HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-18; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SPECIAL MEETING Faraday Administration Offices 1635 Faraday Avenue Room173A Carlsbad, CA 92008 Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11 a.m. to conclusion of business at approximately 1 p.m. MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard, Blackburn 1. Council discussion on Council Member reports on regional roles and assignments, as necessary, including: There was no discussion on item number 1. Blackburn Buena Vista Lagoon JPC Chamber of Commerce Liaison City/School Committee Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (alternate) Packard Buena Vista Lagoon JPC City/School Committee North County Transit District Board of Directors *North County Transit District Planning Committee League of California Cities - SD Division North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority Hall Chamber of Commerce Liaison SANDAG Board of Directors SANDAG Executive Committee SANDAG Transportation Committee Kulchin CalCoast Board of Directors Carlsbad ConVis (alternate) Encina Joint Powers (JAC) Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) North County Transit District (alternate) *San Diego Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) City Council Workshop Minutes February 18, 2009 ndSANDAG Board of Directors (2™ alternate) *SANDAG Shoreline Preservation Committee Lewis LAFCO Cities Advisory Committee North County Mayors and Managers SANDAG (1st alternate) San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors Requests to Speak on a listed item: A total of 15 minutes is provided. Please submit a speaker card indicating the item you wish to address. Comments/speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. Kasey Cinciarelli, Carlsbad, requested that the future Cannon Road segment be removed from the circulation element. She asked that the City work with Carlsbad Unified School District on the development of Alga Norte Park Swim Complex and a field in Robertson Ranch, thereby eliminating these amenities from the footprint of the new high school. 2. Discussion and direction on plans for the anticipated expiration of the Village Redevelopment Plan. Housing and Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain addressed Council regarding the Village Redevelopment Plan Expiration. (All materials distributed by Ms. Fountain regarding agenda items 2, 3 and 4 are on file in the Office of the City Clerk). She noted four assumptions: that the Village Area warrants focus as a special review area, that there will be a seamless transition of the land usage designations and development standards previously approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, that there will be a seamless transition of process for implementation and cohesion of land use regulations and approvals, and, that the tax increment financing for projects/programs (including administration/operations) may continue for up to 10 years beyond expiration of redevelopment plan for Village Area with appropriate agreements/contracts executed prior to June 30, 2009. After discussion Council concurred to direct Ms. Fountain to do the following: To continue to use the Village Master Plan and Design Manual for the Village Area within the existing boundaries. To process General Plan Amendment and minor Local Coastal Program Amendments (label changes and consolidation only; no changes in policies previously approved). To hold public hearings before appropriate agencies. To retire the Design Review Board by June 30, 2009 and allow the Planning Commission to resume the review of land use permits and other related matters in the Village after that date. 2 City Council Workshop Minutes February 18, 2009 To approve a contract amendment, or new contract if deemed necessary, between the City and the Redevelopment Agency to utilize city staff to complete program and project administration, including processing of land use permits, for up to 10 additional years (to 2019). To approve a contract amendment, or new contract if deemed necessary, to list additional anticipated programs/projects to be implemented within 10 year period following plan expirations so that tax increment revenue may be used to pay for said programs and/or projects (beyond plan expiration). To complete these agreements and contracts by no later that June 30, 2009. To assure that the Redevelopment Agency is to continue ownership and management of property and monetary assets for as long as Agency exists to complete programs and/or projects in the Village Area. In response to Council, City Manager Lisa Hildabrand noted that the General Plan update may be an opportunity to make changes in this area if needed. Ms. Fountain discussed the status and the list of future projects in the Village