HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-17; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: May 17, 2011 TIME: 11:00 AM PLACE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 173B, 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the meeting to order on May 17, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Present: Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Douglas. Absent: Blackburn PUBLIC COMMENT None. REGIONAL REPORTS Packard: Council Member Packard asked Council Members for input on the North County Transit District Mobility Plan. Douglas: Council Member Douglas stated that she will provide an update on current state legislation and budget analysis from the League of California Cities. Kulchin: Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin gave an update on the SAFE meetings. Hall: Mayor Hall noted that he and City Manager Hildabrand have attended the North County Economic Development Committee organizational meeting and have met with San Diego Mayor Jerry Saunders regarding water issues. INVENTORY OF CURRENT CITY PROPERTY The following documents were distributed for this item and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. • City Properties and Additional Opportunities, Property and Environmental Management, Power Point Presentation, May 17, 2011. • City Facilities/Office Space, Worksheet. • City of Carlsbad Property and Environmental Management, General Planning/Zoning Designations, Worksheet. City Council Workshop May 17, 2011 General Services Manager Joe Garuba and Director of Property and Environmental Management Dave Mauser gave the presentation. Mr. Garuba discussed the City's property inventory. He noted this was the beginning step for strategic asset management. Council discussed the policies of property management including the generation of revenue. Council agreed that outside expertise is needed to evaluate and appraise these properties. Mr. Garuba noted that Community and Economic Development and Property and Environmental Management are also working on property evaluations. Mayor Hall stated that staff should be aware of costs associated with any potential property development of open space and parks. Mayor Hall declared a recess at 11:45 a.m. At 11:55 a.m. the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern and Council Members Packard and Douglas returned to the Workshop. AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING SECOND DWELLING UNITS The following documents were distributed for this item and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. • Second Dwelling Unit Rent Restrictions, Don Neu, City Planner, Power Point Presentation, May 17,2011. City Planner Don Neu gave the presentation. Mr. Neu gave the background of the ordinance regulating the requirements for second dwelling units. Mr. Neu also discussed the Planning Commission recommendation to exclude homeowner built second dwelling units from low income rent restrictions and to require rent restrictions for a second dwelling unit built to satisfy the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. Council discussed the legislation at SANDAG which will determine housing numbers for Carlsbad and the region. Mayor and Council asked staff to forward exact second dwelling unit numbers. The Mayor, with Council concurrence, directed staff to move forward with the process to adopt the Planning Commission recommendations regarding second dwelling unit rent restrictions. Mayor Hall, with Council concurrence, directed staff to review the restrictions on water craft used in the clean-up of the Carlsbad's lagoons. Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 12:25 p.m. fame M. Wood, CMC City Clerk 5/17/2011 City Propertied with Additional Opportunities Property & Environmental Management May 17, 2011 ^ *J CITY Of CARLSBAD Presentation Outline PEM's role Background information of City properties Process of selection Properties with additional opportunities Milestones ><•» CITY OF CARLSBAD 5/17/2011 PEM's Role in Property Management Goal is to provide effective management of city assets - Evaluate and validate portfolio - Maintain and update database - Establish management practices to create effective property management - Incorporate a strategic approach to asset mgmt. <# CITV OF " CARLSBAD PEM Strategtp Portfolio Plan Since the transition - Preliminary identification of goals & objectives - Review and update the inventory - Identified properties with opportunities cirr OF CARLSBAD 5/17/2011 Property Background Property portfolio - Approximately 131 properties (parks, facilities and open space) totaling over 1,400 acres - Owned by the City and agencies (Redevelopment Agency, CMWD, etc.) j CITY OF CARLSBAD Process of Identifying Properties Evaluated all properties Are properties being used to their greatest potential? - Create a community benefit - Maximize revenue generation Developed an initial list of properties ^t CITY Of CARLSBAD 5/17/2011 Property Opportunities 2923 Elmwood Cole Library Ag Land Fire Station No. 1 Vacant Land Madison St. House Buena Vista Reservoir Plaza Camino Real Parking Lot Farmers (Incubator) Macario Canyon Golf Course Vacant Lots Zone 5 Park & excess land Maerkle Reservoir Existing Fire Station No. 3 Hawthorne Las Palmas Farmers (Overall site) CITY OF •? CARLSBAD Property Opportunities Calavera Sewage Treatment Plant Manzano* • Calavera Fire Station Lot Qceanside Properties • Carlsbad Recycled Water . Foussat/Mission Ave Treatment Facility D . a nr - • Levante Lot • 405 Oak Ave. • Villa Loma Apt. vacant land Pajama Dr. Reservoir Site • < t ' C I T V OF CARLSBAD 5/17/2011 Next Steps Land Use Feasibility Study Develop Scope of Service - Location - Adjacent uses - Land use designation - Potential revenue generation - Market trends - Schedule/Priorities Return to Council with recommendations (Q4 2011) CITY OF CARLSBAD Property Name Use Site Acreage (approx.) Building Size (approx.)Ownership City Facilities / Office Space Arts Office City Council Chambers City Hall Complex Cole Library/Ag Site Dove Library Faraday Center Farmers Insurance Building & Claims Fire Station No. 1 Station House Butler Building Fire Station No. 2 Fire Station No. 3 Fire Station No. 4 Fire Station No. 5 Station House Hose Tower Storage Fire Station No. 6 Oak Ave-PW Facility Office Building Modular Building Leadman Office Sign Shop Fleet Service Center Fleet Wash Rack Safety Center Police/Fire Training Facility Buildings Building C Building R Senior Center Hiring Center Community Swim Complex (CBD High School) The Crossings Housing & Redevelopment Harding Community Center Center Building Cultural Arts Office Council Chambers City Hall Library Library City Offices Storage/Training Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Fire Station Maint. Yard & Offices Maint. Yard & Offices Maint. Yard & Offices Maint. Yard & Offices Maint. Yard & Offices Fleet Fleet Training Facility Training Facility Training Facility Training Facility Senior Center Hiring Center Swim Complex Golf Course City Offices Community Center/Park Community Center/Park 0.27 4.6 3.4 6.1 7.24 13.51 0.98 0.41 0.28 3.95 1.9 0.5 0.85 23.86 3.37 1.92 400 0.41 2,358 2,500 13,500 25,033 75,537 68,000 134,946 4,756 2,592 3,650 2,874 3,718 12,709 612 2,100 6,252 3,688 1,844 2,136 2,282 10,540 3,560 55,027 36,697 6,558 2,246 31,895 280 3,955 3,200 2,669 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Property Name "D" Building Auditorium Rec Hall Bauer Lumber Building Library Learning Center Learning Center Modular Building Use Community Center/Park Community Center/Park Community Center/Park Leased to New Village Arts Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center Site Acreage (approx.) 0.23 1.14 Building Size (approx.) 