HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-09; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: November 9, 2010 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Packard and Blackburn. Absent: Hall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin announced she would abstain from approving the Minutes from the meeting held September 28, 2010 due to her absence at that meeting. Mayor Lewis announced he would abstain from approving the Minutes from the meeting held October 12, 2010 due to his absence at that meeting. On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, the minutes of the following meetings were approved as presented: Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held September 28, 2010. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held October 12, 2010. Minutes of the Special Meeting held October 21, 2010. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held October 26, 2010. Minutes of the Special Meeting held October 26, 2010. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 26, 2010. PRESENTATION: Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin presented a proclamation to Nerice Kaufman, Executive Director of North Coast Hospice, in recognition of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #1 through #5 as follows: AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. November 9, 2010 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #20.385 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-246. accepting cash and in-kind donations in support of the 2010 Snores & S'Mores Family Campout Event; and, authorizing the appropriation of said donations. 2. AB #20.386 -ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-247. accepting a California Office of Traffic Safety DUI Mini-Grant; and, authorizing the appropriation of grant funds to conduct two sobriety checkpoints within the City. 3. AB #20.387 - COASTAL RAIL TRAIL COOPERATE WORK AGREEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-248. approving the CALTRANS Cooperate Work Agreement extension for the Coastal Rail Trail, Project No. 3455. 4. AB #20.388 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-249. accepting bids and awarding a contract to Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corporation for Miscellaneous Sewer Rehabilitation, Northwest Quadrant, Project No. 5503. 5. AB #20.389 - SUMMARY VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-250. Summarily vacating a portion of a public utilities easement over a portion of lot 290 in Carlsbad Tract No. 04-26, PR 10-27. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: 6. AB #20.390 - INCREASE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON AVENIDA ENCINAS. At the request of Council Member Blackburn, Traffic Engineer John Kim explained that speed limits in Carlsbad are determined based on the average speed that 85% of the drivers are driving on the road. He added that a traffic and engineering survey is also conducted and considered in setting a speed limit on any road in the city. City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance. November 9, 2010 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. CS-111 amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.44.280 to increase the prima facie 40 mile per hour speed limit to 45 miles per hour on Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to 0.67 miles south of Palomar Airport Road. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. PUBLIC COMMENT: Janelle Butler came forward to address Council. Ms. Butler requested the City's assistance regarding a potential liability issue stemming from a tree house that was built by a neighbor adjacent to her property. At the request of Mayor Lewis, City Attorney Ball and City Manager Hildabrand stated they would review the request and report back to Council on the matter. PUBLIC HEARING: 7. AB #20.391 - 2011-2012 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. Senior Management Analyst Frank Boensch gave the staff report and Power Point presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council Member Packard stated he was concerned about the percentage of funds allocated to provide administration of the program. City Manager Hildabrand said staff would return to Council with a breakdown of the administration costs and Council could provide direction on how and where to reallocate some of the administrative costs if it desires. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:33 PM. Seeing no one wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:33 PM. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-251. adopting the 2011-2012 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Funding Plan; and, authorizing the distribution of Request for Proposals. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. November 9, 2010 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 ADJOURNMENT TO THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Mayor Lewis adjourned the Council Meeting at 6:34 PM with four Council Members present. RECONVENE MEETING Mayor Lewis reconvened the City Council meeting at 6:35 PM with four Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 9 AB #20.393 - RANCHO CARLSBAD OPTION PARCEL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. Assistant Planner Greg Fisher gave the staff report and Power Point presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Russ Kohl and Bill Arnold representing the Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners' Association, came forward and spoke in support of redesignating the Rancho Carlsbad Option Parcel to Open Space. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2010-252. directing the Planning Director to initiate a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from RLM and RMHP to Open Space for a 3.49 acre parcel (Lot 3 of CT 09- 01) known as the Rancho Carlsbad Option Parcel, ROI 09-01. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. 10. AB #20.394 - PRESENTATION ON THE STATUS OF THE I-5 WIDENING PROJECT. Allan Kosup, Sr. 76,1-5 Corridor Director and Arturo Jacobo, Project Manager for CALTRANS gave a Power Point presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Laurie Ryan of Carlsbad does not support the project and would like to see public transportation opportunities enhanced. Dan Marks of Carlsbad does not support the project and would like CALTRANS to consider an additional road and other transportation alternatives. November 9, 2010 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 Claire Luconi of Carlsbad does not support the project and was concerned about the impact to homes along the freeway due to the installation of sound walls. Non-Carlsbad residents Jerry Peters and Tim Lee do not support the I-5 widening project. J.D. Duncan of Carlsbad does not support the project and is concerned about noise and pollution. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a Council Recess at 8:34 PM with four Council Members present. RECONVENE MEETING: Mayor Lewis reconvened the Council Meeting at 8:39 PM. with four Council Members present. 11. AB #20.395 - PRESENTATION OF LOCAL ECONOMIC UPDATE AND FINANCIAL STATUS. Finance Director Chuck McBride and Assistant Finance Director Kevin Branca gave the staff report and Power Point presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Lewis and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lorraine Wood, City Clerk, announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following events: Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. Army & Navy Academy Veteran's Day Celebration 2605 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Sunday, November 14, 2010 from 10:00 - 5:00 p.m. Library and Arts Foundation Miniature Golf Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad November 9, 2010 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, November 16, 2010 from 11:00-1:00 p.m. City Council Study Session Faraday Administration Center 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. Mayor's Tribute Event Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa 5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of November 9, 2010 was adjourned at 9:11PM. UNE M. WOOD, CMC City Clerk Sherry Freisinger Deputy Clerk