ro cr. Q. fo ftSlg&& rj; 0 ^ 5- -• C| fD ff 0 ^. 0" =r n cr P oo < •?•' ™ QJ 3 3^^ ^ O^^ fD "CJ ^^ ^O ^ f0 ^ — . S § s; g- HffSS?35 a- CL fD n S-S-n' c>:3: Q, en o —• n nS$i:0ofD 3A i.sr$n •< o 3"su§-I • r> ^- ?o (D 1 § 5' 3 =!-o 3 S2,1"3 {4 3 (D (D Exhibit 5 Charter City Team Review of Election Options In the event that Council did want to pursue a Public vote on the Charter Option there are several options and some Election deadline milestones that will need to be met to allow the process to proceed correctly. A discussion with our City Clerk resulted in the following summary being developed. The overall categories for Election options are; 1. Use existing normal election date - Join in an existing date for a regular County Miscellaneous Special Election or Presidential Primary or General Election. (Easiest and most traditional) This is traditionally how proposition or council election date are chosen, the Ciiy chooses one of the predetermined County election dates on the calendar and matches their election call with that date. 2. Use a "Mail in Ballot" election date - Join an existing date for a County Mail in Ballot election. (Less traditional for a large item such as this) Could do a "Mail Ballot" during scheduled County Mail out dates of March 4th, May 6th, or August 26th This is only a Mail-in ballot and does not have polling stations for citizens to report to. This is not traditionally how large issues are put on the ballot. 3. Declare a separate City election - Declare a separate City election at a distinct time. (Most complicated, not done in Carlsbad before) The City can call its own separate date for an election and not do it in conjunction with a County election. This could be declared at any time but the City Clerk informed that a consultant would need to be brought in to assist in this as it has not done one before and the total cost for this option would be higher then using an existing date election time. Would require at least 6 months lead time to allow for the consultant work, coordination etc. to be completed. Each of these options has different milestone dates that are outlined on the following page; Existing Election Date Options Earliest possible Election Date; Election Date: November 6, 2007-Misc. Special Election • Date research report would need to be completed - Immediately. • Date Council would need to pass a resolution at a Council meeting to call the election - August 7th Other scheduled Election dates available; Election Date: February 5, 2008 - Presidential Primary • Date research report would need to be completed - October 5th, 2007. • Date Council would need to pass a resolution at a Council meeting to call the election - November 6th, 2007. Election Date: April 8, 2008 - Misc. Special Election • Date research report would need to be completed - December 7th, 2007. • Date Council would need to pass a resolution at a Council meeting to call the election - January 9th, 2008. Election Date: June 3, 2008 - Primary Election • Date research report would need to be completed - January 15th, 2008. • Date Council would need to pass a resolution at a Council meeting to call the election - March 3rd, 2008. Election Date: November 4, 2008 - Primary Election • Date research report would need to be completed - July 8, 2008. • Date Council would need to pass a resolution at a Council meeting to call the election - August 5, 2008. ...L ~~"...c..