HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-16; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: MARCH 16, 2010 TIME: 10:30 AM PLACE: ROOM 173A 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the Special Meeting to order at 10:31 a.m. with all Council Members present. Council gave no updates on their regional roles and assignments. There was no public comment. Associate Analyst Sheree Hildebrandt gave a presentation to Council (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) on a Solid Waste Rate Request. Ms Hildebrandt reviewed the history of the contract with Waste Management and rate increases. She noted that since 1997 a rate increase of 6.1% residential and 7.2% commercial was granted in 2005. Ms. Hildebrandt reported that Waste Management had requested a 7% residential and 13.2% commercial rate increase for January 1, 2011. Ms. Hildebrandt explained how staff and their consultants analyzed the request. Ms. Hildebrandt listed the options for rate increase: • Offer the requested 7.1% residential and 13.2% commercial increase; or a weighted average of 10.7%. • Offer no rate increase. • Offer lower rate increase of 3.3%. Ms. Hildebrand then discussed future solid waste strategy plans that will come to Council this year. Ken Ryan, representing Waste Management, explained the rate increases his company has requested. Mr. Ryan also confirmed for Council that he was in agreement with the percentage of profit banding his request was weighed against. In response to Council, Glenn Pruim, Director of Utilities, stated that rate increases can be smoothed by use of rolling averages. City Attorney Ron Ball clarified the sequence of events needed to implement any rate increases by January 1, 2011. Council Members Packard, Blackburn and Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin agreed that they would like more information regarding long term rolling averages but could support a 3.3% rate increase to be Pagel City Council Workshop March 16, 2010 implemented in January 2011. Council Member Hall noted that he would require more information prior to a decision. Mayor Lewis stated that he was not willing to support a rate increase at this time and would like to review the rolling average information. At 11:30 a.m. the Mayor called a recess. Council returned to the meeting at 11:42 a.m. Consultant Michelle Tamayo led a discussion regarding a wrap up of the February goal setting session. She distributed a Memorandum dated Tuesday, March 16 (this handout and Memorandum are on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council discussion ensued regarding consolidation of several line items. Per Council consensus Ms. Tamayo consolidated items regarding business attraction and retention, open space and trails, hydro and electric energy exploration and community events/media/gathering places. Council Member Hall asked that many of the items dealing with traffic flow, realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard and water recycling be planned out so that if funding becomes available staff can easily produce these documents. Council Members voted with four stickers each for projects they thought should receive a high priority: 3 votes: ID funding for realignment, business attraction and retention, permitting for Agua Hedionda dredging, alternative energy source exploration and hydro power, traffic flow improvement. 2 votes: Water recycling, community connection 1 vote: Open space and trails Anticipating changes in Council, Mayor Lewis noted that all goals should be reviewed again in November 2010. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 12:50 p.m. Lorraine M. Wood, Certified Municipal Clerk Clerk City of Carlsbad T C6 March 16, 2010 Sheree Hildebrandt, Associate Analyst Solid Waste History Waste Management Contract Evergreen contract began November 1997 No rate structure/adjustment guidance 03/16/2010 .STE RATE REQUEST City Council Workshop Includes an extraordinary cost increase clause 03/16/2010 Solid Waste History ® Services * Curb side trash and recycle pickup « Bulky item pick up 5 times per year ® Local buyback center and electronic waste facility •.. Local call center Solid Waste History Waste Management's only rate increase since 1997. • August 2005 * 6.1% residential « 7.2% commercial 03/16/2010 Solid Waste History Residential Rates 11/1997 11/2003 8/2005 11/2007 Rate $14.52 $16.47 $17.50 $18.87 Dollar Increase Percentaae Increase $1.95 13.4% = trash surcharge fee $1.03 6.3% = 6.1 % + trash surcharge fee $1.37 7.8% = trash surcharge fee Solid Waste History Commercial Rates 11/1997 11/2003 8/2005 Rate $74.92 $86.23 $98.85 Dollar Increase $11.31 $12.62 Percentaae Increase 