HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: MARCH 15, 2011 TIME: 11:00 AM PLACE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 173B, 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the meeting to order on March 15, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. All Council Members were present. PUBLIC COMMENT Kasey Cinciarelli spoke about traffic failures at the school near gated Miramonte St. She asked that Council revisit the policy regarding gating on Miramonte Street. REGIONAL REPORTS Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin noted that Leslie Saldana was chosen as outstanding volunteer in San Diego County. Mayor Hall stated that Lloyd Hubbs, former Director of Carlsbad Public Works, has been appointed to the San Diego County Airport Authority. ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK Kasey Cinciarelli spoke in favor of the project. Kimberly Thorner, member of the Encinitas YMCA Board and Carlsbad resident, stated that there is potential for the YMCA and the City to form a partnership in the design and operations of the Alga Norte Park. Susan Might, the Executive Director of the Encinitas YMCA, indicated that the City and the Y could both partner and complement each other on the Alga Norte Park project. She noted that the Y could help subsidize operations costs. The following documents were presented to Council for discussion of this project (all documents are on file in the Office of the City Clerk): • March 11, 2011 Memo from Assistant City Manager Coates to City Manager Hildabrand Re: Alga Norte Community Park - Market, Operating and Financial Assessment. City Council Workshop March 15, 2011 • March 15, 2011 E-Mail from Assistant City Manager Coates to City Manager Hildabrand Re: Questions regarding Alga Norte Park. • Power Point presentation on Alga Norte Community Park, Carlsbad, CA, Presented by Counsilman-Hunsaker Consultants. • Power Point presentation on Market, Financial and Operating Assessment for Alga Norte Community Park, Presented by Assistant City Manager Coates. Assistant City Manager John Coates discussed the projected financing and design of the Park. At this time Mr. Coates introduced the new Parks and Recreation Director Chris Hazeltine. Representatives of Counsilman-Hunsaker, project consultants, gave an overview of the financing projections for the park. Council discussion ensued regarding various policies governing the financing of the pool/park. City Attorney Ball outlined several YMCA and City negotiation scenarios. Mayor Hall asked that Parks and Recreation Commission review the Alga Norte Financing and Partnership data at their March 21, 2011 meeting. The Mayor called a recess at 12:25 p.m. and the Council Workshop with the Mayor and all Council Members resumed at 12:40 p.m. VILLAGE MAIN STREET OR LIKE PROGRAM Mayor Hall asked for input on Council's priority to partner with property owners in the Village to create a "Main Street" or like program to spur local investment and foot traffic. Gary Nessim, Carlsbad Village Association member, business owner and resident, spoke to the Council noting his interest in a Main Street program. Assistant City Manager John Coates handed out a worksheet entitled Economic Development FY 2011- 2012 Priority/Strategy (this document is on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council discussed changes to the document to add business owners and stakeholders to the scope of the priority statement. Council discussion ensued regarding changes and additions to the Request for Proposal (RFP) section. Mayor Hall agreed that a Council Sub Committee could be formed to work on this project. City Attorney Ron Ball noted that this could be done by Resolution at a Regular Meeting. Council Member Blackburn suggested that the RFP be reviewed by citizen stakeholders as well as the Council Sub Committee. Council agreed that all work would return to the full Council for final review. City Council Workshop March 15, 2011 PROP D IMPLEMENTATION Monica Browning, Vice President of the CARLTAS Company, representing Site 2 of the Prop D areas, asked that Council consider maximum flexibility in regard to future uses of the area. Cliff Williams, and Attorney representing the Charles Co., owners of Site 3, spoke in favor of two options to enhance a future ordinance. He asked that cemeteries be added to the list of approved uses and that a "new use process" is optimized for Council consideration. The following materials/documents were provided to Council for discussion of Prop D Implementation (all materials are on file in the Office of the City Clerk): • March 14 Letter from Monica Browning to Gary Barberio Regarding Prop D/Site 2 Land Owner. • Workbook prepared by Community and Economic Development Department entitled "Prop D Implementation". Gary Barberio, Community and Economic Development Director, discussed the Implementation Status of Prop D and subsequent legislation. PUBLIC COMMENT Jack Gumming, member of the Traffic Commission asked how the Commission could better serve Council. He asked if there was a stronger system to provide citizen input. Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 2:27 p.m. le M. Wood, CMC City Clerk