HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-16; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2010 TIME: 11:00 AM PLACE: ROOM 173B 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the Special Meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. with all Council Members present. Council gave no updates on their regional roles and assignments. The Mayor asked that public comment be moved to trail the presentations. Senior Planner Scott Donnell gave a presentation to Council regarding the Interstate 5 Coast Corridor Project along with comments on the draft EIR/EIS. (This presentation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Mr. Donnell gave a brief overview of the project background, noted significant concerns with the project and the draft EIR/EIS, and touched on Community Enhancements. He also reviewed the Interstate design alternatives. Mr. Donnell stated that major concerns with the project are visual impacts, sound walls that are not transparent, and no analysis is provided for the power plant. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Mr. Donnell stated that the project must go forward for review by the Coastal Commission. He noted that Carlsbad is the "responsible agency" for our portion of the Interstate and that RBF is our traffic/transportation consultant on this project. In response to Council Member Packard, Mr. Donnell said that sound walls are the primary structure used to control road noise. Mr. Donnell also noted that 14 of the 46 acres along Cannon Road would be used for the access ramp. Council Member Hall suggested that the sound walls could be designed in an artistic manner, such as those in Phoenix. He also noted that Phoenix's freeway xeriscaping was also an idea to review. Mayor Lewis suggested that mitigation for the 1-5 project might support the Buena Visa Lagoon improvements. Transportation Director Skip Hammann presented the 1-5 Widening Community Enhancements. (This presentation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Mr. Hammann reviewed several projects that have been proposed by CalTrans and suggested by staff. Public Comment: Dan Marks gave several reasons why 1-5 widening is not needed in Carlsbad. He suggested routing more traffic along El Camino Real. Pagel City Council Workshop November 16, 2010 Mario Monroy stated that he would like pollution testing performed on Holiday Park. He asked for a simulation test of the Holiday Park/sound wall scenario. Elaine Barson questioned the width of lanes on the freeway, noting that few buses traveled the corridor. At 12:35 p.m. Mayor Lewis requested a recess and the Mayor and all four Council Members returned to the meeting at 12:53 p.m. Mark Tansey, owner of Sunrise Golf, presented an Operational Assessment Report of the Crossing Golf Course. (The Executive Summary is on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mr. Tansey noted that all golf clubs have been impacted by a slow-down in rounds of play. Mr. Tansey stated that there are several opportunities for the Crossings to improve revenue: • A dedicated bar area for golfers. • "Concept Areas" within Pro Shop featuring local golf companies. • New pricing strategy to stabilize and grow income. • Multiple efforts to make the course easier to play. In response to Council, Course Manager Jeff Perry stated that he would return to Council with an analysis of five problematic holes and the costs associated with improving them. City Manager Lisa Hildabrand distributed a spreadsheet with Council and Organization Priority Projects dated November 15, 2010. (This report is on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mayor Lewis adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m. Lorraine M. Wood, CMC City Clerk 11/16/2010 Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Project City of Carlsbad Comments on Draft EIR/EIS Overview and background Carlsbad project impacts Significant concerns Comments on the EIR/EIS Community Enhancements 11/16/2010 Overview & Background La Jolla to Camp Pendleton Objective: 2030 traffic same as/better than today Direct Access Ramps (DAR) 4 alternatives, each with 2 HOV lanes Widen travel way by 48 - 73 feet 11/16/2010 11/16/2010 BOSUNS WERSTATE 5 iSL SOUTH GOUTS (4 LMCS < AUXILIARY LWiEl t3 tsOfH* BOUND (4 LANCS ^ AUXUA Construction phased over 40 years Construction would begin in south First phase: HOV lanes and noise walls Overall $3.3 to $4.3 billion price tag 11/16/2010 • Caltrans and FHWA: - Are the project proponents -Prepared the EIR/EIS -Act as lead agencies Caltrans