~ ~ tt- P ~ i1 I -l,-~\D'-1 Changes in Emergency Service Delivery .1970 Firefighting .Structure Wildland Aircraft . . .1980 EMS .Ambulance based ALS delivery Engine Company based ALS delivery Expansion of Scope of Practice . . .1 990 HazMat .Awareness Training &Equipping Operational Training &Equipping. .2000 Weapons of Mass Destruction 2 Carlsbad Fire Department Call Volume 8000 7000 6000- r::: ~5000 0 'E 4000 Q) "C.-30000 r::: -2000 1000 0 -II-EMSCalls -+-Total Calls 1980 1985 1990 1995 YEAR 20052000 3 Emergency Operations Staffing .Provide24/7 response capability .Maintain constant staffing levels .Utilize the minimum number of personnel to meet staffing requirements .Effectivelymonitor overtime 4 Fire Department Current Staffing (Total Emergency Operations Personnel -72) Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 24 Hour Shift Schedule for 24 Hour Coverage (Carlsbad Fire Department Staffing) Shift Cycle Repetition:24 Days Current 24 Hour Shift Model Each employee works eight (8)24 hour shifts per 24 day cycle Rank Total Captain 18 Engineer 18 Paramedic/Firefighter 36 Total 72 5 Fire Department Alternative Staffing (Total Emergency Operations Personnel-96) Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Employee 4 E12 E12 12 Hour Shift Schedule for 24 Hour Coverage (96 Total Personnel) leaend D12 -12 hour Day Shift E12 -12 hour Evening Shift Shift Cycle Repetition:14 Days Each employee works seven (7) 12 hour shifts per 14 day cycle Rank Captain Engineer Paramedic/Firefiahter Total 12 Hour Shift Model Total 24 24 48 96 Increase 6 6 12 24 6 Overtime Per Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 124 hour shift I \8 hour shift I 0 10 20 503040 Hours Per Week Fire Department Sworn Employee v.Equivalent Non-Sworn City Employee Position Annual Salary Hourly Rate Work Week OT Rate Fire Employee $70,000 $28.00 56 $42.00 City Employee $70,000 $40.00 40 $60.00 .FLSA Exemption allows 13 additional hours per week at straight time FLSA mandates 3 hours of overtime per week. 60 7 Overtime By Category $22,000,1% $64,000,3% $92,000,5% $120,000,6% $443,000,22% II Sick .Vacation 0 Training 0 Holiday .FLSA* 0 Special Detail .Mutual aid 0 Other $235,000,12% $754,000,37% Total $2.0 M Data from October 2005 to October 2006 *FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act)mandates 6 hours of overtime per pay period due to 24 hour shift schedule 8 Fire DepartmentMOU .Currently in a 1 Year Contract .Contract expires December 31,2007 .Contract negotiations anticipated to be reopened in Fall 2007 City of CARLSBAD Fire Department MOU 9 Annual Salary Schedule for Carlsbad Firefighters'Association Data as of January 1,2007 CIASSlFICATION FlREFlGHIER FlRE ENGINEER DEPlliY FlRE MARSHAL PARAMEDIC FlREFlGHIER FlRE CAPfAIN CAPfAIN SPECIAI1Sf RANGE 35 39 40 41 45 49 10 RANGE STEPA STEPS STEPC STEPD STEPE RANGE 35 $51,290.20 $53,854.84 $56,548.18 $59,374.64 $62,344.10 35 39 $58,322.68 $61,239.10 $64,300.60 $67,515.50 $70,89.34 39 40 $57,978.44 $60,8n.70 $63,921.52 $67,118.22 $70,473.26 40 41 $59,469.02 $62,442.38 $65,564.72 $68,842.80 $72,284.94 41 45 $68,297.84 $71,712.42 $75,298.34 $79,063.14 $83,015.92 45 49 $75,128.04 $78,884.00 $82,828.46 $86,968.96 $91,317.72 49 Cities included in salary survey: .City of San Diego .Coronado .El Cajon .Encinitas .Escondido .Imperial Beach .La Mesa .Oceanside .Poway . .San Marcos .Santee .Solana Beach .Vista Benchmark Salary Information:PARAMEDICjFIREFIGHTER Data as of April 24,2007 Salary Total Compensation ~ency Rankin~Rankin~ San Marcos 1 1 City of San Diego 2 2 Encinitas CARLSBAD 5 3 3 4 Escondido 8 5 60ceanside Santee 4 7 EI Cajon 6 7 8 Poway Vista 10 9 9 10 La Mesa 12 11 Coronado 11 12 Imperial Beach Solana Beach 14 13 13 14 12 u.m CalPERS Defined Benefit Plan 3 sources of funding: Employee contributions (Paid by employee or City) Employer contributions Investment earnings / .out Benefit Factor:%of pay employee is entitled to for each year of service .20/0 @ 55 (70/0) .20/0 @ 50 (90/0) .30/0 @ 55 (90/0) . 13 TOTAL COMPENSATION Fire =10.2million SALARY (PERSable Income) Fire =$5,600,000 +$448,000 HEALTH INSURANCE PERS RETIREMENT BENEFIT Employer Rate Employee Rate 27.60/0of salary = $1.5 million g%of salary = $500,000 8%1% Paid by Paid by City Employee ,=$448,000 =$56,000 "Reporting the Value" of EPMC =$448,000 x 35.6% =$160,000 or 1.6%of total camp. Data as of 12/31/06 14 0-cCD~ n>.-+-- 0 :J n> :IJ CD n> c..-- :J CD en en m 3 ~s:(Q nJCD--i -.:J ~:J(")Q)~'<--.CD .,.,2.:J,..AJ:J Q)CD (Q :Jen(")-0 CD0:Jenm 0 n>-- '< » 0.-+-- <--.-+-- CD en LCJl OPERATIONAL READINESS MAINTENANCE Station Daily and weekly facility and landscape maintenance Equipment Safety equipment,Personal Protective Equiipment (PPE),medical, rescue,apparatus,fire pumps,foam systems,fluids,atmospheric monitoring,radiation monitors,chainsaws,batteries,rotary saws, jaws of life,ropes,ladders,lightin,g,generafors,hand tools, ventilafion Fans Personnel Physical Fitness 16 OPERATIONAL READINESS TRAI NING Individual Academy,probationary,promotional,mentorship,SA,BS,MBA Company Crew based,manipulative,familiarizations of new buildings and developments,target hazards,special hazards,fireground tactics,wildland access,radio systems,new technology,thermal imaging cameras,Inciden . t Command System (ICS),Standardized Incident Management System (SIMS),National Incident Management System (NIMS) Organization. Experience Carlsbad,Citizens'Academy,PAL Program,Management Academy,Supervisors Academy,Miscellaneous HR classes including progressive discipline,respectful workplace,ethics,etc. Specialized EMS Field Care Audit,Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS),Hazmat,Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD),Incident Command (IC),Rope Rescue,Confined Space,Trench Rescue,Truck,Strike Team Leader (STL),Safety Officer,Water Rescue,RapidInterventionGrew(R1C) Post Incident Analysis (PIA) 17 Jtdy 2006 Certification Tracks IMT-III....ltefrHhor FIREMKHA""C III(Moot",M ni. 1I...~icmo..o nt NIM£to", CGntinuine,Eda",tian FIREMKHA""C III( Moot..M nic M~onI11.4..:-]A M..h...i<]8on!NIM£.0.'IS FIRE MECHANIC U1I...rti'aic~tioooontNIAH_'cc."'1!i".EIf""'- FIREMECHANIC11honii<2A M...h...i<2SontNIASIEto", FIREMECHANICI1Irliiicmo.. o nl NIM£to", I:"","",uinsE-.-. FIREMECHANII:IM""..."ic 1 o n!NIM£...,. C..AEEI~"CIALTln H4Z_T~"CIAUST HIZ Mol.1FHJIIrNt1c; H4Z_T TKIfi'iIClA'"H"'MU1A H...M>!111H'"MU 11: H\u:10M.1D fUlE INSTRUCTOR III 1,,>'I_r ]M nt2E flJ!EINSTRU1:TOR II InslratlDr 2A ININt!>o<r2SInslr_2C flJ!EINHRuc:TOlI1 InslratlDr 1,0,_t!