15.1% = trash surcharge fee 14.6% = 7.2% + trash surcharge fee 03/16/2010 Rate Adjustment Analysis R3 Consulting Group, Inc. Analyzed Waste Management's Profit and Loss Statements Prepared an Alternative Prof it Analysis Analyzed Rate Options Reviewed and Compared San Diego County Cities rates and service 03/16/2010 Rate Adjustment Analysis Basis of appropriate rate adjustment Considerations How long the rate will be in effect. Use profit calculation average from last rate increase, 2005 forward (average) Use profit calculation from current rate, 2010 forward (annual) 03/16/2010 Solid Waste Rate Options Offer the requested 7.1% residential and 13.2% commercial increase or weighted average of 10.7%. Offer No Rate Increase Offer Lower Rate Increase, 3.3% 03/16/2010 03/16/2010 Solid Waste ComDari Carlsbad Compared to County Cities Highest to Lowest | Carlsbad-10.7% weighted avg |Carlsbad-7% requested option [Jgarlsbad-3.3% lowest option I Carlsbad-Current Fully Automated(F) Semi Automated (S) or Manual (M) 64 gallon ip to 12 32-gallon cans a to 10 32-gal!on ca up to 10 32-gallon cans Solid Waste Comparison Waste Hauler's Rate 1 11! • • • tiftfflfffl * <?'.* Currently, Carlsbad ranks the lowest in waste hauler rates of all San Diego County jurisdictions. A rate increase would keep Carlsbad ranked in the lowest 1/3 in waste hauler rates of all San Diego County jurisdictions. 8 Projected Rate Increase Annual Profit Levels 03/16/2010 Highest Prof it Target 13.6% Lowest Profit Target 9.9% Aug 2010 - 3.3% increase Jan 2011 - 3.3% increase -»*-Requested or average increase 03/16/2010 Solid Waste Rate Options Requested Increase, 7.0% /13.2% Weighted Average Increase, 10.7% No Increase Low Increase, 3.3% 10 CITY OF CARLSBAD Memorandum March 12, 2010 To: City Council . From: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager/ I/— Via: V Re: Council Workshop on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 One of the items on the Council's workshop on Tues, March 16, is the continuation and wrap up of the Planning Session of February 9. Michele Tamayo will be facilitating this part of the workshop. Staff has taken the ideas generated in the afternoon session entitled "Bringing Our Vision to Life" and consolidated and refined them into potential initiatives that could be pursued which would enhance the achievement of the Community's vision. To this list, we have added those initiatives that we are currently pursuing and have separately identified those that are already underway. This information has been consolidated into 3 documents which are described below. Attachment 1 - Previously Approved Initiatives This is a list of the more significant initiatives underway in the city that have been previously approved or authorized and which will be before the City Council sometime in the next year either as an agenda or workshop item or as an update. The approximate time when the Council will see the item is noted. This document is for your information only. Attachment 2 - Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 (General Plan Update) Many of the items identified during the afternoon session on February 9 are items that will be addressed through the 2nd phase of Envision Carlsbad. These items are listed on this document. This document is for your information only. Attachment 3 - Bringing the Vision to Life. This document is the one we will be working with the most on Tuesday. It contains the consolidated and refined ideas that were generated in the afternoon session on Tues., February 9 and adds to them those more significant initiatives that we are currently pursuing. In order to ensure the City staff are working and achieving the Council's top priorities, we will be asking the Council to identify your top 10 initiatives from the list on Attachment 3. Since we have already received direction on those on Attachment 1, you will not need to prioritize these. City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2820 I 760-720-9461 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov City Council March 12, 2010 Page 2 If there is something on that list that you would like us to stop working on, you may want to note that as a discussion item. There will be time for the staff to explain what the initiative is if it is unclear to you from the short description. Also, if there is something that we missed, please feel free to jot it down and we can add it at the workshop. In addition, please note any particular items you would like to further discuss with your colleagues as there will be time for discussion. I will be in the office all day on Monday. Please call me if you have any questions or would like to discuss further. LH:dh cc: Ron Ball, City Attorney Michele Tamayo Attachment 1 PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INITIATIVES CATEGORY TOPIC General Plan Update- Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 (see attachment 2)All _ All _ [City Budget and Capitallmprovement Program Al[ ^ j Labor negotiations ,AII {Human Capital Management System All Proposed power plant (incl urgency ord) Environmental/ NR j Water efficient landscaping ordinance Environmental/ N R | Desalination project and pipeline construction (WPA) Environmental/ NR jvillage storm drain replacement project .Environmental/MR jHMPjH^Qnar ^^XilPJl!71?!!!3!