HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-28; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING AND PLANNING WORKSHOP DATE OF MEETING: January 28, 2008 January 29, 2008 TIME OF MEETING: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: WATER BOARD ROOM AND CHAMBERS Call to Order; The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:06 am. Roll Call: All Council members were present plus the City Manager and City Attorney as well as Michele Tamayo, Organizational Consultant. Public Comment: The Mayor announced the purpose of the workshop and welcomed and invited the public to address any items listed on the agenda. He stressed the significance of the number of projects and funding of them in the Capital Improvement Program. No member of the public requested to speak. Michele Tamayo introduced the Workshop Agenda and outlined expectations for it and then introduced the Interim City Manager who introduced the Leadership Team Members plus Warren Shafer, the Acting Assistant City Manager, the City Treasurer, Mac McSherry, Finance Director, Lisa Irvine and Management Analyst, Rob Houston. Finance Director Irvine presented the "current situation" and explained the uncertainty of the economy and resulting difficulty in forecasting (See Exhibit "1") and emphasized the impacts on San Diego County, the retirement system and the rates of return on the City's portfolio. She noted that auto sales and commercial building remain as forecasted but residential housing is about one half of its projected level. The combination of the City's collection of property and sales taxes equals about 55% of its revenue and that it is proportional and moves in harmony with the economy in general. Transient occupancy tax has increased and continues to be strong. The Mayor called for a recess at 9:00 a.m. and reconvened the meeting workshop at 9:07 a.m. Finance Director Irvine presented two scenarios for the 10 year forecast, entitled the "Slow Economy" and the "More Severe Economy" respectfully called scenarios 1 and 2. (See Exhibits and "2" and "3") The Council discussed the need for a general fund reserve balance policy setting a minimum balance and establishing a percentage for future uncertainties which will be presented at a future Council meeting. The Mayor called for recess at 10:12 a.m. and reconvened the workshop at 10:22 a.m. with a presentation from the "State of Effectiveness" January 2008 Report by Senior Management Analyst, Joe Garuba and the team working on this report consisting of Management Analyst, Karen Chen, Senior Management Analyst, Lynn Diamond Management Analyst, Rob Houston, Senior Management Analyst, Christine Ruess , Management Analyst, Lolly Sanger, Fire Division Chief, Chris Heiser, and not present Senior Management Analyst, Kerry Jezisek. (The Report is on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mr. Garuba stated that the City is in compliance with all Growth Management Standards and presented the "Quadrant Dwelling Unit Report" dated January 1, 2008 (see Exhibit "4"). The Mayor inquired as to the impacts of potentially reducing the excess dwelling unit bank and the Interim City Manager offered to return with that information. Citizen Connection received strong returns and Council discussed ways and means to increase Citizen Connection through volunteerism. Senior Management Analyst Ruess from Public Works presented "Top Quality Service, Internal Services" with an emphasis on Fleet Services and ways to improve the Preventative Maintenance Program. Chief Heiser presented Top Quality Services, Human Resources and discussed trends in the workforce age groups. He continued with a presentation on public safety and during the presentation Chief Crawford clarified that the boundary drop is not an MOD or other formal agreement and that he will be producing a future "white paper on Standards of Coverage in Carlsbad". Management Analyst Sangster presented learning, culture and arts which consists of the Library, Recreation and Park Planning, Park Trails and Open Spaces. Youth Sports reached its target results with no formal examples of poor sportsmanship. The Library maintained its highest ranking for 5 years. Senior Management Analyst Ruess continued on environmental management discussing sewer, solid waste and storm drain. She added that this program is being commenced to add "smart covers" to the sewer system and increase maintenance schedules all with