and FHWA will: - Respond to all comments on the EIR/EIS — Identify a preferred widening alternative -Publish a final EIR/EIS — Make the final decision — Obtain project permits 11/16/2010 SANDAG: - Co-sponsors project - Provides major financing - Identifies project in Regional Transportation Plan - Helps prepare PWP/TREP City of Carlsbad: — Does not approve or deny project - Is a responsible agency — Comments on EIR/EIS - Would use EIR/EIS for any decisions 11/16/2010 Department-wide review effort Consultant hired for traffic analysis Caltrans and city public meetings City website postings Parcel impact analysis maps November 22: EIR/EIS comment deadline - Submit comments to Caltrans 11/16/2010 2011 and beyond: - Caltrans/FHWA respond to comments - Agencies identify preferred alternative - Agencies release PWP/TREP -Agencies release Final EIR/EIS - Agency and Coastal Commission make decision Carlsbad Project Impacts 11/16/2010 All alternatives would: — Replace and widen most bridges and u/crossings -Add auxiliary lanes -Add sound walls - Displace housing and businesses - Require easements and acquisitions Parcel Impact Map By Alternative •Location Type 11/16/2010 ' Type of Displacement Single Family Triplex Apartment TOTAL Businesses — ™«™««MMB»i^— Number of Homes and Businesses Displaced by Alternative 10+4 with barrier 10 1 (3 units) 47 60 HOMES 9 10+4 with buffer 8 0 0 8 HOMES 7 8+4 with barrier 9 1(3 units) 47 59 HOMES 7 8+4 with buffer 3 1(3 units) 0 6 HOMES 7 J All alternatives would: - Remove most landscaping — Install minimal new landscaping - Physically impact nearby streets - Affect views - Increase noise 10 11/16/2010 All alternatives would: - Result in loss of Agua Hedionda Lagoon water area - Cause the loss of farmland - Result in loss of tourist commercial land - Reduce Pio Pico/Oak Park - Construct the Cannon Road DAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tObhzLdLC3 8&NR=1 11 11/16/2010 Batiquitos Lagoon improvements Agua Hedionda Lagoon trails Chestnut Ave enhancements Other possible enhancements - $10 million Significant Concerns 12 11/16/2010 Freeway widening will have a significant visual impact city-wide. Sound walls generally not transparent. Power plant analysis lacking. "The proposed walls adjacent to Holiday Park would be as tall as a three-story building. Unlike a row of three story buildings, the proposed wall surface would continue unbroken for hundreds of meters (thousands of feet)/' 13 11/16/2010 ^CARLSBAD 14 11/16/2010 2030 Analysis for 2050 project "No Cannon Road" analysis lacking Growth Management analysis lacking Impact analysis to nearby roads lacking - Adjacent streets and intersections - Cannon Road Project would decrease preserve area Details on species impacted lacking Biological surveys outdated Mitigation may occur outside Carlsbad Lagoon impacts (hydrological) unknown 15 11/16/2010 City policy and standards analysis lacking Coastal policy analysis lacking Noise analysis incomplete — City noise standard - Unmitigated impacts - Potential impacts to Learning Center Cumulative analysis incomplete Comments on the EIR/EIS 16 11/16/2010 Analysis of impacts to Carlsbad incomplete All impacts are not clearly disclosed Information provided is inadequate Mitigation is not determined, disclosed Mitigation needs to occur in Carlsbad Exhibits are insufficient Revise and recirculate the EIR/EIS It is premature to take a position on the project 17 11/16/2010 /- 5 Widening Community Enhancements Skip Hammann November 16, 2010 Council Direction 1. Caltrans proposed enhancements 2. Staff suggested enhancements 3. Additional suggestions 11/16/2010 Five Caltrans proposed enhancement projects: No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Project La Costa Avenue park and ride enhancements Trail connections on the east side of 1-5 at Batiquitos Lagoon Trail connections on the west side of 1-5 bridge at Agua Hedionda lagoon Trail connections on the east side of 1-5 at the Agua Hedionda lagoon Streetscaping along Pio Pico Drive and Chestnut Avenue Total Preliminary Cost Estimates $1,950,000.00 $4,200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,300,000.00 $ 430,000.00 $9,880,000.00 3 : 1-5 North Coast Community Enhancement Plan - January, 2008 Project #1: Park and Ride Enhancement at La Costa Avenue Car1*b*d • 52 11/16/2010 11-5 North Coast Community Enhancement Plan • January, 2008 Project t2: Trail on East Side of 1-5 3t Batlqultos Lagoon • 1-5 North Coast Community Enhancement Plan • January, 2008 Project *3: Trull on «*s; Side of 1-5 al Agua Hedlomti