HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-16; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: August 16, 2011 TIME: 11:00 AM PLACE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 173B, 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the meeting to order on August 16, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Present: Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Blackburn. Council Member Douglas was attending a meeting of the County Water Authority. REGIONAL REPORTS Packard: No Report. Kulchin: No Report. Hall: No Report. Blackburn: No Report. Envision Carlsbad Status The following documents were distributed for this item and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. • Envision Carlsbad, Power Point Presentation, August 16, 2011. • Memorandum from Gary Barberio, Community and Economic Development Director to Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager, "Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 - Progress Update". Staff Members Presenting: Don Neu, City Planner; Gary Barberio, Community and Economic Development Director; David de Cordova, Principal Planner. Mr. de Cordova gave the presentation regarding the Envision Carlsbad status. City Attorney Ron Ball clarified that there would be consistency between the General Plan updates and the zoning changes. Mr. Neu acknowledged this stipulation and noted that staff was working through the specifics. Mr. de Cordova also discussed the Barrio Workshop and Zone Stakeholders Workshop. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Mr. Barberio stated that historic evaluations were considered. Mayor Hall asked if the Airport Zone and the County's Master Plan for the airport were taken into consideration. He also emphasized various airport safety issues. In addition, Mayor Hall verified that "tourist serving commercial" in the Ponto area could include hotels. City Council Workshop August 16, 2011 Discussion ensued regarding mixed use zoning such as mixed use types, successes, and the strength of housing and business markets. Mayor Hall asked for the percentage of land devoted to businesses in the City. At 12:03 p.m. the Mayor called a recess. The Mayor and Council Members Packard, Kulchin and Blackburn returned at 12:15 p.m. Mayor Hall shared his concern that the Envision Carlsbad project, the Housing Element Certification and the General Plan update all stay on the timelines presented. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin suggested that the public workshops in November be recorded. Both Council Member Packard and Blackburn asked that sensitivities be shown regarding any increase in dwelling unit density. Mayor Hall asked that the Envision Carlsbad/General Plan update show an economic and job focus. Council Priorities Ms. Hildabrand passed out the Council Priority Project Worksheet and explained its format. This worksheet, dated August 15, 2011, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Council asked for updates on the following projects: • Agua Hedionda Dredging • City owned land evaluations • Streamlining City processes • State owned land conversion • Joint First Responders Training Facility Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 12:38 p.m. bine M. Wood, CMC City Clerk 08/16/2011 isfpn Carlsbad '•V s*"feuftfl Workshop Program Update Land Use Concepts August 16, 2011 CARLSBAD Envision Carlsbad • Changes to work program • Progress to date • Alternatives process • Land use concepts • Next Steps • Council discussion and direction Plan Concepts Overview v CARLSBAD 08/16/2011 Schedule Changes July 26th: Council approved changes to schedule and budget: — Reduced number of community workshops from 10 to 7 - Eliminated community-wide survey - Work of the EC3 will conclude at end of Task 3 (April 2012) - Planning Commission will be involved during Task 4 and remaining work tasks - Overall program costs reduced by approximately $139K Plan Concepts CARLSBAD i-".Vii^w= •-./••^-Wvl Schedule Changes Split adoption of the plans/ordinances into 2 phases - General Plan/LCP Land Use (March 2013) • Approximately 1 year earlier - Zoning Ordinance (December 2013) • Approximately 4.5 months earlier Plan Concepts v CARLSBAD 08/16/2011 INhv *r« flini Upd*U ssi Schedule ij.i-L--J-,,, I ...i. i.. -Lt Tasks Completed to Date Existing conditions/issues exploration - Six Working Papers (Oct 2010 - Mar 2011) — Barrio workshop (March) — Zoning stakeholders interviews (March) Plan and policy alternatives - Opportunity sites identified (March - May) - Brainstorming land uses (May-July) - Alternative land use concepts drafted (August) Plan Concepts CARLSBAD 08/16/2011 Opportunity Sites Analysis ..-•*! ./"VV ^ *% " *%, *„, %..., I'b'S" \ -ar.-v.v.;, ...i,*B'. : ''•r%a|iStA f Vl9":-i %-fer's-'*?-vWrVl»^;*^ri V\\\A'^^^*-'1 % \ \x&>,\'. ,i', ^'"' ^ffit fV™* (v •*/!. Constraints Analysis 08/16/2011 Opportunity Sites and Focus Areas ENVISION CARISSAD Potential Opportunity Stt*.t Alternative Land Use Concepts*»«..,«.,. Concepts derived from brainstorming Reflect community vision core values Three approaches to meeting future needs — A: Centers - B: Active Waterfront — C: Core Focus Plan Concepts '" CARLSBAD 08/16/2011 Concept A: Centers Concept A: Centers ENVISION CARLSBAD CONCEPT*: Cenwn 08/16/2011 Concept B:Active Waterfront Concept B: Active Waterfront | ENVISION CARUBAO | CONCEPT B; Active 08/16/2011 Concept C: Core Focus Concept C: Core Focus ENVISION CARLSBAD CONCEPT C CoreFocwi 8 08/16/2011 Next Steps Today: Council discussion and direction Tomorrow: Planning Commission review Alternatives finalization/testing: through mid- October Public Workshops—November Plan Concepts CARLSBAD Plan Concepts Envision Carlsbad City Council Workshop Program Update Land Use Concepts August 16, 2011 CARLSBAD 10 CITY OF CARLSBAD Memorandum August 11, 2011 To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager From: Gary Barberio, Community and Economic Development Director Re: Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 - Progress Update At the City Council Workshop on August 16, 2011, staff will provide the City Council with an update regarding the progress of Envision Carlsbad Phase 2. Attached for distribution to the City Council is an Envision Carlsbad progress summary with related exhibits. Please contact me at ext. 4606 if you have any questions. Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax City Council Workshop | August 16, 2011 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 | Progress Update City Council approval of Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Contract and Work Program July 27, 2010 (amended July 26, 2011] Description: The Envision Carlsbad Work Program consists of a description of tasks, schedule and budget to complete a comprehensive update to the Carlsbad General Plan, Local Coastal Program and Zoning Ordinance. The overarching intent of the update is to ensure that the city's primary policy and regulatory documents are consistent with the CARLSBAD COMMUNITY VISION (accepted by City Council in January 2010). Work Program Amendment: On July 26, 2011, the City Council approved amendments to the work program schedule and budget (Exhibits 1 and 2 show the revised schedule and task summary). The objective of the amendment was to reduce program costs and complete certain tasks earlier than previously scheduled. The following summarizes the changes: • Number of community workshops reduced from 10 to 7 • Community-wide survey eliminated • Work of the Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (EC3) will conclude at end of Task 3 • Planning Commission will be involved during Task 4 and remaining work tasks • Split adoption of the plans/ordinances into 2 phases o General Plan/LCP Land Use (March 2013) - approximately 1 year earlier o Zoning Ordinance (December 2013) - approximately 4.5 months earlier • Overall program costs reduced by approximately $139,000 ECS Review of Working