/^^ _ JEncinas Creek Bridge •1§DY!^^ j Lake Calavera Trails ^Environmental/ NR Water/Sewer Master Plans (Economic j Automated meter reading project (Economic [Google fiber to the homes request ^Ecojnpmic [Solid waste rate analysis Economic [Dev. Review Process Working Group - progress report •.Social j Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center iSocia[ j Housing Element Lawsuit/program implementation Social^ jLa Posada Expansion- Grant request S°c!?l! . „ jTraffic calming- instaH stop signs /speed tables Social Uoint First Responders Training Facility (award contract) ^Social (Artwork for the JFRTF„..,. ~~,.~-~ . 4,.,,__., ^__™_ . Private/Other Deyelppment iWestfieldjupgrade/ renovation (EIR) Private/Other Development ^ajojparCgjTT^^ Private/Other Development (Airport Land Use Plan -'-- "• LEAD DEPARTMENT CED Finance, All HR HR, IT, FIN CM,CED,CA CED Transportation Utilities CA/P&EM Transportation P&R Utilities Utilities IT NEXT ACTION DATE Summer May-June Utilities CED P&R CA/CED CED Transportation Trans/Safety Library/Arts CE I In progress^ [Fall/Winter Transportation/CED I December/January Attachment 2 Envision Carlsbad - Phase 2 General Plan. Local Coastal Program and Zoning Code Update The work program for Phase 2 of Envision Carlsbad (update of the General Plan, LCP and Zoning Code) is currently being developed. It is anticipated that it will be brought forward to the City Council in May for review and approval. The items listed below will be incorporated into the General Plan work program because they were specifically discussed at the City Council Annual Goals Workshop held on February 9, 2010. Many other work items (not specifically mentioned during the annual goals workshop) will also be included in the update. The update will incorporate the input received during the Community Vision process (Phase 1) as well as input that will be gathered during the community outreach process for Phase 2. Topics from the City Council Annual Goals Workshop - February 9. 2010 Investigate opportunities for future community gathering places Investigate mixed use opportunities Update Parks and Recreation Element Work with the business community to review regulations, provide policies in support of economic development and to remove unnecessary obstacles Prepare an Economic Prosperity Element in the General Plan that is connected to the land use Incorporate a cluster analysis, missing segment analysis, and land use inventory to ensure that the future business retention and attraction needs of Carlsbad are addressed. Completing bike and pedestrian trail systems and promoting: Designation as Bike Friendly Community and Create better connections Promote use of alternative transportation and safe routes Traffic management - improve traffic flow to enhance connectivity Incorporate green development standards Attachments Bringing the Vision to Life Black print: Current Initiatives Blue Print: Workshop Idgas Vision Statement Category All Economic -Identify funding for the realignment of Carlsbad Blvd. and complete the exchange of coastal property with Ca. State Parks (Manzano property) Investigate current state legislation and court cases regarding growth caps and evaluate alternative courses of action for the City to consider pursuing to protect our growth cap Complete Master Plan for Planning Area 2 of the SCCRA, which will include development of linear park/coastal walk connecting north to south along Carlsbad Blvd. (similar to seawall), and investigating other coastal amenity-oriented land use opportunities for the realigned Carlsbad Blvd and Manzano properties. Updating council's policy on Naming Rights to various facilities Retain a 3rd party golf industry expert to conduct the 3-year golf course operations review Develop and implement a pricing policy based on the pyramid cost recovery strategy for recreation programs, services and facilities Complete discussions with the Car Country Working Group and develop options for council's consideration Complete facilities planning for the vacation of the Oak Yard and reuse of Las