HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: November 15, 2011 TIME: 11:00 AM PLACE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 173B, 1635 FARADAY Mayor Hal I called the meeting to order on November 15, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Present: Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Douglas, Blackburn. 1. Regional Reports: No reports were given. 2. Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Plan Presentation. Staff Member Presenting: Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer. (Power Point presentation attached and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Mr. Jantz presented a brief history of the lagoon and introduced Terri Stewart and Warren Wong, the representatives from the California Department of Fish and Game who were in attendance in order to respond to questions. Mr. Jantz reviewed the feasibility analysis, and the described the three alternatives identified: 1. Fresh Water Alternative; 2. Salt Water Alternative; and 3. Mixed Water Alternative. He also explained that a fourth alternative exists, which is to do nothing to the lagoon. Mr. Jantz stated that the Department of Fish and Game owns the majority of the lagoon area, but that the area at the mouth of the lagoon is privately owned by two groups, one in Oceanside (St. Malo HOA) and the other in Carlsbad (The Beach HOA). Mr. Jantz reported that the State had determined the preferred alternative to be the Salt Water Alternative, noting that Fish and Game had conducted meetings with the property owners, who are opposed to this option. He explained that, in order for Alternative #2 to be completed, property owners would need to either dedicate an easement or sell a small portion of the property at the mouth of the lagoon to the State. Mr. Jantz continued with the report noting that the State presently has no funding set aside for this project and therefore is putting the project on hold. Mr. Jantz also reported that the Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee has recommended that that the City of Carlsbad and City of Oceanside send a letter to the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency requesting that they reconsider terminating the Environmental Impact Report for the project. Ms. Stewart addressed Council and discussed the reasons for the selection of the Salt Water Alternative. She also explained that in addition to lack of funding, since there is no agreement with the property owners for access to the mouth of the lagoon, there is no viable project. Ms. Stewart reported that Fish and Game had received an opinion from their Office of General Counsel, that the project is not implementable, and therefore, cannot proceed, so that a decision to terminate the EIR was made. City Council Workshop November 15, 2011 Council Member Blackburn inquired about the possibility of using condemnation to obtain the necessary access to the mouth of the lagoon. City Attorney Ron Ball explained that the decision regarding condemnation would be up to the lead agency, which in this case is the State of California. In response to inquiry from Mayor Hall, Ms. Stewart explained that a letter from the City of Carlsbad would elevate this matter for reconsideration at the agency level. In response to inquiry from Council Member Douglas, Ms. Stewart stated that it is her understanding that funds for the 1-5 widening project no longer include monies for lagoon restoration, or plans for upgrading the 1-5/Route 78 connection. In response to inquiry from Council Member Packard, Ms. Stewart noted that offsite mitigation would not be an option for the lagoon project. In response to inquiry from Mayor Hall, Ms. Stewart explained that the Salt Water Alternative would remove lateral beach access in the area and would provide an opening of approximately 200 feet at the mouth of the lagoon. The following persons addressed Council regarding this matter: Regg Antle, President of the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation, spoke in favor of the Fresh Water Alternative and in opposition to the Salt Water Alternative. He provided a brief history of the existing weir and discussed the current status of the lagoon. He noted that restoration is needed, and requested that the agency proceed with the EIR in order to properly evaluate the alternatives. Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, spoke of the need to deal with the siltation issues in the lagoon, and the importance of obtaining funding through the 1-5/Route 78 project. She stated that completion of the EIR process is key to this project and requested that it be done. Jack Tenaglia, St. Malo Homeowners Association, spoke in support of lagoon restoration, but in opposition to the Sea Water Alternative due to concerns about tidal flushing. He noted that the current weir exists on an easement that was required to be granted in 1971. He also commented on the matter of condemnation, which he believes would be long and costly. In addition, he requested that the studies and EIR process be completed. Austin Gavin, President of The Beach HOA, addressed Council in opposition to the Salt Water Alternative, and in support of the Fresh Water Alternative. William Carroll, representing The Beach HOA, addressed Council in opposition to the Salt Water Alternative due to concerns regarding tidal flushing. He presented a memo and drawing (copies on file City Council Workshop November 15, 2011 in the City Clerk's Office). In addition, he requested that the State Fish and Game Department proceed with the Fresh Water Alternative. Dennis Huckaby, of the Audubon Society, spoke of the need to maintain the habitat area for the many species of birds. He requested that the State proceed with the EIR process for this project to better assess the alternatives. In response to inquiry from Mayor Hall, Ms. Stewart confirmed that the Buena Vista Lagoon is the only fresh water lagoon in the state. She also explained that there are sufficient fresh water areas nearby to accommodate the bird species requiring fresh water habitat. In response to inquiry from Mayor Pro-Tern Kulchin, City Manager Hildabrand indicated that reports from SANDAG and CALTRANS regarding the highway widening projects and funding could be agendized for Council review within the next few months. Mayor Hall noted that SANDAG has separated the l-5/Route 78 project from the 1-5 widening project. In response to inquiry from City Attorney Ball, Ms. Stewart explained that the opinion given by their General Counsel was verbal, not written. City Attorney Ball stated that he would contact the General Counsel for clarification of the decision, and request a written opinion, if necessary. Council Members discussed their concerns about the state of the lagoon if no restoration took place. By consensus, Council determined to send a letter to the Agency Director, John Laird, requesting that the studies and EIR for the lagoon project be completed, and that a report on potential funding sources for the project be brought to Council at a later date. At 12:40 p.m. the Mayor called a recess. Mayor Hall and Council Members Douglas, Packard, Kulchin and Blackburn returned at 12:50 p.m. 3. Solid Waste Rates Report The following document was distributed for this item and is on file in the Office of the City Clerk: • Solid Waste Collection Update and Timeline, Power Point Presentation, November 15, 2011. Staff Members Presenting: Glen Pruim, Utilities Director, Christine Ruess, Sr. Management Analyst. Mr. Pruim presented an overview and outlined the project objectives. Ms. Ruess presented a history of the matter, including reporting on current service and contract negotiations. She explained the changes in the proposed contract would provide for single stream City Council Workshop November 15, 2011 recycling, automated collection, provision of containers by the contractor, continued use of the Palomar Transfer Station, and continuation of bulky item collection (3 times per year). Ms. Ruess outlined the current and proposed rates for residential as well as commercial solid waste collection. In addition, she outlined the noticing requirements for the majority protest hearing, which is to be held to February 14, 2012. She then discussed the proposed methodology for annual rate adjustments. The following person addressed Council regarding this matter: Diane Nygaard, of Preserve Calavera spoke in support of green waste recycling. 4. Discussion re Efficiency and Effectiveness: None. 5. Council Priorities: Ms. Hildabrand passed out the Council Priority Project Worksheet and explained its format. (This worksheet, dated November 15, 2011, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Council inquired about the proposed opening of Alga Norte Park, which is scheduled for September, 2013. Joe Garuba, Municipal Property Manager, briefed Council regarding the upcoming Energy Commission hearings regarding the Energy Center Project, and distributed the revised Committee schedule (copy on file in the City Clerk's Office.) 