HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-15; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SPECIAL MEETING Faraday Administration Offices 1635 Faraday Avenue Room173A Carlsbad, CA 92008 Wednesday, August 15, 2007 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council Members Hall, Nygaard and Packard. 1. Council discussion on Council Member reports on regional roles and assignments, as necessary, including: Nygaard Buena Vista Lagoon JPA City/School Committee LOSSAN Corridor Board of Directors North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (alternate) North County Transit District Board of Directors North County Transit District Planning Committee Council Member Nygaard reported that a proposed temporary parking lot in downtown Carlsbad would be presented on the next NCTD agenda. Packard Buena Vista Lagoon JPA City/School Committee EFJPA Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority League of California Cities - SD Division League of California Cities Transportation, Communication & Public Works Committee North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority No report. Hall Chamber of Commerce Liaison League of California Cities Revenue and Taxation Committee SANDAG Board of Directors SANDAG Public Safety Committee SANDAG Executive Committee No report. August 15, 2007 Carlsbad City Council Workshop Page 2 Kulchin American Coastal Coalition Board of Directors American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, Board of Directors CalCoast Board of Directors Carlsbad ConVis (alternate) Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) North County Transit District (alternate) *San Diego Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) SANDAG Board of Directors (2 alternate) *SANDAG Shoreline Preservation Committee No Report. Lewis Chamber of Commerce Liaison LAFCO Cities Advisory Committee North County Mayors and Managers SANDAG (1st alternate) San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors No report. City Attorney Ron Ball asked the Public Comment be moved to this position on the Agenda. The Mayor and Council concurred. Public Comment: None. 2. Discussion of charter cities v. general law cities powers and duties. City Attorney Ron Ball noted that the guest speakers, including Attorney Ann Moore of Chula Vista were not able to attend. 3. Discussion of proposed outline for Proposition C workshop. Finance Director Lisa Irvine distributed a proposed Agenda "Prop C Proposed Outline for Council Workshop in September". (This outline is on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Ms. Irvine asked that Council review the outline and offer feedback. She noted that the next Council Workshop is set for Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin requested that the Workshop hours be extended to cover this item. Mayor Lewis and Council concurred that the Workshop would begin at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Mayor Lewis noted that the day would be blocked off in order to address Proposition C projects. Mayor Lewis discussed the concept of a ballot measure bond for the purchase of open space and trails. Council Member Hall asked that Cannon Road and the Training Center also be considered equitably. He spoke of the vision for Carlsbad over the next 20 years. Mayor and Council requested an accounting of federal monies scheduled for Cannon Road Reach 4, maps of open space properties, status of properties that may or may not be on the market, status of Crtywtde build out forecast and impacts on funding sources. August 15, 2007 Carlsbad City Council Workshop Page 3 City Manager Ray Patchett noted that an accounting of monies to complete the entire trails system and Citywide hard assets would need to be presented at another time. Council Member Packard asked when the Charter City item could be scheduled. City Manager Ray Patchett noted that this item could be added to the any regular meeting agenda or the next workshop agenda. 4. Report on appointed and elected City Clerks. City Clerk Lorraine Wood discussed the history of the City Clerk in Carlsbad. (This handout is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) She requested that Council consider the Clerk as an appointee rather than elected official. Council discussion ensued regarding the responsibilities and qualifications of a contemporary Clerk. In response to Council, Ms. Wood agreed to prepare more information regarding the position and Clerk credentials. 5. Receipt and discussion of Planning Commission comments and concerns regarding development processing, procedures, and other land use issues. Council Member Hall spoke regarding the benefits of streaming video for Council and the Commission. 6. Discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness including impact of regional assignments with regard to contact with other Council members, decision and policymaking, serving the community and effective methods of feedback. No discussion. 7. City Manager review of goal and major project tracking report and update discussion of Council goal setting process and discussion of capacity and effectiveness in the delivery of City processes and services. City Manager Ray Patchett distributed the project timelines to Council (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). In response to Council, Mr. Patchett reported on the status of Calavera Dam, pipelines, and Robertson Ranch schedules. Mr. Patchett noted that projects that were terminated or dropped off the timelines could be addressed by Assistant City Manager Lisa Hildabrand. 8. Discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues for the good of the community, including directions to the City Manager or City Attorney, as appropriate, for the scheduling of items for future agendas, workshops or study sessions. No discussion. August 15,2007 Carlsbad City Council Workshop Page 4 9. Public Comment. Kasey Cinciarelli, 2727 Lyons Court, referred to a letter sent to Council regarding public participation in Council Meetings. She noted that she preferred to speak after an item was addressed by staff. She also spoke regarding the cost of open space versus the benefits derived by having this land preserved. She noted that natural land is invaluable. Ms. Cinciarelli suggested open space financing possibilities. She also noted that Saturday, August 19, 2007, Preserve Calavera would be holding a Wildlife Appreciation event. Ms. Cinciarelli distributed flyers to Council regarding this event. Council took a recess at 12:20 p.m. and all members returned at 12:36 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 12:37 p.m. LORRAINE M. WOOD, CMC City Clerk History of City Clerk Office in Carlsbad There have been six elected City Clerks since incorporation: Edward Hagen 1952 - 1954 Max Ewald 1954 - 1958 Jonathan Price 1958 - 1966 Margaret Adams 1966 - 1978 Lee Rautenkranz 1982 - 2000 Lorraine Wood 2000 - *i3» The last election in which there were more than one candidate running for Clerk: 1966 •a* Number of times the question "Shall the Clerk be Appointive?" been placed on the ballot: Date 1954 1956 1980 1990 Results: Yes 483 996 2,131 6,357 No 847 1,395 3,105 12,507 % 64 58 59 66 •»ln San Diego County (18 cities) four Clerks are elected: Carlsbad Oceanside La Mesa National City >The last City to turn elected Clerk into appointed post: Escondido - 1998 (see attachments) Should the City Clerk be Appointive? Background: The City Clerk has been elected since 1954 when the City of Carlsbad was incorporated. The position has changed dramatically in the last 55 years, most specifically in the last 20 years with the advancement of ever changing complex laws affecting the office and growing use of technology. Responsibilities in the early years dealt with attending City Council Meetings, maintaining records of those meetings and conducting elections. In the City of Carlsbad the elected position has been considered part time. In addition to the limited duties of yesterday's City Clerk, the City Clerk of today is responsible for managing a fully staffed department much like other appointed Department Heads. The City Clerk of today is an administrator, elections official, records administrator, customer service specialist and management professional which requires extensive education and training in local, state and federal laws. Unlike the City Council, who is a policy making body, and the City Treasurer, who is responsible for the City's investment portfolio, the duties of the City Clerk are administrative in nature. The position is not "political" and has no policy-making powers. Today's City Clerk requires an individual with the training and experience of a Certified Municipal Clerk, a designation held by myself and the previous City Clerk of 22 years, Lee Rautenkranz. Carlsbad is no longer the small community it used to be. The City has grown to a population in excess of 100,000 and requires a City Clerk who is educated, trained and experienced in the complex duties required of this office. Today's City Clerk is called on for teamwork, service and specialization. This can be assured if the position is filled with a Certified or Master Municipal Clerk as an appointee. There are no guarantees an elected City Clerk will possess the needed administrative skills or the certification. It