HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-02; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 Minutes - Meeting of February 2, 1984 The meeting was called to order by President Dominguez at 5:43 PM. The following people were present: Foundation Members : Bill Dominguez Bob Sheppard Sharon Strong Bill Levinson Fred Morey Tony Acone City Staff: Alternates: Roger Gree r Cli f f Lange Nancy Little - Rancho La Costa Cable TV John Brinker - Carlsbad Cablevision Pat Goudy - Daniels Cable TV Bob Lucas - Program Coordinator Bob Sheppard made a motion to. approve the minutes as submitted. Bill Levinson seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS There were no subcommittee reports for this meeting. OLD BUSINESS Input on Operators' Pamphlet The general consensus of the Foundation members was to approve and encourage the publication of the operators' proposed pamphlet to be mailed to subscribers via billing mailings. The operators will bring back the final draft of the proposed pamphlet at the next meeting. Orientation Class Update At present, all classes are full. Bob Lucas wants to schedule as many of these orientation classes as possible. There will be another schedule of fxture classes soon. Purchase ,of Blank Tapes for Access Channel Library John Brinker is completing the purchase of these blank tapes and will Minutes 2/2/84 c Page 2 be scheduling the taping and showing of the completed tapes on the access channel. It was suggested that, while taping, a lead should be put on to the effect -- "This program made possible by a grant frcm the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television" -- NEW BUSINESS Review of Applications Submitted for Grant Funding The fiist application reviewed by the Foundation members was submitted by David Flores. After a period of discussion, Tony Acone made a motion that this application be tabled until the Foundation members had a chance to review the existing tapes Mr. Flores has. Mr. Morey seconded the motion and it carried by a unanimous vote. A meeting was scheduled foz February 16, 1984 for this review. Roger Greer will notify MrFlores by letter of this decision and ask him to provide the local address and phone number of his associate. The second application reviewed was submitted by Peter Kebow. His proposed title is, "The Carlsbad Library -- An Open Book". After review, Fred Morey made a motion that the Foundation approve this - application for funding. Bob Sheppard seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Roger Greer will notify Kr. Kebow by letter of the approval and direct him to Bob Lucas for the orientation class schedule. The total granted amount for Mr. Kebow is $615.00. The third and last application reviewed was submitted by Dr. Peter H. Grant. The proposed program is entitled "Peter Grant's San Diego". After some discussion, Bill Levinson made a motion that the Foundation reject this request for funding on the basis that it was not specific to the Carlsbad area, Bob Sheppard seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Roger Greer will draft a letter informing Dr. Grant of the Foundation's decision. Basic ADDlication Revisions It was suggested that the application should have a specific place for the local address and telephone number. It was also suggested that the section on personnel hours be deleted. Approved Application Fo 1 low-up s It was decided that any applicants who have approved funding, will go through Carlsbad Cablevision for materials, payment of expenses, etc, Cablevision will then invoice the Foundation. This should make a very smooth operation for the program producers. - It was suggested that some sort of contract be available for the grant-approved people to sign. Minutes 2/2/84 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Cable Industry Publications Nancy Little brought each member a copy of a cable industry publication entitled Cablescan. Roger Greer also brought a copy of a publication entitled Cabletter which he suggested the group buy a subscription to and he will screen it each month and copy pertinent information for the Foundation members. Mr. Morey made a motion that the Foundation subscribe to Cabletter for 12 monthly issues at $36.00 annually. Bob Sheppard seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next Foundation meeting has been set for Thursday, February 16, 1984 at 5:30 PM at the Cablevision offices at 5720 El Camino Real. rc ADJOURNMENT Bob Sheppard made a motion to adjourn, John Brinker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:lO PM.