HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE: May 15, 2012 TIME: 10:00 AM PLACE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 173A, 1635 FARADAY The Mayor called the meeting to order on May 15, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Present: Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Blackburn and Douglas. REGIONAL REPORTS Blackburn: No Report. Kulchin: No Report. Packard: No Report. Douglas: No Report. Hall: Mayor Hall noted that SANDAG will be holding hearings that may result in the reduction of tolls on I-125. Public Comment: Gretchen Ashton spoke about the difficulties in getting the Community Gardens Presentation scheduled for Council review. Presentation and Discussion of the goals addressing the Council's Strategic Focus Areas and the follow up actions from the Council Planning Session held on January 17, 2012. Presenter Strategic Goals Kathy Dodson, Economic Development Manager Create Quality Jobs in New Economy Cynthia Haas, Deputy City Manager Sustainable Organization Gary Barberio, Community & Economic Development Director Balancing Land Use with Change Chris Hazeltine, Parks and Recreation Director Changing P&R Needs Skip Hamman, Transportation Director Complete Streets John Coates, Assistant City Manager Next Generation of Community Leaders Greg Herman, Management Analyst Other Key Projects Special Meeting Workshop, May 15, 2012 Each goal was presented with details regarding description, start, completion, and status. • Council concurred that the details regarding Citywide open space be presented in a clear, publicized message. • Council directed staff to develop a workshop regarding "Community Leadership Development" and to return with data regarding City sponsorship/support of non-profit events. Staff Update on Community Gardens in CaHsbad Public Comment: Gretchen Ashton, Lisa Roop, Judy Jacobi, Patrice Smerdu, Christine Bevelaqua, Eric Larsen, Ray Pearson, Diane Hoiiister and Mr. and Mrs. Eckfield all spoke in support of the City moving forward on the establishment of more community gardens. Mayor Hall called a recess at 11:56 a.m. and he and all Council Members returned at 12:05 p.m. Chris Hazeltine, Director of Parks and Recreation gave the staff report. • Council directed staff to move forward in the determination of potential sites for a Community Garden/s. The following documents were distributed for this item and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. • Pamphlet entitled Carisbad Community Gardens. • Memo from Council Secretary Kira Lindberg, to Council, dated May 14, 2012, with seven e-mails stating support of Community Gardens. • Power Point Presentation on "Update on Community Gardens" May 15, 2012, Director Chris Hazeltine. • Letter and Presentation from the Carisbad Community Gardens Collaborative "Growing Together to Create a Sustainable Carisbad", May 8, 2012. • Basic Elements of Carisbad City Policy regarding Community Gardens, Garden News Highlights, pictures/schematics of garden plots. May 15, 2012, provided by Helen and Richard Nielson- Eckfield. Presentation from Staff regarding the Building Industry Association's (BIA) request to defer payment of impact fees. Gary Barberio, Director of Community and Economic Development, gave the presentation. Public Comment: Borre Winckel, Gary Feilien, Jim Schimd, Dave Song, CW Stockwith, Scott Brusseau, Lori Carpenter and Michel McSweeney spoke in favor of deferring payment of impact fees. Page 2 Special Meeting Workshop, May 15, 2012 The following documents were distributed for this item and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. • Memo and Presentation by Gary Barberio, Director of Community and Economic Development, "Deferral of Development Impact Fees" May 15, 2012 and "BIA Request to Defer Impact Fees" March 7, 2012. • Packet of Materials from BIA regarding Impact Fee Deferment. • Council concurred to ask staff to return with data on each impact fee. Discussion of Council Effectiveness. Mayor Hall asked that Council consider the following guidelines regarding employee compensation on the Regional Boards that they serve on: Pay for performance, salary surveys and fairness. • Council agreed to consider these general guidelines. Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. >rraine Wood, CMC City Clerk Page 3 "Growing Together to Create Q Sustainable Carlsbad" -'4 Carlsbad Community Gardens www.carlsbadcommunitvaardens.ora 501 (c)(3) non profit organization Learn, Grow, Share, Protect' Envision Carlsbad Community Gardens reflect 6 of the 9 core values as determined by ttie citizens of Carlsbad. • Small town feel. Beach community character and connectedness • Open Space and fhe natural environment • Sustainability • Pursue public/private partnerstrips,,.particularly-on sustainable water, energy, recycling and foods" • History, the arts and cultural resources USupport and protect Carlsbad's unique open space and agricultural tieritage. • Neigfiborhood revitalization, community design and livability City Workshops Agree City Goal - meet changing recreational needs. • Provide activities for an aging population • 68% of gardeners are 45 years of age or older • Multi- and inter -generational opportunities • Gardens are enjoyed by people of all ages • Gardening bridges the gap between senior citizens and young people • Mentoring a new generation of leaders Learn, Grow, Share, Protect City Goal - acconnmodate cinanging land use trends • Much of the city's future housing growth will be accommodated through multi-family development • Many of those who wont to garden will not hove the space Preserving the Past, Growing the Future Carlsbad is a Leader • Smerdu Community Garden established in 1984 • One of the oldest community gardens in San Diego County • The Seed Man - Charles B. Ledgerwodd • World Famous Flower Fields 11rc31 IE • merdu Learn, Grow, Share, Protect