is for these reasons, I am requesting that the City Council place a measure on a future ballot to allow the voters of this community the opportunity to change the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed, thus guaranteeing that future city clerks are trained, educated, and experienced professional administrators. LORRAINE M. WOOD, CMC CITY CLERK voters to mull picking city clerk • Escondido City Council backs ballot issue on whether post should remain elected TIM MAYER STAFF WRITER ESCONDIDO — Escondido voters will decide in Novem- ber if they will give up their right to say who serves as city clerk.Longtime City ClerkJeanne Bunch on Wednesday drew unanimous City Council support for a ballot issue which will ask voters to decide if her post should remain elected, or if the person who fills her seat should be ap- pointed based on qualifica- tions, education and experi- ence.Bunch, 53, has been elected four times to the job she's held since 1984. But she says she in- tends to retire when her latest term ends in 2000 and strongly believes her replacement should be appointed. "The city clerk's position has changed dramatically during the last 20 years," she said. "In today's world, the city clerk must be a manager and an administrator, as well as having the technical knowl- edge and skills necessary to perform the complex duties of this office. "The position is not 'politi- cal' and has no policy making powers," she said. The clerk is responsible for conducting city elections and serves as the filing official for all forms and reports required by the state Fair Political Prac- > CLERK, A-6 CLERK Continued from A-l tices Commission of candidates and elected officials, as well as for all city commissioners and city staffers. The clerk is also responsible for preserving and protecting public records and making sure they are available to the public. Bunch has a staff of six full- time employees who are also re- sponsible for contract administra- tion, legal notices and publica- tion, recording and transcribing the minutes of council and com- mission meetings, as well as pro- viding a wide variety of clericaland administrative services. Many of those duties are strictly regulated by local, state and federal laws, she said. But all that's required of can- didates running for the office is that they be at least 18, a citizen and a registered voter in Escondi- do. Bunch started with the city in 1965 as a planning department clerk typist when Escondido had 26,000 people. There are more than 123,000 today. "Escondido is no longer the small community it used to be," she said. "I strongly feel the citizens of our community deserve a full- time city clerk who is educated, 'Escondido is no longer the small community it used to be. I strongly feel the citizens of our community deserve a full-time city clerk/ — JEANNE BUNCH City Clerk trained and experienced in the complex duties required of this office." "I couldn't agree with you more," said Mayor Sid Hollins. "And, I think it (city clerk ap- pointments) should be made by the city manager to get it out of the political arena." Bunch said the state govern- ment code mandates the clerk, if not elected, be appointed by the City Council. But die council can delegate authority to the city manager. If voters approve, Escondido will join Poway, Vista, San Mar- cos, Del Mar, Solana Beach and Enrinitas in appointing its clerks. They remain elected in Ocean- side and Carlsbad. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1998 |8'f B rs3 S.BJ 09• H it,3-70 :g*I s-sg^1 § «* sM wt-5 §'D':*S;2r.j±<«C<<!0 Ss»|g-B8|R I»£?*!§*^BfuiwlrJsSfSB- g o 2- ° d. «t H. IIs- '3III!rS S'ef"sSS alls ?§•5 ft >B-ai|Is tl I! s?. eg,'-!to rt3=1 o- • 33&W_.P-TP Q S ;^i5•B-8'n „•: «-ffl Rf W »5*Eta _31-! O &&T {6JLre en |SS3' I^Sfr P (D !3>Msa*9 g"! RK-«sll I pj 63w u> :ti - CA j.-§gl^g. S MA *^3 Cf0,50 g S fs.g-1o ere &«ha 3 2 B>:?«??" f§ Prop.U drawing almost no opposition I • Voters to decide if 1 pity clerk position j- should be turned into appointed post TIM MAYER STAFF WRITER ESCONDIDO — Escondido City Clerk Jeanne Bunch says she is finding almost no opposi- tion to a ballot issue that would take her job out of poli- tics and turn it into an appoint- ed post. "In fact, .I've not even re- ceived any phone calls," Bunch said Tuesday. "Nothing nega- tive. All Fve seen is support." Bunch drew unanimous City Council support in placing an issue on November's ballot — Proposition U — which, if ap- proved, would for the first time in Escondido's 110-year history, allow the clerk to be appointed by the council or city manager based on qualifications and ex- perience. . As an elected position, the