HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-10; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1985 MEETING The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Bill Dominguez. It should be noted that the regular meeting date was January 3, 1985 and had to be postponed until January 10, 1985. The following people were present: Foundation Members: Bill Dominguez John Mamaux Robert Sheppard John Brinker Sharon Strong Bob Lucas Bill Levinson City Staff: Roger Greer Mr. Sheppard made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 13th meeting as submitted. Mr. Levinson seconded the motion. The vote r was as follows: 5 Ayes 2 Abstentions The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS None OLD BUSINESS After some discussion regarding the need for a Financial Officer for the Foundation, Mr. Levinson made a motion that Mr. Mamaux be appointed Financial Officer. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sheppard and, hearing no objections from Mr. Mamaux, the motion carried with a unanimous vote. NEW BUSINESS Approval of Grants Susan A. Furioli - Padres, Pot, Pills and Powder After a short discussion, John Brinker made a motion that Ms. Furioli's grant be approved in the full amount requested of $574. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Greer will write Ms. Furioli and apprise her of the Foundation's decision. Ms. Strong Minutes Cable Television Foundation - 1/10/85 - Page 2 - Approval of Grants, contiued Mr. Samuel Tracer - Jealousy, the Green Monster After some discussion, Mr. Brinker made a motion to approve Mr. Tracer's grant for the full amount requested of $689 with the following conditions attached to the motion: 1. That Mr. Tracer be reacquainted with the Foundation's time limit for grant application submissions of 30 days prior to its meeting so that members have an opportunity to review the application. 2. Inform Mr. Tracer that, from this point on, the Foundation must get a report back on any advertising or promoting his organization does for its programs in order for us to be able to tell what kind and size of audience the access channel is reaching. The vote was unanimous. As a result of a discussion regarding feedback from applicants about any advertising or promoting they do to promote their programs] it was was proposed that Bob Lucas design a form/questionnaire to be made a part of the grant application package to report on any advertising] promoting, etc. done by each applicant for the program for which he is requesting funding. This would be a follow-up kind of form to give us some idea of how the program was received and what size the audience is. - Mr. Levinson made a motion that Mr. Lucas design a "feedback" kind of form for any advertising or promotional activities each applicant participates in to promote his/her program. to Mr. Greer's office for duplication and inclusion with the grant application packages. unanimous. This form will be given Ms. Strong seconded the motion and the vote was Ms. Strong asked how the studio activity was doing and if there were any problems with classes or interns. Mr. Lucas responded that the people who are using the facilities have all been trained by him and that the operation was running smoothly. It was noted that the Foundation is trying to involve the school district in some of the programming efforts. The members discussed the following types of programming to be explored during the coming year: School activities, City Council Meetings, School Board Meetings, Academic League Functions. It was also decided to make a concerted effort to get a public relations person affiliated with the Foundation to help promote these types of programming and make personal contacts and promote the access channel. Minutes Cable Television Foundation - 1/10/85 - Page 3 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was scheduled for Thrusday, February 7, 1985 at 5:30 PM at the Carlsbad Cablevision offices on El Camino Real. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by general consensus at 7:OO PM.