HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-19; City Council; Minutes (3)Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report April 2011 CARLSBAD Community Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Background, Purpose, and Scope of the Project • Background and Purpose • Scope of the Project • Working Group Process Flow Overview 2. Working Group Participants • List of participants 3. Initiative Recommendations • Initiative List and Sub-Committee Teams • Initiative Summaries and Recommendations 4. Next Steps • Timeline for implementing the initiatives 5. Appendix • Car Country Carlsbad o Site Plan and Info Table • Car Dealerships on Avenida Encinas o Site Plan and Info Table • Off-site Car Dealership Facilities o Site Plan and Info Table • Paseo del Norte Concept Plan • Paseo del Norte Traffic Calming Illustrations • Current Car Country Carlsbad Development Activity Page 2 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 1. BACKGROUND, PURPOSE, AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Background and Purpose Directly following on the success of the Community and Economic Development Department's work with the development community in improving the Development Review Process, in November of 2009 the City Council directed staff to engage representatives of the city's car dealerships in a public outreach program. The goal was to elicit and clarify input from the auto dealers about potential improvements to Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealership area on Avenida Encinas. In early February, the Car Country Carlsbad Working Group was formed, whose membership consisted of city staff members directly involved in the planning, permitting, and infrastructure maintenance of the area and business members representing the dealers in Car Country Carlsbad and along Avenida Encinas. The business members representing the dealers in Car Country Carlsbad had been meeting on their own initiative as the Car Country Task Force for about a year prior to this collaborative effort. The purpose of the Working Group effort was to explore ways to improve Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealership area on Avenida Encinas and generally to improve relations between the City and the car dealerships. Approaches to achieving these purposes included gathering improvement suggestions from the Car Country Carlsbad Task Force and conducting four collaboration sessions where there was a free flow of ideas and dialogue. Between February and mid-May 2010, the Working Group met four times. The Working Group meetings were independently facilitated and documented by an outside consultant, Joe Sterling, of Sterling Insights, to ensure transparency, neutrality, and active participation by all parties. Over the four meetings, the Working Group consolidated dozens of suggestions into four topical Initiatives. The four Initiatives are as follows: • General Appearance; • Sign Program; • Traffic and Safety; and • Minor Updates to Specific Plans. Sub-committees were formed for each of the four initiatives, with the sub-committees tasked with researching and drafting specific improvement recommendations in the form of Initiative Summaries for review by the full Working Group. The Initiative Summaries include the initiative purpose, the potential benefits of the initiative, and a completion timeline, and they identify the lead city departments responsible for managing the work necessary to implement each Initiative. The Initiative Summaries are presented in this Summary Recommendations Report. Following City Council review and direction, City staff will utilize the Initiative Summaries included in the Report to manage the work necessary to implement the specific initiatives and/or recommendations that are authorized by the City Council. PageS Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report Scope of the Project In order to make the work of deciding how to improve Car Country Carlsbad efficient and effective, the Working Group agreed that the scope of work would be focused in the following manner: What's In Scope: • Short-term improvements • Permitting and review process • Visibility - "Where we are, what we stand for, our appearance" • Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealerships on Avenida Encinas • Traffic and Safety • Financial support to implement improvements and revenue sources • Review of Specific Plans 19 and 186 What's Out of Scope: • Adding geographic territory • Architectural standards • City as a "deep pocket" • Personalities and "taking it personal" Working Group Process Flow Overview Each of the four Working Group meetings lasted approximately 2.5 hours and were conducted approximately on a monthly basis from February into May 2010. The overall process was designed to collaboratively build relationships, trust, and clarity while examining a wide range of possible improvements. By design, the group worked both in plenary meetings at the City and during un-facilitated sub-committee sessions. Meeting #1 - 17 February 2010 The series began with a process to clarify scope, mission, and a vision for success of the process. The group began by explaining and expanding a list of possible improvement ideas that the Car Country Carlsbad Task Force had already developed. Agenda: • Welcome • Norms & Introductions • Process Overview • Improvement List • Dialogue re: importance & urgency • Next Steps O > -* CLOSED THE Q U)TS OF Page 4 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report Meeting #2; 17 March 2010 The second meeting involved narrowing down and more tightly defining the improvement themes and ideas. The themes that emerged as priorities to address were related to: general appearance, sign program improvements, traffic and safety, and minor updates to the two Specific Plans. In addition to comparing the relative importance and urgency of all ideas, the Working Group also assessed the improvement ideas according to those that would accelerate, amplify or generally make other improvements easier. They also looked for those improvements that would be "quick wins" and thereby generate enthusiasm, momentum, learning, and free up resources to work on other improvements. Agenda: Review importance and urgency rankings Dialogue and voting on ideal sequencing Develop specific improvement initiatives Form sub-committees Meeting #3; 17 April 2010 Between the second and third meetings sub-committees of the Working Group worked out the details of the first set of specific improvement initiatives that were selected. For