only qualification someone needs to run for the office is to be at least 18 and a registered voter, Bunch said. "Hurt's the whole reason for this," she said. "The city clerk's department should have a pro- fessional department head just like any other department in the city." The clerk serves as the cus- todian of city records and man- ages a staff of six full-time and several part-time employees. City Council Budget Workshop August 15,2007 Prop C Proposed Outline for Council Workshop in September 1) Background of Proposition C a. Review Ballot Language b. Review Allocation of $35 million 2) Proposition C Projects and Status of Each Project a. Swim Complex i. Status b. City/Safety Training Center i. Status c. Cannon Road Reach 4 i. Status d. Open Space and Trails i. Status 3) Open Space Committee Report a. Summarize Recommendations and Potential Funding Sources b. Present Map of Existing Open Space and Recommended Acquisitions 4) Agriculture Mitigation Committee a. Summarize Recommendations and Potential Funding Sources 5) Financial Implications/Integration Considerations a. Cost of Projects (Capital and Operating) b. Fund Balance Impacts i. General Fund ii. Public Facilities Fee Fund iii. Park in Lieu Fund c. Prioritization of Projects DRAFT August 15, 2007 Leaend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies ~ Design !Advertise/Award Construction Meetings/Hearings Financing ~Schedule Change OngoingProjectX Completed 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projects and Initiatives 1 of7 2007 -08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal#I Project Title &Milestones T ongoing/T $I Resourceoroiect 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M AM J 1 Citizen Connection Patchett Proposition D Committee (Partners for Livable CommunitiE Holder Phase 1:Citizens LiaisonCommittee,ProgramDefinition I Phase2:PublicWorkshop,Meetingwith Committee Phase3:CommunityFocusGroups Phase 4:DesignCharrette Phase 5:Presentationto City Council General Plan,LCP,&Zone Code Update,&PEIR Neu Reviewof RFP's&ConsultantSelection ConsultantContractPrep &CouncilApproval of Contract FinalizeCommunityVisioningPlan &CouncilApproval InitiatePhase1of UpdateProject InitiatePhase2of UpdateProject 7/2009to 1/2012 2 Village Standards Holder Redevelopment Standards (MP/MH Conflicted Out)Project Fountain VisualizationprojectArizona State University Holdpublic hearings-DesignReviewBoard Holdpublic hearings-Housing and RedevelopmentCommission Presentproposedstandardsto Coastal Commission /0: 3 Joint First Responders Training Facility Hildabrand 7742 JFRTF (Fire &Shooting Range)Project under review Hammann ConceptualDesignwith RRM (Complete)Plummer Floor Plans+CostEstimate-To Council Final Design&Permits Advertise and Award Construction OperationsPlan 7839 Public Works Facility Pruim ConceptualSite Designwith RRM(Complete)Plummer PreliminaryDesign Final Design &Permits Advertise and Award Construction OperationsPlan Leaend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies I ~;~;Design !Advertise/Award Construction Meetings/Hearings * . ~ . ~ . ' .!.; . ;Financing %Schedule Change "1\'Ongoing Project X Completed 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projectsand Initiatives 2of? 2007-08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal #I Project Title &Milestones I ongoingl I $ I Resourceproject 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F MA M J 4 Communications Hildabrand Communications Strategic Plan Implementation Project Vedder Implementation-StreamingVideo (Complete)'!/'XX Implementation-RedesignWebsite-OnHold PendingIT Department _on HoldImplementation-Content Management(On Hold)OnHold 5 Beach and Lagoon Preservation Pruim Shoreline Preservation Strategic Plan Top Priorities Continued 6 Development Process Review Holder Development Process Review Project Com Dev LT Staffing and Reorganization Masterson CompleteMay2007 Customer Service Info I I I Project ManagemenUTracking&PerformanceMeasures I I I Public ProjectProcessImprovemenUConsistencyDeterminations CompleteMay 2007 ContractServiceQualityControland Monitoring Com lete Ma 2007 Technology/DevelopmentServicesInformationSystems Plan(DSISP)m'I;'iiY I;:'I!!h 7 Poinsettia Reach E ProjectlFianancial Review Pruim Environmental&Permits Project 18,300,000 Hauser schedule pendin $1,600,000Federal Funding 8 Habitat Management Planl Open Space Holder Open Space Committee Project Grim Mitigation Bank Agreement Project Grim HMP Implementation Ongoing Grim I,'...,'.;:,;;:1 ;:;:;,I)]',. 