Redevelopment Area. Council concurred to have a "Mainstreet" project reviewed by Council at a future date. Mayor Lewis asked the City Manager to determine if funds from the Federal Government could be utilized on these projects. At 12:25 p.m. the Mayor called a recess. At 12:22 p.m. Council reconvened. Council concurred to move item number 4, "Discussion and direction regarding the feasibility of adding diagonal parking on Grand Avenue" to this point on the agenda. Noting a conflict of interest regarding this item (owning property/business in the area), Council Member Packard left the Workshop Table at 12:23 p.m. 4. Discussion and direction regarding the feasibility of adding diagonal parking on Grand Avenue. Ms. Fountain gave the overview of this item. She stated that her parking study showed that the only feasible area for diagonal parking was east of Roosevelt Street to Harding. She noted that there was the possibility of putting in 15 spaces. Ms. Fountain stated that the traffic would be reduced to one lane in each direction and that the cost would be $8,500 in restriping the area. Ms. Fountain noted that other Village areas had conflicts such as: cut outs, red curbs, and fire hydrants. City Engineer Bob Johnson reviewed a parking overlay map of the Village Area. (This overlay is on file in the Office of the City Engineer.) City Council Workshop Minutes February 18, 2009 Council concurred to give staff direction to install diagonal parking east of Roosevelt Street to Harding. Council Member Hall proposed funding for parking spaces that are not tied to CIP funds. The Council approved that staff return with a report on this proposal. Council Member Packard returned to the Workshop Table at 12:42 p.m. Council concurred to listen to item number 3 at this time. 3. Update on the status of the Shea project. Ms. Fountain gave the background and an update regarding the Shea property. Discussion ensued regarding mixed use and affordable housing. Council Member Hall stated that he would like to see the New Village Arts Theatre included in this project planning. Council Member Packard inquired as to the status of this project post June 30, 2009. Ms. Fountain noted that the Attorney's Office is checking on this question. 5. Discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness including impact of regional assignments with regard to contact with other Council members, decision and policymaking, serving the community and effective methods of feedback. 6. City Manager review of goal and major project tracking report and update discussion of Council goal setting process and discussion of capacity and effectiveness in the delivery of City processes and services. The Athena report of 2/17/09 was distributed to Council. No discussion took place on this item. 7. Discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues for the good of the community, including directions to the City Manager or City Attorney, as appropriate, for the scheduling of items for future agendas, workshops or study sessions. Requests to Speak: Continuation of Requests to Speak (if necessary) ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the Meeting at 12:55 p.m. . Wood^ Certified Municipal Clerk CC VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN EXPIRATION ACTIONS SUMMARY ASSUMPTIONS 1. Village Area warrants continued focus as a "special review area" to ensure long term success of past and future redevelopment program(s)/project(s) Seamless transition of land use regulations and related actions to facilitate continued redevelopment in the Village; no change in zoning, land use designations or development standards beyond those previously approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. 3. Seamless transition of process for implementation and cohesion of land use regulations and approvals. 4. Tax increment financing for projects/programs (including administration/operations) may continue for up to 10 years beyond expiration of redevelopment plan for Village Area with appropriate agreements/contracts executed prior to June 30, 2009. 1 | Page MUNICIPAL CODE/VILLAGE MASTER PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Action: • Process revisions or amendments to the Municipal Code, Zone Code, and/or Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual to incorporate necessary information from Village Redevelopment Plan and/or any other land use regulations and to make appropriate reference/label/language changes; continue to use the Village Master Plan as the land use and development regulatory document for the Village Area with the existing boundaries. • Process General Plan Amendment and minor Local Coastal Program Amendment (label changes and consolidation only; no changes in policies previously approved) • Hold public hearings before Design Review Board, Planning Commission, City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission, as appropriate. • Complete by no later than June 30,2009 Other Options: 1. Prepare and adopt a new Specific Plan, Precise Plan, Master Plan, Overlay Zone or some other land use and development regulatory document for the Village Area. 2. Re-Zone all properties in the Village and use the Municipal Code for land use and development standards regulation purposes. 