Papers October 2010 through March 2011 Description: To establish an understanding of existing conditions, constraints and opportunities related to the core values of the CARLSBAD COMMUNITY VISION, six "working papers" were prepared (copies previously distributed to the City Council). The TAG (Technical Advisory Committee, which is comprised of the city's City Council Workshop | August 16, 2011 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 | Progress Update leadership team) and the EC3 reviewed and discussed each paper and provided staff and consultants with feedback that will be helpful in the preparation of plans and policies. The six working papers are: 1. Sustainability 2. The Local Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism 3. Open Space and the Natural Environment; Access to Recreation and Active, Healthy Lifestyles 4. History, the Arts and Cultural Resources; High Quality Education and Community Services 5. Walking, Biking, Public Transportation and Connectivity 6. Small Town Feel, Beach Community Character and Connectedness; Neighborhood Revitalization, Community Design and Livability Barrio Workshop March 10, 2011 Description: Staff and consultants facilitated a workshop with the Barrio community to gain input about: • The historic and cultural significance of the Barrio • Businesses and services the neighborhood would like in the area • The type and density of future housing in the Barrio • Revitalizing and beautifying the Barrio • Transportation to and around the Barrio, including by cars, bikes, walking and public transportation Approximately 85 community members attended the workshop. Staff and consultants prepared a BARRIO WORKSHOP SUMMARY REPORT (previously distributed to City Council), which was reviewed by the ECS. Feedback received at the workshop will assist in the development of alternatives (currently in process) and a preferred plan (first quarter of 2012). Barrio workshop feedback may also be used in the development of zoning standards for the area (for example, standards related to parking, front yard porches and permitted uses). Zoning Stakeholder Interviews March 2011 Description: Staff and consultants invited 37 development community representatives to participate in one-on-one interviews to discuss issues with or ways to improve the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. Approximately 13 development community representatives agreed to participate in an interview. Input received during 2 | Page City Council Workshop | August 16, 2011 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 | Progress Update the interviews will helpful in drafting the Zoning Ordinance update. Topics discussed during the interviews included: • Zoning regulations • Development standards • Project review requirements • Inconsistencies between the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan • Monitoring and Enforcement issues • Ease of implementation • User friendliness of the code Brainstorming on Alternative Land Uses May 11, 2011 (EC3) | June 8, 2011 (Dev. Community) | July 13, 2011 [Planning Commission) Description: Staff and consultants surveyed all land in the city to determine where there are opportunities for future development and possible change of land use. Sites that are either vacant or underutilized, or that have potential to redevelop, were identified as "opportunity sites." These sites were then grouped into eleven geographic "focus areas" and shown on a map titled ENVISION CARLSBAD POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITY SITES AND MAJOR CONSTRAINTS (Exhibit 3). Separate workshops were conducted with the ECS and Planning Commission to review the opportunity sites and brainstorm the types of land uses the committee and commission members would like to see in the future, based on the CARLSBAD COMMUNITY VISION. Exhibit 4 provides a summary of the ECS and Planning brainstorming notes. A workshop was also conducted with the development community to get feedback on the opportunity sites and potential alternatives. This workshop followed a different format that those with the ECS and Planning Commission. Twenty-five select representatives from the development community were invited to attend the workshop; approximately 18 development representatives attended. Notes from the workshop are provided in Exhibit 5. Topics discussed during the workshop included: • What kind of uses and development are appropriate in the various opportunity areas? • What are appropriate and feasible densities/intensities for future development? • What are some of the key development issues to achieve the Community Vision ? • What General Plan policies will facilitate development that the community seeks? 3 | Page City Council Workshop | August 16, 2011 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 | Progress Update ECS and Planning Commission Review of Alternative Land Use Maps August 10, 2011 (EC3) | August 17, 2011 (Planning Commission) Description: The input received at the three alternative brainstorming workshops was analyzed and the primary ideas for each of the opportunity sites and focus areas were used to create three different alternative land use maps. Each map reflects a different concept based on the core values of the CARLSBAD COMMUNITY VISION. The three land use alternative concepts are reflected in the attached maps (Exhibits 6-8) and described on Exhibits 9 and 10. In summary, the concepts are: • Concept A: Centers - this concept creates additional commercial centers that are within walking distance of residential neighborhoods. This is consistent with the community's vision to reduce automobile dependence and to be able to walk from their homes or work to centers that provide commercial goods and services. • Concept B: Active Waterfront - this concept includes more commercial, residential and recreational uses along the coast. This is consistent with the community's vision to create a coastal waterfront that offers more opportunities to gather, dine and shop, as well as additional recreational opportunities. • Concept C: Core Focus - this concept focuses more development (commercial, residential, and employment intensification) in the employment core of the city (along Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real). This is consistent with the community's vision to improve the local economy and business diversity. In addition, this concept is consistent with the community's vision to create more opportunities for residents to live close to work and to provide more commercial services to employees and residents near the employment core of the city; by doing so, automobile dependence to get to work and to shop is reduced. On August 10, 2011, the EC3 reviewed the alternative land use maps and provided staff and consultants with feedback regarding whether or not the alternatives reflect the primary ideas expressed during the brainstorming workshops. On August 17, 2011, the Planning Commission will review the alternative maps and provide feedback to staff and consultants. What's Next? August 2011 through May 2012 Land Use Alternatives Analysis and Community Workshops Based on input from the EC3 and Planning Commission (received at their August 10th and August 17th meetings, respectively), staff and consultants will make revisions to the alternative land use maps. The land use alternatives will also be analyzed in regard to their potential impacts on population, housing, 4 | Pa ge City Council Workshop | August 16, 2011 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 | Progress Update employment, transportation, environment, as well as fiscal impacts. The results of these studies will be used to further refine the land use alternatives. This analysis will take place over the next three months. It is anticipated that the land use alternatives will be presented for community review and input at two workshops in November. Staff is also investigating options to seek community