each initiative the sub-committee had to define its purpose, intended benefits, rough timeline, the source for improvement leadership and support, and specific changes that would be involved. Agenda: • Report Outs by Sub-Committees • Details of most critical improvements • Dialogue regarding collaboration with non- auto related organizations in CCC area. Meeting #4; 19 May 2010 Between the third and fourth meetings a sub- committee worked out the details of a minor update to the two Specific Plans. At the event the group reviewed a concept for potential traffic improvements to Paseo del Norte and Car Country Drive. Agenda: Sub-Committee Report Outs 1) Minor Update to two Specific Plans; 2) Traffic & Safety Dialogue on how to present to City Council Reflection on the Working Group process PageS Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 2. WORKING GROUP PARTICIPANTS CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD: J. P. Paynter Hoehn Acura Bill Hoehn Hoehn Motors Kris Truman Hoehn Mercedes Benz Rick Blakemore Hoehn Honda Ted Hoehn Hoehn Audi Gene Manganiello Toyota and Lexus of Carlsbad Chris Murphy Rorick Buick Cadillac Chris Baker Bob Baker Jeep Chrysler BillKornik Bob Baker VW/Subaru Mickey Pong North County Hyundai Mike Weseloh Weseloh Chevrolet Sean Crowley North County CMC T.J. Samhouri Hoehn Audi Dianne Brackett Hoehn Infmiti CITY STAFF: Sponsorship John Coates, Assistant City Manager (current project sponsor) Sandy Holder, (as former Assistant City Manager) Working Group Members John Coates, (as former Parks and Recreation Director) Chris Hazeltine, Parks and Recreation Director Gary Barberio, Community and Economic Development Director Skip Hammann, Transportation Director Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planner Karen Chen, Senior Management Analyst (former city employee) Support Leticia Trevino-Reyes, Senior Office Specialist Staff Consulted Mark Steyaert, Parks Development Manager Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent John Kim, Acting Senior Civil Engineer/Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse, Senior Civil Engineer Martie Clemens, GIS Technician FACILITATION Joe Sterling, Sterling Insights, Inc. Page 6 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 3. INITIATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS Initiative List and Sub-Committee Teams Project Title Team 1. General Appearance John Coates Gary Barberio Ted Hoehn Mike Weseloh T.J. Samhouri Kris Truman 2. Sign Program Barbara Kennedy Gary Barberio Bill Kornick Gene Manganiello Chris Murphy J.P. Paynter 3. Traffic & Safety Skip Hammann Rick Blakemore Kris Truman Chris Baker 4. Minor Update to Specific Plans Gary Barberio Bill Hoehn (Jack Henthorn) Chris Baker Page? Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report Initiative Summaries INITIATIVE 1: GENERAL APPEARANCE TEAM: John Coates, Gary Barberio, Ted Hoehn, Mike Weseloh, T.J. Samhouri, and Kris Truman PURPOSE: To improve the general appearance and create more interest and visitation to Car Country Carlsbad, make it more inviting, appealing and distinctive. BENEFITS: Improvements to the general appearance of the Car Country Carlsbad area could create additional sales and related activity at Car Country. TIMELINE: Short Term Evaluate various "short term" options 4.0 months Preliminary Design of 'short term" options 3.0 months Outreach/review preliminary designs w/ CC Task Force 2.0 months Develop cost estimates and funding sources 3.0 months Implement "short term" options 1.0 months 13.0 months Long Term Evaluate various "long term" options 6.0 months Preliminary Design and cost estimates of "long term" options 3.0 months Outreach/review of preliminary designs w/ CC Task Force 3.0 months Develop cost estimates and funding sources 3.0 months Final Design 6.0 months Permitting/CEQA 6.0 months 27.0 months PROJECT APPLICANT: CED & P&R; and/or CAR COUNTRY TASK FORCE LEAD DEPT / AGENCY / ENTITY: CED; P&R SUPPORT DEPT/AGENCY/ENTITY: TRAN SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. General Improvements All improvements should be focused on the idea of incorporating art and an overall enhancement in appearance. Short Term • Consider developing, programming, and bringing events similar to "Cruising the Grand" with classic cars, music, food, etc. to Car Country Carlsbad and using defined display areas to showcase the cars in the event. - Page8 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report Long Term • Consider use of accent lighting on buildings, landscaped areas and defined display areas. • Consider developing arches or other defining icons at the entrances to Car Country Carlsbad. 2. Landscape Short Term • Consider improving the visibility of dealerships through renovated and enhanced landscape on CALTRANS property along 1-5 freeway. • Consider replacing the chain link fence along 1-5 freeway with decorative, inviting, lower height fencing. • Consider using seasonal color and tying planting into the flower fields season. Long Term • Consider enhancing plantings with use of color at the freeway interchanges at Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road year around on both sides of the freeway. • Consider developing a larger benefit area such as a lighting and landscape assessment district or business improvement district that includes Legoland, the Flower Fields, and the Carlsbad Premium Outlets for contributing to and maintaining enhanced landscaped areas. • Consider opening medians to allow more left hard turns. • Consider redesigning the medians and parkways throughout Car Country Carlsbad through the incorporation of a different mix of hardscape and landscape. * • Consider developing landscaped traffic islands or roundabouts with elevated car displays in the middle. * • Consider establishing reverse diagonal parking on Paseo del Norte (i.e. back in - pull out design). * 3. Park Long Term • Consider locating the Car Country Carlsbad 1-5 identification sign in the park area, with car displays at the base. * • Consider redesigning the park as a "car park" and developing site amenities to support the theme. * • Consider creating more displays for cars in the park area. * 4. Buildings Short Term • Consider focusing energies on shared areas versus individual areas. * See Appendix A5: Paseo del Norte Traffic Calming Illustrations Page 9 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report INITIATIVE 2: SIGN PROGRAM TEAM: Barbara Kennedy, Gary Barberio, Bill Kornick, Gene Manganiello, Chris Murphy, J.P. Paynter PURPOSE: To develop