an eye toward reducing the number of overflows per 100 miles of sewer main. She then discussed solid waste rates which continue to be among the lowest in the County and continue monitoring of single stream recycling prevalent in other localities. She presented storm water, potable and recycled water and noted that unused recycled water has been reduced from 34% to 5%. She concluded her presentation on the transportation, circulation and street maintenance measures contained in the Report. Management Analyst Chen presented the Balance Community Development and emphasized the Village Redevelopment financial health and the inclusion of Planning Department measures. Michele Tamayo discussed planning for future and reintroduced Finance Director Irvine to discuss the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) planning process for future projects and explained the planned future timing in 2008 CIP and passed out a "CIP Priority Ranking" survey for Council to complete which resulted in the priority ranking of the following Capital Improvement Projects: 1. Fire Station #3 2. Leo Carrillo Park Phase III 3. Leo Carrillo Barn 4. Civic Center 5. Public Works Center 6. Robertson Ranch Park 7. Poinsettia Tennis Courts and Community Center 8. Aviara Community Center 9. Cole Library Expansion 10. Pine Community Center 11. Zone 5 Park 12. Veteran's Memorial Park The Alga Norte Pool and Park Project will be considered separately since they are further advanced in this process. The Mayor called for a working lunch at 12:04 p.m. and the Council continued its discussion of strategic goals, budget and quality of life and concluded lunch and reconvened in the Board Room for discussion of priorities at 1:05 p.m. The Council then divided itself into working groups to discuss City Council goals and projects and to develop a list of potential challenges, threats and opportunities. The Mayor called for a recess at 2:00 p.m. and reassembled in the Board Room at 2:10 p.m. and discussed the challenges and opportunities in planning for the future. This resulted in a comprehensive list attached as Exhibit "5". The Council then reviewed its draft principles for 2008 Strategic Goals and entertained a discussion of each one and the projects and programs under each goal and in turn by the appropriate Leadership Team Member. Community Development Holder discussed land use and community development issues, Chief Zoll discussed communications, citizen connection and participation, Deputy City Manager Elliott discussed communications, Public Works Director Pruim discussed environmental management, Deputy City Manager Elliott discussed financial health and Acting Assistant City Manager Shafer discussed learning, culture, arts and park/open space/trails. Community Development Director Holder discussed current programs under the Open Space Program and Chief Zoll discussed proposed "safe community" addition to the Council's strategic goals. Public Works Director Prium discussed transportation, circulation and the projects and programs implementing this strategic goal then concluded with a discussion of potable and recycled water availability. The Mayor expressed the Council's appreciation for the staff work and the presentations and thanked the Council for its team work in making Carlsbad the unique and blessed place that it is and adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. to resume at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow January 29, 2008. The Mayor called the meeting to order on January 29, 2008 at 8:04 a.m. and outlined the day's agenda. Council Members discussed their individual top 10 goals for fiscal year 2008- 2009. Michele Tamayo handed out the summary of challenges and opportunities discussed at yesterday's workshop. Council Member Hall requested and introduced a discussion of the "City of Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2008 Fund Balance" estimates attached as Exhibit "6". Each Council Member continued the discussions with reference to the City project listing by strategic goals. The Council directed the City Manager to report on budget status monthly and to include economic forecasting as soon as possible in consideration of the above economic information and to include possibilities for economic growth and revenue generation. The Council continued its discussion of priorities. The Mayor called for a recess at 10:15 a.m. and reconvened at 10:40 a.m. Michele