input on the alternatives through a web-based program. Development of a Preferred Plan Staff and consultants will analyze the community's input on the alternative land use concepts, and will identify which alternatives for each opportunity site/area the community prefers. The community's land use preferences will be used to develop a draft Preferred Plan, which will be reviewed by the ECS and Planning Commission. The draft Preferred Plan will be refined, based on ECS and Planning Commission input, and then submitted to City Council for review and approval in May 2012. Remaining Work - General Plan, LCP and Zoning Ordinance Following City Council approval of a Preferred Plan, staff and consultants will begin drafting the General Plan update. In addition, on a parallel track with the development of a Preferred Plan and drafting of the General Plan, the update to the Housing Element and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan will begin in December 2011/January 2012. It is anticipated that the draft General Plan, including the Housing Element, and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan will be ready for public review at the end of 2012. The city hearing process for adoption of those documents is scheduled to occur in February and March of 2013. City adoption of the Zoning Ordinance is schedule to occur at the end of 2013. 5 | Page Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (ECS) and Planning Commission Alternatives Brainstorming Notes Focus Areas Focus Area 1 - Northwest Coastal - - '*y': - -- ': -: -•••''• K' -. '• "" ••v/H'" " '~\-.'^-':'-: • •'."'•' ". \ • • ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • D.A.R/H.O.V. Ramp limits opportunities on SDG&E property east of 1-5 • Opposed to gas stations adjacent to waterways • Respect vision of Barrio area workshop • Keep city hall downtown (in the Village) • Build around Holiday Park o Multi-family residential • Power plant property o Mixed use o Restaurants o Park o Visitor uses o Open Space/Recreation o High end hotel o Seaport Village • Snug Harbor area o Construct lagoon edge trails • Stronger corridor connection between Areas land 2 • Consideration of watershed areas ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Power plant -limited opportunity o Any use dependent on lagoon being dredged o Cannot plan until we know power plant is going o Tourist serving commercial would be good • Resort • Restaurant • Shops o No residential (maybe a little) o E/side of freeway • Agriculture • Tourist Commercial • No residential • Pio Pico - turn hotels into SRO's, Vons - leave commercial • Vons on CVD - midscale/upscale restaurant • Garfield area - high density, restaurants with view • Jefferson - keep high density - increase density • Downtown - not good for SF detached • Restaurants fronting ocean • Mixed use senior center • Adams Street area - office, senior housing, multi-family residential Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) Power Plant area • Convention center/hotel • Open land walkways and public beach access • Art center on lagoon side; would pull the entire city towards the coast and won't take away from small town atmosphere • Could provide shuttle service to other areas • Construct a road across power plant site that connect to Avenida Encinas Barrio area • Mixed use - keep the flare that is there now with walkable sidewalks that tie into the village • High-end and moderate priced housing (along with affordable) - 3 stories max • Need horizontal multifamily housing for seniors • Medical offices • Pedestrian crossings at railroad at Chestnut • More commercial at Chestnut and railroad Village area • Village should be comparable to downtown La Jolla (down by the ocean) with places to eat, shop • Convention center would bring more people in for business, vacation, etc. • Parking structure • Need good entertainment places for all ages • Create an art community Overall area • Improve beach access - more through connections • Improve walkability • Flush toilet bathrooms at the beach • Need to shift focus from Redevelopment Area • More businesses on the beach, including restaurants (not fast food) • Efforts should be made to keep people inside city Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (ECS) and Planning Commission Brainstorming Alternatives Notes • Build a pier with restaurants, shops to draw people in • Charging stations for electric cars Focus Area 2 - Plaza Camino Real Commercial ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011} • High density mixed use • Align/connect with area north of SR78 • Vertical and horizontal mixed use • Connection/relationship to the Village • Shuttle between Plaza Camino Real and Village to better utilize existing parking • Create a destination at Plaza Camino Real • Make Plaza Camino Real an attractive place to live • High end condos • Link to Quarry Creek area ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Hotel • Commercial and residential - mall • Mixed use -mall • East of El Camino Real - leave commercial • Build parking structure - free up city parking lot -area to build high density residential • Site west of mall - high density residential Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Apartments • Make it a "place" • Senior housing (able to walk to commercial) • 2-3 story housing • Commercial with residential • Not necessarily mixed use • Park areas • Walkable • Make it feel residential without it being residential • Commercial along Hwy 78 with residential farther from hwy JocusArea^tiil^'VCrtilk^ ' - . -".;-., . ~ . ' ^--.-~---> /<;~ .- .:- ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Create an integrated trail system • Protect the watershed area • Respect/give back the open space • Build upon the benefits of Buena Vista Creek - Creekside development • Trails/connection to the ocean • Make trail connections up to Lake Calavera • Create a trail link along the watershed area ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • High density residential - cluster/ transfer • Cluster density/open space • Perfect for high density • Preserve as much open space as possible Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • For-profit college in either Area 3 or other area) o Small campus college o Biotech college, tech college, something to support all the businesses the city has o Extended studies location for CSUSM OR SDSU o More continuing education facilities to tap into the residents that live here o Education would perhaps be more compatible at Quarry Creek site • Medical facility/center (Area 3 or other area) • Student housing • High density, high-level/story residential on eastern part of site (cluster density to the east and preserve open space on western part of site) Page 2 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (ECS) and Planning Commission Brainstorming Alternatives Notes Focus Area 4 - Marja /M*£s EC3 Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Site potential for mixed use • Potential for multi-family residential • Surrounded by single family homes. Carefully handle edge conditions • Consider site for residential only ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • All residential • May not be viable as commercial • High density • Commercial (where existing commercial is) • Leave commercial as commercial • Residential - change to high density • Assisted living facility Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Residential (high density - condos, town homes, affordable-low income) • No commercial if Area 5 is commercial Focus Area 5 - Sunny Creek Commercial ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Mixed use • High density residential • Include some commercial ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • RLM site - people sentimental about it • Big box • Commercial - low profile • Create a river walk by creek • Mixed use? • City hall with river walk • All sites - commercial • High density Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Don't want strip mall centers • Area can't support as commercial if there's commercial at Area 4 and Robertson ranch, too - better to have neighborhood commercial at Area 5 (no commercial at Area 4) • Restaurants or Trader Joe's • Something similar to Bressi Ranch • Gas station • Commercial and apartments Focus Area 6 - Mandana EC3 Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Consider thin film solar for covering the reservoir • Should be residential - low density • Constrained access and habitat • 40% of city as open space is the same as New York City. Can densify elsewhere. Defend the open space • Integrate trails and park land ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Leave - large lot residential - low density • Equestrian Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Leave it as low density/large lot residential • As long as someone wants to farm it and its profitable, keep it as agriculture Page 3 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (EC3) and Planning Commission Brainstorming Alternatives Notes Focus Area f - Palomar Corridor ECS Group I (May 11, 2011) • Many distribution facilities o Not parked for office/R&D • Consider adding residential to the area o Area south of Palomar Airport Road that are older • Compatibility with the airport must be considered • Northeast of airport consider as a site for compost facility • Add commercial uses to support residential that may be included • Commercial and residential on periphery ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Residential serving use in PI (sw PAR) • Affordable housing • High density residential • Between Palomar Oaks and Costco, big box retail - general office • Bressi area - commercial (big box) • Las Palmas area - technology infrastructure (light R& D, Education, industrial (light)) • Northeast Palomar Airport Road - commercial/residential serving • Islands restaurant area - does not do well after work hours Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • People should live close to where they are working • Mixed use • Residential could be small townhomes or apartments • More commercial uses/services for workers and residents • Apartments surrounding commercial • Bressi - multifamily residential near commercial center • Concern with compatibility between residential and industrial uses • Parks for workers and residents • Allow food trucks to serve businesses Focus Arjiall'- ftwrtjiern Ireewayf orridor - ;: > -•• .v-; • • •- ^ •-:.- - .^-.v-*----- •• -,-? v- ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Great location for smart growth/affordable housing in vicinity of Poinsettia train station (south of treatment plant) • Consider as a site for mixed use • Poinsettia Village site needs upgrading • Avenida Encinas road improvements need to be completed • Modernize sites along roadway (Avenida Encinas) • Automotive service businesses area a good use for area because of freeway and railroad ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • High density multi-family (Encina site) • Existing hotels - good use/need updating • North of Palomar Airport Road - could be commercial, general office, restaurants • East of 1-5 - visitor serving near 1-5, commercial - residential serving • SWC Poinsettia/l-5 - commercial - residential serving, home improvement, furniture Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Premium Outlet Center should be THE retail center of the city and change the use of PCR o Expand outlet center - push into the Flower Fields for more space; parking structure o Don't want it to become obtrusive - boutique mall - like Forum with anchors. • Need to understand why mixed use project next to train station didn't work; synergy is not there; maybe the uses should serve the train users • Flower trade center area - need more intense commercial and retail uses and restaurants -not a good place for high density residential • Terramar area needs attention Page 4 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (EC3) and Planning Commission Brainstorming Alternatives Notes f^usAr^9^Po^^u^em^^e^ront -.':'•'''.''.-• --^ ;'.-. <8gv.' ::XVr. . . - ,#/•:••"•" • ' ~; '.. '"';:";..';.-.- ' • ''•-•' ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • Linear park along Carlsbad Boulevard • Additional coastal access • Beach parking added • Pocket park (activity areas, place for weddings, etc.) • Water front commercial (ex: Seaport Village, restaurants, etc.) • Recreational/commercial o Place that can be shared by everyone • Create more campsites ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Ensure we have beach front walking/biking • Linear park (with commercial amenities) • Commercial on west side - food stands, bike rental, restaurants • Build restaurant above parking lot Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Seawall needs to extend all the way south • Regulate large vehicle parking along beach • Allow RV parking near campground • Complete rail trail in this area • Limit RV parking along the beach • Ponto area - low rise hotels, condos • Need uses that draw people o Better public access o Safe area for biking/walking o Services o Food (snack to fine dining) o Linear park o More parking o Recreation uses (active and passive Focus Area 10- Aviara ECS Group 1 (May 11, 2011) • High end condos/residential on Murphy property • Preserve environmental resources on Murphy sites. Park opportunity • Park Hyatt site - high density condos should be considered • Bridges/Pontebello site o Finish Poinsettia o Mix in density which is compatible with the area and could be a little higher ECS Group 2 (May 11, 2011) • Need Poinsettia completed • Leave as residential (RLM) north site • Murphy o Park/open space o No residential o Mitigation land • Resort - leave Planning Commission (June 13, 2011) • Should stay residential • Residential at Park Hyatt site - condos or something like that • Sports facility at Park Hyatt for residents Page 5 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee (EC3) and Planning Commission Brainstorming Alternatives Notes Focus Area 11 - South El Camino Real EC3 Group 1 (May 11,2011)ECS Group 2 (May 11,2011)Planning Commission (June 13,2011) • Vons site southeast corner of El Camino Real/La Costa o High density housing o Live/work development • Plaza Paseo Real/Crazy Burro sites o Upscale retail Old Vons at La Costa o Residential - multi-family, high density o Maybe not mixed use o Low chance for opposition to high density o Needs to have economic potential Center by Library o Stay as is o Community gathering place o Other cultural uses by Library Crazy Burro site o Office/professional o High density residential Old Vons (La Costa) Doesn't always have to be multi-story mixed use; could be single story o Retail on old Vons part with good anchor (like Kohl's) o Whole site has bad access o No need for grocery o High density/affordable housing would be appropriate o High end assisted living (if the market warrants the use) o Redo frontage of the stores to bring attention there Page 6 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) 1. Brainstorm on land use and development opportunities a. Land use/development: What kind of uses and development is appropriate in the various opportunity areas? Participant Comments City has office development opportunities. Redevelop one-story "scrape-away" buildings around the airport (#7, Palomar Corridor). There will be more demand for medical offices and services in the next 20-30 years. However, city's current medical zoning is restrictive. Not much need for industrial or warehousing uses. PM zone has served its useful life. For example, medical offices are not an allowed use, so developers use the specific plan tool to get around that. Zoning Ordinance and land use designations need to be updated. Land available for single-family residential is mostly used up. Future residential will need to be higher density and more efficient. Is the city ready to be friendlier to retail, industrial, commercial? Older plans identified "neighborhood centers"—requirements for a supermarket or drug store distributed throughout the city to create a "center." The thinking was to avoid strip malls, but developers (or nearby residents) did not want these centers built, and so the plan was never fully implemented. Consider allowing horizontal as well as vertical mixed use developments. Allow in-lieu fee to meet affordable housing requirement. Would like to build affordable housing, but may not be specialty. Opportunity Areas #1, Northwest Coastal/#2, Plaza Camino Real Commercial Corridor: strengthen connection between them through Jefferson Avenue corridor. Opportunity Area #5, Sunny Creek Commercial: appropriate location for multi-family residential, high density, 18-25 units per acre, Up to 4 stories. Would improve affordability just by adding supply, and would help with jobs/housing balance. Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) b. Densities/intensities: What are appropriate and feasible densities/intensities for future development? Participant Comments Eliminate height restrictions: 4-5 stories is probably right, but 10-15 may be politically feasible right now in higher intensity areas (e.g., areas #2, and #7), near multi-family housing and in the Village (#1). There is no more land for offices; need to build up. Airport regulations will still impose height limits. Unlimited height is not reasonable everywhere - additional height only appropriate in some areas. Create high density corridors with a mix of uses, tied into transit and other city services. Plaza Camino Real is isolated by topography and shopping center. Could be high density office, residential, or hotels. Area #3, Quarry Creek, could be mixed-use with higher intensity development—3-5 stories—since it is up against the hillside, well protected. Hard to fit a multi-family residential in a 45-foot building—need an extra story (i.e. 50- 55 feet) to make it viable. High density residential zone only goes up to 20 units per acre. Up to 30 units per acre can be constructed with parking more reasonably. Need to be more efficient with land. (Only Village up to 35 units per acre). Regulations could go up to 40 units per acre along corridors. Future is in higher density housing, both rentals and condos: Baby Boomers will be downsizing and young people may not prefer a single-family home. Single-family residential can be higher density with tighter setbacks, smaller lots, no back yards. Embrace the open spaces outside instead. Our current housing stock is unbalanced. Multi-family homes and townhomes can be affordable by design. Page 2 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) 2. Brainstorm on Development Issues a. What are some of the key development issues to achieve the Community Vision? b. What General Plan policies will facilitate development that the community seeks? Participant Comments Additional development will be challenging, since traffic level of service standards (average daily trips) is a limiting factor; congestion is already an issue at several intersections. Intensifying uses will cause unmitigated impacts. Consider how level of service (LOS) standards are defined; look at SANDAG changes in trip generation rates for mixed use Developers need flexibility in land use and development standards and certainty in the plan and approval process [this was reiterated several times]. For example, Anaheim Triangle plans. Define an area based on its existing or desired character rather than land use (form based code). Developer can only build so much parking. Shared parking between office and residential reduces costs and area devoted to parking. Parking at higher densities will drive developer's costs and the feasibility of the project. Consider incentives. For example, Escondido is doing away with parking constraints. Consider multi-level parking garages and incentives to build them near the coast (area #1). Design controls in this city are good enough to ensure good design of garages. People do not mind walking nowadays; they will park a few blocks away. Local Facilities Master Plans: Consider adjusting the boundaries to include more of the opportunity sites to remove some of the burden of public facilities. Some properties shown are in open space areas and are affected by the open space ordinance. Requirements are to mitigate for open spaces within the city limits. Consider changes to slope regulations. This could create opportunities for development on sloped areas adjacent to residential and industrial. Carlsbad has sold itself on being a low-density, high-quality community. Residents living here have that expectation. How do potential density/intensity increases align with core values stated in the community vision? Page 3 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) Carlsbad is the most expensive city to work with. Professional staff, but restrictive regulations. City "gave up" on its best sites for commercial: Cannon Road and El Camino Real, El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue; MAG properties. Commercial uses should be at major intersections, not mid-block, e.g., Robertson Ranch. The community has to buy-in for this to work. If community members do not want to drive so far for goods and services, we need to develop these sites, not push retailers to neighboring cities. Need to complete roads: Cannon Road (to Oceanside or Vista) and College Avenue. Consider changes to fee program: integrated for shared uses and phased over the development period, like paying back a loan. City has two well-used tools at its disposal: master plans and development agreements. These allow both the developer and the community to achieve their objectives. Evaluate existing master plans and consider updating if appropriate. Developers need incentives and want options. Not feasible to redevelop a one-story building into two stories because value of existing structure(s) must be factored into development costs. Need city partnership to fulfill community objectives (e.g. city-built infrastructure as an incentive.) Page 4 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) Follow-up emails received from workshop participants: From: Todd Galarneau Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 5:08 PM To: Gary Barberio; Don Neu Subject: GP Update Thanks for including me in the discussion yesterday. It's been awhile since I had the chance to brainstorm planning policy. It reminded me of my city days! One other thing that may be worth considering is either modifying selected thresholds directly, or including a policy that such modifications should be considered, for key areas where the City believes that densification is desired or where infrastructure is at or approaching capacity. The City of Chula Vista took a similar approach a few years back by creating a separate LOS for the western revitalization area. This accomplishes a couple objectives - it reduces or eliminates a key CEQA target and, it can result in a reduced need for future facilities which translates into lower DIP fees and more viable development opportunities. This is probably most applicable in areas where the City is looking to create a more urban experience. I think it was Don that asked the group how flexibility translates into certainty for the developer during the entitlement process. I don't think that it gives more certainty, but it does give the development industry greater latitude in designing a project that is market responsive. If the City provides the vision, and a character statement along with some general goals and policies to provide structure, flexibility can be a win-win for both parties as it will increase developer interest and will expand the possible solutions which should lead to more innovative design. I don't think the group was expecting the City to give complete flexibility - in fact we wouldn't want this - but rather give enough such that the design solution for a particular property is not prescribed or unduly constrained. If the flexibility is guided by a clear vision and character statement, I believe it can be a positive for the community as well. Another lesson we learned with our Millenia project was that proximity to employment is a key indicator of success for urban residential densities. There was some discussion yesterday about mid-rise residential and this type of urban residential in a bit of a niche product and if you are looking at adding this to the GP then its location should be carefully thought out. Lastly, when discussing policies for mixed use development it would be beneficial to define that term as applying to both vertical and horizontal mixed use. Thanks again for the invite and the opportunity to share my two-cents worth. Todd Galarneau, Senior Vice President The Corky McMillin Companies P.O. Box 85104, San Diego, CA 92186-5104 P: (619) 794-1303 F: (619) 336-3057 Tgalarneau@mcmillin.com Page 5 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Phase 2 Development Community Alternatives Brainstorming Notes (June 8, 2011) From: Steve Maciej Sent: Monday, June 13, 20113:42 PM To: Gary Barberio Subject: Envision Carlsbad Gary, Thank you for inviting me to the workshop last week. I thought that was a good presentation and the dialogue I hope was helpful. Could you provide me an electronic version of power point and maps? Also much to my amazement I received a notice from Carlsbad regarding proposed fee increases. It's hard for me to fathom that in this economy the City is going to consider fee increases. I left a voice message for Charles McBride requesting an electronic copy of the fee schedule. If you have one and can pass it along it would be much appreciated. Thanks Steve Maciej Public Policy Analyst Building Industry Association 9201 Spectrum Center Blvd. #110 San Diego, CA 92123 P: 858-450-1221 x 104 C: 619-905-9788 F: 858-552-1445 Direct: 858-514-7004 steve@biasandiego.org www.biasandiego.org Page 6 of 6 Envision Carlsbad Alternative Concepts Concept A: CENTERS The Centers Concept directs development to the Village and several new neighborhood centers. The centers are placed in strategic, visible locations along transit, and distributed to maximize accessibility from residential neighborhoods. Each center will include local shopping as a pedestrian-oriented focus for the surrounding neighborhood, accessible to local residents. High and Medium Density housing, in addition to new parks and open spaces, would surround the retail centers or be integrated in mixed-use buildings. While some centers will be neighborhood oriented, others —such as the Village and the redeveloped Plaza Camino Real—would be citywide draws. A significant majority of the city's housing needs will be accommodated in the centers, enabling people to live close to shops and services and along transit corridors. All centers will have transit access—bus or rail —and pedestrian connections between the centers and the surrounding neighborhoods will be improved to enhance walkability. New centers will be located along El Camino Real and adjacent to the Poinsettia Coaster Station. The Village and Barrio will see increases in housing and amenities as well, while the Power Plant will be redeveloped with hotels, retail, and other non-residential uses. Concept B: ACTIVE WATERFRONT The Active Waterfront Concept will place greater development along the waterfront, enabling residences, hotels, and other uses to be close to the ocean. Residents and visitors will enjoy waterfront dining, shopping, and lingering experience in clusters of restaurants, cafes, and smaller stores. The Power Plant will be developed with a mix of residential and hotel uses, with community-accessible open spaces along Agua Hedionda Lagoon. About half of the city's new residential growth will be in the waterfront focus areas (focus areas 1, 8, and 9). Plaza Camino Real will have a mix of uses, while Quarry Creek will have a small college campus as well as new adjacent residential uses. Concept C: CORE FOCUS In this concept, new residential and commercial uses will be placed at strategic locations at the edges of Carlsbad's employment core in the geographic center of the city—enabling workers to live close to jobs, and stores and restaurants to enjoy patronage from both residents and workers. Shuttles and enhanced bicycle and pedestrian paths would link residential and employment clusters. Because some sites currently envisioned for employment uses will instead be developed with residential and commercial uses, building intensities for office and industrial uses will be somewhat higher, ensuring enough capacity for continued growth. Just over a third of the new housing growth will be in central Carlsbad, while the rest will be dispersed at different locations. The Power Plant and southern portion of Carlsbad Boulevard will focus more on hotel and commercial uses. o SUMMARY OF CONCEPTS # Focus Area Name 1 Northwest Coastal 2 Plaza Camino Real Commercial Corridor 3 Quarry Creek 4 Marja Acres 5 Sunny Creek Commercial 6 Mandana 7 Palomar Corridor 8 Southern Freeway Corridor 9 Ponto/Southern Waterfront 1 0 Aviara 1 1 South El Camino Real A Centers This concept focuses on having walkable neighborhoods where residents have access to retail, services, and jobs. Neighborhoods are focused on mixed use areas with supporting residential and commercial uses within a V-L mile radius. Mixed use in the Village will extend into mixed use and medium/high density residential uses in the Barrio, creating a connection between higher density residential and mixed use. The Power Plant area will have hotels/retail, and other visitor serving commercial. Village: Mixed Use Barrio: Medium & High Density Residential; Mixed Use; Parks/Open Space Power Plant: Commercial (hotels, retail/restaurants); Parks/Open Space Mixed Use; Parks/Open Space Medium and High Density Residential; Parks/Open Space Medium and High Density Residential High Density Residential; Commercial Very Low Density Residential Industrial/Office with intensified employment at higher intensities; a new neighborhood at east end (High Density Residential); Commercial; Mixed Use Commercial and High Density Residential uses around Poinsettia Station, with freeway oriented Commercial uses at Palomar freeway interchange. Industrial/Office along Avenida Encinas. Medium Density Residential; Commercial; Parks/Open Space Low Density Residential; Parks/Open Space High Density Residential; Mixed Use B Active Waterfront This concept focuses on how to activate the waterfront area in order to create a destination that is accessible to the surrounding community. Mixed use in the Village, along with medium/high density residential uses in the Barrio. The Power Plant area will be an activity node with commercial, hotels, residential and open space. Village: Mixed Use Barrio: Medium & High Density Residential; Parks/Open Space Power Plant: High Density Residential and Mixed Use (hotels, retail/restaurant, residential); Parks/Open Space Mixed Use; High Density Residential & Commercial east of El Camino Real; Parks and Open Space Medium and High Density Residential; Campus; Parks/Open Space Medium Density Residential Commercial Very Low Density Residential Industrial/Office with intensified employment at higher intensities. Residential uses in this area will be higher density to create more residential opportunities in area and support commercial and parks/open space activity in Area 9. Uses: Medium and High Density Residential; Commercial; Parks/Open Space A Waterfront Park/Promenade is envisioned along the coastline with activity nodes located along the waterfront which will be accessible to neighborhoods in Area 8. Uses: High Density Residential; Mixed Use; Visitor Serving Commercial; Parks/Open Space Low and Medium Density Residential; Parks/Open