Palmas/Hawthorne facilities. Begin work on the Barrio neighborhood revitalization plan Explore partnerships with other regional agencies for service provisions (e.g. Fire services, etc.) Develop a web-based, interactive and searchable GIS/Map-Based database that shows the current industrial and office land use inventory and place it on the City's Economic Development website in a user-friendly manner such that existing businesses wishing to expand and prospective businesses wishing to locate in Carlsbad can access and utilize the data base. Complete and in-depth analysis of Carlsbad's missing industrial, office, and retail segments. Identify those missing segments that are the most desirable to attract to Carlsbad. Develop a consistent and specific message and approach in addressing outside business inquires, to include identification of specific staff contacts, specific inquiry protocols, and a defined Economic Development web page, all targeted towards attracting the desirable missing segments to Carlsbad. Complete an in-depth analysis of Carlsbad's existing industry clusters (cluster linkages, opportunities and threats, and strategic issues). Work with the cluster business executives to develop a cluster-specific strategic approach for improving the competivenessof the clusters. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Attachment 3 Bringing the Vision to Life Black print: Current Initiatives Blue Print: Workshop Ideas Vision Statement Category Environmental/ Natural Resources Find and purchase open space acquisition opportunities Submit the new zoning ordinance to implement Prop D and complete the development of a new Agricultual Policy Secure resource agency permits for the Aqua Hedionda Dredge (Rancho Carlsbad) project. Once permits are secured, bid project and complete work. Complete feasibility study of Hydro-electric power generation project and construct, if cost/beneficial Look for opportunities to purchase properties and/or obtain easements to complete the trail system and improve connections to natural resource areas Prepare a strategic plan for solid waste processing including investigating the expansion and/or enhancement of solid waste recycling Develop a program to expand community gardens Become more proactive in strengthening relationships with other agencies/organizations that oversee resources such as beaches and lagoons Attract a signature special event centered around eco-tourism Explore alternative energy projects/opportunities Investigate the expansion and/or enhancement of water recycling Enhance information and marketing to engage community as participants in "green" programs - HOA and business community outreach Social Improve citizen communication and relationships by completing the design and implementing a Citizen Relationship Management System Improve traffic flow throughout the city by implementing a traffic management system beginning with a pilot program Meet with the RV community and establish measures to address seasonal RV parking issues on Carlsbad Blvd. Encourage more special events throughout the community Identify, document and market existing community gathering places Develop a plan for creating social connections through interactive web-based technology Attachment 3 Bringing the Vision to Life Black print: Current Initiatives Blue Print: Workshop Ideas Vision Statement Category Initiative Develop programs and uses to create a more family-friendly Village Social - Education Enhance education programs for healthy lifestyles Enhance adult learning programs through partnerships with universities and colleges Create a community lecture series on topics of interest to the community Social - History Enhance programs for historical preservation Create historical photo library accessible to the public Investigate physical space for display of the City's history through the following venues: • Museums • Galleries • Other public spaces Social- Parks Develop a CIP project and phasing plan for the vacant property on Madison consistent with the community- endorsed plan Social - Transportation Find ways to improve family-friendly bike access to popular destinations (e.g. beaches, shopping, etc.) Partner with transit and bus providers to develop a plan for connecting public and private transit services to key activity/ destination centers Social - Arts Identify future funding and support for expanding cultural/arts programs and venues throughout the City Develop an immediate, interim and long-term strategy for reuse of the Oak Yard to serve as a cultural arts facility and/or activiety center for the community, and hold stakeholder meetings to obtain feedback on partnerships for implementation of strategy