HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-19; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 19,2007 11:00 a.m. Faradav Room 173 CALL TO ORDER: 11:02 a.m. Mayor Lewis called the City Council Workshop to order at ROLL CALL: All Council Members were present, as well as the City Manager and the City Attorney. PUBLIC COMMENT: The Mayor called for public comments on any item on the Agenda and there were none. The Mayor called on Interim City Manager Hildabrand, who introduced the discussion and presentation to the General Plan Update and visioning process and introduced Community Development Holder, who introduced the team who will be working on this item, which consists of Don Neu, Planning Director, Gary Barberio, Assistant Planning Director, Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner, Jennifer Jesser, Senior Planner and Jane Mobaldi, Assistant City Attorney. Community Development Director Holder indicated that there are four (4) key questions regarding the General Plan Update, namely: 1. What is the "General Plan" in practical terms? 2. Why now? What are the assumptions leading to this Update? 3. 4. Who should care about the General Plan - ultimately, who are the stakeholders? What type and level of public participation does the City Council want to achieve in this process? Director Holder indicated that the Community Development Department will recommend the firm of Dyett & Bhatia, urban and regional planners, as consultants for this project. Planning Director Neu explained the General Plan in practical terms with the aid of a handout (attached) and introduced consultant Lewis Michaelson of Katz & Associates, who discussed public participation and distributed a handout entitled "IAP2's Public Participation Spectrum" (attached). The City Council expressed its desire to investigate the formation of an advisory citizen's group for studying and making reports and recommendations on this project. Community Development Director Holder stated that this would be included in the list of alternatives presented to the City Council for consideration at its workshop in January 2008. The Mayor called for a break at 11:54 a.m. and reconvened the workshop for a working lunch at 12:05 p.m. The Interim City Manager introduced Planning Director Neu who introduced the discussion of the proposed "Specific Plan for the Barrio" area. Planning Director Neu introduced Principal Planner DeCerbo who explained the background and recommendation with the aid of a handout (copy attached). The City Council expressed its desire to involve all of the citizens that will be affected by this proposal and recalled the Barrio Specific Plan that was denied as a result of citizen opposition at the last hour. The Mayor invited Citizen Mario Monroy to discuss the proposed Specific Plan or other document affecting the planning for this area. Mr. Monroy stated that he has been involved in planning issues for this area since February 1986. He further explained that the area actually functions as part of the Redevelopment Area and requested that the City Council direct staff to work with community representatives on the planning for this area. All landowners have been informed of the proposed Plan and he recommended that a specific plan or other planning document be processed in conjunction with the successor to the Redevelopment Plan expiration in July 2009. The City Council will discuss this at its Goals Workshop in January 2008. Director Holder will return with a recommendation on changes to the non-conforming building ordinances at that Workshop. The City Manager distributed the 'Top Priority List" for the Council's information. ADJOURNMENT: The Mayor again asked for public comment, and there being none, thanked all for their full and complete participation and adjourned the Special Meeting at 12:57 p.m. Dtfully Submitted, RONALD R. BALL City Attorney kr attachments (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) What Is the General Plan? "Constitution for local development" Fundamental underpinning for land use planning Defined by certain traits: • Long Range (10-20 years) • Externally & Internally Consistent • Comprehensive (geographically & topically) The general plan is the comprehensive and rational process by which a community integrates competing and complementary goals... Safety People Places Homes Streets Jobs Parks Noise Cars Mandatory Elements Land Use Circulation (including Scenic Highways) Transporta tion/Mobility Housing Public Safety (Seismic and Public) Open Space Noise Conservation What goes into it? What does it influence? Fed/State/Regional Mandates Council Vision & Priorities Community Vision & Priorities Technical Requirements ' 'i%"4>, i t1-/ ' ^ti$-"$![,,,'V -X X^ ./f'-i ', .':-*•£&•! ''^••*^7rH^HKi!2i£*'A.i- '• flfiHIP ' **•< ~'^r .'