a new sign program for Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealership area on Avenida Encinas that includes standards that are unique and responsive to the needs of the automotive sales industry. BENEFITS: The new sign program would increase the motoring public's awareness of Car Country Carlsbad, which would translate directly into increased sales. The new sign program would establish a consistent theme for certain types of signs, identifying the auto mall as a unique entity within the city and improving "way finding" for customers and allowing flexibility for each dealership to comply with franchise-specific sign requirements. TIMELINE: Draft proposed sign program 5.0 months Circulate draft sign program for public/external review 1.5 months Complete final draft 1.0 month CEQA Environmental Review 1.5 months Planning Commission hearing 1.5 months City Council hearing 1.0 month Submit to California Coastal Commission 0.5 month 12.0 months PROJECT APPLICANT: LEAD DEPT / AGENCY / ENTITY: SUPPORT DEPT/AGENCY/ENTITY: SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS: CED and/or CAR COUNTRY TASK FORCE CED FIN; TRAN; P&R; CA 1. New Sign Program & Update to Specific Plan Sign Standards Consider developing a new sign program for both Specific Plan areas by updating the sign standards within the two plans to allow, but not be limited to, the following: A. Car Country Carlsbad Freeway Identification Sign (located in park) • Up to a 50 foot high pylon sign with LED and changing message • Potential for city to advertise for public events and community service messages B. Decorative Banners on light standards (similar to the Village) • To provide a unifying element for Car Country Carlsbad C. Directional signs that are specific to the needs of each dealership D. Monument signs • To identify Car Country Carlsbad specifically • To identify each individual dealership specifically E. Car Country Carlsbad "way finding" signage (including dealership area on Avenida Encinas) • Off-site signs on surrounding arterials • Off-site locations in medians 2. Explore funding partnerships to finance the implementation of the new sign program page jo Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report INITIATIVE 3: TRAFFIC & SAFETY TEAM: Skip Hammann, Rick Blakemore. Kris Truman, Chris Baker PURPOSE: To improve the traffic flow and traffic safety on Paseo del Norte and Car Country Drive such that speeds are reduced, driveway egress and ingress safety is improved, access to individual dealerships is increased, and the visibility and safety of the driving environment in Car Country Carlsbad is enhanced. BENEFITS: Improvements to the traffic flow and traffic safety in Car Country Carlsbad would increase the motoring public's safety while traveling to and from Car Country Carlsbad, which would translate directly into increased sales, increased sales tax, and a visually enhanced and attractive streetscape environment. TIMELINE: Short Term Evaluate various "soft" options Preliminary Design of'soft" options Outreach/review preliminary designs w/ CC Task Force Implement "soft" options Long Term Evaluate various "hard" options Preliminary Design and cost estimates of "hard" options Outreach/review of preliminary designs w/ CC Task Force Final Design and cost estimates Permitting/CEQA 2.0 months 1.0 months 2.0 months 1.0 months 6.0 months 6.0 months 3.0 months 3.0 months 6.0 months 6.0 months 24.0 months PROJECT APPLICANT: TRAN LEAD DEPT / AGENCY / ENTITY: TRAN SUPPORT DEPT/AGENCY/ENTITY: P&R; CED SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Short Term • Consider selectively extending red curbs at driveways to increase visibility and safety. * • Consider the placement of stop signs at culd-de-sac three-way intersections (one at Paseo del Norte/Private Street and one at Car Country Drive/Auto Center Court). * • Consider selectively implementing "soft" traffic-calming measures such as edge stripping, lane narrowing, temporary speed-tables etc. * Page 11 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 2. Long Term • Consider implementing "hard" or structural traffic-calming measures such as roundabouts, speed tables, raised intersections, etc. * • Consider implementing a "road diet" on Paseo del Norte, narrowing roadway from four lanes to two lanes. * • Consider modifying center medians to increase access to individual dealerships and provide areas for vehicle display. * * See Appendix A4 and A5: Paseo del Norte Concept Plan and Paseo del Norte Traffic Calming Illustrations Page 12 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report INITIATIVE 4: MINOR UPDATE TO SPECIFIC PLANS TEAM: Gary Barberio, Bill Hoehn (Jack Henthorn), Chris Baker PURPOSE: To streamline the permit and review process for improvements within Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealerships along Avenida Encinas (Porsche and Volvo) by reassigning approval authority to the lowest appropriate decision making authority. BENEFITS: Currently, all improvements within both Specific Plans (SP 19(1) and SP 186(A)) generally require approval by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. This approval process usually takes a minimum of 6 to 9 months or longer. The initiative would consider allowing the creation of an improved, simplified, and streamlined process for minor improvements which would result in both a savings of time and costs for the dealerships and the City. TIMELINE: Draft proposed specific plan amendments Circulate draft amendments for public/external review Complete final draft Planning Commission hearing City Council hearing Submit to California Coastal Commission 6.0 months 1.0 months 1.5 months 1.5 months 1.5 months 0.5 month 12.0 months PROJECT APPLICANT: CED LEAD DEPT / AGENCY / ENTITY: CED SUPPORT DEPT/AGENCY/ENTITY: CA SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Consider amending Specific Plans SP 19(1) (Car Country) and SP 186(A) to: A. Establish a minor administrative approval process (i.e. minor site development plan) that would allow for administrative approvals by the Planning Director for: • Modifications to existing facilities • Additions to existing facilities that are in full compliance with the provisions of the applicable Specific Plan A. Complete miscellaneous minor changes to clean-up inconsistencies and provide clarity of interpretation and implementation within the two specific plans. Page 13 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 4. NEXT STEPS 1. The Summary Recommendations Report will be considered by the City Council in April, 2011. 