760 4,872 2,867 9,633 11,393 4,800 Ownership City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Parks Aviara Community Park Aviara Modular Parks Office East Blockhouse West Blockhouse Calavera Hills Community Park Calavera Community Center Cannon Lake Park Chase Field Parks Yard Greenwood House Modular Building Break room Parks Fertilizer Shed Pio Pico Garage Hidden Canyon Park Holiday Park Holiday House Kruger House Scout House Old Blockhouse New Blockhouse Horseshoe Hosp Grove La Costa Canyon Park Laguna Riviera Park Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Hacienda Deedie's House Stables (includes Bunkhouse) Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Community Center/Park Agriculture Baseball Fields Park Maint./Facility Yard Park Maint./Facility Yard Park Maint./Facility Yard Park Maint./Facility Yard Parks Storage Parks Storage Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park/Open Space Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site 22.22 16.68 6.87 2.74 1.28 22.2 5.93 56.03 14.85 4.05 27.46 1,080 1,285 1,361 1,053 882 19,471 n/a 783 892 1,440 960 720 366 676 822 1,226 2,144 476 608 140 n/a 402 302 2,766 520 3,582 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Property Name Cantina Carriage House Tack Shed/Chicken Coop Wash House Gatehouse/Visitor's Center Garage/Restrooms Barn Theater Cabana/Restrooms Caretaker Modular Carrillo Parks Trailer Blacksmith Shop Magee Park Magee House Barn Theater Heritage Hall Granary Larwin Park Maxton Brown Park Pine Park Pio Pico Park El Fuerte Corinthia Park Zone 5 Park & Excess Land Cadencia Park Poinsettia Park Park Modular North Blockhouse South Blockhouse Storage Stagecoach Park Stagecoach Community Center Park Office East Blockhouse West Blockhouse Zone 19 Park Use Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Park Site Site Acreage (approx.) 2.1 18.29 0.9 7.1 0.76 3.67 12.32 4.09 29.74 25.64 24.25 Building Size (approx.) 382 892 353 230 1,108 406 1,200 488 1,660 158 1,587 2,416 720 1,442 470 n/a n/a 245 360 n/a n/a n/a 492 587 808 437 18,268 445 864 1,053 n/a Ownership City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad CMWD / Sewer / Waste Water "C" Reservoir "E" Reservoir Buena Vista Reservoir Reservoir Site Reservoir Site Water Storage Facility 0.5 0.45 3.16 n/a n/a n/a CMWD CMWD CMWD Property Name CMWD Offices Office Building Warehouse Calavera Sewer Treatment Facility Calavera Pump Station Calavera Water Tank College/CVD Pump Station Donna Drive Water Tank Ellery Water Tank Encina Carlsbad Recycled Water Facility Elm Reservoir La Costa High Reservoir La Costa Lo Reservoir Lake Calavera/Calavera Reservoir Maerkle Reservoir (Squire Dam) Maerkle House Mission & Foussat (Oceanside) Pajama Dr. Reservoir Site Jefferson/Hwy 78 Pump Station Skyline Reservoir T.A.P. Reservoir Twin "D" Tanks Use Offices/Parking/Maint. Yard Offices/Parking/Maint. Yard Offices/Parking/Maint. Yard Vacant Pump Station Water Tank Pump Station Reservoir Site Reservoir/Cellular Site Waste Water Recycled Water Facility Reservoir Site Reservoir Site Reservoir Site Reservoir/Open Space Water Storage Facility Water Storage Facility Vacant Lot Vacant Pump Station Reservoir Site Reservoir Site Reservoir/Cellular Site Site Acreage (approx.) 6.09 4.55 1.88 0.33 0.91 1.44 17.17 3.35 0.91 1.53 1.54 252.64 107.72 2.75 1.55 0.88 1.1 4.46 Building Size (approx.) 13,010 5,202 3,300 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 29.76 4,356 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ownership CMWD CMWD CMWD City of Carlsbad CMWD City of Carlsbad CMWD CMWD CMWD City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad CMWD CMWD CMWD CMWD CMWD CMWD CMWD City of Carlsbad CMWD CMWD CMWD Vacant Land /Parking Golf Course Lot Golf Course Lot Hawthorne Las Palmas Stratford Lane/Laguna Drive Madison House Batiquitos Dr. Open Space La Costa Ave. Open Space Calavera Fire Station Lot Chestnut Open Space Levante Lot Olivenhain/ECR Open Space ECR/Trieste Open Space Fire Station No. 1 Vacant Land Vacant Lot Vacant Lot Vacant Vacant Building Vacant Lot/Community Garden Vacant/Storage Open Space Open Space Vacant Lot Open Space Open Space Open Space Open Space Vacant Lot 7.3 5.4 3.12 2.73 1.87 0.16 6.14 13.35 0.52 3.01 4.77 14.62 n/a n/a 2,408 22,627 n/a 1,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Property Name Monroe St. Open Space Trail Car County Open Space Macario Canyon Parking Lot by Fish House Vera Cruz Roosevelt Parking (w/ Housing & Redev) Villa Loma Apartments Vacant Land Washington Street Parking Lot Manzano Property Village Grille Parking & Restaurant Westfield Plaza Camino Real Parking Lots Use Open Space Open Space Open Space Parking Lot Parking Lot Vacant Lot Parking Lot Vacant Public Parking Parking Lot Site Acreage (approx.) 