2 | Page MUNICIPAL CODE/VILLAGE MASTER PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Action: • Process revisions or amendments to the Municipal Code, Zone Code and/or Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual to allow for continuance of Design Review Board serving as Planning Commission for Village Area with a sunset date (i.e., 1,3,5,10 years, etc) to be specified by the City Council. • Hold public hearings before Design Review Board, Planning Commission, City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission, as appropriate. • Complete by no later than June 30,2009 Other Options: 1. Allow the Design Review Board to continue to serve as the Planning Commission for the Village Area until such time as an alternate decision is made through recommendations developed as part of the Envision Carlsbad Program, other vision program and/or other organizational/process review; revise ordinance at a later date to establish a sunset clause. 2. Allow the Design Review Board to continue to serve as the Planning Commission for an indefinite period of time. 3. Retire the Design Review Board and allow the Planning Commission to resume review of land use permits and other related matters in the Village Area; amend ordinances as necessary. 3 | Page OPERATION AGREEMENT PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Action: • Approve a contract amendment, or new contract if deemed necessary, between City and Redevelopment Agency to utilize city staff to complete program and project administration, including processing of land use permits, for up to 10 additional years (to 2019). • Approve a contract amendment, or new contract if deemed necessary, to list additional anticipated programs/projects to be implemented within 10 year period following plan expiration so that tax increment revenue may be used to pay for said programs and/or projects (beyond plan expiration). • Complete by no later than June 30,2009 Other Option(s): 1. Provide General Fund monies for operations and continuing/new projects and/or programs to be implemented in the Village Area after redevelopment plan expiration in July, 2009. 2. Research grant opportunities and/or other funding to pay for operations and continuing/new projects and/or programs to be implemented in Village Area following expiration of the redevelopment plan in July, 2009. 4 | P a g e REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ASSETS RECOMMENDED POLICY Proposed Action: Redevelopment Agency to continue ownership and management of its property and monetary assets for as long as Agency exists to complete programs and/or projects in the Village Area. Other Action(s): 1. Redevelopment Agency to continue ownership and management of its property and monetary assets for the next 10 years (end of period by which redevelopment agency can complete projects in Village Area for redevelopment purposes). 2. Transfer ownership of Agency-owned property and assets to the City of Carlsbad for management and/or other actions. 5 | Pa ge GRAND AND STATE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATUS REPORT • March 27, 2007 - Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was mailed out to eleven (11) developers/development companies; responses were due on April 27, 2007. • The Agency/City received a total of four (4) developer responses to the RFQ. Responses were received from Shea Properties, Barratt American, Ford Mance, and Opus West. • The Goal Team, consisting of the Community Development Director, Economic Development and Real Estate Property Manager, and Housing and Redevelopment Director, together with the Economic Development Administrator for NCTD (Lance Shulte) reviewed the RFQ responses and then interviewed each development team. • Team agreed that Shea Properties was the best development team for this project. • June 25, 2007 - Shea Properties notified in writing that they had been selected as the Team's choice for developer for the subject project. • Staff has been working with Shea Properties as well as NCTD to better define the project and develop an agreement since June, 2007. There is interest among all parties to ultimately expand the project to include NCTD property in the effort to redevelop North State Street. • NCTD has been in flux due to funding issues and loss of staff. In addition, the revised Village development standards and permitted land uses for NCTD property