HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-14; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SPECIAL MEETING Faraday Administration Offices 1635 Faraday Avenue Room173A Carlsbad, CA 92008 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11 a.m. to conclusion of business at approximately 1 p.m. MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Lewis at 11:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: Lewis, Hall, Packard, Blackburn. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin was absent (attending a sand replenishment meeting.) 1. Council discussion on Council Member reports on regional roles and assignments, as necessary, including: There was no discussion on this agenda item. Blackburn Buena Vista Lagoon JPC City/School Committee Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (alternate) Chamber of Commerce Liaison Packard Buena Vista Lagoon JPC City/School Committee North County Transit District Board of Directors *North County Transit District Planning Committee League of California Cities - SD Division North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority Hall Chamber of Commerce Liaison SANDAG Board of Directors SANDAG Executive Committee SANDAG Transportation Committee Kulchin CalCoast Board of Directors Carlsbad ConVis (alternate) Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) North County Transit District (alternate) *San Diego Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) SANDAG Board of Directors (2ncralternate) *SANDAG Shoreline Preservation Committee City Council Workshop January 14, 2009 Lewis LAFCO Cities Advisory Committee North County Mayors and Managers SANDAG (1st alternate) San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors Requests to Speak on a listed item: A total of 15 minutes is provided. Please submit a speaker card indicating the item you wish to address. Comments/speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. There were no speakers. 2. Review and discussion of the 2008 Public Opinion Survey Report. (All materials used in this discussion are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Projects Manager Joe Garuba introduced Josh Williams of [bw] Research Partnership. Mr. Garuba also introduced the City Survey Team: Lynn Diamond, Christine Ruess, Karen Chen, Kerry Jezisek, Lolly Sangster and Chris Heiser. Mr. Williams gave a presentation to Council on the 2008 Public Opinion Survey. Mr. Williams noted that the City has a 91% satisfaction rating for 2008. He reported that this survey was conducted in September 2008, prior to the economic crisis of October 2008. He also stated that Quality of Life in Carlsbad was rated at 95% (excellent or good) and that 78% of the respondents rated Quality of Life as getting better. In response to Mayor Lewis, Mr. Williams confirmed that economic conditions can change survey responses. In response to Mayor Lewis, Mr. Garuba noted that questions regarding City beaches were not on the survey. Council Member Blackburn stated his interest in analysis of similar survey results in this economic climate. City Manager Hildabrand noted that Envision Carlsbad will also perform some citizen surveys. Council discussion ensued regarding the region's water supply and public perception. The Mayor called a brief recess for lunch at 11:54 a.m. Council resumed the Workshop at 12:10 p.m. (Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin absent.) 3. Discussion of the January 2009 State of Effectiveness performance review. (All materials used in this discussion are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Projects Manager Joe Garuba gave Council an overview of this topic. He noted that over the past years the review has shown great stability even though demographics have changed. In City Council Workshop January 14, 2009 3 response to Council, he noted that the review is conducted using the International City Mangers Association standards. Questions ensued regarding the 2008 cost increases for communication. In addition, costs for Building Inspections, Fire, Parks and Water were questioned by Council. Council Member Hall asked for details of Park's costs per acre. Mayor Lewis confirmed with Fire Divisions Chief Chris Heiser that gated communities "lock boxes" were accessible to Fire personnel. Chief Heiser noted that Fire Prevention checks these boxes regularly. In response to Mayor Lewis, Public Works Director Glenn Pruim noted that rusting beach run off drains have been repaired. In response to Council Member Hall, Mr. Pruim stated that corrugated water pipes have been identified and replacements are being made. Questions ensued regarding the improvement of traffic circulation numbers. In response to Mayor Lewis, City Manager Hildabrand confirmed that Capital Improvement Projects have been forwarded to SANDAG. The Mayor also suggested that two Council Members visit Washington, D. C. to meet new legislators. 4. Discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness including impact of regional assignments with regard to contact with other Council members, decision and policymaking, serving the community and effective methods of feedback. There was no discussion on this item. 5. City Manager review of goal and major project tracking report and update discussion of Council goal setting process and discussion of capacity and effectiveness in the delivery of City processes and services. City Manager Lisa Hildabrand distributed the Athena Top Priority List dated 1/13/09 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). There was no discussion on this item. 6. Discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues for the good of the community, including directions to the City Manager or City Attorney, as appropriate, for the scheduling of items for future agendas, workshops or study sessions. Director of Community Development Sandra Holder distributed business cards inviting citizens to participate in Envision Carlsbad. (A copy of this card is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Requests to Speak: Continuation of Requests to Speak (if necessary). None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Lewis adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m. Lorraine M. Wood, Certified Municipal Clerk ,,,,VS//-P 1/14/2009 0 t-"";»< , "'• Introductidrt Public Opinion Survey I. State of Effectiveness 11 City Wide Measure I 2004\2005|2006 I 2007 Confidence in City tGovernment ' 76% I 78% j 79% 78% Overall City service rating 91% I 92% 92% ! 92% 2008 76% 91% 1/14/2009 Financial Pursue and implement proactive strategies that support sustainable economic health and manage fiscal resources effectively YES : YES Communication Ensure that community members, Counci! and staff are well informed, continuing to be a more responsive government while providing a high level of citizen confidence in its government Communications'" V- * ">."%:''K .' ," ',>v t", >; - ^ V'-Vv Service Delivery Benchmark FY07 1/14/2009 Citizen Partners Be a city that embraces Community connectivity through the effective use of technological and interpersonal mediums Volunteer Program livery..._ Benchmark . rs. Top Quality Internal Be a city that provides exceptional services on a daily basis Fleet • 1/14/2009 -eli wary Benchmark Human ResQU|X}&S(|-^- i'^ 1/14/2009 Information Top Quality Service Public Safety Be a city that provides exceptional services on a daily basis Building lnsp&$i 1/14/2009 Fire Service Defauery l-M^t"!," S«?e mT^n^es EMS Response Duty l^uIm'onsTe'ne 2nd Unit on Scene Customer Satisfaction Benchmark 90^ ff 06 522m,ns Benchmarii FTQ7 B6-% f¥O7 £ 26 m,ns FYD7 FY OB a-. FT OB 5 IS mins 98^ Police; | FY07 Learning Culture and &rts -it': Promote and support continuous learning, cultural opportunities and the arts wtthiri the community and the city organization 1/14/2009 Cultural If Librar^ :; ; , . 7 1/14/2009 Parks Trails and Acquire, develop and maintain a broad range of I -..- s open space and recreational faciiities that can actively address citizen needs which are fiscally responsible and are consistent with the Genera! Plan and Growth Management Standards Parks1 Trails;, Service Delivery j Benchmark New Mileage per Year j 4 miles FYD7 FYOB 1.8 miles : 3.3 miles ! * 'A Paths 1 FY07 FTOS ..„ Storm rary taeach postings Benchmark jFVO7 FYOfl Water5 1/14/2009 Ensure a reliable, high quality, diversified potable and recycled water system leading to a drought- resistant community, in the most cost effective manner. 10 1/14/2009 Environmental M Be an environmentally ;•• *•,-;'.''""" •••,,\/<$«i-s*p sensitive community by UP**--- .- 'HJpS-^ focusing on conservation, 'j' storm water, sewage ! collection and treatment, I soiicf waste, and cost effective and efficient use '- of energy including j ' „ alternative energy . sources. 1 - - - Sewer; Solid Wasfe Cu&umta Satis faction Cost R^nt.al^dComm,,™! Benciinutrti THh Hou^hoir^rtoiit Waste BenchmarV Comm.rc.jil Lowest Thin) F¥D7 Bl^ eo°™ 71^c v, Yes FYOB ' — '" n a ' n/a Yes 1/14/2009 Recycled Viatel* rvica PcHvery | Benchmark Transportation and; Circulation " MP rovide an d su pport a safe and efficient f transportation system that [^ moves people, services and goods throughout Carlsbad Street S""" "".'hmTo",™,""'"*'' ™S°:^t™£-' con,™o™™,mm"."'l° 90% 90^ 90^ BZ=™ FY07 ..* 67^ »H 84=™ 6.* 11 1/14/2009 Traffic Engineering ^«l*t^°Cadl," n7 ""m^o*1 Roadway RideabMity - OverallCondition Index (DC!) Customer Satlslactwn Ave~B^r:'Rer on El V.^7l£ortRo£n 100"n Average OCI ,„,/.";,•;».