6. Discussion of Feedback and Communications: None Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 1:23 p.m., to a Closed Session in the Planning Library, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad. rM»i:>Lciiiii.iiy' — - 11/15/2011 BUENA VISTA LAGOON RESTORATION PLAN PROJECT UPDATE Steven Jantz City Council Workshop November 15,2011 Buena Vista Lagoon Resotration Plan Project Update General lagoon history Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Feasibility Analysis Current Status '4 Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers " Committee Recommendation : 11/15/2011 Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Inlet channel spans from El Camino Real to Jefferson Street Maintenance Assessment District Funded Currently in year 8 of a 10 year program Effective means of clearing creek of vegetation 11/15/2011 Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Feasibility Analysis To provide adequate, reliable information to assist the decision makers in determining the ultimate configuration of the Lagoon Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation State Coastal Conservancy California Department of Fish and Game 11/15/2011 ____ $109.1 Million 13.1 46.6 36.8 $7.5 Million/HU $2.5 Million/HU $3.0 Million/HU 11/15/2011 1994 through 2011 Activities Continued to refine: - Sensitive species and biological data - Impacts and boundaries of 3 restoration alternatives — Lagoon mouth configuration Began public process for EIR/EIS Met with lagoon mouth owners - The Beach HOA -St. MaloHOA ..- ! Current Status Salt Water Alternative is preferred based on ecologically beneficial uses Would require widening the lagoon entrance to allow for tidal flushing Would require lagoon mouth property owners to sell/dedicate private property to allow for the widening of the mouth of the lagoon Current Situation No current funding source No agreement with lagoon mouth owners No viable project Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee Recommended the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside send a letter requesting that the Secretary of Natural Resources Agency reconsider terminating the Environmental Impact Report for the Buena Vista Lagoon Management Plan Project 11/15/2011 Honorable City Council Members I am William Carroll, and 1 live at 2315 Rue des Chateaux , Carlsbad I am here this morning representing the Beach Homeowners Association, a group of 14 homes on the beach at the very north end of Ocean Street and one of the owners of the property at the mouth of the Buena Vista Lagoon. We thank you for giving us this opportunity to appear before you and present our views on the various alternative plans as prepared by the State of California Dept. of Fish and Game on the future renovation of the Buena Vista Lagoon. Our major concerns involve the Salt Water Alternative, which would result in tidal flushing of the lagoon and converting it into a salt water regime. As you all know these studies have been going on for a number of years and our first major concern came in 2004 when the proposed Salt Water and Mixed Water Alternatives proposed Jetties at the entrance of the lagoon. At that time we expressed our belief that jetties should not be permitted, as the result of the ocean current situation that exists at this site, mainly a net annual north to south current, the sand on the beaches to the south of the jetties, namely the North Carlsbad beach between Oak St and the lagoon would be depleted. This phenomenon has been studied extensively by coastal engineers and if you are interested I can bring you documentation of this effect. As a consequence of our opposition to the jetties, our Association and the St. Malo Association had two separate meetings with the various State and Federal agencies that were involved in this Project and they asked us if we would consider an alternative without Jetties. We indicated we would be willing to study any other alternative, but they had to realize that this willingness did not mean that after studying any other alternative we would be obligated to agree with it. This resulted in a restudy