must be approved by the Coastal Commission before NCTD may proceed with development of their property. The date of Coastal Commission action is currently unknown. • Due to the above noted NCTD issues, Agency/City staff is currently pursuing negotiation of a disposition of land and development loan agreement (DDLA) between the Redevelopment Agency and Shea Properties for the City and Redevelopment Agency owned property at the northwest corner of Grand and State Street only. • When NCTD is ready, Agency/City staff will assist with development negotiations and project management to expand the redevelopment/development effort to include NCTD and perhaps other privately-owned properties on North State Street. • A closed session with City Council/Housing and Redevelopment Commission will be set to discuss the terms of the DDLA in the near future; a specific date has not yet been identified. • Goal is to complete negotiations and enter into a DDLA with Shea by June 30, 2009. DIAGONAL PARKING GRAND AVENUE £~l$'C STATUS & ACTION REPORT • December 5, 2008 - Diagonal Parking Study Report completed and distributed to the Council. • Total of 15 diagonal parking spaces could be added to Grand Avenue, primarily east of Roosevelt Street. • No additional diagonal parking spaces could be added between Carlsbad Boulevard and Roosevelt Street (on Grand Avenue) due to road width requirements for travel lanes and emergency vehicle access, as well as the fact that there are several landscaped medians, driveway conflicts and various areas where no parking is allowed due to fire hydrants, curb returns or pedestrian crosswalks. • No additional diagonal parking spaces on Madison Street, north of Grand Avenue (which was part of the study area). Diagonal parking could be provided on the west side of the street. However, parallel parking would need to be removed from the east side to accommodate it. The action would result in the loss of one parking space. No net gain. • Diagonal parking east of Roosevelt Street would result in the loss of one travel lane in each direction, but would add approximately 15 additional public parking space (on the street). The reconfiguration of parking could be accomplished through restriping at an estimated cost of approximately $8500. • Need Council direction to proceed with restriping to add these additional diagonal parking spaces (approximately 15) east of Roosevelt Street on Grand Avenue. General Public Parking Status Report December 5, 2008- Report on Public Parking in the Village completed and distributed to the Council. Complaints about parking primarily from regular parkers (work nearby or ride the coaster) rather than occasional parkers. NCTD property identified as best location for a parking structure; no success to date on constructing a new parking structure; considerable discussion and under consideration as part of redevelopment project. Kennedy Smith concluded in her report that a number of people complain about parking in the Village but she did not feel there was actually a parking problem in the Village. Continue to research and pursue opportunities to add public parking as appropriate. On-street public parking: estimated at 1038 spaces; no utilization studies Off-street public parking: 756 spaces as of December 1, 2008; average occupancy for all parking lots is 72%; peak occupancy (at lunch) is 77% based on August counts. Coaster lots have highest occupancy; without coaster lots included the average occupancy for all other public parking lots is 62% and peak occupancy is 72%. In total, there are approximately 1794 public parking spaces throughout the Village. This represents approximately 17 to 18 public parking spaces per each one acre of land (excludes roadways, alleys, etc) Capacity of parking not an issue; proximity of parking remains the key issue in the Village. LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 1038 on-street public parking spaces 806 off-street public parking spaces 1844 total public parking spaces Utilization Ratios (As of 8/5/08): All Lots (Average): 72% (806 spaces) All Lots (Peak): 77% (806 spaces) No NCTD (Average): 62% (256 spaces) No NCTD (Peak): 72% (256 spaces) PROJECT: LOCATION OF VILLAGE PARKING LOTS EXHIBIT -2- OC lP<WfcSA*f 3 "I*-01 VILLAGE PROJECTS & FUNDING STATUS REPORT • December 2, 2003 - City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission approved a reimbursement agreement that provides for approximately $14.4 million in future funding for new non-housing redevelopment projects to benefit the Village Area. • Agreement stipulated that the City will loan funds to the Redevelopment Agency for the cost of the redevelopment projects as tax increment revenues become available or are projected to come available; advance from City's General Fund. • No funds provided to Agency and no funds set-aside as