2. Based on City Council direction, city staff will utilize the Summary Recommendations Report to manage the work necessary to implement the specific initiatives and/or recommendations associated with the four initiatives. The entire implementation process will be completed within 12-27 months. 3. City staff will keep the City Council updated on the progress of implementation. The Car Country Working Group will be retained as an ongoing committee to continue the dialogue between the car dealerships and city staff. During the implementation stage, the full Working Group will meet as needed to assess progress, fine tune approaches, and reaffirm priorities. The city's team will also regularly track the progress of implementation through regular meetings. Page 14 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report 5. APPENDIX A1. Car Country Carlsbad Site Plan and Info Table A2. Car Dealerships on Avenida Encinas Site Plan and Info Table A3. Off-site Car Dealership Facilities Site Plan and Info Table A4. Paseo del Norte Concept Plan A5. Paseo del Norte Traffic Calming Illustrations A6. Current Car Country Carlsbad Development Activity Page 15 Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report Al. Car Country Carlsbad Site Plan and Info Table Page 16 IDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 Property Owner Cannon Road East LLC/ Wese loh Chevrolet Co. Wese loh Charles BJr& Patricia A Carlsbad Autopark City of Carlsbad Grody Properties LLC Stellar Properties LLC Aro Partners Stellar Properties LLC Stellar Properties LLC Stellar Properties LLC Hoehr Associates LLC REKAB Properties Sharp Family Ltd Partnership Brooking Doris/ Sillers Archie & Verna M/LT Helix Land Co Ltd Hoehr Group LLC Hoehn Group LLC Townsend Family Townsend Family REKAB Properties Hoehr Group LLC Hoehn Group LLC REKAB Properties Dealership USED CARS WESELOH CHEVROLET/KIA NORTH COUNTY GMC 44,000 SF PARK KEN GROOY FORD TOYOTA CARLSBAD USED CARS HOEHN BUICK/CADILLAC SCION TOYOTA CARLSBAD LEXUS CARLSBAD HOEHN HONDA BOB BAKER VW/SUBARU HOEHN JAGUAR/ LAND ROVER HOEHN ACURA/ HOEHN HONDA USED CARS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPORT USES HOEHN AUDI HOEHN INFINITY NORTH COUNTY HYUNDAI VACANT/ CAR STORAGE BOB BAKER MAZDA HOEHN MERCEDES BENZ HOEHN MERCEDES BENZ BOB BAKER CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM Acres 2.7 L9 L6 LO 3.2 L5 2.9 4.6 4.6 3.1 2.7 5.9 1.8 3.4 3.0 1.1 4.2 3.2 3.2 2.7 3.0 6.2 3.7 J:\Requests2010Plus\ComEconDe\APIanning\4523324_11 City of Carlsbad Car Country Carlsbad (SP 19) Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report A2. Car Dealerships on Avenida Encinas Site Plan and Info Table Page 18 ID* 1 2 3 Property Owner Hoehn Group LLC Glendora Motorcars Co. Inc. Glendora Motorcars Co. Inc. Dealership HOEHN PORSCHE CARLSBAD VOLVO CARLSBAD VOLVO Acres 1.9 1.1 2.9 J:\Requests2010Plus\ComEconDev\Planning\4523324_ 11 •^•^•••I^HMM^H^^ft—••^^^^^^^^^•^K^—•••^•^•••••^^^^^^^^^K City of Carlsbad Avenida Encinas Car Dealerships (SP 186) Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report A3. Off-site Car Dealership Facilities Site Plan and Info Table Page 20 LOCATION MAP HOEHN NEW CAR STORAGE (Durkin Hoehn Lot 23 LLC - 4.9 acres)BOB BAKER CANNON/AVENIDA ENCINAS NEW CAR STORAGE (Cannon Road LLC - 2.0 acres) PALPMAR_AIRRQRT~RD TOYOTA OF CARLSBAD AUTO BODY REPAIR AND SERVICE CENTER / NEW CAR STORAGE (Stellar Properties LLC - 9.8 acres) LEGOLAND VEHICLE STORAGE (Legoland California LLC - 6.7 acres) Photos Source: Google Maps, 2011 J:\Requests2010Plus\ComEconDev\Planning\4523324_11 City of Carlsbad Offsite Facilities Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report A4. Paseo del Norte Concept Plan Page 22 r \\ \ \ \ PASEO DEL NORTE SINGLE LANE ALTERNATIVE 30 MPH DESIGN SPEED Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report A5. Paseo del Norte Traffic Calming Illustrations Page 24 PRIVATE ROAD pedestrian passage reverse angle low growing shrubs and ground cover single travel law NORTH COUNTY CMC existing tree» p«rtl«l r««ov«l sculpture i NORTH JAGUAR CARLSBAD gathering node for or country specla parallel parking Je al events (wujie, food) mini flower fields HOEHN ACURA existing driveway reverse angle parking sidewalk pedestrian passage low growing shrubs and ground cover lNORTH KEN GRODY FORD 'fsr II Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report A6. Current Car Country Carlsbad Development Activity Page 28 4/19/2011 Department Budgets Council Workshop Chuck McBride Finance Operating and CIP Budget Overview • Capital Improvement Program — Construction of facilities, parks, infrastructure • Operating Budget - Operation and maintenance of facilities, parks, infrastructure - Personnel and related costs • Replacement Funds 4/19/2011 Operating Budget Process City Council's goals, visions, & priority projects 10 year forecast monitored Budget policies set for new fiscal year Departments submit requests to Finance Budget reviews and recommendations to City Council City Council adopts budget Major Operating Fund Groupings • General Fund • Special Revenue • Enterprise • Internal Service • Redevelopment 4/19/2011 City of Carlsbad - FY2010-. Combined Budgeted Expenditures Enterprise 21% Internal Services 6% Redevelopment 1% Special Revenue 4%General 44% Capital 24% $249.8 million Operating Budget - 76% Capital -24% Major Service Areas • Budget organizes departments into: - Policy/ Leadership — Internal Services — Public Safety — Community Development - Community Services -Public Works . • :-M 4/19/2011 Policy and Leadership Communications • Manager: Kristina Ray • Employees: 2.75 >Full-time 2.75 >Hourly FTE 0 • FY 10-11 Budget: $1,060,588 >General Fund-$691,628 >Special Revenue Fund - $368,960 4/19/2011 Policy and Leadership Budget FTE City Council City Clerk City Treasurer City Manager City Attorney Records Management 373,363 274,841 196,488 1,570,323 1,312,291 863,024 4,590,330 1.00 - 0.75 8.00 7.00 8.00 24.75 Internal Services 4/19/2011 Finance Department Director: Chuck McBride Employees: 31.5 > Full-time 30.5 > Hourly FTE 1.0 FY 10-11 Budget: $5,474,991 > General Fund - $3,298,808 > Water Enterprise Fund - $460,858 > Wastewater Enterprise Fund - $212,704 > Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund - $35,450 > Risk Management Fund - $1,467,171 Human Resources • Director: Julie Clark • Employees: 10.5 >Full-time 9.0 > Hourly FTE 1.5 • FY 10-11 Budget: $5;167,361 >General Fund - $2,374,297 >Workers' Comp Fund - $1,841,504 >Self Insured Benefits Fund - $951,560 4/19/2011 Information Technology • Director: Gordon Peterson • Employees: 23.5 >Full-time 22.5 > Hourly FTE 1.0 • FY 10-11 Budget: $5,900,575 > Information Technology Fund - $5,900,575 Property & Environmental Mgmt. • Director: David Mauser • Employees: 43.44 > Full-time 41.60 > Hourly FTE 1.84 • FY 10-11 Budget: $10,201,942 > General Fund - $4,802,415 > Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund - $1,294,101 > Vehicle Maintenance Fund - $2,795,426 > Vehicle Replacement Fund - $1,310,000 4/19/2011 Community Development .CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development • Director: Gary Barberio • Employees: 57.0 >Full-time 54.0 > Hourly FTE 3.0 • FY 10-11 Budget: $7,635,347 >General Fund - $7,433,968 >South Carlsbad Coastal Area Redev. - $201,379 4/19/2011 Housing & Neighborhood Services • Director: Debbie Fountain • Employees: 11.64 > Full-time 11.00 > Hourly FTE 0.64 • FY 10-11 Budget: $10,149,535 > General Fund-$430,182 > Special Revenue Fund - $40,000 > Affordable Housing Trust Fund - $500,577 > HUD Section 8 Housing - $6,578,677 > Community Development Block Grant - $663,954 > Village Area Redevelopment-$1,875,735 > South Carlsbad Coastal Area Redevelopment - $60,410 Community Services 4/19/2011 Library & Cultural Arts • Director: Heather Pizzuto • Employees: 114.75 >Full-time 52.25 >HourlyFTE 62.50 • FY 10-11 Budget: $10,539,373 >General Fund - $10,418,723 >Special Revenue / Donation Funds - $120,650 Parks & Recreation • Director: Chris Hazeltine • Employees: 133.71 > Full-time 71.95 >HourlyFTE 61.76 • FY 10-11 Budget: $13,804,681 >General Fund - $12,428,761 >Special Revenue/Donation Funds - $83,121 >Street Tree Maintenance Fund - $612,295 > Median Maintenance Fund - $680,504 10 4/19/2011 Public Safety Fire Department • Chief: Kevin Crawford • Employees: 89.92 >Full-time 88.75 >HourlyFTE 1.17 • FY 10-11 Budget: $16,228,573 >General Fund - $16,228,573 -!'•: 11 4/19/2011 Police Department • Chief: Gary Morrison • Employees: 164.83 > Full-time 162.00 > Hourly FTE 2.83 • FY 10-11 Budget: $28,293,365 >General Fund - $28,162,339 >Asset Forfeiture Fund - $16,530 >COPS Grant-$114,496 * i Public Works 12 4/19/2011 Transportation • Director: Skip Hammann • Employees: 59.4 >Full-time 58.4 > Hourly FTE 1.0 • FY 10-11 Budget: $10,174,829 >General Fund - $9,116,428 >Street Lighting Fund - $861,248 >Lighting & Landscaping AD No. 2 - $197,153 Utilities Department • Director: Glenn Pruim • Employees: 70.25 - Full-time 69.55 - Hourly FTE 0.70 • FY 10-11 Budget: $50,627,852 -General Fund-$262,108 - Water Enterprise Fund - $37,835,078 - Wastewater Enterprise Fund - $10,508,223 - Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund - $1,918,903 - Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Fund - $103,540 13 ^' CJTY Qf DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE CARLSBAD Communications Department Manager: Kristina Ray Employees: 2.75 Full-time 2.75 Hourly FTE 0 FY 10-11 Budget: $1,060,588 General Fund $ 691,628 Special Revenue Fund $ 368,960 * Community outreach and involvement * Media relations * - Website and social media City messages and brand * Newsletters, brochures, fact sheets and video * Government cable channel * Emergency communication * Employee communication 2010 Accomplishments * Consolidated city flyers and bill inserts into a unified bi-monthly newsletter to more efficiently and effectively deliver news about city services, issues and programs to ali city households Taking advantage of recent changes in communication technology, launched a new online city newsroom featuring the latest news headlines, videos and links to social media sites Achieved a 79 percent level of satisfaction with city-resident communication and a 74 percent level of confidence in city government, as measured by the annual resident satisfaction survey * Created a city welcome guide and mailed bi-monthiy to those who have recently moved to the city, fostering an increased sense of community connection with new residents Supported major citywide initiatives and events, including Envision Carlsbad, the Joint First Responders Training Facility, economic development efforts and opposition to the proposed power plant Produced more than 150 news stories highlighting city issues, programs and services Increasing the city's role as a direct provider of news and information, feeding new social media channels and enabling residents to share information with their online networks While developing new information channels, maintaining traditional methods (media, newsletters, printed materials) for the 30 percent of city residents who do not use the city website Maintaining public trust in the face of increased media "watchdog" focus on negative news about government DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development Director: Gary Barberio Employees: 57.0 Full-time 54.0 Hourly FTE 3.0 FY 10-11 Budget: $7,635,347 General Fund $ 7,433,968 South Carlsbad Coastal Area Redevelopment $ 201,379 • Building & Code Enforcement • Development Services • Economic Development Land Development Engineering • Planning South Carlsbad Redevelopment Area 2010 Accomplishments • Continued efforts to streamline & increase efficiencies: o Development Review Process Working Group Recommendations - 2/3rds complete o Completed outreach with Car Country Working Group (summary report pending) o Transitioned certain Storm Water inspections to Building (eliminated contract) o Initiated new streamlined process for retaining walls o New expedited Fire Prevention plan review process Greatly enhanced Economic Development outreach & communication efforts o CBJ feature article, Development Review Team, Business Assistance Team • Significant Pianning-reiated code amendments and documents completed: o New General Commercial (GC) Land Use Designation o 2005-2010 Housing Element approved and certified o Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance adopted o New Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan approved o Building Height, Inclusionary Housing, & Miscellaneous Code changes approved Completed significant work on Envision Carlsbad General Plan Update program: o Community Vision Report accepted by City Council o Phase II Consultant contract approved o Working papers (4 of 7) completed by EC3 Challenges/Trends • Continue to foster new ways to ensure a strong economic & employment base Enhance efforts to streamline, improve efficiencies, & increase timeliness within the city's development review process Transition to "buildout" - Focus on infill/redevelopment; being flexible, proactive, & responsive