Tamayo summarized the previous discussions into the following themes using the 2008 Strategic Goals as a beginning point: • Financial focus including establishing a reserve policy and accountability. • Economic focus and development. • Proposed City Charter. • Addressing economic unfunded mandates. • Communications within the organization and with citizens. • Regular check-ins and reporting including forecasting. The Council focus areas from the above discussions: • Financial Health • Balanced Community Development The Council requested a future meeting clarifying the vision and goals and objectives for 2008. The City Manager will distribute this information to individual Council Members who will discuss it at the regular Council Workshop of Wednesday, February 20, 2008 which will be expanded as necessary to include this discussion. The Council continued its discussions of the staff roles, responsibilities and duties including communications and commitments. Michele Tamayo distributed a list of challenges and opportunities (see Exhibit "5") developed by Council members during the workshop yesterday. The Council then discussed rules of procedure for its working internal relationships and also its relationship among regional government representatives and other local political leaders. The City Manager thanked staff for assistance in these presentations to the Council and thanked the Council members for their input and directions to staff. The Mayor thanked all for their full and complete participation and announced that the next community event in which three or more Council members may be present was the Police Awards Ceremony at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at the Public Safety Center and adjourned the workshop at 10:40 a.m. EXHIBITS 1 THROUGH 6 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. Respectfully submitted RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tern rn City of Carlsbad 10 Year Financial Forecast January 28, 2008 Agenda i Economic Outlook i City of Carlsbad's 10 Year Financial Forecast i Significant Capital Projects and Funding Economic Outlook • Sources of Information to develop economic outlook: nCSMFO a Anderson (UCLA) n California Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) D University of San Diego The US Economy GDP growth: 4.9% Q3 expecting to decline to 1.2% Q4 CPI: 2.5 - 3.0% Fed Funds: 3.5% 10 year Treasury Note: 3.5% Unemployment Rate: 5.0% Slowing in construction, consumer spending, state and local government and residential investment California's Economy • State Budget outlook for FY 2008-2009 continues to deteriorate • May borrow local governments' revenues to help balance State's budget • May borrow Gas Tax cash flow for 5 months San Diego Economy • Unemployment rate rising • Home Prices and resales declining • Slowing Housing starts • Notices of Default and Foreclosures are increasing • Inventory of housing has risen from 6-7 months in 2006 to 13 months in 2007 Permit Issuances • Residential DCY 2007 364 Dwelling Units Permitted nCY 2006 713 Dwelling Units Permitted • Commercial and Industrial DCY 2007 1,457,958 sq ft Permitted DCY 2006 1,373,138 sq ft Permitted 5 Largest Revenue Sources 83% of General Fund i Property taxes (41.3%) • Sales taxes (23.6%) i Transient Occupancy taxes (11.2%) i Franchise taxes (4.6%) i Business license taxes (2.7%) SOUK*: FY 2007-OB Budget Carlsbad Median Home Prices $759,500* 2OOO 2001 2002 20O3 2004 2005 2006 2007 Calendar Year •SOURCE OawQucli Internal™ S»s»™ W*gW»0 mng* b«tw**n tow op coctaa Property Tax 2002 2003 2004 2OO5 20O6 2007 2O08O Sales Tax 2002 2003 2004 2OO5 2006 2007 2OO8e Transient Occupancy Taxes 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 fl •02 TO '04 W '06 '07 D All Other B Four Seasons/La Costa Franchise Taxes • Cable H Trash D Gas/Elec Carlsbad's 10 Year Forecast • General Fund only • Major revenue sources D Actuals for FY 2007 D FY 2008 revised projections D Based on State and local economic projections • Estimated Expenditures a Current programs/services D Known cost increases D Operating costs of major new facilities in CIP Carlsbad's 10 Year Forecast • Two Scenarios • 1) Economic Slow Down nThree year mild slow down nAssumes 3% growth in revenues for FY 2009 • 2) More Severe Economic Slow Down nThree year more severe slow down D Assumes no growth in revenue for FY 2009 Forecast Assumptions Scenario 1 — Slow Economy • 2008-2009 Revenue