of this date from this action. This was simply an agreement that would allow for the Agency to borrow from the City for future projects. It was basically a "line of credit" extended by the City to the Agency. If the Agency does not borrow, no repayment required. Repayment obligation begins at time funds are borrowed. No funds borrowed yet. • Full repayment of loans is expected within 10 years of expiration of redevelopment plan (2019); interest rate shall be based on the City's annual average investment rate. • Analysis of Village needs was completed; list of potential projects and estimated costs presented to Council. See attached list (finalized on May 16, 2005); note that purchase of a portion of senior center building by the Redevelopment Agency was added to list by Council. • Projected cost of all projects on the list was $24.7 million; not enough debt capacity to pay for all projects; some projects have been completed with use of cash balance, no loan of noted funds. • On May 11, 2004, Council was asked to prioritize the list of projects. Council directed staff to simply bring projects forward as ready. No prioritization approved by Council. Staff working on projects as appropriate and bringing forward when ready. AGENCY FINCANCING FAST FACTS: • At end of FY 2008-09, there will be an estimated ending cash balance of $3,952,540 for the Village Redevelopment Fund. • The Redevelopment Agency has outstanding bonds with a remaining debt of approximately $29.6 million; these bonds will be repaid in total at the end of fiscal year 2023-24. • If ending cash balance is used for projects, administration, etc together with new tax increment funds, the Agency could fund approximately $4.1 million in capital projects and begin repayment to the City on its outstanding loans (2009-2010 payment would be approximately $618,913 to General Fund). • If ending cash balance plus an additional advance of $14.4 million are used together with additional tax increment funds, the Agency could fund approximately $14.3 million in capital projects over next 10 years and also begin repayment to the City on its outstanding loans (2009-2010 payment would be approximately $1,609,372 to General Fund). • The Agency has a cap of $4 million in maximum tax increment that can be received in any given year. For 2008-09, it was projected that the Agency will receive $3,457,409 in gross tax increment. Under current growth projections, it is anticipated that the Agency will reach the $4 million cap in FY 2013-2014. • Currently, the Agency receives 100% of the tax increment in the Village Area up to $4 million. After the cap is reached, the additional tax increment will return to the original taxing agencies according to the established tax rates (for example the City receives 17% of the 1% assessed for property taxes on Village properties). VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (as of May 16, 2005) Project Name Brief Description Funding Est. Status Property Acquisition - School District/Sr. Ctr Acquire a portion of the facility at 799 Pine Avenue from the School District for expansion of the Senior Center. $1.3 million Property acquired; staff working on use plan. Project Complete. Development Standards Review Complete a financial feasibility study & determine if development standards are causing constraints to development; recommend revisions if appropriate $100,000 Staff has met with several developers to discuss the constraints to development in the Village Area. A development consultant and architect are also completing their studies to identify the development standards that will require revision to assist with additional development in the Village Area. Upon completion of the study, staff will present a report to the City Council to obtain authorization to proceed with the suggested revisions. Retail Analysis & Consumer Demand & Desire Study Complete a comprehensive retail analysis for the Village Area; develop business development plan for Village Area to recruit and expand desirable businesses. $100,000 Staff has selected a consultant to complete the analysis and will request the funding appropriation from the City Council on June 7, 2005. Once the funding is appropriated, the consultant will begin work. It is anticipated that the analysis and subsequent development plan will be complete within approximately 12 months. Mixed Use State Street Project w/ a Village Green Development of a Mixed Use project with a "Village Green" focal point. $6 million Staff is working on conceptual plans for this project which will be presented to City Council and others for preliminary feedback and further direction by end of May, 2005. On-Street Diagonal Parking Study & Right-of- Way Analysis (combination of two projects) Conversion of some on-street parallel parking to diagonal parking, and R-O-W Analysis