to change • Continue to respond to & implement new state & federal mandates: o New building & fire code, clean water, airport planning, climate action planning, green house gases, housing, water efficiency, etc. • DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCEC 1 T Y O F CARLSBAD Finance Department Director: Chuck McBride Employees: 31.5 Full-time 30.5 Hourly FTE 1.0 FY 10-11 Budget: $5,474,991 General Fund $ 3,298,808 Water Enterprise Fund $ 460,858 Wastewater Enterprise Fund $ 212,704 Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund $ 35,450 Risk Management Fund $ 1,467,171 Long-Range Financial Planning and Budget Management General Accounting and Reporting Assessment District/Community Facilities (CFD) Administration * Procurement * Receiving, Messaging and Mai! Services Risk Management 2010 Accomplishments Worked closely with Human Resources, Information Technology Services, and city wide stakeholders in the development and implementation of the Human Capital Management System (HCMS) Provided financial support to citywide departments and the Council in the evaluation of water and wastewater utility rates, golf course operations, and numerous other projects that affect city residents Managed the capita! and operating budget process to ensure that increasingly scarce resources were effectively balance with competing needs Finance will continue to provide support to the HCMS project, balancing limited staff time between this project and other major functions, such as budgeting and financial reporting Prepare balanced operating and capital budgets in an environment that will offer continuing economic and legislative challenges Increase efficiencies in business processes, including paperless payroll processing for employees and online bill paying alternatives for residents Continue to work with citywide departments to provide financial support for decision makers DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE CARLSBAD ^re Department Chief: Kevin Crawford Employees: 89.92 Full-time 88.75 Hourly FTE 1.17 FY 10-11 Budget: $16,228,573 General Fund $ 16,228,573 "All Risk" Fire Department safeguarding lives, property and our environment through 24-hour fire, rescue and Emergency Medical Services * Fire Prevention Citywide Emergency Preparedness, including the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Hazard Mitigation Programs Weed Abatement Program 2010 Accomplishments Efficiency partnering with other agencies in fire operations and procurement Regionalize Annual Fire Training Plan, including identification of Federal and State training Mandates, developed a streamlined program to meet the mandates and tailored the training to maximize in-district training * Exercised the City Emergency Operations Center in statewide and local emergency drills From FY 08 through FY 10, applied for and awarded approximately $200,000 in Homeland Security Grant funds for Fire, Police and community emergency preparednes •. planning and equipment Conducted a comprehensive review of the new 2010 Federal and State Fire Codes to identify required local amendments for FY 11 adoption * Implemented and achieved functional consolidation of several administrative functions between North County Dispatch JPA and Heartland Dispatch JPA * In FY 11, applied for and awarded over $200,000 in Homeland Security Grant funds which will be expended during FY 12 for Fire and Police emergency preparedness planning and equipment * Developed, and will be submitting for adoption and implementation, the 2010 edition of the California Fire Code, which contains all required local amendments Maintain current service delivery in light of financial impacts at state and local levels, including funding and service reductions for CalFire, as well as funding and service reductions for neighboring fire agencies Expand community outreach efforts, including partnering with the community in public education and service delivery Successfully place into service the Joint First Responder Training Facility ' DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCEc i T Y o F CARLSBAD Housing & Neighborhood Services Director: Debbie Fountain ' Employees: 11.64 Full-time 11.00 Hourly FTE 0.64 FY 10-11 Budget: $10,149,535 General Fund $ 430,182 Special Revenue Fund $ 40,000 - Affordable Housing Trust Fund $ 500,577 HUD Section 8 Housing $6,578,677 Community Development Block Grant $ 663,954 Village Area Redevelopment $1,875,735 South Carlsbad Coastal Area Redevelopment $ 60,410 Affordable Housing and Rental Assistance • Homebuyer Assistance Programs Village Neighborhood Enhancements Volunteer Carlsbad Hiring Center Community Relations/Neighborhood Liaisons • CDBG/HOME Programs Community Activities Grants 2010 Accomplishments Record breaking 105,185 hours of donated service providing net benefit of $2 million Hosted first of two new family-friendly events in the Village - Halloween on Elm; second event to be held in March, 2011 - Experience the World in the Village; implemented through partnerships and use of existing resources, and in a very low cost fashion • Initiated development of a volunteer mediation program to provide alternative resources for resolving neighbor-to-neighbor dispute; low program cost Concept plan to "re-purpose" Oak Maintenance Yard into cultural art/activity center • CD8G funds assisted approximately 2400 families with needed social/housing services ChoUencjCs/Trends Increase in heed for services with declining or neutral resources; creative solutions required to address need while managing citizen expectations identification and provision of effective and cost-efficient tools to help people help themselves; provision of services, connections, problem-solving, etc. Expansion of involvement of volunteers with special skill sets in provision of city service- DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCECITY OF CARLSBAD Housing & Neighborhood Services More complex community problems; require collaborative problem-solving with the community and through partnerships Enhanced community engagement and outreach services; better connections Building community and strong relationships Working in partnership with those who live, work and play in Carlsbad to improve or enhance the quality of life and sense of community for residents; neighborhood assistance programs Voluntary code compliance through education and self-help tools vs. code enforcement DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE v, I f Y v_/ r CARLSBAD Human Resources Director: Julie Clark Employees: 10.5 Full-time 9.0 