9 Ponto Fountain Holder SCCRA (Ponto)Strategy (EIR)Project Westman Distributionof draft EIRfor publicreview !IRespondtocommentsondraftEIR Preparation and Scheduling of AS for Certification of EIR and Approval of Ponto Vision Plan Planning Commission Hearing City Council Hearing Submit to Coastal Commission Legend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies ~ DeSign !Advertise/Award Construction . Meetings/Hearings Financing %Schedule Change OngoingProjectX Completed 7/17/2007 Cityof Carlsbad Projectsand Initiatives 30f7 2007-08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal#I Project Title &Milestones I ongoing/I $ I ResourceDroiect 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J 10 Traffic Management . Pruim La CostaAvenue roaddiet study (new)Project Johnson Traffic Calmingefforts(new)Ongoing Johnson Updateof Traffic SignalQualificationList (new)Project Johnson Supportof bi-annualSANDAGCMPprogram (new)Project Johnson 11 AlgaNorteCommunityPark/SwimComplex Hildabrand 7787 Alga NortePark/AquaticsComplex Project 54,500,000 Hammann Environmental,Permits,&Studies (completed) Design Plummer -AdvertiseandAward Construction OperationsPlan Price ' 12 Railroad Quiet Zones Pruim Johnson Rancho Carlsbad Patchett Agua Hedionda Channel Dredging and Improvement Project 1,260,000 Hauser Environmental,Permits,&Studies Design Advertiseand Award Construction Lake Calavera Outlet Repair/lmprovements Project 3,800,000 Ahles Advertiseand Award Construction Robertson Ranch Priority Processing Ongoing Kennedy 84"Pipeline/StormDrain EnvironmentalStudies/EnvironmentImpactReport Construction Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Hildabrand 7855 Golf Course Project 55,500,000 Hammann 7836 Construction previous month$55M Hammann COPAmendment Westman GrandOpening Price Leaend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies ~ DeSign !Advertise/Award Construction ;\.Meetings/Hearings Financing %Schedule Change OngoingProjectX Completed 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projects and Initiatives 2007-08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal # I Project Title &Milestones I o~g_~!ngt / I $ I Resourceurolec 0 N D J F M A M J J A SON D J F M A M J J A SON D J F M A M J Desalination Project Elliott Desalination Facility CoastalCommActiononEIR/PDP/SP/DA I CCCAction11-07 ProjectDesign Developer I ActualdesiandeDEii1d~nt.onacti()\ofCCC ProjectConstruction Developer I I I Regional Issues I Rancho Del Oro-Oceanside Highway 78 interchange Project Johnson PendinaSANDAGRFP Regional Channel Maintenance WorkQroup Project Hauser Development E Housing Element (timeline changed to include HCD certifi(Project DeCerbo/Donnell ~Submit to HCD ~ HCD Review Ends Revisionsto HousingElement'sCEQA&PublicRevew ~!~ Public Hearings (HC,PC,and CC) Submit Adopted Element to HCD G Ag.Mitigation Committee Project Donnell H Landslide Areas Project Hammann Pruim Environmental I Stormdrain Master Plan Update Project Hauser Environmental,Permits,and Studies J Storm Water Quality Ongoing Lukey ExistingPermit Compliance .-~. New Permit-Commission Approval Fiscal K Cable Franchise Project Vedder FranchiseRenewal(PendingLitigationwithTW)Pendina L Traffic Fee Update Project Hauser M 10 Year Forecast Ongoing Irvinec~i Parks Senior Center Expansion Project 1,611,000 Price/Steyaert ~Construction N Carrillo Ranch Phase III (Barn)B Project 500,000 Steyaert ~~ State and FederalReview ~ Advertise &Award ~Construction 0 Lake Calvera Trails Master Plan Project 599,000 Steyaert Environmental,Permits,&Studies originally500,000 Donnell onhold I I I 1.4f LeQend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies I .Design !Advertise/Award. .. ' . . . : .,. . t. ' . ' t . . . . t . . t. : . . . : . ' .. . . . .. t . . . t ... .Construction . Meetings/Hearings S~~.Financing %Schedule Change >}~tOngoing Project X Completed 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projects and Initiatives 2007-08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal # I Project Title &Milestones I o~,g~~ngt l I $ I Resource -,..,roJec 0 N D J F M A M J J A SON D J F M A M J J A SON D J F M A M J Design ~!1~tbd Advertise &Award tbd Construction -Staging Area &Trails (Volunteers)tbd Parks Continued P Park Restroom Improvements (various parks)C Project Lancaster/Schuck Holiday Park Eastern and Laguna Riviera Remodel (Complete)380,000 Ll.l.J.J..L.L I Construction -X Com leted X La Costa Canyon Park Remodel 200,000 Environmental,Permits,&Studies Design 1//S/ Advertise/Award -=r=t1::!j Construction ~ Q Poinsettia Park Tennis Courts Project 1,089,000 Steyaert Design(Completed)originally1M .~I::-..-:=t Advertise&Award ~;~ Construction ~ Sanitation R VIC Sewer Interceptor Reach 11B Project 3,549,000 Smith ~~ Design r'D..