Lagoon 0MMK-M 11/16/2010 : 1-5 North Coast Community Enhancement Plan - January, 2008 Pmjtct t4: Tra» on East Side of 1-5 II Agut Hedionda Lagoon Cwii&ad-fifl Existing conditions- Trail ends in Roselena, west of 1-5 and north of current bridge that crosses the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project #2- Trail on East Side of 1-5 at Batiquitos Lagoon 11/16/2010 Theme All of the over and under crossings in Carlsbad should be enhanced as part of the project to maximize coastal access for pedestrians and bicyclists Tamarack Ave. 10 11/16/2010 Five additional enhancement projects have been suggested: 1. Chestnut Avenue railroad crossing gateway improvements 2. Carlsbad Boulevard realignment 3. Palomar Airport Road realignment 4. Carlsbad Village Drive gateway improvements 5. Expand Chestnut Avenue undercrossing improvements linking Pine Avenue Park with Holiday Park 11 Chestnut Ave. 12 11/16/2010 Chestnut Ave. 13 Carlsbad Blvd. 14 11/16/2010 Carlsbad Blvd. 15 Palomar Airport Rd. 16 11/16/2010 Carlsbad Blvd. 17 Chestnut Ave. 18 11/16/2010 Council Direction 1. Caltrans proposed enhancements 2. Staff suggested enhancements 3. Additional suggestions 19 Questions/Comments 20 10 1. Executive Summary This report was commissioned for multiple reasons, the primary of which was to gain perspective from a neutral functional expert in the golf industry regarding the current performance and future expectations for The Crossings at Carlsbad. The following Executive Summary was prepared as an introduction of Sunrise Golf, an overview of the report methodology, an overview of the golf industry on a national scale, and a summary of key findings and opportunities which are detailed later in the report. Sunrise Golf Introduction Founded in 2003, Sunrise Golf is a full service consulting and management company servicing the golf industry. As the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sunrise Golf, I have been involved with the oversight and analysis of hundreds of properties throughout my career in markets stretching across the United States. My property experience ranges from the most modest of facilities to some of the most lavish in the country and running the spectrum of ownership types and operating models. Few in the golf industry have worked in as many markets or with as many properties. Since its inception, Sunrise Golf has helped a wide range of clients including: • Florida State University • PGA Tour Properties • Lennar Homes • Sequoia Golf Management • American Golf • Koss Enterprises - Oak Qgarry • Oaktree Capital • Azul Hospitality • Okanagan Golf Alliance • Lowe Development Report Methodology Before ever stepping on property our evaluation process begins with a review of supporting materials including but not limited to: • Historical Financials - (both Summary and Departmental) • Historical Rounds Trends • Historical Rate Information • Organizational Charts and Payroll Data • Business Plans and Marketing Plans • Competitive Market Data • Demographic Data for the Immediate Market • Sample Marketing and Collateral Materials Typically the next step is a 2.5 to 3 day on-site review of the asset which includes: • A complete tour of the golf course • A compete tour of all related facilities • One on one meetings with every department head and key stakeholder at the property • Observation time at the front counter • Physical visit to each of the top competitors While every review is unique, the pre-work typically will determine how much time is spent where during the property visit. In addition, while the first two days usually follow a regular structure, the last day is left open for follow up on areas discovered or requiring additional investigation from the first two days. The culmination of all this is the report you are reading. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. Golf Industry - National Snapshot Since 2000, the golf industry in the United States has been trending downward in terms of both total golfers and rounds played. From 2000 to 2005 the industry continued to open golf courses at a rate in excess of 300 new facilities each year. The result was an oversupply of golf course inventory in many markets leading to downward pressure on green fee pricing leaving many operators struggling to survive. From 2006 to 2009 there has actually been more facilities closing than opening each year (or negative net growth in the number of golf courses) which has lead to what many feel is a necessary right-sizing of excess golf course inventory. More details on these national