HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-06; Community Television Foundation; MinutesFOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - 1989 MINUTES - Regular Meeting - August 6, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Vice President Sheppard in the absence of Mr. Dominguez at 3:07 PM. The following were present: Foundation Members: Bob Sheppard, John Mamaux, Sharon Strong, Bill Levinson, John Brinker, Fred Morey City Staff: Joe Eggleston Alternate: Bob Lucas Mr. Brinker made a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted, Mr. Mamaux seconded and the motion carried with a unanimous vote. FINANCIAL REPORT After a brief explanation of the report, Mr. Levinson moved that the Foundation accept the report as submitted. received a unanimous vote. Mr. Mamaux seconded and the motion OLD BUSINESS Operator's Proposal to this meeting and original DroDosal. : The Foundation members asked that the operators return answer some specific questions they had regarding the Bob Lucas distributed a written breakdown of estimated v costs for promotional/educational materials. minutes. After Mr. Lucas explained the cost breakdown, there was a brief discussion by the Foundation members. that the Foundation accept the operators' proposal to promote the access channel for one year. Ms. Strong seconded the motion. After further discussion, the motion was amended by Mr. Mamaux to read that the Foundation accept the operator's proposal to promote the access channel for a period of one year with a monthly review of the actual and projected costs. Ms. Strong amended her second. The vote was as follows: 4 Ayes 2 Abstentions (Operators). At the next meeting Mr. Lucas will have the scope and the results of the survey being sent to subscribers regarding the access channel. It is included as part of these After the discussion, Mr. Mamaux moved New Meeting Time: Each member gave the chair the days and times whjch were the most convenient to meet. After a short discussion, Mr. Morey suggested that the Foundation meet the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 AM. agreed that this was a good time. at 7:30 AM at the Cablevision offices. Everyone The next meeting will be September 5, 1985 Minutes - 8/6/85 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Grants: Artist in Residence - Thomas M. Reeser After some discussion, Ms. Strong made a motion that the Foundation turn down the application due to lack of funds and also because most of the segments were not specific to the needs of Carlsbad. Mr. Mamaux seconded and the vote was unanimous. A discussion was opened by the members to consider the individual items of the proposal. There are four specific parts: Fashion Clones, Bridges, Sanctuary and Beach Shorts. After discussion of each segment, Mr. Mamaux made a motion to approve the segment entitled "Bridges" as an individual project and provide funding in the amount of $759.00. Ms. Strong seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: 5 - Ayes 1 - No. The motion carried. A letter should be written to Mr. Reeser explaining the Foundation's reason for rejecting the application and asking if he would consider producing only the "Bridges" segment. ,- Mr. Levinson announced that he has found it necessary, for personal reasons, to resign his position on the Foundation board. He has notified the City of Carlsbad by letter. Mr. Levinson for his input and service as a member. The Foundation members expressed their thanks to DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on September 5, 1985 at 7:30 AM at the Carlsbad Cablevision offices on El Camino Real. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Brinker moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Mamaux seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 4:OO PM. ._ - Cablwlrlon Communications Center ' 5720 El Camino Real PO. Box 344 Carlsbad, CA 92008 : (619) 438-7723 c To: Foundation Members From: Bob Lucas Date: 7/30/85 Re: Costs of promotion/educational materials Attached is a breakdown of estimated costs for providing the promotional materials for Channel 30 and the Foundation, which were presented at the July meeting. These costs are broken into two categories, the first being on- going services to be billed on a monthly basis, the second being one-time costs for brochures and the 10 minute promo tape. The cost for a fund raiser is deferred until we have a plan and format for the event. You will notice that production rates are less than the normal access rate card. We have chosen to charge a rate which simply - covers staff expenses (payroll), not equipment usage. The air time on the satellite channels, calculated at a value of $960.00 weekly is also being donated to the promotion of Channel 30 access. The following are cost estimates for promotion & education materials, produced by the operators. Ongoing costs billed monthly: A. Producing channel and program spots: Four spots monthly Scripting 4 hrs @ $ 4.50/hr. = $18.00 Editing 4 hrs @ 10.00/hr. = 40.00 Videotape % UCA 20 7.50/ech = 7.50 $65.50 B. Press Releases on foundation/programming matters Writing 16 hrs. @ $ 4.50/hr. = $72.00 C. Producing Channel Breaks-weekly Scripting 2 hrs. @ $ 4.50/hr. x 4 = $ 36.00 Editing 3 hrs. @ 9.00/hr. x 4 = 108.00 Videotape 1 UCA 30/month Monthly Total One-time Costs: = 20.00 $164.00 $301.50 Brochures: I. Is general brochure on access programming on 11. Outlines the tax and promotional benefits of Channel 30, production services and class. underwriting programming. Writing and Paste-up $ 250.00 Printing 15,000 @ .28-Brochure I 4200.00 Bill stuffing 10,000 165.00 Printing 2,000 @ .28-Brochure I1 560.00 $ 5175.00 Promo Tape: Studio shoot 12 hrs. @ $28/hr. $336.00 Editing 24 hrs. @ 10/hr. 240.00 Tapes 1 UCA 20 15.00 Talent 100.00 $691 .OO