HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-16; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesClean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 16, 2020 -2 p.m. Del Mar Civic Center -Town Hall Remote Participation Only 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar CA 92014 CALL TO ORDER: 2 p.m. ROLL CALL: Schumacher, Haviland, Becker FLAG SALUTE Vice Chair Haviland led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Each person wishing to comment to the Board on any matter not on the agenda shall submit a written comment to the Board Secretary by 1:00 PM the day of the meeting by emailing cityclerk@delmar.ca.us. Please note "CEA Public Oral" in the subject line of your email. If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the Board meeting, please indicate so in the subject line of your email and limit your email to 500 words or less. State law prohibits the Board from taking action on items not listed on the agenda. Comments requiring follow up will be referred to staff and, if appropriate, considered at a future Board meeting. No public comment was received. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS None. PRESENTATIONS None. NEW BUSINESS Item 1: Interim Chief Executive Officer Update RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive Community Choice Aggregation Update report from Interim Chief Executive Officer. 2. Receive Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs report from Special Counsel. Interim Chief Executive Officer Barbara Boswell presented the Community Choice Aggregation Update report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the office of the Board Secretary). Item 2: Special Counsel Ty Tosdal presented the Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the office of the Board Secretary). No public comment on the item was received. Board discussion focused on public outreach and designating Board and staff members to coordinate outreach efforts to increase CEA membership. On a motion by Board Member Becker, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland, to direct Interim CEO Boswell to return to the board at the next board meeting with an outreach plan for expansion of the Clean Energy Alliance. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Clean Energy Alliance Draft Financial Pro-Forma Review; FY 20/21 Budget and Financing Strategy Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) receive updated financial pro-forma from Pacific Energy Advisors; discuss FY 20/21 budget and financing strategy. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive report on draft financial pro-forma. 2. Provide direction for FY 20/21 staffing and consulting services and community outreach/communication and marketing. 3. Provide direction on FY 20/21 budget financing strategy. Interim Chief Executive Officer Barbara Boswell introduced Kirby Dusel and John Dalessi of Pacific Energy Advisors who presented on the draft financial pro-forma and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the office of the Board Secretary). No public comment on the item was received. On a motion by Vice Chair Haviland, seconded by Chair Schumacher, to direct staff to include in the next pro-form a scenarios of 50%, 75% and 100% renewable base product options and to look at the ability for each city to offer different base product options for their city. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. On a motion by Chair Schumacher, seconded by Board Member Becker, to direct staff to include in the next pro-forma two additional scenarios: 1) 100% REC 1 renewables at start-up and 2) phasing in of 100% REC 1 renewables by 2023. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. 2 Item 3: On a motion by Vice Chair Haviland, seconded by Chair Schumacher, to direct staff to include in the next pro-forma scenarios that include a 1% discount rate and a 2% rate discount. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. On a motion by Chair Schumacher, seconded by Board Member Becker, to direct staff to return during the FY21 budget discussion with a reserves policy that includes a 5% annual reserves contribution with a minimum 25% reserves contribution achieved in the first five years and a future reserves range with 25% as the minimum and a goal of greater reserves. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. On a motion by Board Member Becker, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland provided direction for FY 20/21 staffing and consulting services to continue with all existing agreements. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. On a motion by Chair Schumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland, to give Interim Chief Executive Officer Boswell the authority to negotiate financing with third parties including Calpine Energy Solutions with the understanding that the Board's desire is to get the best interest rate possible in order for the Clean Energy Alliance to be able to repay its member agencies $150,000 advances should they need it in a more expedient manner. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Authorization to Enter into a Contract for Energy Transactions Attorney Services RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to enter into a contract for energy transactions attorney services with Hall Energy Law for an amount not to exceed $100,000 through June 30, 2021, subject to General Counsel approval. Interim Chief Executive Officer Boswell presented staff's recommendation to enter into an agreement for energy transaction attorney services with Hall Energy Law due to the need for the Clean Energy Alliance to enter into energy supply contracts which requires specalized legal expertise. Interim Chief Executive Officer Boswell reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the office of the Board Secretary). No public comment on the item was received. On a motion by Vice Chair Haviland, seconded by Chair Schumacher, to authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to enter into contract for energy transaction attorney services for an amount not to exceed $100,000 with a staff recommendation to coordinate with San Diego Community Power on the upcoming San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Resource Adequacy (RA) solicitations as well as other energy procurements, 3/0. 3 Item 4: Clean Energy Alliance Board Schedule Special Meeting for 5-Year Goals & Vision Workshop RECOMMENDATION: Clean Energy Alliance Board schedule special meeting for 5-Year goals & vision workshop to include CCA programs, economic revitilization opportunities, citizen advisory committee, strategic plan and inclusive sustainable workforce policy. On a motion by Chair Schumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Haviland, the board scheduled the special meeting for May 7, 2020 at 2 p.m. in Carlsbad (or via teleconference if required). Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Schumacher adjourned the duly noticed Meeting at 4:50 p.m. ~o,~O:~~-tf-1\ Sarah Krietor, Management Analyst City of Del Mar 4