Space High Density Residential; Commercial C Core Focus This concept focuses on enhancing employment areas through the location of commercial and residential uses near jobs. Mixed use in the Village will extend into mixed use and medium/high density residential uses in the Barrio. The Power Plant will have hotel and visitor serving commercial uses. Village: Mixed Use Barrio: Medium & High Density Residential; Mixed Use; Parks/Open Space Power Plant: Commercial (hotel/visitor services); Parks/Open Space Mixed Use; Commercial; Parks/Open Space Medium and High Density Residential; Parks/Open Space High Density Residential; Commercial along El Camino Real High Density Residential Very Low Density Residential Industrial/Office with intensified employment at higher intensities. New Mixed Use (commercial and residential) clusters located outside of the Airport Safety Zone, adjacent to employment uses. Higher density residential and open space located on the periphery. Uses: Industrial/Office; High Density Residential; Mixed Use; Commercial; Parks/Open Space Medium Density Residential; Commercial Mixed Use; Parks/Open Space Low and Medium Density Residential; Commercial Recreation; Parks/Open Space High Density Residential; Mixed Use; Commercial O o August, 201 I C I T Y O F Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title Status Responsible Dept.Team Leader Current Milestone Complete Estimated Project Completion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT * * * Partner with property owners in the Village to create a "Main Street" type program to spur local investment and foot traffic. Launch a business attraction and retention program. Streamline city processes to support faster turnaround times & more efficient handling of business requests: - Development Review Process Recommendations - Prop D Implementation - CCC Process - Business License Process Streamline - Car Country Carlsbad Working Group CURRENT MILESTONE: Seven responses to the Request for Proposals were received August 1. H & R Commission to discuss appointments to. sub-committee at 8/18/11 Workshop. NEXT MILESTONE: Appoint five citizens to sub-committee at 8/23/11 meeting. Sub- committee will evaluate proposals, recommend successful proposal to HRC. CURRENT MILESTONE: Outreach visits ongoing - leadership visit is with ViaSat (08/30). Staff visits with LEGOLAND, Grand Pacific Resorts, GIA, Interknowlogy to date, others scheduled. Business attraction visits with Prana & Aviva Stanoff. NEXT MILESTONE: Develop list of target type companies for attraction & develop a communication outreach strategy. CURRENT MILESTONE: Title 20 CMC amendments for Vesting TM's scheduled for 08-23-11 CC Hearing. NEXT MILESTONE: Submit LCPA CMC Amendments to CCC. CURRENT MILESTONE: LCPA application submitted to California Coastal Commission in 07/11. Achieve "complete status" on LCPA submittal o CCC by September 2011. NEXT MILESTONE: LCPA scheduled for CCC Hearing. CURRENT MILESTONE: Review & document existing Business License process. Researching process in other cities to determine business-friendly approaches. NEXT MILESTONE: Identify improvement and streamlining measures. CURRENT MILESTONE: Staff working on work program schedule and cost estimates for CC consideration in 2nd Quarter FY 11/12. NEXT MILESTONE: Work program schedule and cost estimates to CC for consideration by end of 2nd Quarter FY 11/12. CM CED CED CED CED CED J.Coates K. Dodson G. Barberio G.Barberio K. Dodson G. Barberio Aug. 2011 Sept. 2011 Aug2011 Sept. 2011 Sept. 2011 Dec. 2011 Jan. 2012 June 2012 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2012 June 2012 June 2012 = FY 11/12 Priority 8/15/2011 1 of 6 C 1 T Y O F Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * Goal/Project Title Expand the amount and quantity of useful city information available to businesses: - Economic Development Communications Plan - Development Services Manager Communications Plan Proposed Power Plant - Power Plant State permitting - Power Plant Land Use Amendments Westfield Lease and Project Review Envision Carlsbad Phase II - General Plan Update Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Created and sent first of monthly business update e-newsletters. Implemented online property search tool, updating website to be more user-friendly. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete development of ED Communications Plan. CURRENT MILESTONE: CBJ article to ran in July edition. "How to" guide for homeowners and developers completed and posted to web and available at Dev Services counter. Development of video explaining the development permit process and the types of available services and assistance underway. NEXT MILESTONE: Video completed and available in October. Update website pages to provide clear information. CURRENT MILESTONE: Energy Commission Deliberation. NEXT MILESTONE: Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permit CURRENT MILESTONE: Draft text changes for PC considersation in Sept. and CC consideration in Oct. Final report on moritorium to CC on Oct. 11. NEXT MILESTONE: PC hearing in Sept. CURRENT MILESTONE: Finalize lease deal points with Westfield. City Attorney coordinating w/Westfield NEXT MILESTONE: Return to Council in closed session to review final deal points. CURRENT MILESTONE: Task II - Land Use Alternatives underway; ECS to consider draft alternatives on 08/10 and PC on 08/17. CC Workshop on 08/16 to provide status update. New scope, schedule, & budget, proposal approved by CC on 07/26. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete draft alternatives and hold two public workshops in November. Responsible Dept. CED CED PEM CED PEM CED Team Leader K. Dodson M. Peterson J.Garuba D. Neu J. Garuba G. Barberio Current Milestone Complete Sept. 2011 Oct2011 Nov. 2011 Sept. 2011 Sept. 2011 Aug. 2011 Estimated Project Completion June 2012 June 2012 TBD Dec 2013 TBD Dec. 2013 * _= FY 11/12 Priority 8/15/2011 2 of 6 Tl -< ro TJ 5" CO o^ CD Hydro Electric ProjectZ ro om -Q C X E. 33 H T5 33 <! 35— ro §r~ 13 ~1m ,-* _,oo ^ ^ O a" mZ 3 i/> ™ i otn sj 3"IE: Working with Canyois. Resolving outstandin•elect power generationro TO 3 i S5 f S £3 ^ oro is,' aj ^"^ £~ d.—fi ro 5' ^ ro Si. o orV n ~an> o ro CL 3 * -• ro~ ° 3 S* 2, QJ ~n -3' §_ 3 ^ QJ n ?CL "G ft) 3 R TO~ n> ro ro K> ro "a S *rb" ~*n C i — H m ro 13 CD c" < roO1-1 00roT3 O1— »ro Human Capital Management Systro3 z r>rn CX 33 I \r™ ~Hrn __en S o SZ uin? g •""•> 3* o' m <' -nro 5- 1 §" ~ 5QJ r*= ro O -5~~* QJ 3- o' t> ^ro Q. :±ro 3 <'ro QJ CT ro^ J3 0 of f-tT QJ QJ 13 QJ _*-* NJ 0 r° X30 0 QJ *• Cera root— » -H03 O Desalination Plant Reviewz s nm -n dX ° 33H ro 33 § S3"^ — j «£.~ «JJ— ,_+ «— 1m cu .—tq cr. s *J LTi IfZ ^ f " ° 0r* m 7"IE: Revising proposed a:soive outstanding issueake agreement to CWACD ui TO § ' go- 3 ?T ^ "^ r-h QJ < "C5 <. t3 f"*— ^ ZJ" 1 § J;, roro < — .n g c H I —Hj rnUl P 3 cera roo ^ ooro ro 0 h-J *""Maintenance and Operations Cenf^ro | r-t ft 6 3- z ^ p/P. m ' y t_X -13 "D S- H S 50 Ii !?— . f~~ ~*> "™1? m 0 _, ^" O n rn°- Z -a wfD m o ~"i 13 " w O•2-. rn GJ -? 5 g- §" 11• ™ o _? r-f 0) OJ o " OO Q1 0 ro 2° S-a O T3 5 ro :1 - 30 5L ro Ej ^-+1 QJ QJ rD ;••) r-t Ul Q Q era ^ Ln ,-U Or*i ^ O — C i a E 2"— • O rio o 5- -3 D ° T3 ^01 S ft Sro • cj_'^> r- U"! ^' 3 3CL T3 n ro ? ^aj ro c? m oQ ^ O ff ro0 H" cu o roO Ul Constituent Relationship Managero3 ~1 cS 3 5 z pi rn C_ro X 33 =5 H 3!3 _ m— - ^ Z ^ S ^_o t« S o O m QJ O 3 ni ZQJ 01 mCrq —ro c 33r< GJ_ ra ro ro o g!33 ro 2 33 O "^-D OOui r> Q. 9- 3 5 TO °O 3 r-* QJ ro^ ^. 3- ^ro Q.o ronc ro01ro < o'ro O ~" r-j CB33 33 "^ 0oc £• cera O *"" On O ro *Implement golf course operationsreduce operating subsidiesT3 0 ro ro enr+o Z Om CX 33 H 33I 1 1 2 o S Z mm H ^ ° i n o gro 3era 9. ro -S3 O CL ?rro K1 i/i .tj TO' ° O o. c'.p C3_ Q_ ?^'aj ro Q. Xi57 ro i± O 3TOro -a ^C/l pQ mO p I QJMroP-*. 