HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-01; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARMAD, CA 92008 - 1989 MINUTES OF MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1984 NOTE: No meeting October 6, 1984 The meeting was called to order by President Dominguez. Members present: Bill Dominguez Bob Sheppard Bill Levinson Nancy Little John Brinker Bob Lucas City Staff: Roger Greer Bill Levinson made a motion that the minutes of the September 6, 1984 meeting r be approved as submitted. Motion seconded by Brinker. Motion carried unanimously. There were no Sub-committee reports. Election of Officers President Dominguez opened the floor for nominations for President. Mr. Levinson nominated Mr. Dominguez for another term and the nomination was seconded by Ms. Little. Mr. Sheppard moved the nominations for President be closed, Mr. Levinson seconded the nomination and, hearing no objections, the nominations were closed. Bill Dominguez will be President of the Foundation for another term. President Dominguez opened the floor for nominations for Vice President. Mr. Levinson nominated Mr. Sheppard for a second term. Mr. Brinker seconded the nomination. Ms. Little made a motion to close nominations and Mr. Brinker seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the nominations were closed. Bob Sheppard will be Vice President of the Foundation for another term. President Dominguez opened the floor for nominations for Secretary. Mr. Brinker nominated Sharon Strong for another term. Mr. Levinson moved that the nominations be closed and his motion was seconded by Mr. Brinker. Hearing no objections, the nominations were closed. Ms. Little seconded the nomination. Sharon Strong will be Secretary of the Foundation for another term. r Minutes - November 1, 1984 - Page 2 - Mr. Brinker made a motion to hold off on nominations for Financial Officer until the next meeting when Mr. Dominguez would have an opportunity to check with the present Financial Officer to see if he was interested in remaining in that position. Mr. Levinson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. There was some discussion regarding the operator representatives on the Founda- tion Board. Board to let it know who the operator representatives will be for the coming year. The two cable companies will send written communication to the Approval of Grants Michael Sarain - Wavelength After some discussion, it was decided, by consensus, to fund two of the four segments requested by Mr. Sarain's applicaiton. The application will be reviewed again after these two segments are completed and upon receipt of a letter addendum to the original application by Mr. Sarain. granted $576.00, one-half of the requested amount. It was asked that, when corresponding with Mr. Sarain, it be suggested that he consider using descrip- tions and voice-over techniques for the non-surfing members of the audience. Roger Greer was asked to write to Mr. Sarain regarding the Foundations's decision. The Foundation rc Cynthia LeGrand - Seniors in Action It was decided, after a discussion, that Ms. LeGrand be asked to find alternative funding. programming already airs that Ms. LeGrand is not a Carlsbad resident. It was further suggested that, when corresponding with her, she be referred to Bob Lucas who can put her in touch with the local Carlsbad Seniors' group and perhaps work out something with them on a program geared towards Carlsbad's community. write to Ms. LeGrand expressing the Foundation's decision. The program she proposed in her application is of a similar nature to as part of Life Time Network. It was also noted Roger Greer will John Castanha - Studio C Dance Recital - Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club After some discussion, Mr. Levinson made a motion which was seconded by Ms. Little to fund this project for the full amount requested of $558.00. The motion carried unanimously. It was noted that the County has some money it is offering for grants for public access programming. Foundation should apply for some of the County funds by submitting an application, but, since the itme limit to apply is so short (two weeks), it will not be possible or feasible at the present time. There was some discussion regarding whether or not the Minutes - November 1, 1984 - Page 3 There was some discussion regarding hiring a Public Relations person for the Foundation. committee of Dominguez, Little and Greer has had an opportunity to meet and formulate some plan for this action. It was decided to table any further discussion until the sub- The next meeting will be held December 13th instead of December 6th. There is a convention in Anaheim for the cable industry December 5, 6 & 7. John Brinker told the group that if any of the Foundation members wished to attend, to let him know by November 15th and he would include those names with the Cablevision group. The December 13th meeting will consist of a short business meeting and then a small holiday celebration. friend. Foundation has approved during the year for review. Members are asked to invite spouses or a special Bob Lucas will have tapes available of the programming that the Mr. Brinker made a motion to adjourn. Bob Sheppard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 7:OO PM.