HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-05; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION lz00 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 Minutes - Meeting of January 5, 1984 The meeting was called to order by President Dominguez at 5:35 PM. people were present: The following Foundation Members: Bill Dominguez Bob Sheppard Sharon Strong Bill Levinson Fred Morey City Staff: Alternates: Roger Greer Cliff Lange Nancy Little - Rancho La Costa Cable TV John Brinker - Carlsbad Cablevision Pat Goudy - Daniels Cable TV Bob Lucas - Program Coordinator P Bill Levinson to approve the minutes of the November 17, 1983 meeting as submitted. necessary for the notes of the December 8, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. No approval is DRAFT BUDGET Bill Dominguez and Roger submitted a draft budget to the Foundation members. (attached hereto) the proposed budget with the understanding that it can be amended. seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. After some discussion, Fred Morey made a motion to approbe Bill Levinson OLD BUSINESS Bob Lucas, Program Coordinator, gave a short report on the suggestions of the Certification Subcommittee. up a series of orientation sessions to train people in how to produce a show but he has not scheduled any classes to train people in how to use the equipment. The emphasis for these sessions will be on organizing a production and he will be using student interns to actually operate the equipment. Mr. Lucas informed the group that he would be setting Some of the foundation members felt that there should definitely be sessions to train people in the use of the euqipment with lots of hands-on experience. There was a question as to whether these orientation sessions really reflected the purpose of this Foundation. Roger Greer read Article 11, Section B of the Articles of Incorporation to the group. After some discussion regarding the availability of technical training classes at Palomar College, it was decided to have Mr. Lucas - Minutes Janaury 5, 1984 rc Page 2 check into the possibility of conducting some technical training classes at a future date. technical training at some future time. It was also noted that the Foundation can provide funding for some Mr. Lucas gave each member present a copy of the outline he will be using in his classes for people who want to use the community access channel. He is planning to conduct three sessions of each class or approximately nine hours of orienta- tion and expects the class size to be no more than twelve at one time. will be a nominal charge for the orientation class. There Mr. Morey recommended that the Foundation members encourage the adoption of Bob Lucas' program for orientation classes. The members unanimously agreed. Mr. Levinson made a motion that the Foundation have a 90-day review period for the training/orientation classes. At that time, an ad hoc committee, composed of two foundation members and two operator representatives, will report to the Foundation and give recommendations on the program. This report will be given at the first meeting in April. Mr. Morey made a motion that the Foundation accept the whole list of programming presented by Bob Sheppard and that, over a period of time, the access channel will show and store all of them. passed unanimously. Sharon Strong seconded the motion and it The cable operators, who have been meeting regularly in an effort to develop a public awareness program for the community access channel, passed out an outline of a pamphlet they are planning to stuff in the cable customer billings. They would like each Foundation member to review it and come to the next meeting with their input. c_ NEW BUSINESS A question was raised regarding the publication of the program listing for the access channel. It is currently running in the Carlsbad Journal and the Blade Tribune on a regular basis. in other newspapers. There are plans for the listing to be published A press release will be circulated to advertise the orientation classes with Bob Lucas as the contact person. The next meeting will be held Thursday, February 4, 1984 at the Cablevision offices at 5720 El Camino Real. John Brinker made a motion to adjourn, it passed unanimously. Sharon Strong seconded the motion and The meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM. w c- 0 0 0 0 LA