Hourly FTE 1.5 FY 10-11 Budget: $5,167,361 General Fund $ 2,374,297 Workers' Comp Fund $ 1,841,504 Self Insured Benefits Fund $ 951,560 Employment and Workforce Planning • Employee Training and Development Compensation and Benefits Employee and Labor Relations 2010 Accomplishments Continued to coordinate city-wide efforts to unfund/eiiminate a total of 24.75 positions across the organization over the last three fiscal years, resulting in overall savings of approximately $1,855,000 Assisted City Council in efforts toward pension reform • Worked with Finance Department to conduct review of all HR, payroll and timekeeping procedures to streamline business processes Began work on HCMS project, working toward August 2011 go-live date Cliu lie nil t-.iv/ Trends • HCMS project: Internal staffing constraints in supporting the project Discovery of new "issues" that need to be addressed as a result of testing new software Coordination of changes brought about by the HCMS system with City's affected labor groups • Providing the City Council with useful, impartial information for decision-making in the labor relations arena • Continuing to work with departments to conservatively manage staffing needs CITY OF DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE CARLSBAD Information Technology Director: Gordon Peterson Employees: 23.5 Full-time 22.50 Hourly FTE 1.00 FY 10-11 Budget: $5,900,575 Information Technology Fund $5,900,575 Connecting Carlsbad through information and technology services • Provide an up-to-date, reliable and secure infrastructure, delivering relevant, customer- focused technology tools and services Deliver technology solutions that assist in the collection, integration, accessibility and presentation of information Enhance the value of city information assets through mapping and analysis of spatial relationships 2010 Accomplishments Leverage technology to drive efficiencies and improve service delivery o Ongoing deployment of the new Human Capital Management solution o Enhance network performance, security and adaptability Improve how teams collaborate and share information o Create centralized web sites where teams share documents and capture relevant project information. Team sites being used today include CIP budgeting, 1-5 Widening, Carlsbad Blvd Realignment and Customer Relationship Management * Demonstrate continued cost reduction and service level improvement through strategic outsourcing of information technology solutions and services Cha!lenaes/Trc!uls Keeping up with the needs of the organization o Finding time to spend on high value projects o Helping staff be more connected and collaborative regardless of location o Meeting the need for faster Internet access and additional data storage We live in an increasingly mobile and connected world. Consumer available smartphones and tablets are becoming viable computer platforms capable of running applications and accessing the web and data from anywhere, anytime. "Cloud" delivery of information technology services and solutions is gaining momentum as agencies realize the efficiencies of a shared resource, cloud-based approach. The volume and complexity of data needed to make decisions is continuously growing. Business users need more information than ever, and they need it faster. Simple, easy to access and easy to understand data promotes effective decisions. DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCECITY OF CARLSBAD Library & Cultural Arts Director: Heather Pizzuto Employees: 114.75 Full-time 52.25 Hourly FTE 62.50 FY 10-11 Budget: $10,539,373 General Fund $ 10,418,723 Special Revenue / Donation Funds $ 120,650 Provides educational, informational and recreational reading services * Provides print and online resources and computer access Administers lifelong literacy and bilingual services Offers community meeting facilities and a wide range of programs Fosters awareness, appreciation and expression of cultural arts 2010 Accomplishments introduction of downloadable audio books and electronic communications such as text reference service to increase efficiency, maximize resources and meet community need ; * Enhanced community connection through e-newsletters, Twitter, website enhancements 25th anniversary of TGiF Jazz in the Parks, celebrated with record-breaking attendance * Merged two divisions to consolidate work product and manage increasing workload without additional staff Ch a lies iqes/Tren cis Leverage technology to deliver greater efficiency and maintain high levels of service: Optimize productivity despite reduced staffing, provide self-service options, offer 24/7 services convenient to busy families and professionals Offer electronic formats that reduce processing, increase access and deliver greatest value Preserve and expand regional partnering, consortium purchasing and resource sharing to maximize efficiency and leverage available funding Meet continued demand for services and programs with funding challenges: Possrble loss of all state funding for library services New funding sources needed to support donation-dependent programs such as TGIF, Three-Part-Art * Continuously reinvent Library and Cultural Arts services to meet community-driven needs, blend traditional and emerging formats (e.g. e-books) Provide places and programs for community gathering DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCFC ! T Y O F CARLSBAD Parks & Recreation Director: Chris Hazeltine Employees: 133.71 Full-time 71.95 Hourly FTE 61.76 FY 10-11 Budget: $13,804,681 General Fund $12,428,761 Special Revenue/Donation Funds $ 83,121 Street Tree Maintenance Fund $ 612,295 Median Maintenance Fund $ 680,504 • Provides and maintains diversified open space, parks, trails, street trees, medians and landscape services throughout Carlsbad • Provides oversight and management responsibilities for the Crossing Golf Course Provides a broad spectrum of recreational and sports programs Provides enrichment classes, life-long learning programs and camps for all ages • Provides staffing and operational support at community centers and parks • Coordinates Community Special Events Offers Opportunity Grants to resident low income youth • Provides support to two Commissions and one Committee 2010 Accomplishments Commissioned third party financial and operations assessments of Alga Norte Park and The Crossings Golf Course Transitioned the stewardship of approximately 600 acres of city-owned habitat preserves and coordination with beach and lagoon stakeholder agencies Received HMP permit; developed 1-acre mitigation site