Growth Projections remain conservative • 3.8% CPI + Development growth • Real Estate Sales and growth in assessed valuation expected to continue to slow • 1.5% Sales Tax Growth for FY 2009 • 5.3% Property Tax Growth for FY 2009 Forecast Assumptions Scenario 1 - Slow Economy • 2% Council contingency • Continued support of the infrastructure replacement fund at 6.5% per year through buildout • Subsidized Lighting and Landscaping District • No position growth in FY 2009 and 2010 Operating Forecast General Fund (Scenario 1) so Revenues over (under) Expenditures A • \ ! \ ^*_ 1 * ~" — *^ j ^» * * — -~+— — * *^- . \ SBSSS'S2S£2* CMCilOJtMCgoICMCMCSICSICilQ CM — *— Revenues over (under) Expenditures Forecast Comparison Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures Scenario 1 ><^-^* '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 Forecast Assumptions Scenario 2 - Severe Slow Down • 2008-2009 Revenue Growth Projections remain conservative • 3.8% CPI + Development growth • Real Estate Sales and growth in assessed valuation expected to continue to slow • 0.7% Sales Tax Growth for FY 2009 • 2.7% Property Tax Growth for FY 2009 Forecast Assumptions Scenario 2 - Severe Slow Down • Continued support of the infrastructure replacement fund at 6.5% per year through buildout • Delayed Indefinitely Alga Norte Pool, Robertson Ranch Park, Veterans Park, Pine and Poinsettia Comm. Ctrs. and Public Works Center • Reduced subsidy for Lighting and Landscaping District #1 • No Position growth in FY 2009 and 2010 Operating Forecast General Fund (Scenario 2) Revenues over (under) Expenditures Forecast Comparison Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures Scenario 2 PERS Situation • Rates have been 3 stabilized due to 15 year smoothing 2 • PERS rate of return 2 FY07=18.5%i • Personnel costs are 65% of total budget loc*-t • Total rates: n Safety: 38% n Misc: 28% Employer Share Only \ \ \ a Misc a Safety 8 Potential Adjustments • Payback of Redevelopment Agency Loans • Payback of Golf Course Advances • Growth Development Estimates • New Facilities - Timing and Operating Costs • Additional Storm Water Permit Requirements • Economic Impact • Financing of City Services Summary of Preliminary Forecast • Forecast conservative growth in revenues • State will continue to be an issue D Structural deficits projected • Economy is very uncertain • We will continue to refine estimates General Fund Balance Balance at 6/30/07 Plus: FY 08 Est. Surplus Less: Joint First Responders Facility $ 52.2 million 4.5 million -10.9 million Estimated Balance at 6/30/08 $ 45.8 million General Fund Reserve • Surveyed other California cities • Unforeseen Situations could include: n Unfunded Legislative or Judicial Mandates D Economic Downturns or Increases in Inflation n Reduced Revenues n Federal/State/County Budget Cuts nOne-Time City Council Approved Expenditures o Natural Disasters General Fund Reserve • Recommendations to include: 1) Establish a minimum reserve for General Fund of 30% of Operating Expenditures to provide 3-4 months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies 2) Establish a target reserve in the range of 40-50% in the event of catastrophic events 2007-2008 (update) CIP Timeline 10 Public Facility Fee Fund • FY 2007-2008 estimated deficit is expected to be approximately $5.0 million • Solutions/Options will be analyzed and presented to the City Council during the Budget process Summary • Economy is very Uncertain • Will present options/recommendations regarding the capital program in May/June D Potential option may include use of a portion of General Fund balance • Will present a balanced operating budget to the City Council in May/June 11 City of Carlsbad-Preliminary Forecast, December 2007 (FY 08 Adopted Budget Revised) 1/25/2008 Assumes Econ.Slow Down 3 years With Solutions {REVENUES Total Revenues (EXPENDITURES BASE: Goals One-time Capital outlay Contingency: 2.0% Transfers Hosp Grove Infrastructure replmnt (6.5%) Golf Course Operations Advance to SCC Misc xfers LLD#1 Total Base ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS: Additional Requests New Facilities Civic Center (net of vacated facilities) Public Works Center (net) Public Safety Training Center Aviara Park Comm Ctr NE Ballfields (Zone 14) Alga Norte - open Spring 1 0 (w/o pool) Alga Norte Pool - open Spring 1 0 Alga Norte Fees Pine Park Comm Ctr Poinsettia Park-Tennis Courts Poinsettia Park-Phase 2 Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 Veteran's Memorial Park Library Learning Center Library Expansion Robertson Ranch Park Business Park (Zone 5) (TOTAL EXPENDITURES (REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXP Percent of Budget PrOJBCmO 2007-08 121,440 4% . 