„ Benchmark '""' 5™°,"""" """ ;,°z """ «., at 90^ FY07 'T''*sures mei the be^chm^rk 9DOo BO ai"..i fYOS benchmark 2 "' m^theUrC5 Balanced Community: Development Be a city that connects community, place and spirit, through balanced and economically sustainable land uses 12 1/14/2009 jnchnwrKFYO7 Housing and Redevelopment Next Steps Y »Questions;>"^;;^:'"' 13 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL I Other/Ongoing QTR's align w/fiscal year Pre Construction Construction W I^Schedule Change X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year Where we are today | Team Priorities Goal (Goal/Project Title Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 1 Q3 O N Dlj F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J HCD finding rec'd, draft in compliance Balanced Community Development High New Power Plant High Housing Element Revise & Circulate CEQA Public Hearings/Recommendations (Housing Comm & Plan.Comm) CC Public Hearing-Adopt HE & Submit to HCD for Certifiation High Village Redevelopment Agency Expiration Options Options Report & Resolution of Intention to CC Process Ordinance Revisions, Public Hearings w/Planning Comm & CC High 9078 Land Use Economic Enhancement Identify potential economic opportunities & needed services Draft list of revenue-enhancing implementing land use actions Finalize list, prepare & distribute final report High Redevelopment Project State & Grand RFQ & Selection of Developer Report to CM Negotiation w/Developer, ENA & discussion with NCTD Exc|usjve Negotiating Agreement with Developer to CC/Housing and Redevelopment Comm. Agreement Medium 9011 Development Services Information System Present project work plan for approval & funding Conduct workflow analyses & documentation of Dev. Svcs. Dept. Report on other city/county agencies implemented similar systems Garuba LH de Cordova SH Fountain SH Barberio SH Holder SH von Schlieder SH 1/13/2009 1 Of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL I Other/Ongoing QTR's align w/fiscal year Pre Construction Construction 5g| Schedule Change X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year Where we are today P Team Priorities) Goal (Goal/Project Title (Comments Leader/LT MooH tn Ho QHR7 R^ni ilatnrw Roliof fnr 1 £>n£il Mrin-onnforminn 1 IQOC & RiiilHinnQ D^f^^rhri Survey other jursidictions & analyze ordinance alternatives SH Complete prepartation of draft ordinance amendment Public Outreach 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S =H1 Q2 1 Q3 O N D|j F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J ^^ r mm Need to do Carlsbad Blvd. Realignment Meetings w/State Parks Citizen Connection & Partnership High 9079 Envision Carlsbad Initial Reconaissance Preliminary Opp's & Constraints/Formation of Citizens Committee Issues & Visioning High Citizen Response/Interaction (311/RFA/General Comm.) Define & Develop 08-09. Implementation 09-10 High 24/7 Strategic Initiative Team Team formed recommendations by end of 08-09 Communication Web Infrastructure/Development/lmplementation High Web Infrastructure & Security High 9002 Web Development & Implementation High TBD Department Web Pages (Jim, Val, Gordon, Goal?) Phase I Implementation through Q3 Phase II TBD Wireframes complete; design started; Hosting site by 12/31/08 Pruim Holder Curtis JE Baer JE Peterson JE Ray LH 1/13/2009 2 of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL ! Pre Construction gjg Schedule Change where we are today Construction X Completed Other/Ongoing Begin New Fiscal Year * QTR's align w/fiscal year Team Priorities | Goal | Goal/Project Title Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 I Q3 O N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J Medium 9017 Communications Audit & Implement Changes (Blog, 2-way ideas) Medium 9077 E-Zoning/GIS High Environmental Management Total Maximum Daily Load Study Implementation to parallel new city website Data Analysis & Modeling thru 2010 Ray LH von Schlieder SH Lukey GP High 9115 Implementation of Waste Discharge Requirements State Green House Gas Regulation Medium 9118 AB 32 Monitoring/Participation & Action SB 375 Implementation Planning Dale GP Garuba/Kermott JE de Cordova SH Medium 9110 City Projects Energy Generation & Conservation (Renewable Energy Joe, Linda, Skip) Need to do Extension of Transfer Station Agreements Need to do Waste Management Contract Need to do 1/13/2009 Tree Policy (Sewer Lateral) SWMP completion may be delayed. Details to follow next month. City staff reviewing WM rate increase. SWMP completion may be delayed. Elliott Kermott GP Kermott GP Pruim 3 of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL ^Other/Ongoing QTR's align w/fiscal year Pre Construction Construction jgg Schedule Change X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year Where we are today Team Priorities Goal (Goal/Project Title Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 1 Q3 O N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J Need to do 9094 Sewer Master Plan Prior List 8125 Agua Hedionda Channel Dredging & Improvement Environmental, Permits, & Studies Design Advertise and Award Construction Financial Health High 9044 Revenue Opportunities Library High 9000 Economic Development Strategic Plan Selection of Consultant Final Report to LT & CC High 9088 Asset Maximization Evaluating and Ranking of Property Present report to LT High Financial Monitoring & Reporting Analysis & Action Budget Adjustments Medium 9046 Recreation Cost Recovery Analysis Medium 9009 Fleet Master Plan & Policies 9099 1/13/2009 Begin sewer flow monitoring Jan 2009 EIR certified 8-15-08; mitigation options being developed Drafting report Smith GP Cahill GP Pizzuto JE Haas/Irvine SH/JE Haas SH Irvine JE Albright JE Schuck GP 4 of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL J Other/Ongoing QTR's align w/fiscal year Pre Construction Construction gg Schedule Change