HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-21; City Council; MinutesCA04..CITY COUNCIL Faraday Center, Room 173 A/B,-7 16a35 Faraday AvenueMinutesCarlsbad, CA 92008 0,d %/Fockr. March 21, 2017, 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER:8:33 a.m. ROLL CALL:M. Hall,K.Blackburn, M. Schumacher,C.Schumacher, M. Packard. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEM: Liz Myers-Chamberlin spoke in support ofcarbon fee and dividend returns and provided a handout (copy on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Glenn Bernard spoke in favor of license plate readers (LPR's),increasing video recorders around Carlsbad,increasing the number of round-abouts used for traffic calming and adding public restrooms along main thoroughfares. Chris McKellar spoke against any blanket building moratoriums and suggested in lieu of that the city review each project on its own merits. Don Christiansen spoke in support of carbon fee and dividend returns and Community Choice Energy (CCE). Lance Schulte spoke in support of a world class tourist destination at Ponto's coastal area.He supported the two developments currently underway and suggested the creation of a citizen engagement committee to work collaboratively with Ponto neighbors. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 1.2017 CITY COUNCIL GOALS WORKSHOP Receive a status report on the 2016 City Council Goals, discuss City Council goals and priorities for the coming year, and direct staff to prepare a resolution affirming the 2017 City Council Goals. Council Action: Council received public comment and concurred to hold a weekend workshop at a later date to gather additional public comments. Assistant to the City Manager Jason Haber delivered a power point presentation (copy on file in the Office of the City Clerk).Mr.Haber also provided a summary analysis of public and City Council Member comments which provided an at a glance analysis of community goals compared to council goals (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). March 21, 2017 Carlsbad City Council Special Meeting Page 2 Consultant Trudy Sopp moderated the question and answer portion of the presentation for the Council Members and staff. Goals reviewed: •Become a leader in multimodal transportation. •Plan for a new city hall. •Develop lifelong learners through education. •Enhance Carlsbad's coastline. •Trench the railroad tracks. •Build vitality in the Village of Carlsbad and Barrio neighborhood. Consultant Trudy Sopp invited the Council to pose questions to staff regarding the transportation goal.Discussion ensued with four Council Members agreeing this should remain a priority. Council Member C.Schumacher noted that she is not clear about this goal's objectives and suggested that several of the goals need to be more clearly defined.The audio/video of the entire commentary can be found at http://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/03212017-753. All Council Members agreed that the plan for a new city hall should remain a priority. City Manager Kevin Crawford asked Council how staff should report back on the third goal since the effort to bring a higher STEM oriented satellite campus to Carlsbad is no longer being pursued.Council agreed that all other aspects of the education goal remain in place and Mayor Hall provided that direction to staff. Ms. Sopp asked if Council would like to add any new goals. Council Member Cori Schumacher suggested adding the Sage Project Partnership (a San Diego State University program) which would connect San Diego State University students and city staff to work on projects,much like an internship approach which helps students get hands on experience and could potentially reduce some of staff's workload.City Manager Kevin Crawford noted this program is currently being investigated.Council Member Michael Schumacher suggested that our own Carlsbad residents who want to volunteer in Carlsbad should take precedence to San Diego State University students. Council Member Cori Schumacher suggested an update of the Growth Management Plan be added as a goal.Discussion resulted in City Manager Kevin Crawford advising that staff can come back with a briefing on how a Growth Management Plan work and the Council consensus was to learn more from staff and target this as a goal in one to two years. Council Member Cori Schumacher suggested Campaign Finance Reform be added to Council goals.Discussion included the statewide election law restrictions and municipal code updates with consensus that this is not a high priority item,particularly since much of the campaign finance regulations are outside of the City's jurisdiction. March 21, 2017 Carlsbad City Council Special Meeting Page 3 Council Member Cori Schumacher spoke regarding the tracking of Community Choice Energy to maintain the City's goal of being a leader in sustainability which is a part of the General Plan's Sustainability Element.She also suggested the idea that tracking can be done by establishing a Sustainability Commission to help give recommendations to council, without requiring additional staff. No further new goals were discussed.Ms.Sopp proceeded to existing goal discussion.City Attorney Celia Brewer reminded Ms. Sopp to discuss items Mayor Hall can participate in prior to recusing himself due to a possible conflict of interest pertaining to the Tamarack Avenue improvements. All Council Members agreed that goal number four remain a priority.Mayor Hall noted the city will need to have as much control of its coastline as possible in order to make the level of improvements the citizen's desire.Expenditures to make these enhancements will almost certainly exceed the $1 million dollar general fund expenditure ceiling, which may require voter approval. Mayor Hall recused himself from the meeting at 10:50 a.m. The four remaining council members unanimously agreed to keep the Tamarack part of the coastline goal as a priority and to keep the railroad trenching goal as a priority. Council Member Cori Schumacher requested clarity pertaining to goal number six, enhancing the Village and Barrio.Discussion ensued and resulted in all four council members agreeing to keep this goal. Mayor Hall returned to the meeting at 11:02 a.m. Discussion on all other goals concluded. ACTION: Goal #1:Become a leader in multimodal transportation —4/1 (C.Schumacher —No). Goal #2:Plan for a new city hall —5/0. Goal #3:Develop lifelong learners through education —5/0. Goal #4:Enhance Carlsbad's coastline (sections of this goal not including Tamarack,RR trenching, and Village and Barrio)—5/0. Goal #4:Enhance Carlsbad's coastline (sections of this goal including Tamarack,RR trenching, and Village and Barrio) —4/1 (M. Hall —Abstain). Goal #5:Trench the railroad tracks —4/1 (M. Hall —Abstain). Goal #6:Build vitality in the Village of Carlsbad and Barrio neighborhood —4/1 (M.Hall — Abstain). Ms. Sopp summarized the result of the votes and it was noted that any building moratorium in the Village and Barrio needs to be an agenized item to allow for further discussion. March 21, 2017 Carlsbad City Council Special Meeting Page 4 The full audio and video recording of this meeting can be found on the City of Carlsbad's website at http://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/03212017-753. ADJOURNMENT:Meeting was adjourned at 11:13 A.M. AV Bar-6.ra ngleson City Clerk