HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-06; Community Television Foundation; MinutesMinutes Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television October 6, 1983 The meeting was called to orber at 5:40 PM on October 6, 1983 by President Bill Dominguez. The following people were present: Foundation members: Bill Dominguez Bob Sheppard Bill Levinson Sharon Strong Fred Morey City Staff: Roger Greer - Utilities Director Others: Guests: Nancy Little - Rancho La Costa Cable TV John Brinker - Carlsbad Cablevision Elizabeth Fairchild - City Manager's Office City of Carlsbad Roger Greer introduced Elizabeth Fairchild, PR person and Administrative Aide from the City Manager's office. Ms. Fairchild told the group that she would be able to set aside a regular space in the Carlsbad Report, a monthly publication to the citizens of Carlsbad, for its publicity items, The minutes of the September 22, 1983 meeting were approved with a correction. Page two showed the date for the next meeting to be October 7 and should have read October 6, 1983. r Financial Subcommittee It was discussed that a large share of the Foundation's budget should be going to certification of applicants and production costs. a real need at this point to formalize a budget. matters to be taken care of first. funds for grants. There does not seem to be There are other more pressing The first duty of the Foundation is to provide It was suggested that some money be allocated for travel expenses, i.e., Cable TV seminars and conventions. receive some kind of regular publication to keep them current with the industry. Bill Dominguez and Roger Greer will meet with Dr. Curtin and put together three alternative budgets and bring them to the next meeting. It was also suggested that the Foundation members should Training and Certification Subcommittee This subcommittee will be meeting soon and will be making recommendations for budget items. There was some discussion on the use of volunteer students to help with the equipment. It was decided that this should not be a volunteer function but that some small amount should be paid or the volunteers earn credits for studio time. r ,- Minutes Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television October 6, 1983 Page 2 It was also discussed that the Foundation compile a list of certified people who want to work on productions for applicants who might need such expertise. is most importnat that the people who use the operators' equipment take care of it. The operators would like to have a pool of qualified people who can operate the equipment and would be able to help with productions for the access channel. It Application Packets Bob Sheppard went over the proposed application packet, a copy of which is attached. Mr. Morey made a motion to accept the application packet as submitted, Bob Sheppard seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously. John Brinker distributed an outline of what the open house program will be like on October 27th. regarding the use of her film on the Batiquitos Lagoon for the open house and it may not be available. it, It will be available, however, at some future time to run on the access channel. open house on ESPN and some of its other affiliates. group that she could include some advertising for their open house with some of the advertising she is doing for the City of Carlsbad. the guest list followed. Each member who had one, turned an invitation list over to Roger Greer who will oversee sending out the invitations. Roger Greer told the group that he had talked to Lois Humphreys It is being used by another group at the time we will need The cable operators will try to organize some advertising for the Elizabeth Fairchild told the A short discussion regarding A motion was made by Sharon Strong and seconded by Bob Sheppard to release funds to cover the cost of postage and printing of the invitations. The motion passed by unanimous vote. The next meeting will be October 20, 1983, thrusday at 5:30 PM. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn. /-- Meeting was adjourned at 7:OO PM Sharon Strong, Secretary