HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-24; Community Television Foundation; MinutesMINUTES OF CABLE TV MEETING DATE: Friday, November 24, 1972 TIME: 3:00 p.m. PLACE: City Manager's Conference Room PRESENT: Chairman Jerome Pieti, Georgina Cole, Hunter Cook and James King ABSENT: Dr. Howard Harmon DISCUSSION: Section 6. Application for Franchise, [~a~](2) A detailed financial statement of the corporate or other business entity organization of the applicant shall be filed with the City Clerk. The subsections i, ii, iii, iv, v, and vi can be used by the City as a criteria for bidders. Hunter Cook suggested "or" be changed to "and" in the last sentence of subsection v. The question arose as to what would be considered "sufficient" free, net and uncommitted cash resources to construct and op- erate the proposed system in Carlsbad. This figure would be included in the bidder's estimate for installation and oper- ating costs. (b) (5) (f) Application fee. $300.00 was the amount ten- tatively agreed upon as the a p p1i c a t i o n fee, and $250.00 as the tentative amount to be returned if the application is withdrawn or cancelled within seven days after the application is received by the City Clerk. (b) (5) (h) 120 days was tentatively agreed upon as the length of time for the report and the recommendation for the application to be made to the Council. Section 7. Bonds: Indemnifications; Insurance. This section will be gone over by the City Attorney. Section 8. Application of the Franchise. This section protects the City. Section 9. Limitations of Franchise. (a) Every franchise granted is non-exclusive. 2. Section 10. Rights Reserved to the City. All legal rights the City already has are maintained by the C i ty. Section 11. Council to Adopt Rules and Regulations. (a) Standards of Operation. Question arose as to the period of time before a rule, regulation or standard could become effective after having been adopted by the Council. Chairman Pieti will check with the Attorney. (b) (1) Rates. The Council shall establish and fix all rates and charges for Basic Services prior to granting any franchise (b) (3) Rate procedure. Section 11. Permits and Construction. (d) Failure to Comply. Chairman Pieti will discuss this sub- section with the City Attorney. The sum of $1 ,000 per day for delay was suggested. Utilization of existing poles. The Chairman will check with the Telephone Company and Gas and Electric Company concerning clearance on poles. Question: What affect will the use of existing poles have on the E.I.S.? Section 13. Miscellaneous Provisions. Section 14. Equal Opportunity Employmen-t and Affirmative Action Plan. This section pertains to the Grantee. Section 15. Violations. Section 16. Severabi 1 i ty. Section 17. Effective Date. The ordinance shall become effective 30 days after its passage. Chairman Pieti will prepare a copy of the ordinance with the tentative changes for members of the Committee. Representatives from other cities and Mr. Guttman will be contacted and invited to appear at the next two meetings. A criteria for ranking bidders needs to be established. Meeting adjourned: 4.:20 p.m. rf