~IEI-lmif'4It??3ConstructionrTTrrTT~ s VIC Sewer Interceptor Reach 13-15 A Project 13,515,200 Smith W,U r1iiIn Design t/eIA/I,~I._=-..,~Construction T VIC Reach 12 Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project 9,127,159 Smith Design originally8,775,000 .//1//1/[Sif/u...L.l.J...L.. Construction ~U Buena Sewer Interceptor Project 2,340,000 Smith Preparecapacityownershipagreement withVista II//!.."",.',/I/E'!~if Construction V N.Agua Hedionda Sewer Rehab (West)D Project 4,200,000 Smith Permits (F&G (done),Coastal (pending),Army Corps (done)-~ Designe/// Advertise/Award Construction 50f7 Le!lend:Environmental,Permits,&Studies I \~f Design !Advertise/Award " " . " " ', ' ,, ' . ' , ' , ' , i , ' ,' ,, ' " i , i , i , ' . ' " ' ,, c.onstr~ction Meetings/Hearings lili1Financing ~Schedule Change ~~,Ongoing ProjectX Completed 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projects and Initiatives 6of7 2007-08 2008-09 I Priorities I Focus I Goal#I Project Title &Milestones I ongoing/I $ I Resourceproiect ONDJF M A M J J A SON D J F M A M J JASONDJFMAM J Service W CityTrainingFacility Project no schedule,dependentupon Citv Councilaction X Fire Station 6 Project 5,400,000 Smith -Advertise&Award Construction y Customer Service Review Project Z 7741 Performance Measurement Ongoing Pe""m,"reMe'.. Citizen Survey Team li.11 rik' Gather internalmeasurmentdata EijjPreparedraftreport Present report to CC AA 698 CCPS2 Project 160,000 Vedder Community Outreach and Involvement Meetings (On Hold pending Prop D)..i.On Hold PendingProp0 AB 7785 CarlsbadCityLibraryLearningCenter Project 4,500,000 Smithson -OperationPlanning Construction Move In/GrandOpening Transportation AC Cannon Reach 4 Project 1,761,000 Plummer pro'ecton hold EIR (NEPA)(ONHOLD) Funding (ON HOLD) Design (ON HOLD) Construction (OH HOLD) AD College Blvd -Reach A -ECR to Cannon Project Developer Hauser Design schedulependinQDevelopersubmittal Construction AE ECR Widening E (TamaracktoChestnut)Project 3,864,823 Plajzer I .I '"Design (On Hold,Environmental anticipated through 12/07)"...>'I>. Advertise and Award Construction AF Faraday Ave (Orion to Melrose)Project Developer Plantz Bond Issue Hildabrand Construction Leaend: 7/17/2007 City of Carlsbad Projects and Initiatives I PrioritiesI Focus Transportation Confined. AG I Goal #1 l ong~ingl rDrolect Resource I$Project Title &Milestones Faraday IECR Intersection Improvements Design (Completed) Advertise and Award (Completed) Construction (Completed) Faraday/Melrose Bond Issue (Completed) Construction (Completed) Pedestrian Master Plan Olivenhain and Rancho Santa Fe Improvements Financing (Completed) Advertise/Award (Completed) Construction Project Plajzer AH AI AJ Village Retail Analysis BusinessDevelopmentPlan&MarketingStrategy NW Quadrant Storm Drain Study Coastal Rail Trail Project Fountain 4,629,761 Plantz Howard Project Project San Marcos Blvd Pipeline Recycled Water Phase II Construction (Treatment Plant,PR Stn's,Pipes,Reservoirs) Project Project 3,000,000 Plummer Plummer 2007-08 Environmental,Permits,&Studies ~ Design IAdvertise/Award Construction..Meetings/Hearings Financing %Schedule Change OngoingProjectX Completed 2008-09 OINIDIJIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINIDIJIFIMIAIMIJIJIAISIOINI DIJIFIMIAIM J ~ X Com Dieted X Iproiect on hold Footnotes A Vista Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer -from Agua Hedionda lift station to Encina Sewer Plant 8Carillo Ranch Phase III includes more than the barn improvements,however the project shown here is only barn stabilization. cThe Recreation Department and Public Works Parks Division have received comments from the public in past surveys regarding the need to improve park restrooms.This project involves work on a number of restrooms to bring conditions to a higher standard. D The North Agua Hedionda Sewer (West Section)projectaddressesthe portion ofthe sewer line that traversesthe east andnorth side ofAgua Hedidondalagoon. E Several EI Camino Real projects are funded in the current CIP -besides Tamarack to Chestnut widening;including various median improvements between La Costa and CVD widening at Sunnycreek,and widening North of Cougar and others. F Pavement Overlay project is ongoing with a goal of 3.4 miles per year Projects ComDleted/Removed From List: Aviara Park Temporary Fire Station#6 Hidden CanyonPark HolidayPark Western Restroom Reconstruction PineAvenue Park Tot Lot Improvements EnergyManagement CompensationOverhaulSystem NE Quadrant Park Acquisition CAD Update Fire EMS Study Stagecoach Synthetic Turf Rancho Santa Fe Road Phase 1 I Iproiect on hold 7 of7 Project Developer Plantz Irvine Project 250,000 Plantz Village AK AL AM Water AN AO