of the alternative by them and the new concept was presented to us on July 15, 2011. This new concept is based on a 200-foot wide channel between St. Malo and our homes. This channel has an invert elevation of minus 2 foot NGVD and the maximum elevation of water in the channel would be about plus 5 foot NGVD.. It is a very spread out channel with side slopes of about 20 to 1. This channel would require some type of containment such as a sheet pile wall immediately adjacent to our wall as our wall is not designed to have ocean tides and waves against it. This channel would also eliminate our access to the beach thru our existing stairway, and would also eliminate 200 feet of our beach. We own the beach in front of our development down to the high water line. We, therefore, do not agree with this alternative. Also, our discussions with St. Malo, indicate their opposition to this alternative as the tidal variation of 5-7 feet during a portion of the year, approaching 50 percent of the time, is unacceptable. John Tenaglia, whose grandfather Mr. Keith, developed St Malo starting back in the 1920's, and who is a property owner along the proposed channel and is on the Board of St. Malo Association, is here this morning and can discuss their opposition.. It is interesting in that in a letter dated Feb. 29, to the Office of the Attorney General from Ray Nesbit, Executive Officer of the State of California Water Conservation Board, states "Our objective is to keep the lagoon as a fresh water body at a relatively uniform level". Another interesting historical aspect of this situation is that back in 1971, when the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside were given easements to the channel so that a weir could be constructed and then maintained by the cities, the easement, states that "it is eepressly stated, understood and acknowledged by all parties hereto that the easement granted hereby shall not be used in any manner to import water from the Pacific Ocean or from any other source to or into the Buena Vista Lagoon". From the above you can see that we oppose both of the Sea Water Alternatives so far proposed, and are in favor of the State Fish and Game Dept. proceeding with the Fresh Water Alternative. COPY 11/15/2011 Solid Waste Collection Update and Timeline Presentation November 15, 2011 CARLSBAD Objectives Background Rates Timeline Agenda CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Workshop Objective Update Council on Status of the New Solid Waste Services CARLSBAD Benefits Environmental - Increased recycling — Green Vehicles Curb / Resident Appeal — Uniform appearance - Less loose trash - Carts on wheels vs. crates CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Background Council Workshop - March 29, 2011 - Collection options - Contracting Options & Term — Use of Palomar Transfer Station - Directed staff to meet with Waste Management & Allied CARLSBAD Background (continued) Council Workshop -June 14, 2011 - Proposals presented — Staff directed to prepare an agreement for solid waste services and an amendment for use of the PTS. CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Terms Term (10 years), Beginning July I, 2012 Trash to PTS Services - Fully Automated Collection - Single Stream Recycling - Low Volume Generator Rate - Bulky Item (3 on-call collections per year) - Cans provided by hauler CARLSBAD Terms [Continued) Can lids will be different colors to distinguish type of service (Trash, Recycling, Green Waste) CARLSBAD 4 11/15/2011 Current and Proposed Rates Current Rates Proposed Rat I RESIDENTIAL Contractor Rate: $13.95 Resident Rate: $18.87 $14.88 - 64 and 96 gallon carts $13.19 - 35 gallon cart (low volume) $19.90 - 64 and 96 gallon carts $18.03 - 35 gallon cart (low volume) COMMERCIAL- 3 Yard Bin, Service IX/Week Contractor Rate: $72.68 Customer Rate: $98.85 Other Customer Bin Rates $76.36 $103.85 Range of increases: 4.2% - 7.5% Recycling Rates Range of increases: 12.3%-13.2% CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Proposed Rate Adjustments Waste Management Rates - Disposal Rate (Pass Through) - Other components - 90% of CPI (0% - Allied Rates -Disposal Rate -CPI, Fuel Rate Review CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Rate Notice Majority Protest Hearing Residential and Commercial Rates 5 years of increases based on contract ^CARLSBAD Contracts and Rates Timeline December 28-29. 