trends can be found in the Golf Industry Overview later in this report. Impressions of the Crossings Here are some quick observations from my visit to the property: • From a product segmentation standpoint no other property in the immediate market can compare in regards to clubhouse facilities and general curb appeal. • Having visited every key competitor I feel that the service experience at The Crossings easily exceeds that of other clubs in the area. • The Management Team at The Crossings impressed me as being well qualified and well suited for their respective duties. • The lack of a permanent casual space for golfers to patronize within the clubhouse has conditioned many to leave the property after their round. • The lack of a dedicated banquet space means displacement of a la carte business on regular basis which reduces the true incremental impact possible from hosting events. • A key barrier to the long term financial success of this property is the difficulty of the golf course. The severity of the site, the abundance of forced carries, and several unnecessarily penal design elements makes this a very difficult test of golf for even the best players. This significantly hurts customer retention/wallet share which is critical given the decline in golf participation. Kemper Sports Management While not part of the original scope, I was asked to share my thoughts on KSM and their efforts to address the current income and expense performance. From a macro perspective I found far more being done well than poorly. This includes management tools, accountability systems, training, security, sales, and general operational frameworks within each department. In terms of expense management I believe they are running the club as tightly as they can within the context of the property segmentation standards. This includes primarily service and detail levels pertaining to product quality. Kemper would be the first to acknowledge that expense savings are possible but there would be a corresponding impact to the guest experience that must be understood and accepted. On the income side, I think KMS, like many operators today, finds themselves looking for answers that just aren't there. Rounds and income are continuing to decline leading to the natural response to take action to stop the bleeding. While action is certainly warranted, in today's environment it's almost more important to know what not to do. This will often determine how quickly a property can reverse declining performance and capitalize on externally improving economic conditions in the future. In my dialogs with the Kemper team I found them to be engaging in the appropriate amount of discussion and debate to avoid making long-term mistakes that I see other operators making. In summary, I believe the City of Carlsbad is fortunate to have Kemper in place to oversee this asset. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. 4 Opportunities for Improvement The following section is a summary of what I feel are the most compelling (but not all) the opportunities for improvement: Opportunity • Restructure of Crossings Club membership product. • New pricing strategy to stabilize and grow income. • More aggressive tee sheet management tactics. • Better front-line training to enhance tee sheet management and upselling. • Multiple efforts to make the course easier to play. • Dedicated casual bar area for golfers. • New focus on off-peak group business. • "Concept Areas" within Pro Shop featuring local golf companies. • More use of salaried labor to reduce some of the hourly payroll load. • Realignment of marketing resources to better match with budgeted performance. Explanation/Rationale • Current product does not do enough to truly capture loyalty and drive frequency. • This may be the biggest single recommendation in the report. • Some quick wins exist within the current inventory management. • Supports the tactics described in previous statement. • Course difficulty is a huge barrier to repeat play. • Will create a new profit center while giving golfers another reason to choose The Crossings. • Moving group business off-peak will increase event profitability while reducing displacement of regular play. • Could create a welcome buzz for the property and the community while increasing merchandise sales. • Short term solution to reduce payroll • Current plan is lacking desired correlation with approved budget. Long Term Capital My recommendations for long term capital investment focus primarily on making the course easier to play. While specific