to determine how to maximize on- street parking. $150,000 City Council instructed staff to complete the retail analysis before proceeding with additional studies on parking. It is important to develop the business plan for enhancing retail opportunities before spending additional funds on parking studies. Mixed Use Roosevelt Street Project (Between Carlsbad Village Dr. & Grand Ave.) Construction of a public parking structure w/ retail, residential and/or office incorporated into the project. $7.8 million Efforts continue to obtain site control for all properties required to complete this project. To date, the Redevelopment Agency has been unable to obtain the additional properties required for this project. Public Parking Structure Construction of a public parking structure on NCTD property (or in close proximity). $6.9 million Waiting for NCTD to complete land use study of their property in order to determine best location for the proposed structure. For several years, there has been a conceptual agreement between NCTD and City to partner on development of a parking structure. Need to identify the specific location in order to proceed w/ development. Enhanced Streetscape Improvements to North State Street Design and construction of an enhanced Streetscape plan for No. State Street (Grand to Laguna); add trees, electrical conduit for outdoor lighting, decorative paving, and new curb, gutter and sidewalks where appropriate. $400,000 Completing standards review and retail analysis projects. Following completion of these studies, staff will move forward on defining the desired improvements for the area. AB# Page 2 Enhanced Entryway Treatment An engineering analysis and design solution to modify the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street; may include a traffic signal or a roundabout; may also include a pedestrian pathway to Oceanside city limits. $1 million Public Works currently has a consultant working on redesign options for the intersection at Carlsbad Boulevard & State Street. This project may move up in priority depending upon options identified and funding required. Enhanced Streetscape Improvements & Misc. Improve- ments Design and construction of an enhanced Streetscape Plan on various streets in Village; may include additional trees, electrical conduit for outdoor lighting, decorative paving and new curb gutter and sidewalks where appropriate. $1 million Completing review of desired improvements for the Village. Total for all Projects $24.7 million Total amount of funds to be made available is approximately $14.4 million. Staff will attempt to leverage the $14.4 million in order to complete as many projects on the list as possible. Partnerships will be required to complete all of the projects on this list. Miscellaneous Public Works Projects in the Village: 1. Inventory of traffic signs that need to be repaired or replaced. 2. Study of design options for Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street (as noted above). 3. Audible pedestrian alert for intersection at Jefferson and Carlsbad Village Drive. Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL *QTR' Other/Ongoing lian w/fiscal High Balanced Community Development New Power Plant Garuba LH I I I'I:::EH,,~t"-I ~1 High Housing Element Revise &Circulate CEQA Public Hearings/Recommendations (HousingComm&Plan.Comm) CC Public Hearing-Adopt HE &Submit to HCD for Certifiation HCD finding rec'd,draft in compliance de Cordova SH ,"-~." High Village Redevelopment Agency Expiration Options OptionsReport&Resolutionof IntentiontoCC ProcessOrdinanceRevisions,PublicHearingsw/PlanningComm&CC Fountain SHII '~l~IIII High 9078 Land Use Economic Enhancement Identifypotential economic opportunities &needed services Draft list of revenue-enhancing implementing land use actions Finalizelist,prepare &distribute final report Barberio SH High Redevelopment Project State &Grand RFQ&Selection of Developer Report to CM Negotiationw/Developer,ENA &discussion with NCTD ExclusiveNegotiating Agreement with Developer to CC/Housing and Redevelopment Comm.Agreement Holder SH !,'1<I '.~'I I I I .1 Medium 9011 Development Services Information System Present project work plan for approval &funding Conductworkflow analyses &documentation of Dev.Svcs.Dept. Report on other city/county agencies implemented similar systems von Schlieder SHII~IIIII BESTCOpy 1 of 92/17/2009 Pre Construction Schedule Change I Where we are today Construction X Completed I Begin New Fiscal Year ------ I Team 2007.08 2008-09 2009.10 I Prioritf}sl Goal IGoal/Project Title I Comments leader/l T Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4-. A M J J A S 'OND J FIM A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL 1<QTR' -Other/Ongoing lionw/fiscal Need to do Need to do High High High High High High 9087 Regulatory Relief for Legal