^tt/4*%i«&i-' , s^W-'^^i**^1^^'•"i\ - af» ! J jvW ' *5 T**( " -'.TMitjE i if tfrfr* .'- ; • .\%i"* 1 -^)"-:^ftf'\ ^ »?f-^' t "„ ^v*f v.1" •' t I^ S<f ^6^ GENERAL ^ ^. ^ ^ft'a ' ^ ' , ^ -, ,. vtA,>«.« » « •• •' •, -fe^L?*?'.' , > .; - *T'> -','•>' tf'"r-f^^Hr-'S.l-^:..;''^- fvr^ *.-,-,f *;? 44^»s"4^f AV«iw!il4i%^"l'y'-~j-Srll'i*---" v*ft • ' r, ^ '"^'^'^C^lfe^/'*'^tT'u'-" *•"*.'»'•,.'-.. .-«*«'. _^ ^is^M^s-; ;„V _. ?..fif',,,,it'-*^ - . • Agriculture • Building and housing • Capital management • Habitat Management Plan • Integrated waste management • Large-scale urban development • Low & moderate-income housing • Open space • Park dedications • Planning Commission recommendations • Project review under CA Environmental Quality Act • Redevelopment Agency plans • Streets, highways, service easements Why update the General Plan now? Carlsbad is going through a natural and fundamental shift from one era to another. The General Plan guides us into a new era. Era of Design & Building Transition Time (Emerging) Era of Sustainable Quality Era of Birth & Building 1950 - 2004 Transition Time 2004 - 2010 Era of Sustainable Quality 2010 - 2050 1986: Current General Plan The closing era is characterized by: • Major new developments • Managed but rapid growth • New infrastructure • Economic development • Creating a quality of life 2008: General Plan Update The emerging era is different and needs new guidelines: • Infill and redevelopment • Pedestrian-friendly • Participation and partnerships • Connected, energy efficient, low emission • Sustaining and enhancing quality of life What are some of the external drivers? GLOBAL ISSUES • Energy prices • Climate change FEDERAL GOVERNMENT • Clean Water Act • Federal Aviation Administration • US Fish & Wildlife Service CARLSBAD GENERAL PLAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA • Energy & Emissions reg's • Water Quality reg's • Coastal Commission • Department of Fish & Game • Air Quality Management Plan SAN DIEGO REGION • Regional Comprehensive Plan • Regional traffic • Regional housing affordability • Regional habitat preservation Who does the General Plan affect? MAJOR EMPLOYERS \ V TOURISTS COMMUTERS RESIDENTS CARLSBAD GENERAL PLAN CITY GOVERNMENT YOUTH & SENIORS SMALL BUSINESS BUILDERS Who does the General Plan affect? CO LAND USE Industry; service business; developers; realtors; schools... & •—i CIRCULATION Commuters; tourists; safety & law enforcement... [^ *»* HOUSING Young families; seniors; housing advocates; major employers... H O PUBLIC SAFETY Safety & law enforcement; healthcare; municipal investment... NOISE Tourists; employers; businesses; healthcare... ^ < ARTS Arts community; visitors; schools; seniors... en" 2 PARKS Sports enthusiasts; families; youth; seniors... Qi—i(/) LU OPEN SPACE & Families and visitors; students; environmental interests... &- CONSERVATION BARRIO/OLD CARLSBAD AREA * I5 1 LegendaOld Carlsbad Study Area Barrio SP Boundary The Barrio area encompasses approximately 100 acres of mostly developed property generally located between Pine Avenue on the north, I-5 on the east, the AT&SF railroad tracks on the west and Jefferson Elementary School to the south. Existing land uses include medium and lower density residential and open space and community uses (i.e.; Senior Center, Pine Park and Chase Field) in the center and higher density multi-family uses on the perimeter. In 1995 the City with significant input from the Barrio property owners and residents prepared a Specific Plan for the Barrio. This plan was ultimately denied by the City Council because of community opposition. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Barrio is an older declining neighborhood: Originally developed by Hispanic immigrants in the early 1920!s; Many dwelling units between 60 - 80 years old; Similar to many older neighborhoods, the Barrio has been transitioning from predominantly family owned occupancy to non-owner oeeupancy(65%). There are consequences of this transition: Many older and substandard buildings exist In the area, and many properties are not being adequately maintained. Clearly the area could benefit from additional! investment in property improvements. Despite this, property values appear to remain high. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Completed since year 2000 Pine Avenue Park/Chase Field Improvements Coastal Rail Trail Utility under grounding Downtown storm drain improvements Jefferson St. sidewalk improvements Pavement management and Concrete repair Holiday Park restrooms Library Learning Center $27,500,00.00 With regard to investments in the Barrio, the City has already made substantial public improvements in the area. 6 This is Pine Ave Park I streetscape Improvements PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Future Improvements (next 5 years) • Pine Avenue Park expansion/Madison Community Garden • Pine Park restroom • Pine Park Community Center • Sewer line replacement • Senior Center Remodel $17,300,000.00 The City has also committed to implement significant future public improvements. Despite this public investment, there has not been significant private investment in the development and improvement of the area. 10 OLD CARLSBAD PLANNING GROUP PROPOSAL 1. Increase residential density - 40 du/acre; 2. Revise development standards; 3. Barrio Plan - City Council high priority. Accordingly, In December, 2006 - Old Carlsbad Planning Group requested the City Council to direct staff to prepare a Barrio Specific Plan to implement various strategies to stimulate private investment into this aging neighborhood: These strategies proposed included: Increasing permitted residential density up to 40 du/acre; Revising residential development standards (similar to those recently approved for the Village Redevelopment area) to enable the achievement of this high density. The ultimate objective is to stimulate private investment in the Barrio by increasing the number of du's pemitted on the properties. Furthermore the, group requested that the Councif make the Barrio Update a high City Council priority. 11 "roperties Over & Under General Plan Designations jf J Old Carlsbad Study Area ^ ^ ^BarrioSP Boundary Residential Property ,' | | Within Designation Range | | Under Designation Range •Hi Over Designation Rangel RLN With respect to the citizen request to increase the permitted residential density up to 40 du/acre, it is important to understand that the majority of the properties in the Barrio are already developed at densities of 30+ du/acre, well in excess of the permitted General Plan densities. The Barrio area is currently designated for RM and RMH with permitted GCP densities of 6 du/ac and 11.5 du/ac respectively; Of particular importance regarding the over density projects is that they are clearly defined as non-conforming uses in the Municipal Code. The Muni Code severely limits the amount and type of improvements that can be undertaken to improve non-conforming uses. This is a major obstacle to encouraging reinvestment in this old neighborhood. 12 HOW TO STIMULATE PRIVATE INVESTMENT? Increase Residential Density; Reduce Development Standards; Modify the non-conforming use regulations; Staff generally concurs that increasing densities and reducing development standards could stimulate private investment in the Barrio; Modifying the non-conforming use regulations to allow redevelopment or substantial improvement of over density uses could also stimulate private investment. 13 CITY COUNCIL HIGH PRIORITY? Competing Priorities Staffing Time Comparison Barrio - 2-3 years GP -3-4 years Other considerations Barrio SP is currently not included on the City Council's High Priority list. Should the Council decide to make it a high priority, then it would compete with other significant high priority Advance Planning projects like the GP and Zoning Ordinance Update and the SOB ordinance. Of course there would be increased staff costs for processing of the Barrio as a separate project. Comparing the timeframes for processing the Barrio Plan separately versus as a part of the General Plan Update : the Barrio would likely take 2-3 years and the General Plan Update will take 3-4 years It would be preferable to include the Barrio update in the larger General Plan update community outreach and visioning process for the purpose of getting more public input. Furthermore, if the City Council were to consider adopting a new Very High Density(40 du/acre) Residential General Plan designation, it makes more sense to consider it as a part of the City's Comprehensive General Plan Update. In this context we would want to analise what other properties in the City would we consider re-designating to Very High Density? Finally,by, including it with the GP Update we would have the ability to use newtne policies, ordinances and procedures created through the update project such as a new mixed use zone.14 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Include as a part of the pending General Plan Update 15