2011- Notices Mailed: New Services and Rates February 14, 2012 - Public Hearing for Rates, Solid Waste Contract and PTS amendment Spring 2012 - Council meeting - Revise Solid Waste Ordinance ^CARLSBAD 11/15/2011 Implementation Timeline February/March - Begin ordering new carts March/April - Begin residential messaging of new services June 1st - 30 day reminder of new services June, - New Carts delivered July 1st - New services & rates begin CARLSBAD Questions? CARLSBAD ,4 *T C I T Y O F Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title Status Responsible Dept.Team Leader Current Milestone Complete Estimated Project Completion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Partner with property owners in the Village to create a "Main Street" type program to spur local investment and foot traffic. CURRENT MILESTONE: H&R Commission appointmented five citizens to sub-committee at 8/23/11 Workshop. Sub-committee assembled and is currently evaluating proposals. NEXT MILESTONE: Recommend preferred contractor, scope of work and fees to H&R Commission and obtain approval to execute Professional Services Agreement. CM J.Coates Dec. 2011 Jan. 2012 Launch a business attraction and retention program. CURRENT MILESTONE: Outreach visits ongoing; 2 of 12 leadership visits complete; 9 of 50 staff visits complete; continue to meet with companies considering expansion in, or relcation to Carlsbad. Working with Communications Manager on business attraction plan. Collaborating with No. County ciites on sub-regional attraction/retention efforts. NEXT MILESTONE: Investigate and develop cost estimates for attraction plan. Complete Tech Incubator RFP selection. CED K. Dodson Nov. 2011 June 2012 Streamline city processes to support faster turnaround times & more efficient handling of business requests: - Development Review Process Recommendations CURRENT MILESTONE: Send "Decision Making Level" proposed amendments out for public review. NEXT MILESTONE: Schedule "Decision Making Level" amendments for PC and CC hearing. Submit LCPA CMC Amendments to CCC. CED G. Barberio Nov. 2011 Dec. 2012 - Prop D Implementation - CCC Process CURRENT MILESTONE: LCPA application submitted to California Coastal Commission in 07/11. Achieved "complete status" on LCPA submittal to CCC in September 2011. CCC continued application for up to one year at their September hearing. Meet with CCC staff to work out application issues. NEXT MILESTONE: LCPA scheduled for CCC Hearing. CED G.Barberio Dec. 2011 Sept. 2012 - Business License Process Streamline CURRENT MILESTONE: Working on process flow and identifying best practices. Identifing potential improvements in Fire Dept. processing and issues with current software. NEXT MILESTONE: Work with Fin Dept and Fire Dept on streamlining improvements. Identify software alternatives. CED K. Dodson Nov. 2011 = FY11/12 Priority June 2012 11/15/2011 1 of? CITY OF Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * * Goal/Project Title - Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Expand the amount and quantity of useful city information available to businesses: - Economic Development Communications Plan Proposed Power Plant - Power Plant State permitting Westfield Lease and Project Review Envision Carlsbad Phase II - General Plan Update Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Staff working on work program schedule and cost estimates for CC consideration in 2nd Quarter FY 11/12. NEXT MILESTONE: Work program schedule and cost estimates to CC for consideration by end of 2nd Quarter FY 11/12. CURRENT MILESTONE: Published ED overview piece and presented it to Chamber Government Affairs Subcommittee. NEXT MILESTONE: Send ED postcard to Carlsbad companies; update "Carlsbad at a Glance". CURRENT MILESTONE: EPA Review. NEXT MILESTONE: Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permit. CURRENT MILESTONE: Finalize lease deal points with Westfield. City Attorney coordinating w/Westfield NEXT MILESTONE: Return to Council in closed session to review final deal points. CURRENT MILESTONE: Task 2 - Draft Land Use Alternatives presented to EC3 on 08/10 and PC on 08/17. Two community workshops on land-use alternatives in January, web feedback Jan/Feb. NEXT MILESTONE: Report to PC & CC results of alternative analysis and community feedback, April 2012. Responsible Dept. CED CED PEM PEM CED Team Leader G. Barberio K. Dodson J.Garuba J. Garuba G. Barberio Current Milestone Complete Dec. 2011 Nov. 2011 TBD Nov. 2011 Jan. 2012 Estimated Project Completion TBD June 2012 TBD TBD Dec. 2013 FINANCIAL HEALTH * Streamline city operations to ensure balanced budget & most efficient use of resources: CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete initial screening process for lines of business/major services and hire consultant. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete operational assessment for selected lines of business/major services. CM CMT Jan. 2012 Ongoing = FY 11712 Priority 11/15/2011 2 of 7 CITY OF Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * * Goal/Project Title Complete a plan to maximize the value & use of city- owned real estate Implement golf course operational improvements to reduce operating subsidies Constituent Relationship Management Program Maintenance and Operations Center Construction Desalination Plant Review Human Capital Management System Hydro Electric Project Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Retain financial property consultant and initiate highest and best use analysis. NEXT MILESTONE: Prepare draft report. CURRENT MILESTONE: 18th hole green/dedicated player's lounge design. NEXT MILESTONE: 18th hole green/dedicated player's lounge construction CURRENT MILESTONE: Evaluate CRM proposals and negotiate with vendor; secure services of external project manager. NEXT MILESTONE: Implement Phase 1 of Call Center. CURRENT MILESTONE: Retain consultant to prepare performance specifications and authorize design-build process. NEXT MILESTONE: Prepare performance specifications and bridging documents and authorize solicitation for design-builder. CURRENT MILESTONE: Enter Reimbursement Agreement with Poseidon. NEXT MILESTONE: Determine amount of desal water to be purchased as a local supply CURRENT MILESTONE: Finish roll-out of training classes to employees and convert to new system (including automated timesheets for pilot departments) effective 11/28/11. (Julie to update) NEXT MILESTONE: Go live with all of Phase 1 deliverables no later than January 1, 2012. CURRENT MILESTONE: Recommendation submitted on preferred equipment provider. Cost analysis was updated. NEXT MILESTONE: Finalize design, obtain FERC approval and advertise project for bids. Responsible Dept. PEM PARKS & REC CM PEM UTILITIES HR UTILITIES Team Leader J. Garuba C. Hazeltine J. Coates P.McGarry G. Pruim J. Clark B. Plummer Current Milestone Complete Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 Feb. 2012 Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 Estimated Project Completion Jan. 2012 May 2012 Nov. 2012 March 2015 Mar. 2012 Jan. 2012 Dec. 2012 TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION * Improve traffic flow by upgrading & synchronizing all traffic signals on major thoroughfares throughout the city, beginning with Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. CURRENT MILESTONE: Install equipment and connect to TMC on ECR & PAR. NEXT MILESTONE: Implement Phase 2 to install equipment on remaining primary corridors. TRANSPORTATION D.Bilse Feb. 2012 July 2013 * = FY 11/12 Priority 11/15/2011 3 of 7 C I T Y O F Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * Goal/Project Title Install lighted, pedestrian friendly crosswalks along Carlsbad Boulevard in the Village & other areas with heavy foot traffic. La Costa Avenue Traffic Calming Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Presented staff recommendations to TSC on 11/7/11. TSC approved staff's recommendation. NEXT MILESTONE: Present staff recommendations from the TSC and other opportunities to enhance Active Transportation to the Leadership Team on 11/9/11. CURRENT MILESTONE: The interim measures and conceptual plans for the long-term vision for La Costa Avenue have been accepted by City Council. NEXT MILESTONE: Incorporate La Costa Avenue Improvement Plan into General Plan Update process. Responsible Dept. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Team Leader B.Jones D.Bilse Current Milestone Complete Nov. 2011 Oct. 2011 Estimated Project Completion May 2012 TBD PARKS, OPEN SPACES AND TRAILS * * * Alga Norte Community Park: - Finalize Alga Norte Park operating plan - Construct Alga Norte Park Create new coastal land for recreation & economic development by completing land exchange w/ the state for the Manzano property & realigning Carlsbad Blvd.: Carlsbad Blvd. Preliminary roadway design and environmental review to facilitate land exchange Expand the amount of open space & trails in the city through active monitoring of potential acquisition sites and partnering with others, where possible, to leverage taxpayer funds. CURRENT MILESTONE: RFP draft currently being reviewed and will be distributed in November 2011. NEXT MILESTONE: Pre-submittal meeting December 2011. CURRENT MILESTONE: Develop Design/Build Procurement process, including creating a Request for Qualification, RFP (including a defined Selection Criteria), and a Design/Build Contract NEXT MILESTONE: Obtain Council Approval of the Selection Process CURRENT MILESTONE: Work with consultant team to complete compleate initial evaluation and appraisal of city/state lands . NEXT MILESTONE: Identification of lands to be exchanged. CURRENT MILESTONE: Consultants update land exchange schedule. NEXT MILESTONE: Submit 6f application to Dept. of Interior for consideration CURRENT MILESTONE: Staff continues to explore potential open space acquisition and partnerships as opportunities become available. NEXT MILESTONE: Scheduled third of on-going quarterly meetings with appropriate staff. PARKS & REC PEM CM TRANSPORTATION PARKS & REC C. Hazeltine P. McGarry C.Haas S. Hammann C. Hazeltine Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 Feb. 2012 Nov. 2011 Jan. 2012 Jan. 2012 Sept 2013 Ongoing Dec. 2013 Ongoing * = FY 11/12 Priority 11/15/2011 4 of 7 CITY OF Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title - Lake Calavera Master Plan Implementation Landscape improvements to Pine Park (Madison Property) New restrooms at Pine Park Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Complete construction documents. (Note: will continue to make improvements to upland trails while awaiting agency permits). NEXT MILESTONE: Start construction of boardwalk (contingent on agency permit success). CURRENT MILESTONE: Project completion. NEXT MILESTONE: Notice of completion. CURRENT MILESTONE: Prepare plans and specifications. NEXT MILESTONE: City Council to authorize bid. Responsible Dept. PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC Team Leader L. Ketabian M. Steyaert M. Steyaert Current Milestone Complete Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Estimated Project Completion May 2012 Dec. 2011 Sept. 2012 BALANCED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * Housing Element Program Implementation CURRENT MILESTONE: Amendments to HE to update timelines as directed by court order in Friends of Aviara lawsuit approved by CCon 07/26; F of A has appealed court decision. Program 2.1 amendments (minimum density/mixed-use) to PC on Dec 7, 2011. NEXT MILESTONE: Implement various programs in adopted Housing Element. CED D. de Cordova Dec. 2011 Apr. 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Agua Hedionda dredge project Solid waste strategy and contracts Vista-Carlsbad interceptor Sewer Master Plan CURRENT MILESTONE: Secure agency permits and approval of mitigation plan. NEXT MILESTONE: Council approve plans and authorize project advertisement. CURRENT MILESTONE: Conduct Council Workshop on Nov. 15 to discuss rates and timeline. NEXT MILESTONE: Approval of agreements and rate by Council in January 2012. CURRENT MILESTONE: Obtain Council certification of environmental document. NEXT MILESTONE: Obtain resource agency permits. Finalize plans, specs and estimates, and receive Council approval to advertise. Construct Vista-Carlsbad Interceptor. CURRENT MILESTONE: Determine Encina Canyon Sewerage Solution NEXT MILESTONE: Incorporate MP information into CiP and replacement funding program. UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES G. Pruim C. Ruess T.Smith T.Smith Mar. 2012 Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 Nov. 2012 July 2012 May 2013 Jan. 2012 = FY11/12 Priority 11/15/2011 5 Of 7 Council Priority Projects 4 <J C I T Y OF > CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority Goal/Project Title Status Responsible Dept.Team Leader Current Milestone Complete Estimated Project Completion SAFE COMMUNITY Safety Training Center: - Construct Safety Training Center - Prepare Operations Plan Fire Station 3 relocation CURRENT MILESTONE: Under construction - completion scheduled for 1st Qtr. 2012, NEXT MILESTONE: Deliver project to owner for operation. CURRENT MILESTONE: Prepare draft business operations plan. NEXT MILESTONE: Council approval of funding and business operations plan. CURRENT MILESTONE: City Manager approval of program and floorspaces needs assessment. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete the plans and specifications. TRANSPORTATION PEM PEM P. Vaughan J. Garuba P.McGarry Mar. 2012 Dec. 2011 Nov. 2011 Mar. 2012 Mar. 2012 Summer 2013 WATER Water Master Plan Recycled Water Master Plan Recycled Water Phase III Feasibility Study and North County Cooperative Use Project CURRENT MILESTONE: Incorporate MP information into CIP and replacement funding program. NEXT MILESTONE: Prepare required PEIR CURRENT MILESTONE: Incorporate MP information into CIP and replacement funding program. NEXT MILESTONE: Prepare required PEIR CURRENT MILESTONE: Awarded Prop. 84 Grant of $1.5 million; agencies are deciding how to spend $1.5 million. NEXT MILESTONE: Consider recycled water sales arrangement with Vista Irrigation District to serve the Shadowridge Golf Course UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES B. Plummer D.Ahles D.Ahles Jan. 2012 Jan. 2012 Dec. 2011 Apr. 2012 Apr. 2012 Jan. 2012 COUNCIL REQUESTS * * Public/Private Compensation Survey Design Pay for Performance Plan for CCEA- represented employees CURRENT MILESTONE: Select compensation consulting firm to assist on the project. NEXT MILESTONE: Conduct in-depth review of total compensation for 25 - 30 city positions with private sector counterparts. CURRENT MILESTONE: Select compensation consulting firm to assist on the project. NEXT MILESTONE: Form labor/management committee to begin education and committee work. HR HR J.Clark J.Clark Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Feb. 2012 Jan. 2012 *= FY 11/12 Priority 11/15/2011 6 Of 7 CITY OF Council Priority Projects CARLSBAD FY 11/12 Priority * * Goal/Project Title ••• Local Preference Purchasing Policy Vacation Rentals Status CURRENT MILESTONE: Revising memo explaining current policy and survey of other cities in San Diego County NEXT MILESTONE: Submit memo. CURRENT MILESTONE: Kick-off meeting held on Oct. 6. Research and complete draft report in response to CC direction by Nov. 29. NEXT MILESTONE: Report completed and delivered to City Manager by end of Dec. Responsible Dept. FINANCE CED Team Leader C. McBride D. Neu Current Milestone Complete Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Estimated Project Completion Nov. 2011 Dec. 2011 COMPLETED * - Power Plant Land Use Amendments - Development Services Manager Communications Plan CURRENT MILESTONE: Draft text changes considered by PC on 09/07/11 and CC on 09/27/11. Final report on moritorium went to CC on 09/27/11. Second read of Ord occurred on Oct 11,2011. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete. CURRENT MILESTONE: Development of video explaining the role of the Development Services Manager underway. Video completed and available on city web. NEXT MILESTONE: Complete. CED CED D. Neu M. Peterson Oct. 2011 Nov. 2011 Complete Complete * _= FY 11/12 Priority 11/15/2011 7 of 7 REVISED COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR THE CARLSBAD ENERGY CENTER PROJECT (07-AFC-6) DATE November 18, 2011 November 18, 2011 December 1, 2011, 3:00 p.m. December 7, 201 1 , 1 2:00 Noon December 9, 201 1 , 1 0 am - 1 2:00 Noon December 12, 2011 4-5 weeks after Evidentiary Hearing Tbd (near the end of RPMPD comment period) 30 days after RPMPD issued 1-2 weeks after RPMPD comment period ends Tbd (shortly after RPMPD or Revised RPMPD comment period ends) EVENT Staff files additional supplemental testimony, if any, on the Evidentiary Hearing topics not previously identified in the August 10, 2011 Revised Committee Scheduling Order Applicant files responsive testimony and exhibits, witness lists and time estimates Other parties file responsive testimony and exhibits, witness lists and time estimates All parties file rebuttal testimony and (if necessary) revised witness lists and time estimates Prehearing Conference (Sacramento, with telephonic participation encouraged) Evidentiary Hearing (in Carlsbad vicinity) Revised Presiding Member's Proposed Decision (RPMPD) issued for 30 day comment period RPMPD Comment Committee Conference RPMPD Comment period ends Revised RPMPD issued* for 15 day review period* Energy Commission Decision Adoption Hearing Tbd = to be determined; * if necessary.November 9, 2011