Non-conforming Uses &Buildings Survey other jursidictions &analyze ordinance alternatives Complete prepartationof draft ordinance amendment Public Outreach Carlsbad Blvd.Realignment Meetings w/State Parks Citizen Connection &Partnership 9079 Envision Carlsbad Initial Reconaissance Preliminary Opp's &Constraints/Formation of Citizens Committee Issues &Visioning Citizen Response/Interaction (311/RFA/General Comm.) Define&Develop08-09.Implementation09-10 24/7 Strategic Initiative Team Teamformedrecommendationsbyend of 08-09 Communication Web Infrastructure/Development/Implementation Web Infrastructure &Security 9002 Web Development &Implementation 9125 Content Update &Migration 2/17/2009 Switch implementation 50% complete;firewalls ordered App development begun,web site host vendor selected Content,recast&visual design complete;Migration 3/09 DeCerbo SH Pruim .Holder Curtis JE Baer JE Peterson JE Ray LH I '"'1 -md I I I I I I I J:::D I I I I I ~;~-~J IJ I I I I r "c:IJ'".1 I I I I I I Wc:::D I CIJ I I , I I I CJ:I I I I I IBEST CO ' 20f9 Pre Construction Schedule Change I Where we are today Construction X Completed I Begin New Fiscal Year -------r Te,am 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 IPriorities I GoallGoal/Project Title I Comments Leader/LT Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 A M J J A S 0 N D J ElM A M J J A S:0 N ID J F rvfA M J Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL ~Schedule Change I Where we are today X Completed I Begin New FiscalYear Pre Construction Construction *QTR' Other/Ongoing lian w/fiscal Medium High High Medium Medium Need to do Need to do Need to do 2/17/2009 9077 E-Zoning/GIS Implementation to parallel new city website von Schlieder SH I I I~'C:::O":1 I I I I Environmental Management Total Maximum Daily Load Study Data Analysis &Modeling thru 2010 Lukey GP 9115 Implementation of Waste Discharge Requirements Dale GP State Green House Gas Regulation 9118 AB 32 Monitoring/Participation &Action SB 375 Implementation Planning Garuba/Kermott JE de Cordova SH 9110 City Projects Energy Generation &Conservation (Renewable Energy Joe,Linda,Skip) Elliott Extension of Transfer Station Agreements I "\t~;;~:"'~I"'<'-"c=33';~'",'I",I I I I e I I II::::::IL]J,"* .,'.,..~~?"F,\.,},jfl II~.'""!'"",<"'C',,,,. 1'<.«.111~11 Lease extension rec'd 02-09 Kermott GP I r=~==],==c:o:::IJ I I I I Waste Management Contract City staff reviewing WM rate increase, Kermott GP Tree Policy (Sewer Lateral)Pruim I I I c::o:::IJ I I I I I I I CIJ I I I I I BESTpy 30f9 -- I Team 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 [Priorities.1 Goal IGoaUProject Title I Comments leader/lT Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Q2 Q3 Q4 A M J J A S 0 N D J FI!'v1 AM J J A S ON I;)J F M AM J Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL Need to do Prior List High High High High Medium Medium 2/17/2009 9094 Sewer Master Plan 8125 Agua Hedionda Channel Dredging &Improvement Environmental,Permits,&Studies Design Advertise and Award Construction EIR certified 8-15-08; mitigation options being developed Financial Health 9044 Revenue Opportunities Library 9000 Economic Development Strategic Plan Selection of Consultant Final Report to LT &CC 9088 Asset Maximization Evaluatingand Ranking of Property Present report to LT Financial Monitoring &Reporting Analysis &Action Budget Adjustments 9046 Recreation Cost Recovery Analysis 9009 Fleet Master Plan &Policies 9099 Plan &policies 70% complete;Draft Rpt under review Smith GP Cahill GP *QTR' Other/Ongoing lian wlfiscal I I ~~'"~{::]J~",1\,.,,'"I"."I I I ~II~~.,~",....,-,:,.~;;..."""",='."f.' , ... 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AM J .J A S O.N D J F1M A M J J A S 0 N D J.F M AiVlJ Pre Construction Schedule Change I Where we are today Construction X Completed I Begin New Fiscal Year Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL Pre Construction ~Schedule Change I Where we are today X Completed I Begin New FiscalYear-Other/Ongoing *QTR's alian w/fiscal Construction Medium Guidelines for Managed Service Delivery (Competition)Provided briefing to CC;AS ElliotUPruim to CC Jan 2009 II I."c:D I I I I I Need to do 9030 Future of the Organization-Managing City Resources Effectively Houston LHI I I OJ I I I I I Need to do Automated Meter Reading Cost Benefit Analysis Stone GP Need to do 9001 Evaluation of HRIS System Clark JE Prior List Update Purchasing Ordinance for Charter Status Wengenroth JE I I.'.I.#P.~'I=.D I I I I I Learning,Culture &Arts Medium 9037Sculpture Garden Phase II Installation of new works/signage/informational handouts Pizzuto/ Gordon JE I I I c:::D J I I I I Medium 9041 Library Strategic Initiatives Work Plan Developwork plan Initiativebased goals Outreach Pi~~to I I I ERr;u,,;1 I I I I Medium Sister City Program Administration Written recommendation for Administratio of Sister City Program Pizzuto JE I I I c::D I I I I I 2/17/2009 50f9 I >,. Team 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 I:Prioritiesl Goal:1 GoallPrc>.jefTitle J CQrnments Leader/LT Q4 Q1 Q2.Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 A M J J A S 0 N'D J FIM A M J JeA S 0 N,D .J F M AMJ Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL *QTR' Other/Ongoing lian w/fiscal High High High High Medium Medium Medium Prior List Parks/Open Space/Trails 9020Alga Norte Community Park Swim Complex Operational models analysis Advertise /Award/Construct Open Space Acquisition Project on hold per Council direction HMP Open Space Maintenance Prepare Preserve Management Planfor City Owned Land City CouncilApproval of Contract with Preserve Manager City preserves under active management Non HMP Open Space Maintenance PMP &CNLM ctc approved by CC 12/08 Team held initial mtg.12/9/08 Oversight City Lagoons in Partnership w/Foundations/State Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan SANDAG Beach Replenishment Solar Panels at Swim Complex 2/17/2009 10 yr Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring Rpt due from Consultants Feb 09 Project mgmt by SANDAG;City prorated share from AG Fund Hammann LHIII 8j IIIII Haas SH ? SH ? ? Cahill GP Albright JE Jantz GP Albright GP I~~f,>,'"I ,I,;0:1,"i~~0 I I I I ~j'-==1-."',.m:J~"~c:IJ~"~',d I I I I I ~I CIJ ~I 1 I I 11$£~f~J,i:':1 I CIJ l ~1 .00"'1 I I 6of9 Pre Construction Schedule Change I Where we are today Construction X Completed I Begin New Fiscal Year- I learn 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 I erioritiesl Goal;1Goal/Project Title I Comments Lder/L T Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 'Q2 Q3 Q4 A M J J A $,QND J FIM A M J J A S 0 N D ,J FM A M J Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL Other/Ongoing 'If High High High High High High Safe Community 9021 Joint First Response Facility (Tom,Kevin,Skip) Preliminary Design,CUP &CEQA Final Design &Permits Advertise and Award (Estimated 6 months) Construction (Estimated 12-18 months) Operations Plan Hammann LH By02 2009 Open 4th OTR 2010-11 9025 Standards of Coverage Crawford ~",,:'I~,I,''"~~%""",;d,1 I I I IStudytoCCJan2009 Trail Safety Shipley r"W"I I "'c:::JJ./~I I I ITZq" Transportation/Ci rcu lation Traffic Calming Program -Sierra Morena,Donna Dr.Agreement to Consultant for Sierra &Donna Johnson GP I I I c:::I]1 I I I I 9089Encinas Creek Bridge Cahill GPUnderdesign,Field studies underway Cannon Road Reach 4 Plummer GP Ii.1 I r:::IJ I I I I IPendingCouncilHearing 9065 Village Public Parking Diagonal Parking Study with recommendations for Grand Ave Report to Traffic Commission &City Council Implementation of approved tasks Fountain SH x 7of92/17/2009 Pre Construction Schedule Change I Where we are today Construction X Completed I Begin New FiscalYear -----..--- I Team 2007-08 ,2008-09 2009..10 IPriorities IGoal IGoal/Project Title I Comments Leader/J-T_,Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 AM J J A S 0 r<J'"D J FIM A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL High High Need to do Prior List High High High High 2/17/2009 Go,aIlProject'f;itle.COr1)menb; Traffic Impact Fee (TIF)Follow up review 9090 Traffic Management Strategic Plan 9091 Advanced Traffic Management System La Costa Road Diet Phase II underway-pending input from citizen subcommitteeWater 9061 Desalination Construction24-30months Design 9122 Water Supply Planning &Conservation Oceanside Water Rights DroughtOrdinance Water Allocation Tiered Water Rates Interim Agricultural Plan Pending determination from Cty Water Auth,Expected Apr.09 9122 Water Master Plan 9107 Recycled Water Master Plan llea01 l..eader/LT Plantz GP Pre Construction ~Schedule Change I Where we are today X Completed I Begin New FiscalYear Construction Q4 M J I I r;;:~1~.~'c:::J[]~-I I I I Johnson GP I I '*",;??;~I~~1~.~CIJt,.:vI I I I IJohnson GP -"'!';@!~\~'~~"'I I I I''r ,0 ,~~':""',;iI:,',.~:'!"'"'I;,.;,:'.', Johnson GP ~I I I I I"",',!V;,,,,,,,,.::',.<1.,J:!''!!:''>".-'t.;,;il'.' Stone JE Stone GP Plajzer GP Ahles GP ~,;'~~"'1',."%%~;:;:m.::::Ji~3t~:~~'i;~- I I:,I c:::J:):).:;.;:~~t~1,,t1,.1,I I I t ~'C~c:::IJ I r-l~.:,"".,I I 8of9 Pre Construction ~ScheduleChange I Wherewe aretoday X Completed I Begin New Fiscal Year Significant Projects for the City of Carlsbad -TOP PRIORITY LIST ATHENA TOP PRIORITY -BY STRATEGIC GOAL Construction Other/Ongoing QTR's alian w/fiscal High Water/Sewer Supervisory Control &Data Acquisition Dale GP High Vista/Carls bad Sewer Forcemain Ahles GP 2/17/2009 90f9 HU I ., Team 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 I Priorities I Goal IGoal/Project Title I C°rTI,ments Leader/L T Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4., A M J J A S aND J FIM A M J J A S O,NO:.F M A ty'IJ