and improved upland trails on Lake Calavera Trails ' Completed major facility repairs and enhancements at Monroe Street Pool Funded access to 120 programs for 107 children through Opportunity Grants Program • Conducted the first ever "Community Play Date" to showcase instructional class programming Facilitate public/private partnerships in parks and recreation Examine park planning, operations and maintenance in a strategic manner Maximize collective resources for multi-departmental special events Continue progress on implementing cost recovery policy DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCEC I T Y O F CARLSBAD Police Department Chief: Gary Morrison Employees: 164.83 Full-time 162.00 Hourly FTE 2.83 FY 10-11 Budget: $28,293,365 General Fund $28,162,339 Asset Forfeiture Fund $ 16,530 . COPS Grant $ 114,496 Emergency Services, Preventive Patrol and Traffic Enforcement Investigations • Crime Prevention Youth Explorer Program • Senior Volunteer Program School Resource Officer Program 2010 Accomplishments • Carlsbad dispatchers answered 99% of incoming calls in 10 seconds or less, compared to a national standard of 90%. Officers responded to priority one calls in an average of 5.5 minutes, compared to a national standard of 7.1 minutes. Carlsbad Police Department cost per capita, $262, is lower than the county average for similar agencies, $265. Carlsbad's crime rate of 20.9 crimes per 1,000 population is one of the lowest in the county, and lower than the countywide crime rate of 26.1. Challenges/Trends • Carlsbad Police Department is using new approaches, such as community oriented policing and a more sophisticated type of crime analysis, to improve our services and achieve better results with fewer resources The economic downturn has caused an increased demand for services and resources at a time when city resources are more constrained. • Adapting police resources to meet the changing needs of a built out community. CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE Property & Environmental Management $ $ $ $ 4,802,415 1,294,101 2,795,426 1,310,000 Director: David Mauser Employees: 43.44 Full-time 41.60 Hourly FTE 1.84 FY 10-11 Budget: $10,201,942 General Fund Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund Vehicle Maintenance Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund Facilities Maintenance and Custodial Services • Fleet Management Real Estate Management Civic Projects • Environmental Management Storm Water Protection • Habitat Management 2010 Accomplishments * Improved Fleet Management Implemented New Fleet Management Software improved Vehicle Replacement Programming * Developed Departmental Strategic Plan Established Strategic Goals and Objectives Created New Organizational Structure Addressed Employee Development Needs Set Process Improvement and Streamlining Priorities * Acquired Agua Hedionda Channel Dredge Project Mitigation Site * Removed AH Lagoon and Carlsbad Beach from Federal Impaired Waters List Finalized Acquisition of Alemir/Lennar HMP Core Area Property Ch a lien a es/l'ren c/s Continue Streamlining of PEM Operations and Procedures * Generate New Revenue Sources Maximize Utilization of City Properties Increase Usage of Grants Improve Sustainability of City Operations Increase Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency Improvements Implement Lifecyde Management Strategies for Fleet and Facilities Implement Civic Projects Construction Program Maintain Compliance with New/Evolving Environmental Regulations CITV OF DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE CARLSBAD Transportation Director: Skip Hammann Employees: 59.4 Full-time 58.4 Hourly FTE 1.0 FY 10-11 Budget: $10,174,829 General Fund $ 9,116,428 Street Lighting Fund $ 861,248 Lighting & Landscaping Assessment District No. 2 $ 197,153 Traffic Circulation Traffic Signal Maintenance • Traffic & Transportation Engineering Design • Construction Management and Inspection • Street Maintenance • Street Lighting Construction Project Storm Water Compliance 201(i Accomplishments Carlsbad Boulevard realignment Completed Draft Memorandum of Understanding with city and state Received statement of qualifications for professional services Completed Traffic Calming Pilot Project • Completed Traffic Management Center Pilot program Completed Streetlight retrofit program High-efficiency induction lamps - Energy Savings Annual cost savings - $300,000 a year in energy and maintenance costs Annual Reduction of 1,240 tons of greenhouse gas emissions Challenges/Trends Evaluate current business practices for cost savings and greater efficiency • Manage impacts of regional traffic 1-5 Widening Palomar Airport expansion Vehicle capacity versus multimodal transportation and quality of life • Manage resident expectations regarding transportation CITY OF CARLSBAD Director: Glenn Pruim Employees: 70.25 Full-time 69.55 Hourly FTE 0.70 FY 10-11 Budget: $50,627,852 General Fund Water Enterprise Fund Wastewater Enterprise Fund Solid Waste/Storm Water Enterprise Fund Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Fund Potable Water Engineering & Operations • Recycled Water Engineering & Operations • Water Meter Services Wastewater Engineering & Operations • Storm Drain Engineering & Maintenance Buena Vista Channel Maintenance • Solid Waste Management DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE Utilities Departm en t $ 262,108 $37,835,078 $10,508,223 $ 1,918,903 $ 103,540 * Eliminated two sewer lift stations by installing two new gravity sewer systems. Eliminating the lift stations will reduce power consumption, lower operating costs and enable the Department to address system workload backlogs Completed Phase II of the Automated Meter Reading Program. The installation of more than 2,700 automated meters will reduce fuel consumption, increase system efficiency and accuracy and reduce overtime costs Implemented the "Reverse 411" customer notification system for water users. This system uses telephone and email messages to notify customers of account status changes, reducing the need to send personnel in the field to deploy "door hangars" Expanded the Recycled Water system into the Bressi Ranch area, decreasing the potable water demand in the City by more than 500 acre-feet. This is equivalent to taking over 1,000 single family homes off of the potable water system Challenges/Trends * Increasing cost of imported water * increasing regulatory environment Problems associated with an aging infrastructure Integrating new technology into the workplace - „>*--• •-•• at,...