details will be shared later in this report, here is a quick summary: • Reducing the number and distance of forced carries. • Widen fairways and landing areas. • Reduce the severity of the most difficult greens. • Eliminate the most penal bunkers. Current and Future Financial Outlook As part of my Scope of Services I was asked to evaluate the current financial performance and provide a summary projection of financial performance for the next 5 years. While the rationales for my financial projections are reflected in detail in this report I have prepared a snapshot of what is currently happening at the Crossings and what I believe is possible moving forward with some of the supporting assumptions. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. Current High Level Financial Overview This financial snapshot shows the last two year's actual performance, the 2010 Budget, and 2010 Trend based on YTD performance through June: Income, Expense, and Rounds Trend I Total Income I Total Expense Rounds $6,400,000 F $6,200,000 $6,000,000n a $5,800,000 n c $5,600,000 ' $5,400,000 a I $5,200,000 $5,000,000 Total Income Total Expense Rounds 38,000 * Expense does not include habitat maintenance or debt service. Observation • 2008 had the two fold benefit of the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines and the trial effect of new customers wanting to experience the course for the first time. • I believe 2009 suffers in comparison to 2008 for the reasons listed above while being compounded by a worsening economy. • I don't think the 2010 Budget took the proper market forces into account. The assumption of keeping rounds essentially flat while growing Total Income 5% meant Income per Round had to grow almost $7.93 over prior year which in a down economy with mounting price sensitivity and competitive pressure seems unrealistic. • The tactics in the marketing plan do not support the budgeted financial assumptions of growing average rate. The plan focused on driving rounds up through a variety of value based opportunities (reducing the age for a Senior from 60 to 55, increasing the number of Crossings Club members, more e-mail marketing promotions, and increased focus on third party wholesalers such as Golf Now.com) at a lower average rate with the hope of realizing the total income target if successful. This to me shows a disconnect between the budget and the operating tactics entering 2010. • While the F & B income has remained steady or grown each year since 2008, Green Fee income is trending downward by $600K YTD thru June versus 2008. It is because of this trend that much of the report is focused on Green Fees and Rounds improvement opportunities. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. Within the Total Expenses are three major categories: Cost of Sales, Payroll, Other Expenses. Because Cost of Sales is highly correlated to revenue I will set that aside for now and focus on these other two categories. The graph below will shed additional light on the expense management side: $2,750,000 $2,700,000 $2,650,000 $2,600,000 $2,550,000 $2,500,000 $2,450,000 $2,400,000 $2,350,000 $2,300,000 $2,250,000 Payroll and Other Expense Trend • Payroll Expense • Other Expense Payroll Expense Other Expense Observations • Other Expenses continues to trend down over the last two years - (down $282K from 2009). To reduce this expense category which has a predominance of fixed expense by over 11% in two years with some continually escalating costs is both impressive and surprising. As I dug further I came to the conclusion that with possibly one or two exceptions the team at the Crossings is managing Other Expenses extremely well and in many cases better than industry standards. The caution is in areas of reduction that could impact guest experience or product quality which will be noted. Otherwise, I will have few comments in this report on this subject. • Payroll at a golf course is typically the biggest controllable expense. While this line item took a dramatic adjustment from 2008 to 2009, Payroll is trending up by $17K in 2010 versus prior year despite income trending downward for the same period $252K. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. Based on the current trends and my operational findings during this review, here is a summary of what I think the property could do in the next 5 years: Category Rounds Total Income Total Cost of Sales Total Expense NOI 2010 Trend 43,290 $5,590,346 $924,011 $4,847,208 ($180,874) 2011 46,076 $6,076,929 $950,030 $5,028,886 $98,013 2012 47,623 $6,408,713 $996,156 $5,236,291 $176,266 2013 48,956 $6,668,035 $1,035,147 $5,408,079 $224,808 2014 50,859 $6,963,596 $1,079,119 $5,639,848 $244,629 2015 52,200 $7,174,476 $1,110,618 $5,800,966 $262,891 Here are some of the assumptions which will be covered later in this report: • Rounds improvement comes from new and improved Crossings Club and better tee sheet management. • Total Income Growth comes primarily from Green Fees and Food and Beverage. • Average Green Fee improvement can only happen with commitment to rate recommendations proposed in this plan. • Rounds driven variables - (Merchandise, Range, etc.) are growing with Total Rounds. • Food and Beverage growth expected with slight uptick from outside events and integration of lounge concept on a test basis in 2011 and permanent basis by 2012. • Cost of Sales will have to be managed to proposed target levels. • Organizational structure will need to be reverse engineered base on proposed Payroll level. • Other Expenses must continue to be managed at current thresholds. Break Even Question One question that I heard from various stakeholders was, "How long until the course breaks even?" I certainly understand where this is coming from but it is important to clarify the question to a certain extent. There is a difference between Net Operating Income or NOI - (the profit after subtracting actual operating expenses from total income) and Net Cash Flow - (which is the cash on hand after paying items such as debt service and habitat maintenance from the net operating income). NOI is a better demonstration of the profitability of the operating entity, the funds from which in an ideal world will cover expenses below the NOI line and yield positive cash flow. So the real question on everyone's mind is, "When will the course be cash flow positive?" Given the scope of service my view is limited to the next 5 years which quite frankly is all I'm comfortable projecting given all the unforeseeable external influence that could affect the club beyond this window. As my projection shows, I think the club can definitely improve the NOI performance with execution of the recommendations found within this document. Unfortunately given the level of debt coupled with the added expense of habitat maintenance this course will definitely not be cash flow positive within the next Syears. The Crossings at Carlsbad - Draft Findings Report Prepared by Sunrise Golf, Inc. COUNCIL & ORGANIZATION PRIORITY PROJECTS Council Focus Priority Goal#Goal/Project Title Status Team Leader Next Action Dates 09-10 Q4 Fiscal Year 201 0-2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 A = CORE WORK ALL *** *** B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Identify funding for realignment of Carlsbad Blvd. and complete exchange of coastal property w/ CA State Parks Highway 101 Roadway Design and Environmental Review Envision Carlsbad Phase II, GP/LCP/ZO Human Capital Management System Labor Negotiations Proposed Power Plant Power Plant Emergency Ordinance Meeting September 23rd with State parks to discuss MOU. Expect final MOD by end of year. Requesting PSA proposals for preliminary design and environmental revie\ Working Paper #4 (History, Arts, Cultural, etc) in review with Technical Advisory Committee (TAG). Blueprint phase completed. Phase I scheduled to go live August 201 1 . Negotiations with CFA and CCEA. Will get Council direction and begin meeting with employee groups in November. Briefing scheduled for October. CC extended Urgency Ordinance on 10-12-10 for a second & final year. Meeting on 11-15-10 with CM, CA and staff to confirm approach & timing. Due date for RFP to hire EIR consultant 11-19-10. C. Haas S. Hammann G. Barberio J. Clark J. Clark J. Garuba D. Neu X X X X X X 11/15/2010 1 Of 4 COUNCIL & ORGANIZATION PRIORITY PROJECTS Council Focus Priority Goal#Goal/Project Title Status Team Leader Next Action Dates 09-10 Q4 Fiscal Year 201 0-2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL / NATURAL RESOURCES *** *** *** B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 Explore alternative energy projects Secure resource agency permits for the Agua Hedionda Dredge Project Alternative Energy - Maerkle hydro electric project Desalination project negotiations HMP - Lennar - Property acquisition for HMP requirements Lake Calavera Trails - Master Plan Implementation Water Master Plan Sewer Master Plan Research underway - working to form work team. Mitigation site acquired by City 10/12/10. Environmental and final design proposals due 11/15/10. City to meet with Resource