HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-16; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesCALL TO ORDER Clean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 16, 2020 - 2 p.m. City of Del Mar Town Hall 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar California 92014 Chair Schumacher called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent Staff Present: Chair Cori Schumacher; Vice Chair Ellie Haviland, and Board Member Kristi Becker None Interim Chief Executive Officer Barbara Boswell; Special Regulatory Counsel, Ty Tosdal; Del Mar City Manager Scott Huth; Solana Beach City Manager Greg Wade; Del Mar Administrative Services Director/City Clerk Ashley Jones; Carlsbad Intergovernmental Affairs Director Jason Huber; Del Mar Environmental Sustainability and Special Projects Manager Clement Brown; and Carlsbad Community Relations Manager Nikki Matosian PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Haviland led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT 1) Lane Shurman, 1260 Santa Luisa, Solana Beach -Representing the San Diego Energy Alliance, expressed concern about the Board's direction regarding the product being pursued with regard to emission standards. 2) Debra Schade, 529 Mar Vista Road, Solana Beach -Representing the Solana Beach School District, expressed the District's interest in the CEA's efforts and how that supports the District's goals. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Schumacher reported that she participated today in a conference call with Cal CCA regarding legislative advocacy and partnerships. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held November 5, 2019 IT WAS MOVED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND, SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 5, 2019 MEETING MINUTES. (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: O; Absent O; Abstain: 0. Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority January 16, 2020 Page 2 of 5 NEW BUSINESS ITEM 1: ADMINISTRATIVE, OPERATIONAL AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS UPDATE Interim CEO Boswell and Special Regulatory Counsel Tosdal provided a presentation on this item. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file administrative, operational and regulatory affairs update. Questions from the Board focused on tracking of SDG&E seasonal rate changes. ITEM 2: CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE CCA ROADMAP, COMMITTEES AND NEW MEMBER ATTRACTION RECOMMENDATION: Receive report on Community Choice Aggregation actions and provide direction regarding committees and new member attraction. Interim CEO Boswell provided a presentation on this item covering required next steps and related timing for each between January and April 2020; formation of Board committees. Board questions focused on clarification on the color coding of action items included in the presentation timeline; timing for Board goal setting workshop; staff capacity with regard to committee support if formed. Board discussion focused on concern about capacity to work on committee formation at this time, support for deferring exploring formation of committees until after launch time and focusing efforts on getting the CEA off of the ground; support for engaging the public and use of alternate board members to help keep things moving through committees; potential to use committees to help with public education and outreach; suggestion that an Ad-Hoc committee be formed with focus on goal setting, staffing, and energy mix recommendations with two committee appointees for each board member; potential and interest in attracting other participating agencies/members; value in creating a solid base before expanding to include new· members and looking for new members that have aligned goals and would be a good fit; could be some benefit in staying smaller for procurement purposes; need to create goals for JPA prior to developing a new member recruitment strategy; approach to outreach with other potential members; how adding new members may help to minimize risk; risk of missing out on potential new members who may be recruited by other CCA JPA's if the CEA Board puts that effort on hold; and factors for attraction could consider geographic location, load size, or both. There was concensus among the Board to grow the board. Next steps is to develop a strategy which identifies criteria to priortize new member recruitment. Cities currently undergoing or have already completed a feasibility study as a first priority and other cities in the geographic zone and SDG&E territory. The Board directed Interim CEO Boswell to return at a future meeting, when appropriate, with a recommendation for formation of an Ad-Hoc citizen's advisory committee. Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority January 16, 2020 Page 3 of 5 ITEM 3: AUTHORIZE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE TECHNICAL CONSUL TANT SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to issue a Request for Proposal for Technical Consultant Services. A presentation on this item was provided by Interim CEO Boswell, which discussed the needs for a technical consultant. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER, SECONDED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND TO AUTHORIZE REQUEST TO ISSUE THE RFP (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Abstain: 0. ITEM4: AUTHORIZE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR DATA MANAGER/CALL CENTER SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to issue a Request for Proposal for Data Manager/Call Center Services. Interim CEO Boswell presented this item to the Board, which identified the need for data manager/call center services. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER, SECONDED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND TO AUTHORIZE THE RFP. (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Abstain: 0. ITEM 5: SERVICE AGREEMENTS WITH MEMBER AGENCIES RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Interim CEO Boswell to execute service agreements with Member Agencies at amounts not to exceed $65,000 for the City of Carlsbad, $2,800 for the City of Del Mar and $16,000 for the City of Solana Beach. Interim CEO Boswell provided a presentation on this item. IT WAS MOVED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND, SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER TO APPROVE THE SERVICES AGREEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE INTERIM CEO BOSWELL TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENTS. (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: O; Absent: O; Abstain: 0. Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority January 16, 2020 Page 4 of 5 ITEM6: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED CHECK SIGNERS AND ELECTRONIC PAYMENT APPROVERS RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. Interim CEO Boswell provided a presentation on this item. IT WAS MOVED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND, SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER, TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION. (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: O; Absent O; Abstain: 0. ITEM 7: CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE PUBLIC OUTREACH AND MARKETING RECOMMENDATION: Receive report on public outreach and marketing efforts and provide direction. Carlsbad Community Relations Manager Matosian provided a presentation on this item which focused on communications done to date; potential future activities; and next steps through June 30, 2020. Board comments and questions focused on avoiding use of powerlines in communications; and how CEA website FAQ's are generated; status of work on logo development; feedback on website; consideration to add information to the website for potential partners to access. The direction given to staff by Interim CEO Boswell is to have a section on the website that provides a form for individuals to fill out with ideas of services that would be beneficial or projects they might want to consider. She noted this information could be a resource for RFPs to be sent out to. ITEM 8: APPLICATION TO JOIN CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY CHOICE ASSOCIATION AS AN AFFILIATE MEMBER RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the Interim CEO to submit an application to California Community Choice Association (CalCCA) for Clean Energy Alliance to join as an affiliate member. 2. Approve annual CalCCA membership dues of $1,500. Interim CEO Boswell provided a presentation on this item. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER BECKER, SECONDED BY VICE CHAIR HAVILAND TO AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CEO TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO CAL CCA AND APPROVED MEMBERSHIP DUES OF $1,500. (VOTE 3-0) Ayes: Vice Chair Haviland, Chair Schumacher and Board Member Becker; Noes: O; Absent 0; Abstain: 0. Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority January 16, 2020 Page 5 of 5 BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Next meeting to be held in Solana Beach on February 20, 2020, at 5 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Chair Schumacher adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m. Ashley Jones, Administrative Se Director/City Clerk