121.440 104,107 1.8% 755 851 2,240 275 7,900 450 200 119 118,897 2.8% 116,897 3% 4,54^1 4% Projected 200849 125,528 3% 125.52* 107,762 3.5% 350 1,000 2,511 75 8,159 900 200 525 121,482 3.9% 91 250 121,823 4% 3,705 3% Projected 2009-10 130,830 4% 130,830 112,134 4.7% 350 1,000 2,617 8,504 932 200 731 126,467 4.1% 363 1,040 (724) 94 259 127,500 5% 3,330 1 3% Projected 2010-11 137,525 5% 137,525 117,752 5.0% 350 1,000 2,751 - 8,939 968 206 1,267 133,233 5.3% -*• 364 268 726 2,080 (1,447) 445 98 269 136,035 7% 1,490 | 1% Projected 2011-12 144,478 5% 144,478 123,645 5.0% 350 1,000 2,890 9,391 768 212 1,349 139,605 4.8% 378 556 755 2,162 (1,490) 463 102 415 280 143,225 5% 1,253 | 1% Projected 2012-13 151,126 5% 151,126 129,671 4.9% 350 1,000 3,023 9,823 368 219 1,446 145,900 4.5% »,, 393 578 785 2,249 (1,535) 481 106 432 291 149,680 5% 1,446 | 1% Projected 2013-14 157,985 5% 157,985 135,941 4.8% 350 1,000 3,160 10,269 225 1,539 152,484 4.5% 935 408 601 815 2,335 (1,581) 500 110 448 302 157,357 5% 628 | 0% Projected 2014-15 166,147 5% 166,147 142,404 4.8% 350 1,000 3,323 10,800 232 1,641 159,749 4.8% 968 423 622 844 2,418 (1,629) 517 114 464 313 164,803 5% 1,344 | 1% Projected 2015-16 173,516 4% 173,516 149,318 4.9% 350 1,000 3,470 11,279 239 1,744 167,400 4.8% 1,006 439 646 *• *877 2,513 (1,677) 538 118 482 *• 325 *• ~* 172,666 5 /O 850 | 0% Projected 2016-17 + 182,920 5% 182,920 156,426 4.8% 350 1,000 3,658 11,890 246 1,753 175,323 4.7% 1,041 455 669 465 231 908 2,602 (1,728) 557 122 499 365 337 600 300 300 183,047 6% (127)| 0% 2. City of Carlsbad-Preliminary Forecast, December 2007 (FY 08 Adopted Budget Revised) 1/25/2008 GENERAL FUND BALANCE (unreserved, undeslonatetn Fiscal Year Ending Beginning VLF payback or State action Loan from PIL-sw for Poinsettia Golf course Advance Carryforwards Rev over exp at % of bdgt Public Safety Training Center Ending fund balance 40% of budget Average fund balance Change in Ave fund balance 2007-08 52,692 (4,000) 4,543 (12.00W 53X35 46,759 52,964 5.7% 2008*09 53,235 3,705 56,940 48.729 55,088 4.0% 2009-10 56,940 3,330 60,270 51,000 58,605 6.4% 2010-11 60,270 4,000 1,490 65,760 54,414 63,015 7.5% 2011-12 65,760 1,253 67,013 57.290 66,387 5.4% 2012-13 67,013 1,446 68,459 59,872 67,736 2.0% 2013-14 68,459 628 69,087 62,943 68,773 7.5% 2014-15 69,087 1,344 70,432 65,927 69,759 1.4% 2015-16 69,087 850 69,937 69,067 69,512 7.7% 2016-17 I 70,432 (127) 70,305 73,279 70,368 0.9% Revenues over (under) Expenditures '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 City of Carlsbad-Preliminary Forecast, December 2007 (FY 08 Adopted Budget Revised) 1/27/2008 Assumes More Severe Econ Slow Down 3 yrfte With Solutions (REVENUES Total Revenues [EXPENDITURES BASE: Goals One-time Capital outlay Contingency: 2.0% Transfers Hosp Grove Infrastructure replmnt (6.5%) Golf Course Operations Advance to SCC Misc xfers LLD #1 Total Base ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS: Additional Requests New Facilities Civic Center (net of vacated facilities) Public Works Center (net) Public Safety Training Center Aviara Park Comm Ctr NE Ballfields (Zone 14) Alga Norte - open Spring 10 (w/o pool) Alga Norte Pool - open Spring 10 Alga Norte Fees Pine Park Comm Ctr Poinsettia Park-Tennis Courts Poinsettia Park-Phase 2 Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 Veteran's Memorial Park Library Learning Center Library Expansion Robertson Ranch Park Business Park (Zone 5) (TOTAL EXPENDITURES (REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXP Percent of Budget Projected 2007-08 121,440 4% 121,440 104,107 1.8% 755 851 2,240 275 7,900 450 200 119 116,897 2.8% 116,897 3% 4,543 | 4% Projected 2008-09 121,638 0% 121,638 107,662 3.4% 350 750 2,300 75 7,906 900 200 525 120,669 3.2% 91 250 121,010 4% 628 1% Projected 2009-10 125,290 3% 125,290 1 1 1 ,767 3.8% 350 750 2,300 8,144 930 200 731 125,172 3.7% 94 258 125,524 4% (234) [ 0% Projected 2010-11 132,060 5% 132,060 116,810 4.5% 350 750 2,300 8,584 964 206 800 130,764 4.5% 268 98 268 131,397 5% 663 | 1% Projected 2011-12 139,349 6% 139,349 122,755 5.7% 350 750 2,300 9,058 764 212 800 136,989 4.8% 557 756 102 279 138,683 6% 666 | 