Carlsbad Community Gardens We have been busy... • Multiple meetings with Parks and Recreation Department, beginning in December 2010 • Meeting with Planning Department • One~on-one discussions with Council members • Multiple on-site visits and information exchange with existing community gardens in the San Diego area • Extensive research on successful community garden models nationwide Learn, Grow, Share, Protect Community Outreach... Lite Technologies Day ot Giving Back, 2011 Earthbox Gardens Learn, Grow, Share, Protect gv Fall Gardening with Children Science Saturday at Dove Library SupportiriQ Srnsrdu Community GordGn Providing responsible stev/ardship and creating community Learn, Grow, Share, Protect Supporting School Gardens Jefferson Elemenfary School Garden Mentoring leaders of fhe fufure Learn, Grow, Share, Protect rr More School Gardening Outreach Earthbox Garden Share Program CityStuff Tours to Smerdu Garden Learn, Grow, Share, Protect It Our Partnership Goals Create AT LEAST one public community garden in each quadrant of the city. New Garden Poinsettia or Aviara Park 92009 New Garden Calavera Hills Park New Garden 7? Learn, Grow, Share, Protect Value Proposition for City 1. Meet Envision Carlsbad goals by endorsing community gardens as a valid recreational and open space resource Recreation for all ages Sustainable stewardship of open space Learn, Grow, Share, Protect' Value Proposition for City 2. Direct staff to partner with the CCGC in preparing a plan for the development of at least one new garden in each of the remaining 3 quadrants. Colavero Hills Connnnunity Garden A Higher and Better Use Learn, Grow, Share, Protect ft 4 Vision JiCet Involved To create a network of community gardens throughout the city of Carlsbad. 4( Mission To advocate for community gardens of all kinds, connect partners, provide education, and share resources in order to: Sustain existing and help develop new community gardens. Increase community food security and improve access to healthy food. Protect and improve the quality of our open space resources. Beautify the city with environmentally- appropriate plantings, and Strengthen community involvement and "build community". www.CarlsbadCommunityGardens.org Register your existing garden Learn how to create a new community garden. Volunteer and Support CCGC ^^Our Goals "Grow" More Gardens Public community gardens in every quadrant of the city. Establish policy which is supportive of the community gardens (i.e., general plan, park policies, zoning code). Share Resources, Information & Efforts, Make garden resources available to ali residents and gardening groups. Collaborate with groups and individuals on the development of new community gardens. Facilitate "best practices" in gardening and community garden development. Community Gardens? Improves the quality of life for people in the garden Provides a catalyst for neighborhood and community development. Stimulates social interaction. Encourages self-reliance. Beautifies neighborhoods. Produces nutritious food. Reduces family food budgets. Conserves resources. Creates opportunity for recreation, exercise, therapy, and education. Reduces crime. Preserves green space. Creates income opportunities and economic development. Reduces city heat from streets and parking lots. Provides opportunities for inter- generational and cross-cultural connections. Learn Grow Share Protect (Source: American Community Gardening Association http://www.comunitygarden.org) 4^ Membership and Donations Your membership dues provide funds for the Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative and Its Community Gardens programs. Annual Dues $20.00 (July 1st toJun 30th) Complete the reverse of this form, enclose payment, and mail it to: Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative 1204 Abelia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92011 or visit our website for the convenience of PayPal: www.carlsbadcommunitygardens.org tm mm Printed on Recycled Paper FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Membershiip Paid: Donation Paid: • Check Card Number ] Cash ] Ccard Exp. CRV Code •*—> •*—' CO I i ^ 0 C o Q. (D i— . . •D >. •D .ti < O Q. isi cu E III o • B • c g ^—» CD E c CD E CD CO c *-> »— S o CD ^ Q- (/) o Z u. • • c o c CD _>» S §: TD CD C ^ CD CD 0) CD 1 " O CD CD CD Ql CD O . . CD C/) o ^ O 0 0 05 = 1 O C -O 0 3 P o CD c (fi 0 c c/) 0 0) CD ^ CD D) — c O • F o o o • • if) c 0 •D ! CD O cn c ^ 3 0 4Carlsbad Community Gardens 4 Who We Are Carlsbad Community Gardens is ai enthusiastic group of Carlsbad citizen working together to create a network o community gardens and garden-sharinc resources throughout the city of Carlsbac Carlsbad Community Gardens is led by thi Carlsbad Community Garden Collaborative, an all-volunteer board o directors. 4 Our Collaborative To date, the Collaborative members represent the following local organizations: Carlsbad Garden Club Carlsbad Sustainability Coalition Carlsbad Watershed Network Chamber of Commerce Green Task Force and Sustainability Committee Carlsbad School Gardens Solana Center for Environmental Innovation What We Do The Carlsbad Community Garden Collaborative seeks to be a catalyst fc neighborhood and communit sustainability by fostering a greate awareness of how gardening ani landscaping practices of individuals, nor profits and businesses can improve th well-being of the city. The Collaborative i working to raise awareness of the value c community gardens in all their possibi forms and facilitate "best practices" in bot gardening and community gardei development. LOW POINT OF TRELLIS TO COLLECT RAIN WATER © Copyright 201 2 HELEN'S POLYFACE GARDEN LOSOS DESIGN HELEN & RICHARD ECKFIELD HAROLD E. SMERDU COMMUNITY GARDENS, CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Conceptual Rendering drawn by Caroline Loisos - 2/23/1 2 ^0 A**^ f«?f M r •