3'ro 1/1ro "D roO M •a NJ 0 ro *Complete a plan to maximize theowned real estateaLcro BOc(/Iro 9,n •Sf 3 Z Prn t_5L . X 33 •< H 33 r~ *H 5 S o S Z U!m H 30 ° S mQJ -», ro s s; ~ (T5 •-\ cuo -j~0 CL ? u> -< ~~: O ^' C ^ QJ 5'n Q.- rjj r^ Z3 QJ'Q_ — — • *^ -1 O — • "OQJ ^ ro 3. zr "< §- 0 fT5 .^ ^ E. QJ <~*'^, QJ O" rs S 3 c ro -om a i QJ C ro— * cera roo " cu NJ 01— iro *Streamline city operations to ensi& most efficient use of resources:L_ roa- 01 QJDnroCL cr CLTOro z pin C X 33H 33 I 3i— ~Hm -,i/> S 0 £ Z WJ 33 2>ro ^ ^ ~o ~ ro n "°u QJ S1 5c a. n ^= ^ ET "° •^ GJ ro 2,^ oro ~> S Q- a 1~o ro Q- ^< -* oQJ -t.3 crQ. ra -^ < 3- Si-rs c-i ro CL t/t— ro ? i.r-+ n 5' S3 - n 2 o i cera o h-* O13erao 3era -n Z L HEALTH-D K 12. i. ^•< K Goal/Project Thro in QJ Cin 33ro "o0DV) 5;ro oro r^ Hro01 3i—roQJQ. 0 g _o -- r» 3 fS 5- s sro o Dr* 3 r*ro ro o R1 •5.1 Ins ro Q) o" ^ g_ 3 gi C2«^;// Priority Projects( % r c ( n>73 00 5D c i T Y o f Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title Labor Negotiations Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Finish contract reopener with Police to address retirement formula for CPOA-represented miscellaneous members and HCMS changes for all CPOA represented employees. Agenda bills scheduled to go to City Council on 8/28/11. NEXT MILESTONE: Responsible Dept. HR Team Leader J.Clark Current Milestone Complete Aug. 2011 Estimated Project Completion Aug. 2011 TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION * * Improve traffic flow by upgrading & synchronizing all traffic signals on major thoroughfares throughout the city, beginning with Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. Install lighted, pedestrian friendly crosswalks along Carlsbad Boulevard in the Village & other areas with heavy foot traffic. La Costa Avenue Traffic Calming CURRENT MILESTONE: Install equipment and connect to TMC on ECR & PAR. NEXT MILESTONE: implement Phase 2 to install equipment on remaining primary corridors. CURRENT MILESTONE: Prepare staff report outlying ped crossing options. NEXT MILESTONE: Present staff recommendations to TSC. CURRENT MILESTONE: Submit community vision plan for La Costa Ave. for Council consideration. NEXT MILESTONE: Depends on Council direction. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION D.Bilse Bryan Jones D.Bilse Dec. 2011 Sept. 2011 Sept. 2011 7/2013 12/2012 TBD PARKS, OPEN SPACES AND TRAILS * * Alga Norte Community Park: - Finalize Alga Norte Park operating pian - Construct Alga Norte Park development by completing iand exchange w/ the state for the Manzano property & realigning Carlsbad Blvd.: - Carlsbad Blvd. Preliminary roadway design and environmental review to facilitate land exchange CURRENT MILESTONE: RFP draft currently being reviewed and will be distributed in September 2011. NEXT MILESTONE: Pre-submittal meeting 9/15/11. CURRENT MILESTONE: Approve bridging documents and obtain Council approval to solicit for Design Build contractor services. NEXT MILESTONE: Select Design Build contractor and Council approval of construction contract. CURRENT MiLESTONE; Complete appraisal of lands, NEXT MILESTONE: Identification of lands to be exchanged. CURRENT MILESTONE: Submit PSA contracts for CC consideration. NEXT MILESTONE: Consultants update land exchange schedule. PARKS & REC PEM CM TRANSPORTATION C. Hazeltine D. Hauser C.Haas S. Hammann Sept. 2011 Sept. 2011 Sept. 2011 Aug. 2011 Jan. 2012 Nov. 2014 Ongoing July 2013 * = FY 11712 Priority 8/15/2011 4 of 6 •X '* C I T Y O F Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * Goal/Project Title Expand the amount of open space & trails in the city through active monitoring of potential acquisition sites and partnering with others, where possible, to leverage taxpayer funds. - Lake Calavera Master Plan Implementation Landscape improvements to Pine Park (Madison Property) New restrooms at Pine Park Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Staff continues to explore potential open space acquisition and partnerships as opportunities become available. Council recently approved purchase & agreement for 30 acres of county gnatcatcher Core Area Conservation Credits (AB 20,637). (formerly known as Perkins Property) NEXT MILESTONE: Scheduled second of on-going quarterly meetings with appropriate staff. Staff is scheduling improvements for trail acceptance of 1.25 miles of trail easement in Santa Fe Trails in SE Carlsbad near Encinitas and La Costa Canyon H.S. CURRENT MILESTONE: Submit permit applications for wetland boardwalk. NEXT MILESTONE: Authorization to bid for wetland boardwalk. CURRENT MILESTONE: Low bid non-responsive. Award to next lowest bidder. NEXT MILESTONE: Project complete. CURRENT MILESTONE: Prepare plans and specifications. NEXT MILESTONE: City Council to authorize bid. Responsible Dept. PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC Team Leader C. Hazeltine L. Ketabian M. Steyaert M. Steyaert Current Milestone Complete Aug. 2011 Aug. 2011 Aug. 2011 Oct. 2011 Estimated Project Completion Ongoing May 2012 Oct. 2011 Aug. 2012 BALANCED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Housing Element Program Implementation CURRENT MILESTONE: Amendments to HE to update timelines as directed by court order in Friends of Aviara lawsuit approved by CC on 07/26; F of A has appealed court decision. Program 2.1 amendments to PC in Nov, 2011. NEXT MILESTONE: Implement various programs in adopted Housing Element. CED D. de Cordova Nov 2011 Apr. 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Agua Hedionda dredge project Solid waste strategy and contracts Vista-Carlsbad interceptor CURRENT MILESTONE: Secure agency permits. NEXT MILESTONE: Council approve plans and authorize project bidding. CURRENT MILESTONE: Prepare long term collections and disposal draft agreements with WM and Allied. NEXT MILESTONE: Approval of agreements by Council. CURRENT MILESTONE: Planning Commission Approval of Mitigated Negative Declaration. NEXT MILESTONE: Council approval of MND, resolve outstanding utility issues, acquire necessary easements. UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES G. Pruim C. Ruess T.Smith Mar. 2012 Oct. 2011 Oct. 2011 Nov. 2012 Jun.2012 May 2013 = FY 11/12 Priority 8/15/2011 5 of 6 CITY OF Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title Sewer Master Plan Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete Encina Canyon Multi-Agency Relief Sewer Study. NEXT MILESTONE: integrate above study into Sewer Master Plan and prepare required EIR. Responsible Dept. UTILITIES Team Leader T.Smith Current Milestone Complete Sept. 2011 Estimated Project Completion Apr. 2012 SAFE COMMUNITY Joint First Responders Training Facility (JFRTF): -Construct JFRTF - Prepare Operations Plan Fire Station 3 relocation NEXT MILESTONE: Deliver project to owner for operation. CURRENT MILESTONE: Send out RFP for consultant services to prepare operations plan. NEXT MILESTONE: Approve consultant contract and begin prepatation of Operations Plan, CURRENT MILESTONE: Execute Gesign contract with architectural firm. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete project design. TRANSPORTATION PEM PEM P. Vaughan D. Mauser D. Mauser Mar. 2012 Aug. 2011 Aug. 2011 Mar. 2012 March 2012 Summer 2013 WATER Water Master Plan Recycled Water Master Plan Recycled Water Phase III Feasibility Study and North County Cooperative Use Project CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete Draft Master Plan. NEXT MILESTONE: Obtain CEQA clearance (12/2011). CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete Draft Master Plan. NEXT MILESTONE: Obtain CEQA clearance (12/2011). CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete Phase III Feasibility Study. NEXT MILESTONE: With Council approval, select preferred project, apply for grants/loans, obtain agreements/letters of intent from recycled water purchase partners. UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES B. Plummer D.Ahles D.Ahles Sept. 2011 Aug. 2011 Oct. 2011 Apr. 2012 Apr. 2012 Apr. 2012 = FY 11712 Priority 8/15/2011 6 of 6