HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-25; Community Television Foundation; MinutesMinutes Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television August 25, 1983 r The meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM on August 25, 1983 by President Bill Dominguez. The following people were present: Foundation members: Sharon Strong Bill Dominguez Bill Levinson Bob Sheppard Fred Morey City staff: Roger Greer Others: Nancy Little - Rancho La Costa Cable TV John Brinker - Carlsbad Cablevision Donna Katzman - Daniels Cable Pat Goudy - Daniels Cable A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes as submitted. A discussion ensued regarding some minor modifications to the revised Rules and Regulations for the public access channel. rules and regulations covering the public access channel, as modified. motion was seconded and unanimously approved. This document will be returned at the next meeting in its finished form for final acceptance by the group, f- A motion was made to accept the The FOUNDATION RATE CARD FROM OPERATORS The Foundation members acknowledged receipt of a rate card for the public access channels from the cable operators. there should be some indication that it is for "public access channel only". This was duly noted by the operators. It was stated that somewhere on that card PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNEL BEGINNING OPERATING DATE Mr. Morey told the Foundation members that by October 1, 1983, the studio facility will be fully operational. After a brief discussion, a motion was made and seconded to set the date for the Public Access Channel to commence operations on October 1, 1983. The motion was unanimously approved. SUBCOMMITTEES The Foundation members decided, by consensus, that a lot of the fine-tuning of various aspects of the public access channel functioning should be dealt with in depth by subcommittees comprised of Foundation members. These items can then be brought to regular foundation meetings and appropriate action could be taken in a more timely manner than having each and every item discussed at the regular meetings. These subcommittees will deal with the following areas of concern to r c .* CATV Foundation Minutes August 25, 1983 rc- Page 2 the Foundation: Program Eligibility; Public Relations and a task force subcommittee to investi- gate an appeals process. Training & Certification; Financial Matters; Grant Eligibility; Program Eligibility Subcommittee Bill Levinson - Chairperson Sharon Strong Bob Sheppard Operator Rep. Public Relations Subcommittee Sharon Strong - Chairperson Bill Levinson Operator Rep. Training and Certification Subcommittee Bob Sheppard - Chairperson Sharon Strong Donna Katzman Pat Goudy ? Financial Subcommittee Dr. Curtain - Chairperson Bill Dominguez Roger Greer Fred Morey advised the members that as of September 1, 1983, the Foundation would have $18,346.00.00 of operating capital contributed by the operators. (1% of gross receipts as per franchise agreement) that the funds could be deposited in a special trust account set up and main- tained by the city Finance Department if they wished. actions needed to be made (checks written) his department would be able to handle the mechanics. most efficient way of handling the funds. Roger Greer advised the Foundation Then, whenever any trans- The Foundation decided by general consensus that this would be the The next Foundation meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 1983. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.