Where we are today X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year Priorities Goal (Goal/Project Title ] Comments Team Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 9 Q3 0 N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J Medium Guidelines for Managed Service Delivery (Competition) Need to do 9030 Future of the Organization-Managing City Resources Effectively Need to do Automated Meter Reading Cost Benefit Analysis Need to do 9001 Evaluation of HRIS System Prior List Update Purchasing Ordinance for Charter Status Learning, Culture & Arts Medium 9037 Sculpture Garden Phase II Installation of newworks/signage/informational handouts Medium 9041 Library Strategic Initiatives Work Plan Develop work plan Initiative based goals Outreach Medium Sister City Program Administration Written recommendation for Administratio of Sister City Program Provided briefing to CC; AB to CC Jan 2009 Elliott/Pruim Houston LH Stone GP Clark JE Wengenroth JE Pizzuto/ Gordon JE Pizzuto JE Pizzuto JE J L 1/13/2009 5 Of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL Other/Ongoing * QTR's align w/fiscal year Pre Construction !gg Schedule Change Where we are today X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year I Construction [ Team Priorities Goal (Goal/Project Title | Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 I Q3 0 N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J High Medium Medium Medium Prior List Project on hold per Council direction Parks/Open Space/Trails High 9020 Alga Norte Community Park Swim Complex Operational models analysis Advertise /Award/Construct High Open Space Acquisition High HMP Open Space Maintenance Prepare Preserve Management Plan for City Owned Land PMP & CNLM ctc to cc City Council Approval of Contract with Preserve Manager 12/16/08 (Note: Delays due to CNLM Plan preparation and Resource Agency Review) Hammann LH Haas SH SH Non HMP Open Space Maintenance Oversight City Lagoons in Partnership w/ Foundations/State Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan SANDAG Beach Replenishment Solar Panels at Swim Complex Team held initial mtg. 12/9/08 10 yr Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring Rpt due from Consultants Jan 09 Project mgmt by SANDAG; City prorated share from AG Fund Cahill GP Albright JE Jantz GP Albright GP 1/13/2009 6 of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL ! Pre Construction g|g Schedule Change where we are today Construction X Completed Other/Ongoing Begin New Fiscal Year QTR's align w/fiscal year Team Priorities Goal [Goal/Project Title Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 1 Q3 O N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J Safe Community High 9021 Joint First Response Facility (Tom, Kevin, Skip) Preliminary Design, CUP & CEQA Final Design & Permits Advertise and Award (Estimated 6 months) Construction (Estimated 12-18 months) Operations Plan High 9025 Standards of Coverage Trail Safety Transportation/Circulation High Traffic Calming Policy - Sierra Morena, Donna Dr. High 9089 Encinas Creek Bridge High Cannon Road Reach 4 High 9065 Village Public Parking Diagonal Parking Study with recommendations for Grand Ave Report to Traffic Commission & City Council Implementation of approved tasks 1/13/2009 By Q2 2009 Open 4th QTR 2010-11 Study to CC Jan 2009 Agreement to Consultant for Sierra & Donna Under design. Field studies underway Pending Council Hearing Hammann LH Crawford Shipley TZ Johnson GP Cahill GP Plummer GP Fountain SH 7 of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL High Traffic Impact Fee (TIP) High 9090 Traffic Management Strategic Plan Need to do 9091 Advanced Traffic Management System Prior List La Costa Road Diet Water High 9061 Desalination Construction 24-30 months High 9122 Water Supply Planning & Conservation Oceanside Water Rights Drought Ordinance Water Allocation Tiered Water Rates Interim Agricultural Plan IPre Construction Construction Other/Ongoing * QTR's align w/fiscal year edule Change where we are today X Completed Begin New Fiscal Year | Team Priorities | Goal | Goal/Project Title | Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 1 Q3 O N D|J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J Follow up review Phase II underway-pending input from citizen subcommittee Design Pending determination from Cty Water Auth. Expected Apr. 09 Plantz GP Johnson GP Johnson GP Johnson GP Stone JE Stone GP High 9122 Water Master Plan High 9107 Recycled Water Master Plan Plajzer GP Ahles GP 1/13/2009 8 Of 9 Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad - TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY - BY STRATEGIC GOAL Pre Construction Jg| Schedule Change Where we are today I Construction X Completed | Other/Ongoing Begin New Fiscal Year * QTR's align w/fiscal year Team Priorities Goal (Goal/Project Title Comments Leader/LT 2007-08 Q4 A M J 2008-09 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J 2009-10 Q1 J A S Q2 O N D Q3 J F M Q4 A M J High High Water/Sewer Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Vista/Carlsbad Sewer Forcemain Dale GP Ahles GP 1/13/2009 9 Of 9