HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-20; City Council; MinutesMINUTES
DATE: July 20,2010
TIME: 11:00 AM
The Mayor called the Special Meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. with all Council Members present. The
following Council Members spoke on their regional assignments: Council Member Mark Packard spoke
about proposed "Quiet Zone" train crossings. City Manager Lisa Hildabrand noted that Council
Members will be invited to Encinitas to view these types of rail crossings. Mayor Lewis asked staff to
investigate how these crossings are funded. Mayor Lewis noted he will attend a County Water Authority
closed session briefing on Poseidon's Carlsbad Desalination Plant.
The Mayor invited public comment: Mario Monroy came forward to speak. He distributed a table
entitled "Barrio Area Land Use Analysis". (This table is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Mr.
Monroy spoke in favor of an expedited Barrio Environmental Impact Report (EIR), obtaining a SANOAG
grant of 200K for sustainable communities and any State support obtainable in conjunction with SB 375.
In response to Council, Mr. Monroy noted that private planner Tom Hagaman helped develop the table.
Soccoro Anderson spoke about the organization of the Barrio Plan. She noted that she has a database
comprised of 60 homeowners. In response to Council, Ms. Anderson stated that the Barrio area
contained 330 parcels. Council Member Blackburn confirmed that Ms. Anderson is aware that increased
density would add condos and apartments to the area.
Teri Chalfant asked that the Barrio Plan/future City plans would recognize the history, culture and values
of the Barrio. She asked that this area retain a small town feel.
City Manager introduced Transportation Director Skip Hamman to discuss an update on the widening
effort for 1-5 north coast corridor. Mr. Hamman, in turn, introduced Caltrans representatives Allan
Kosup, 1-5 Corridor Director and Arturo Jacobo, Project Director. Mr. Kosup gave an overview of the
future of the widening with and without increases in lanes. He discussed project goals, progress and
phasing. Mr. Jacobo, using aerial maps and schematics, described the proposed changes for Carlsbad in
the corridor widening. (All handouts are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Council Member Hall
noted that more dialog with the City is needed in this process.
At 12:25 p.m. the Mayor called a recess. At 12:40 p.m. the Mayor and all Council Members continued
the meeting. City Manager Lisa Hildabrand introduced the presentation on land use efforts in the area
known as the Barrio. Sr. Planner Scott Donnell and Community and Economic Director Gary Barberio
City Council Workshop July 20, 2010
gave a presentation on this topic. (Copies of the Power point presentation are on file in the Office of the
City Clerk.) The Mayor and Council concurred on the following recommendations:
• Process Barrio changes per Housing Element as part of Envision Carlsbad Phase 2.
• Advance Barrio discussion and public outreach.
• Continue to pursue grant funding.
Assistant City Attorney Jane Mobaldi discussed a proposed urgency ordinance that would allow the
General Election to be substituted for a potential special election for the City Treasurer elective office.
Mayor Lewis stated he did not want to appoint a City Treasurer at this time.
The Mayor adjourned the Workshop to a City Council Closed Session at 1:14 p.m.
'Wood, Certified Municipal Clerk
Clerk City of Carlsbad