118.25 0.88 89.87 0.4 0.41 0.58 0.349 58.52 Building Size (approx.) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,068 n/a Ownership City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agency City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Miscellaneous Cassia Heights Apartments Head Start Preschool Facility Tyler Court Apartments Rail Depot Station Villa Loma Apartments La Costa Ave. Easement Camino Alvaro Slope Easement Cynthia Lane Easement 2923 Elmwood/Carey Estate Beach Restroom at Pine 3340 Madison St. 3354 Madison St. 3366 Madison St. 3396 Madison St. Beach Sleep Bldg/Lot Drainage Easement (Jefferson) Donna Dr. Easement Knowles/Pio Pico ROW Apartment Complex Preschool Apartment Complex Dept Station Apartment Complex Easement Easement Easement Estate Beach "Triangle Park" Lot Lot Lot Lot Building/Lot Easement Easement Vacant Lot 2.5 1.14 1.18 20.51 0.62 0.26 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.16 4,800 42,660 1,566 n/a n/a n/a 736 432 440 440 840 n/a n/a n/a City/Redevelopment City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agency City/Redevelopment City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Right-of-Way Carlsbad Blvd. realignment unallocated right-of-way (Cannon - La Costa Ave).46 n/a City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Property and Environmental Management General Planning/Zoning Designations General PlanningProperty Name . . ZoningDesignation 2923 Elmwood Cole Library Ag Land Fire Station No. 1 Vacant Land Madison St. House Buena Vista Reservoir Plaza Camino Real Parking Lot Farmers Macario Canyon Golf Course Vacant Lots Lot Near Water Tank Zone 5 Park Excess Land Maerkle Reservoir Existing Fire Station No. 3 Villa Loma Apts. Vacant Land Hawthorne Las Palmas Calavera Sewage Treatment Plant Calavera Fire Station Lot Carlsbad Recycled Water Facility Levante Lot Oak Ave Mission & Foussat (Oceanside) Pajama Dr. (Oceanside) Manzano Property (not yet acquired) RLM RLM/O/G RLM/O/G RMH • RLM R PI OS PI OS PI RLM OS RLM OS PI PI U OS PI/0 OS V unknown unknown OS R-l R-1/R-P-Q R-1/R-P-Q R-3 R-l C-2 C-M OS P-M OS C-M L-C OS R-l-8000 L-C P-M P-M P-U P-C P-M/O OS V-R CL REB OS 05/16/2011 Second Dwelling Unit Rent Restrictions Don Neu, City Planner May 17, 2011 CARLSBAD Second Dwelling Unit(SDU) A residential unit which is attached or detached from the primary dwelling unit on a lot, and which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. CITY OF CARLSBAD 05/16/2011 Second Dwelling Unit Includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or "primary" dwelling CARLSBAD SOU Requirements A SOU must comply with 14 standards Examples include: — Maximum size of 640 square feet — Separate entrance — Meet the setback, lot coverage & other development standards of the zone CARLSBAD 05/16/2011 SOU Requirements An applicant signed affidavit of compliance is required declaring that: — Property owner will reside in the main dwelling unit or the SOU - Agree to rent the SOU at a monthly rate not to exceed an income of a low-income household, adjusted for household size, at 80% of the county median income CARLSBAD SDU Rent Restriction Requirement since 1994 Affidavit of compliance required by 2003 code amendment Amendment in 2010 replaces requirement for an affidavit with a Notice of Restriction recorded against the property Notice of Restriction provides constructive notice to future owners CARLSBAD 05/16/2011 SOU Rent Restriction Carlsbad is able to count all of its SDUs as low income rental housing because of the affidavit/notice of restriction requirement Without an affidavit/notice of restriction requirement a survey would be required to determine if rents are appropriate for low income households A<£(2#jj!> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Planning Commission Recommendation Exclude homeowner built SDUs from low income rent restrictions Require rent restrictions only for an SOU built to satisfy the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Direct staff to prepare the necessary amendments CARLSBAD San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Household Income Limits HUD Method Note: The following household income limits are adjusted for a high cost area as per the Federal Housing Act of 1937 and calculated using HCD methodology to comply with Health and Safety Code Sections 50052.5 and 50093. San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA MSA U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development May 14,2010 2010 $ 75,500 Hshold Size ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT Extremely Low Income 30% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $16,500 $18,850 $21,200 $23,550 $25,450 $27,350 $29,250 $31,100 $1,375 $1,571 $1,767 $1,963 $2,121 $2,279 $2,438 $2,592 $413 $471 $530 $589 $636 $684 $731 $778 35% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $19,250 $22,000 $24,750 $27,500 $29,700 $31,900 $34,100 $36,300 $1,604 $1,833 $2,063 $2,292 $2,475 $2,658 $2,842 $3,025 $481 $550 $619 $688 $743 $798 $853 $908 40% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $22,000 $25,150 $28,300 $31,400 $33,950 $36,450 $38,950 $41,450 $1,833 $2,096 $2,358 $2,617 $2,829 $3,038 $3,246 $3,454 $550 $629 $708 $785 $849 $911 $974 $1,036 Very Low Income 50% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $27,500 $31,400 $35,350 $39,250 $42,400 $45,550 $48,700 $51,850 $2,292 $2,617 $2,946 $3,271 $3,533 $3,796 $4,058 $4,321 $688 $785 $884 $981 $1,060 $1,139 $1,218 $1,296 Hshold Size ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT 60% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $33,000 $37,700 $42,400 $47,100 $50,900 $54,650 $58,450 $62,200 $2,750 $3,142 $3,533 $3,925 $4,242 $4,554 $4,871 $5,183 $825 $943 $1,060 $1,178 $1,273 $1,366 $1,461 $1,555 65% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $35,750 $40,850 $45,950 $51,050 $55,150 $59,250 $63,350 $67,400 $2,979 $3,404 $3,829 $4,254 $4,596 $4,938 $5,279 $5,617 $894 $1,021 $1,149 $1,276 $1,379 $1,481 $1,584 $1,685 70% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $38,500 $44,000 $49,500 $54,950 $59,350 $63,750 $68,150 $72,550 $3,208 $3,667 $4,125 $4,579 $4,946 $5,313 $5,679 $6,046 $963 $1,100 $1,238 $1,374 $1,484 $1,594 $1,704 $1,814 Low Income 80% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $44,000 $50,250 $56,550 $62,800 $67,850 $72,850 $77,900 $82,900 $3,667 $4,188 $4,713 $5,233 $5,654 $6,071 $6,492 $6,908 $1,100 $1,256 $1,414 $1,570 $1,696 $1,821 $1,948 $2,073 Hshold Size ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT 100% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $52,850 $60,400 $67,950 $75,500 $81,550 $87,600 $93,650 $99,700 $4,404 $5,033 $5,663 $6,292 $6,796 $7,300 $7,804 $8,308 $1,321 $1,510 $1,699 $1,888 $2,039 $2,190 $2,341 $2,493 115% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $60,800 $69,500 $78,200 $86,850 $93,800 $100,750 $107,700 $114,650 $5,067 $5,792 $6,517 $7,238 $7,817 $8,396 $8,975 $9,554 $1,520 $1,738 $1,955 $2,171 $2,345 $2,519 $2,693 $2,866 Moderate Income 120% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $63,450 $72,500 $81,550 $90,600 $97,850 $105,100 $112,350 $119,600 $5,288 $6,042 $6,796 $7,550 $8,154 $8,758 $9,363 $9,967 $1,586 $1,813 $2,039 $2,265 $2,446 $2,628 $2,809 $2,990 140% Annual Monthly 30.00% Income Income Monthly $74,000 $84,600 $95,150 $105,700 $114,200 $122,650 $131,100 $139,550 $6,167 $7,050 $7,929 $8,808 $9,517 $10,221 $10,925 $11,629 $1,850 $2,115 $2,379 $2,643 $2,855 $3,066 $3,278 $3,489 Note: Income levels 80% and below are adjusted by a HUD high cost area allowance. This general income Information is calculated from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income figures. Specific program requirements may vary. Prepared by Affordable Housing Services Information, LLC Web: www.AHSinfo.com Phone (858) 832-1460