HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-08; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 Minutes - Meeting of March 8, 1984 The meeting was called to order by President Dominguez at 5:45 PM. following people were present: The Foundation Members: Bill Dominguez Bob Sheppard Sharon Strong Bill Levinson John Mamaux Fred Morey City Staff: Alternates: Roger Greer Nancy Little John Brinker Bob Lucas .- Bob Sheppard made a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of February 16, 1984 as submitted. motion carried with a majority vote. Bill Levinson seconded it and the There was one abstention. Bob Sheppard made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 2nd meeting after the addition of the granted amount of $615 to Peter Kebow is added to the official minutes. Bill Levinson seconded and the motion passed with a majority. There was one abstention. GRANT AGREEMENT FORM Roger Greer presented a model Grant Agreement form that the Foundation had asked him to provide. that the Foundation adopt the format submitted by Mr. Greer with all appro- priate changes. A copy of the Grant Agreement form is attached hereto and made a part thereof. After some discussion, Mr. Levinson made a motion Mr. Mamaux seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISCUSSION OF "STEPS TO COMMUNITY ACCESS" The cable operators had provided each member a copy of an information sheet they had developed as a way to acquaint the public with the community access channel. The operators intend to distribute this information in the form of mailers with the customer billings. The consensus of the Foundation members was that the information sheet was well done and that the operators should go ahead and begin distribution. Minutes March 8, 1984 Page 2 c NEW BUSINESS Internships and Palomar College Bob Lucas has ten interns working for him currently and he has been working very closely with Bob Sheppard of Palomar College to know if any of Sheppard's students need or are interested in Lucas' internship program. Mr. Lucas also told the group that he has developed a program called "Take Five" which will be on the access channel every Tuesday. allow anyone who wants to get in front of the camera five minutes of free air time to expound on whatever subject he wishes. as a part of the franchise agreement with the City of Carlsbad. This program will This program was developed Mr. Lucas informed the group that he has already taped some of the programs that Bob Sheppard provided him from Palomar College and he will begin airing them soon. Access Program Idea Mr. Levinson informed the group that he has an idea for a program called He has already contacted several businesses and banks re- garding funding of his program. After some discussion, the group decided to hold any further discussion or action until it received Mr. Levinson's application. Smart Money". ?I c DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next Foundation meeting was set for April 5, 1984 at 5:30 PM at the Cablevision offices on El Camino Real. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Levinson made a motion to adjourn and Sharon Strong seconded it. was passed unanimously. It The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM. FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 GRANT AGREEMENT Date Grant Number Grantee Project Title Project Director Upon full execution of this agreement and the agreement by the Grantee to comply with special provisions included in the Foundation Grant Award Letter, the Foundation has allocated a grant not to exceed $ subject to the terms and conditions set forth below: to the Grantee 1. CASH PAYMENTS The Foundation will make cash payments as follows: _- 2. LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OF GRANT FUNDS Grant funds may be expended only for project purposes and activities set forth in the budget originally approved and attached to this agreement. Proposed amendments must be submitted by the Grantee for written approval by the Foundation. in the grant project which include changes in project director, activities, budget and/or duration of the grant period. Such actions are required for any significant change 3. MISAPPLIED FUNDS In cases where funds are determined by the Foundation to have been mis- applied, the Grantee agrees to repay to the Foundation all such funds. Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television Grant Agreement P Page 2 4. UNCOMMITTED FUNDS Any funds actually received by the Grantee which remain uncommitted at the termination of the grant period must be returned by check payable to the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television. 5. INCOME EARNED FROM THE PROJECT All income earned by the Grantee as part of or as a result of the grant project shall accrue to the Grantee with the following provisions: 6. COST PRINCIPLES Only those costs set forth in the approved project budget are allowable. Per diem and travel reimbursements may not exceed the current rates authorized by the Foundation. 7. GRANT ACCOUNTING AND RECORDS The Grantee shall maintain records and accounts consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and also shall provide for such fiscal con- trol and fund accounting procedures as are necessary to assure proper disbursement and accounting for grant project funds. matching funds and/or in-kind contributions identified in the original application must be documented. The receipt of 8. REPORTS a. All requests for payment must be accompanied by a financial report. Grant payments are released on the last day of the month. b. Final Report Within 30 days after the termination of the grant period, the Grantee shall submit (1) a final financial report which summarizes all expenditures of the Foundation grant funds and (2) a narrative report stating what was accomplished with the grant. This report shall icnlude a copy of materials produced (publications, reports, tapes, etc.) under the project grant. 9. PUBLICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FOUNDATION FUNDS Any tangible result of grant activity (productions, displays, exhibits, films, tapes) must bear an acknowledgement of support by the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television. Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television Grant Agreement ,,- Page 3 10. 11. 12. ACCESS BY THE FOUNDATION TO PRODUCED MATERIALS The Grantee understands and agrees that the purpose of all grant activity is to inform and educate members of the public on the use of non-commercial community service channels via cable television. Toward this end, the Foundation and the Grantee agree to engage in a relationship of good fiath and cooperation to ensure that all produced materials will be reasonably available to the Foundation. a. The ownership and copyright of produced materials are held by the Grantee. b. The Foundation reserves a non-exclusive license to use and reproduce, without payment, any produced materials, including copyrighted materials arising out of grant activities. If requested, the Grantee will be notified upon Foundation use of products. TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT OR OWNERSHIP In the event that the Grantee transfers copyright or ownership of any produced materials for distribution or for any other purpose, the Grantee agrees to take any action that shall be necessary to ensure that the Foundation shall be able to freely exercise all rights reserved under this AGreement. NON-COMPLIANCE The Grantee and the Foundation agree that it any of the conditions set forth in this Agreement or in the Grant Award letter are not met, the Foundation may, at its option, (1) suspend all of its duties under this agreement, including the duty to pay the grant money or, (2) declare these duties discharged and require the Grantee to repay grant money previously awarded. 13. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television Grant Agreement Page 4 .p I have read and understood all of the provisions and conditions in this agreement and I promise to fully comply with each and all of them. Signature of Project Director Date Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television Date