0% Projected 2012-13 145,765 5% 145,765 128,791 4.9% 350 750 2,300 9,475 364 219 800 143,048 4.4% 580 787 106 291 144,812 4% 953 | 1% Projected 2013-14 151,708 4% 151,708 135,063 4.9% 350 750 2,300 9,861 225 800 149,349 4.4% 936 603 818 110 302 152,118 5% (410)[ 0% Projected 2014-15 159,478 5% 159,478 141,495 4.8% 350 750 2,300 10,366 232 800 156,293 4.6% 969 625 847 114 313 159,160 5% 318 | 0% Projected 2015-16 166,765 5% 166,765 148,377 4.9% 350 750 2,300 10,840 239 800 163,656 4.7% 1,007 649 v 880 118 *• 325 *• *" 166,635 5% 130 | 0% Projected 2016-17 + 175,842 5% 175,842 155,452 4.8% 350 750 2,300 1 1 ,430 246 800 171,328 4.7% 1,042 672 465 231 912 122 365 337 300 175,774 5% 68 0% City of Carlsbad-Preliminary Forecast, December 2007 (FY 08 Adopted Budget Revised) 1/27/2008 GENERAL FUND BALANCE (unreserved, undeslanatedl Fiscal Year Ending Beginning VLF payback or State action Loan from PIL-sw for Pomsettia Golf course Advance Carryforwards Rev over exp at % of bdgt Public Safety Training Center Ending fund balance 40% of budget Average fund balance Change in Ave fund balance 2007-08 52,692 (4,000) 4,543 (12,000) 53,235 46.759 52,964 K 70/. 2008-09 53,235 628 53,864 48,404 53,549i 1°/. 2009-10 53,864 (234) 53,630 50,210 53,747 fl A a/. 2010-11 53,630 4,000 663 58,292 52,559 55,961 A 1°/- 2011-12 58,292 666 58,959 55,473 58,626 A R°L 2012-13 58,959 953 59,911 57,925 59,435 1 AOL 2013-14 59,911 (410) 59,501 60,847 59,706 n ^°/. 2014-15 59,501 318 59,820 63,664 59,660-n 1 °' 2015-16 59,501 130 59,631 66,654 59,566.n o°/. 2016-17 59,820 68 59,888 70,370 59,854 n q°/. Revenues over (under) Expenditures '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 Quadrant Dwelling Unit Report January 1, 2008 NORTHWEST ' 12,783 Existing units 2,587 Future 15,370 Total* SOUTHWEST 10,901 Existing units 1.958 Future NORTHEAST 5,443 Existing units 3,599 Future 9,042 Total SOUTHEAST 14,890 Existing units 2.438 Future 17,328 Total* 12,859 Total Based on Proposition 4E' Caps added to the existing units in 1986 Challenges; • Economy • Maintain existing programs • How to improve bottom line • Increased Reg. Environment • Unfunded Mandates • Sustain Quality of Life • Communication & Outreach o Public Awareness o Outside Influence • Disconnect between services required & willingness to pay • Affordable Housing • Communication using Technology • State of California • Regional Relationships • Diversity of Citizen Opinion (Increase Overtime) • Demand for Change Now • Managing Expectations • Potential Council Change over the next 4 years • New Land Use Applications • Unfunded Mandates - Environmental • Decreasing Revenue • Staff Turnover • State - Economics & regulation • Increasing Expectations of Citizens • Working with Cities on Regional Basis • Unfunded Mandates • Increasing Environmental Regulations • Water / Power • Increasing Reliance on Technology • Political Climate • Unknown Conditions / Events • Airport Expansion • Crime (i.e. State Release Program) Opportunities; • More Creative Revenue Generation • Relook at priorities • Opportunity to find new partnership to make services happen • Community Gathering Places • Rail Line-Historic part of City • Westfield Redevelopment • Revisit Height Restrictions / Density - Select Situations • Barrio Redevelopment • Power Plant Site Redevelopment • Desalination • Charter City • Teach New Residents how to j oin Community o Use Technology o Imagine Carlsbad • Regional Relationships • Carbon Credit Revenue Source • To educate new residents of how Carlsbad operates o Different from other cities o Accountable / Listen • Visioning - Partnerships • Enhance Culture to Enhance Community • Ponto - Economic & Tourism • Open Space • Grants (getting more) • Public / Private Partnerships • Re-evaluate/Re-think how we Provide Service • City to City Partnerships • CCPS - Citizen Input • Better Bidding Environment • Expedite Revenue/Job Producing Businesses • Promote / Encourage Tourism Industry • Opportunity to Acquire State Land • Open Space Acquisition • Water / Power Business Opportunities • Use of Technology • Local / State / & Federal Political Changes • Staff Turnover offers change to change system • Preparedness • Airport Expansion City of Carlsbad FY 2008 Fund Balance Gen'l Fund PropC Total Beg. Balance GF '08 Surplus 08 State Joint First Responders T Alga Norte Pool Est. Fund Balance $52.2 $4.5 -$4.0 -$10.9 $41.8 $35.0 -$13.6 -$16.2 $5.2 $87.2 $4.5 -$4.0 -$24.5 -$16.2 $47.0