Agencies 12/14/10. Pursuing selection of hydroelectric generation equipment. Pending outcome of incentive discussions Lennar awaiting direction to authorize purchase of Alemir. Submitted State grant for boardwalk (complete - awaiting response from State); partial completion of upland trails using volunteers (on-going); finalize drawings & submit permits for boardwalk. Developing data. Draft Plan to be completed by Q3. Developing data and analysis of Buena Interceptor, Draft Plan to be completed in Q3. D. Hauser J. Cahill B. Plummer G. Pruim J. Mobaldi L. Ketabian B. Plummer B. Plummer X X X X X X X 11/15/2010 2 Of 4 COUNCIL & ORGANIZATION PRIORITY PROJECTS Council Focus Priority Goal*Goal/Project Title Status Team Leader Next Action Dates 09-10 Q4 Fiscal Year 201 0-2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ECONOMIC ***B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 Develop a business attraction, expansion & retention program: "Business Retention & Expansion * Aniar.f-on •Information Enrichment 'Process Enhancements Solid Waste Strategic Plan Development Review Process Working Group - Implementation Westfield/Car Country Carlsbad Redevelopment Analysis Westfield Lease Negotiations FY 2010-11 Economic Development Work Plan distributed and accepted - complete. Outreach visits ongoing. "Business Assistance Team" formed. ;'-'-. - , Initiated work on first "Economic Development News" e-mail newsletter launch in Q3 10/11. Updates to Economic Development website ongoing. EC Phase I! underway - ED is participating. First 6 month DRP progress report 6/30/10; Second due 12/31/10. Car Country dialogue meetings completed - Summary Report being drafted for CC presentation in Q3 1 0/1 1 . Preparing to recruit for vacant Economic Development Manager position. Public Hearing on rates scheduled for November 23, 201 0 First 6-month progress report meeting with full Working Group on 6/14/10. Memo sent to CM's Office on 7/2/1 0. 1 8 out of 48 recommendations have been completed (38%). Second report due 12-31-10. Briefing paper completed and distributed to CM & ACM on 10-14-10. Follow-up strategy meeting to be scheduled in near future to determine next step/direction. Negotiations in progress. G. Barberio C.Ruess G. Barberio G. Barberio J. Garuba X X X X X X X XX XX SOCIAL ***B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 Implement FY 2010-1 1 traffic management system Alga Norte Park financial and operational assessment of current master plan La Posada Expansion - Grant Oversight Traffic Calming Pilot Project - Review & Report (Donna Drive & Sierra Morena) Joint First Responders Training Facility - Construct Joint First Responders Training Facility - Artwork Preparing FY 201 0-11 scope for procurement & implementation Financial and operational study underway; Study results and information on code change requirements to Council beginning of 03. Grant of funds for construction approved by Counil on 7/1 3/1 0; Funding agreement in preparation; CUP in process, awaiting resubmittal from applicant; loan docs, regulatory agreement to be executed after CUP approval. Implemented first recommendations, add additional improvements (speed lumps). Report back in 6 months. Under construction - completion scheduled for December 201 1 Arts Commission and public reviews completed. Agenda Bill to Council in first quarter of 201 1. D. Bilse J. Coates D. de Cordova J.Kim S.Hammann P.Gordon X X X X X X 11/15/2010 3 Of 4 COUNCIL & ORGANIZATION PRIORITY PROJECTS Council Focus Priority Goal#Goal/Project Title Status Team Leader Next Action Dates 09-10 Q4 Fiscal Year 201 0-2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ON-GOING / PENDING B27 B28 B29 B30 Automated meter reading project Housing Element/Program Implementation NW Storm drain replacement project (Inc Village) Google fiber to the home request Funded and underway. Under litigation by Friends of Aviara; Barrio land use changes to be processed with Envision Carlsbad Phase II. Various Housing Element relating Zoning Code Amendments in preparation, including reasonable accommodation ord., minimum density, by-right mixed use zoning: Anticipated PC Hearing in 3rd qtr. Ongoing program Google to announce the selected city's by 12/31/2010. M. Remillard D.de Cordova S. Howard K. Jezisek X X COMPLETED B B B Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance City Budget & Capital Improvement Program Labor Negotiations Ordinance adopted by City Council on 5/1 1/10. Final in August. CFA and CPOA Complete. D. de Cordova J. Vincent J. Clark X X X 11/15/2010 4 Of 4