>o<rlB FIIIE RlGIITIR I Cammunfly C1II1o~Fi..At.a_,."" oep."""'ntn~ HRE CHIEF CHIEF OFFICER I:amINil'ld 2/\ Cam_nII 28 I:amINil'ld 21: CImmJ\d 2.D C'omIi"!I'2E""n...,el'/l2/\Mon...,!2S""n...,el'/l21:M",,,,,,_nt 2.D M"""~nt2E FIREOffICERI:am-11\Cam_nd ISCornlNil'ldlt: _u<!loortA'''''rudllr III JI,we"iptian 1AM_."",ntl"'_nII IAnIiOn.111 HOD FlaEncHTIItII CClmmJni!r~,.Fir.Audemyor oep._Tm..i"ll FIRE APPARATUS DRIVERoOPERAWRI Dri.enDporolDr lA l]rM!n'cper_1B FIRE M"RSHAL Inflrurtar 2S M~onIl".""'nt2AM<N,_nt 28 M.m:I3omn>l2D PLANS D'AMINEII P""",nti"",]Ap",~n FIRE"..orECTIO,"SnclALlSTP"""'~2AP~""'2BP"""'~2C fIIIE PINVENTIONomcn p""",nIion 1AP~ISPrownJion 11: CALJ"ORNIA STATE FIRE TRAINING FIREIN'IIES TOIIIIn2A I..28 FIREINVESTlC;..TOIII In~I}>, Inv~~"IS PUBLfCEDUCATION OFFICERIPr...ernion 1A""""nlian 18 PUblic I'<IaGlrion 1 0 I.i 'IiI L uJ ,u_--iii iiI COMMUNITY COU.U:;E U'il.rs -~1Nr..i~iDn ..nlyidmif...l1'~ed tiDNIrequire"",""far..th love!!of.ortiintron.'n _hiD"10Iho.",...m lil!lelio1b-"'''''"'...ellificoti-,,,,,ai...1._imum e","IX"".intho 'Ubj.o:t "".md,'"_if.utian proreq,;IiIJoI.Far .ampl."infalTlYtian,rHor 10 the StJI.Fir.Tm..ins 11'J1Ja1lllr..."'1 1.000no line =.1"'no1O po..""a;lh.Jo.;f:l!ll. VOLIJINUEII FIIN:FICHTER Oepu'lmOl'lt "Jr.i"in, 18 OPERATIONAL READINESS EMERG.ENCYRESPONSE-ALL RISK Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Traffic Collisions Fires:Silructure,vehicle,wildland,dumpster Fire Alarms Rescue:Hig!hllow angle,rope,trench,confiined space,water Drownings HazmatIWMDff errorism Aircraft Emergencies Water Problems:Domestic,commercial,salvage,stormwater Electrical Emergencies Public Assistance:Lock-outs,bed assists,snake remova.1 Suicide attempts,intoxicated persons,domestic violence,assaults, psychological emergencies 19 ms:m :IJ G)mz () -< :IJmen ""U 0 Z enm I\)a --I:IJ»-z-z G) s:»-z --Imz»z () m 0 ." m :D ~- 0 OZ<»n r-- (I):Dm»c-zmenen .Response Standards .Regionalresponse standards are adopted by local tire agencies .Standards are designed to meet initial response needs .Takes into consideration Boundary Drop relationships an.d regionalization...~ 21 Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus available to meet d.aJlyservice demands .6 Structure Engines (Type I)/2R'eserve .3 AmibulancesI 2 Reserve .2 Wildland Engines (Type Ill)(Cross-Staffed) .1 Battali.onChief .1 Resciue (Cross-Staffed) .1 Arial Apparatus 22 Fire/Rescue .Response Requirements .Vehicle Fire --.-- .Structu reFi re -1st Alarm ~ 2ndAlarm ---.~ 23 I\) .J::>. <CD(QCD,........~,........-. 0 ::J"-. ~ CD I :c-. (Q ::::r -..I ::::r ~ CD ~,........ --L en....... .~ . . -..... (I) 3 (I) .:J... en »- ~~ 3 EIVISIRescueResponse Requirements -Medical aid ,tl" -TrafficCollision -Freeway Corridor-.....-,.---- -Rescue TrafficCollision ~,_. ..1 .. '..... .'..'. . '. . < .. . ..~ Additionalresources include 1 Helicopter &1 Engine for landing Zone (lZ)Coordination 25 I\) Q') ..rn CD..c 0c:c:--:::s\J a.3 ~ CD ~ :::s '< r-+0en~.-+0 ~\J :::sa. ~ ~a.-- N ~r-+-- 0 :::s ..0 ---i.\J ~CD ~-~:::s~--r-+:::s 0-(Q :::s ~- JJ CD ~ a. s- CDenen :D CD (Q-. 0 ::J Q)--. N Q)..-. 0 ::J Fi.reDepartment St.rategic Plan .Regional Study and Garlsbad-Specific Study completed .Regional Strategic Plan currently in development .Extensive .PerformanceMeasurement Report for tneFire Department .Strategic Plan wilt provide a valuable and viable long-term;framework to guide future Fire Department development .Long..TermStrategic Plan must address Garlsbad-specific and regional specific fire service delivery issues .Next step in the Strategic Planning process is to begin the data collection process through the completion of a Standards of GoverageStudy 27