HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-18; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP
Faraday Administration Offices
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
CALL TO ORDER: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m.
ROLL CALL: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard present.
1. Council discussion on Council Member reports on regional roles and assignments, as
necessary, including:
Buena Vista Lagoon JPA
City/School Committee
LOSSAN Corridor Board of Directors
North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (alternate)
North County Transit District Board of Directors
North County Transit District Planning Committee
No discussion.
Buena Vista Lagoon JPA
City/School Committee
Encina Joint Powers (JAC)
Encina Wastewater Authority
League of California Cities - SD Division
League of California Cities Transportation,
North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority
Council Member Packard discussed the
development of an asset management plan.
Communication & Public Works
Encinitas Wastewater Authority
Chamber of Commerce Liaison
League of California Cities Revenue and Taxation Committee
SANDAG Board of Directors
SANDAG Public Safety Committee
SANDAG Executive Committee
No discussion.
American Coastal Coalition Board of Directors
American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, Board of Directors
CalCoast Board of Directors
City of Carlsbad City Council Workshop Special Meeting. June 18, 2008 Page 2
Carlsbad ConVis (alternate)
Encina Joint Powers (JAC)
Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA)
North County Transit District (alternate)
*San Diego Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE)
SAN DAG Board of Directors (2 alternate)
*SANDAG Shoreline Preservation Committee
No discussion.
Lewis Chamber of Commerce Liaison
LAFCO Cities Advisory Committee
North County Mayors and Managers
SANDAG (1st alternate)
San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors
Mayor Lewis noted that he and Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin attended a Chamber
working group meeting. He stated that a good discussion ensued regarding the
development of the NRG site.
Requests to Speak on a listed item: A total of 15 minutes is provided. Please submit a
speaker card indicating the item you wish to address. Comments/speakers are limited to three
(3) minutes each.
2. Discussion of the proposed Joint First Responders Facility.
Special Projects Director Skip Hamman gave a presentation regarding the Joint First
Responders Facility and proposed changes to the design. (The Power point presentation is
on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Mr. Hamman provided an overview of the most current
plans and changes instituted since October 2007: a shared support area and Fire
Administration Offices. Mr. Hamman noted that the design had increased by 500 square feet.
He also noted that the total estimated cost of the facility was 24.5 million. Mr. Hamman
provided two options for Council to consider: Option 1 is to complete final construction
documents with bid deduction alternate with a Fire Administration and shared use space
building. Option 2 is to complete final construction documents without a Fire Administration
and shared space building.
In response to Council, Mr. Hamman stated that there would be a 3 million dollar savings with
Option 2.
City Attorney Ron Ball advised Council that the Environmental Impact Report should
encompass the broadest area of review no matter which option is chosen.
Both Fire Chief Kevin Crawford and Police Chief Zoll explained the future space constraints in
the current Safety workspace configurations. Chief Zoll noted that in 8 to 10 years the Police
Department needs would over take the existing allotment of space. He also noted that weight
and locker rooms would be needed in addition to more investigation space.
City Manager Lisa Hildabrand restated the question before Council and stated that operational
costs will come before the next step which is final design.
City of Carlsbad City Council Workshop Special Meeting. June 18, 2008 Page 3
Council Member Hall expressed concerns regarding the current and future economic
conditions. Council discussion ensued regarding the budget, expenditure timing, and project
prioritization. Quoting MSN Money, Council Member Hall discussed sub prime rates and the
future impacts on the property taxes in Carlsbad.
City Manager Lisa Hildabrand suggested that Council hold a future workshop meeting devoted
to the big picture economics and the City revenues.
On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, the Council voted 4-1 (Packard, No) in favor of
Option 2: Complete final construction documents without the Fire Administration and shared
space building.
At 12 noon Council took a brief recess for lunch and all Council Members returned at 12:15
p.m. to resume the Workshop.
3. Discussion of existing and proposed improvements on El Camino Real.
Deputy City Engineer Bill Plummer gave a short presentation on the current and future
improvements along the El Camino Real Corridor. He spoke to the 2008-10 projects and the
2012-18 projects and current project progress. Council Member Hall confirmed that some
money is available from SANDAG to support future projects. Mr. Plummer noted that the
2008-10 projects are fully funded.
Council discussion ensued regarding funding for Poinsettia Reach E.
4. Discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness including impact of regional
assignments with regard to contact with other Council members, decision and
policymaking, serving the community and effective methods of feedback.
There was no discussion on this item.
5. City Manager review of goal and major project tracking report and update discussion of
Council goal setting process and discussion of capacity and effectiveness in the
delivery of City processes and services.
City Manager Lisa Hildabrand distributed the ATHENA Report, June 17, 2008, which lists the
Top Priority List by Strategic Goal. (The ATHENA Report, June 17, 2008, is on file in the
Office of the City Clerk.) Council requested updates from staff on various projects. Council
Member Nygaard stated that she would like to hear more information on the Trail System,
perhaps at a future workshop.
6. Discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues for the good of
the community, including directions to the City Manager or City Attorney, as
appropriate, for the scheduling of items for future agendas, workshops or study
There was no discussion on this item.
City of Carlsbad City Council Workshop Special Meeting. June 18, 2008 Page 4
Requests to Speak: Continuation of Requests to Speak (if necessary) There were no
requests to speak on any item.
ADJOURNMENT: The Mayor adjourned the Workshop Special Meeting at 12:55 p.m.
M. Wood, CMC