HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-20; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesCALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m. Clean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 20, 2020, 2:00 p.m. City of Solana Beach I City Council Chambers 635 S. Highway 101 I Solana Beach, CA 92014 ROLL CALL: Schumacher, Haviland, Becker FLAG SALUTE Board Member Becker led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Time is provided so members of the public can address the Board on items that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three {3} minutes each. In conformance with the Brown Act, no Board action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and submit it to the Board Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name. Gretchen Newsom, IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) Local 569, requested that a Strategic Plan and an Inclusive and Sustainable Workforce Policy be added to the task matrix of action items. Dinah Wilier, SDG&E, spoke about their meeting with CEA in January to discuss replacement of SDG&E's customer information system, Envision, and their efforts to meet the launch timelines outlined in the CEA Implementation Plan, potential unforeseen challenges in this project, the critical testing period that would inform the timing, continuing to work with CEA by way of biweekly calls throughout the Envision launch and critical stabilization period, and meeting the outlined timeline would continue to remain a top priority for SDG&E. Emily Rogers Guild and Ebba Selling, Swedish American Chamber of Commerce -San Diego, spoke about their organization focused on CleanTech and Life Science industries and announced their Annual Green Connections event in November featuring partners, speakers, and sponsors in renewable energy, smart building, and energy storage. Lane Sharman, the Center for Community Energy a successor organization to the San Diego Energy District, spoke about their June conference on CCAs (Community Choice Aggregations). BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PRESENTATIONS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held November 19, 2019 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 19, 2019 City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach Motion by Vice Chair Haviland, seconded by Board Member Becker to approve the submitted meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously 3/0. NEW BUSINESS Item 1: Interim CEO Update RECOMMENDATION 1. Receive Community Choice Aggregation Update report from Interim CEO. 2. Select Board Member to represent CEA at meeting with California Public Utilities Commission. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), reviewied the report and presented a PowerPoint (on file) regarding the administrative and operational update. Ty Tosdal, CEA regulatory Special Counsel, continued the PowerPoint (on file) reviewing the regulatory update. Motion by Chair Shumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to appoint Board Member Becker to represent CEA at the CPUC meeting. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Motion by Chair Shumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to add discussion of a Strategic Plan and an Inclusive Sustainable Workforce Policy to the workshop. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 2: Request for Proposal #2020-001 Permanent Banking Services and Credit Solutions Selection RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve selection of River City Bank to provide permanent banking services to Clean Energy Alliance. 2. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement for banking services, for a three-year term, with the option to extend for two additional years, subject to General Counsel approval. 3. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer and Interim Treasurer to develop a funding strategy for initial Clean Energy Alliance start-up costs and return to April 2020 for Board consideration. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO, reviewied the report. Motion by Board Member Becker, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to approve selection of River City Bank for banking services; authorize the Interim CEO to execute an agreement for banking services, for a three- year term, with the option to extend for two additional years, subject to General Counsel approval; and authorize the Interim CEO and Interim Treasurer to develop a funding strategy for initial Clean Energy Alliance start-up costs and return to April 2020 for Board consideration. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Rose Cucicea, River City Bank, introduced herself. Item 3: Request for Qualifications #2020-002 Clean Energy Alliance Technical Consultant Services Selection Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes February 20, 2020 2 RECOMMENDATION Approve selection of CEA technical consultant and authorize Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement, for an amount not to exceed$ , subject to General Counsel approval. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO, reviewied the report. Motion by Board Member Becker, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to approve the selection of Pacific energy advisors to provide technical consulting services to the Clean Energy Alliance; and authorize the interim chief executive officer to execute an agreement for technical consulting services for an amount not to exceed $75,000 through June 30th, 2020, with the option to extend through fiscal year 2020 2021 for an additional amount of 25,000, subject to General Council approval. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Kirby Dusel, Pacific Energy Advisors, introduced himself and Donna Stein and their exeperience in the electric utility indsutry and CCAs. Item 4: Request for Proposal #2020-003 Data Manager/Call Center Services Selection RECOMMENDATION Approve selection of Data Manager/Call Center Services provider and authorize Interim Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel to negotiate agreement for an amount not to exceed$_ Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO, reviewied the report. Dennis Ferment, President EDMS, spoke about their submittal and projected savings, not being selected, their abiltiies to onboard new systems quickly, and their work with SDG&E on the EDI front since 2001. Josh Brock, Calpine Energy Solutions, spoke about their current work on various systems testing that would be required to launch CEA, the company being local and passionate about the importance of serving the CCA and earning public trust, and the importance of representing a public entity in speaking with customers. Gretchen Newsom, IBEW Local 569, requested that Calpine agree to neutrality in the event that their employees or subcontractor employees decided to unionize in the future, which had not been successful at SDG&E's call centers. Calpine representative said that they had completed neutrality agreements with other vendors and they were generally be supportive of that activity. Motion by Chair Shumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to approve selection of Calpine Energy Solutions and authorize the Interim CEO to execute an agreement for services for an amount not to exceed $720,000 per year for a period of five years, subject to General Counsel approval. Motion carried unanimously 3/0. Items: Authorize Execution of San Diego Gas & Electric Community Choice Aggregation Service Agreement; Payment of Community Choice Aggregation Bond and Submittal of Draft Customer Notice to California Public Utilities Commission Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes February 20, 2020 3 RECOMMENDATION 1. Authorize execution of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Service Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric. 2. Approve CCA Bond, in an amount not to exceed $147,000, to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), pursuant to CPUC Resolution E-4907. 3. Approve submittal of draft customer notice to California Public Utilities Commission pursuant to CPUC Resolution E-4907. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO, reviewied the report. Motion by Chair Shumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland to approved execution of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Service Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric; approve a CCA Bond, in an amount not to exceed $147,000, to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), pursuant to CPUC Resolution E-4907; and approve submittal of a draft customer notice to California Public Utilities Commission pursuant to CPUC Resolution E-4907. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 6: Adopt Resolution Approving Clean Energy Alliance Policies RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution #2020-### approving Clean Energy Alliance policies relaed to travel and reimbursement, customer confidentiality and privacy and collections: 1. CEA -001 Travel and Reimbursement Policy 2. CEA-002 Protection of Confidential Information 3. CEA-003 Privacy and Customer Confidentiality Policy 4. CEA-004 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Data Security and Privacy Policy 5. CEA-005 -CEA Collections Policy Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO, reviewied the report and recommend that the title of Resolution CEA-001 be amended to say "A resolution of the board of directors of the clean energy Alliance approving travel and reimbursement, customer confidentiality and privacy policy." Motion by Vice Chair Haviland, seconded by Board Member Becker to approve Resolution CEA-001 Travel and Reimbursement Policy modifying the amount of a meal expense from 'should be moderete' to 'should not exceed $30 per meal and associated gratuities should not exceed 20%,' Resolution CEA-002 Protection of Confidential Information adding a reference to Board Members, Employees, Agents, etc. to be specifically referenced, Resolution CEA-003 Privacy and Customer Confidentiality Policy, and Resolution CEA-004 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Data Security and Privacy Policy. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 CLOSING COMMENTS: Board Members discussed Board Members receiving copies of all RFQs (Request for Quotes) when an RFQ is issued and clarification on setting the agenda through the Staff and the CEO or Board Members submitting requests at the public meeting. ADJOURN Chair Schumacher adjourned the meeting at 3:34 p.m. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes February 20, 2020 B'.\ 0 kfL~ '!f!D ,?n'gela Ivey, City Clerk of Solan~ach Interim Acting Board Secretary 4