HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-11; Community Television Foundation; MinutesCarlsbad Community Television Foundation Minutes, Regular Meeting January 11, 2007 Board Members: Present: Bob Bender, Harv Kauffinan, Scott Pieratt, Elisa WiUiamson Absent: Phil Urbina City Staff: Present: Absent: Denise Vedder Time Warner Cable Staff: Present: Absent: Ned Aug;ustenborg Also in Attendance: Toni Padron, Ed Kramer, Nancy Held Loucas, Judy Pisciotta, Gary Adcock, Tracy (jastelo CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Bender called the meeting to order at 4:47 pm. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson moved to approve the minutes of December 14, 2006. Chair Bender seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Member Kauffinan asked for elaboration on the Deputy City Attomey's presentation on the state of the relationship between Time Warner Cable and the City of Carlsbad. City Staff Liaison Vedder gave Member Kauffman and the Board a recap. VOTE: 2-0-1 AYES: Bender, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Urbina ABSTAIN: Kauffman II. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS A. Grant Applications for Consideration 1. ""2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner" Applicant: Toni Padron Amount Requested: $6,380.00 Minutes - January 11, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of January 11, 2007 Page 2 Request to fund a production featuring the finalists and winners of the Best Outstanding Educational Program of 2006, sponsored by the Carlsbad Chamber of Conmierce and the Partners in Education Foundation. The event will take place on May 18, 2007. ACTION: Member Pieratt motioned approval as submitted. Vice Chair V/illiamson seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Member Kauffman asked Applicant Toni Padron ifthe Carlsbad High School television production team could observe the production of the Best Outstanding Education Program of 2006 so they may get an educational experience. Applicant Padron agreed and said she would notify the parties involved to invite the Carlsbad High School production team to the event. Member Pieratt asked the Board if the rates of production seem reasonable as compared to other production and post production facilities. City Staff Liaison Vedder stated she has recently compared production and production related rates throughout the area and the rates listed on the Applicant's cost sheet are in line with standard industry rates. VOTE: 4-0-0 AYES: Bender, Kauffman, Pieratt, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Urbina ABSTAIN: 2. "A Communify Makes Music / Music Makes a Communify" Applicant: Gary Adcock and Judy Pisciotta Applicant: Gary Adcock and Judy Pisciotta Amount Requested: $ 12,110.00 Request to fund a one-hour production featuring the 80 dedicated musicians who make up the Coastal Communities Concert Band. This documentary will provide a behind the scenes look at how the band prepares for several performance events. It will also give viewers the opportunity to see how the community at large benefits fi-om the band's many annual concert performances in Carlsbad and North County and small group ensemble performances at Carlsbad's own Museum of Making Music. Vice Chair Williamson asked what percentage of time would be music and what percentage would be dialogue. Y Productions Producer Ed Kramer stated that 40 - 50% would be music, including music anchoring the story lines. Vice Chair Williamson also asked the applicant how the Carlsbad School District children benefit, as stated in the application, from the special after school music program where 90 new students are leaming to play musical instmments for the first time. Applicant Pisciotta stated the program takes place within a City of Carlsbad school, located in the San Dieguito United School district. Member Kauffinan asked the Applicant what percentage of performances take place in CCTVF Minutes -January 11, 2007 f CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of January 11, 2007 Page 3 Carlsbad. Applicant Adcock stated three major concerts are in Carlsbad out of eleven concerts during the year. ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to approval. Chair Bender seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Vice Chair Williamson asked the Board to discuss the 60 minute length of the proposed production and the requested $12,110.00 grant amount. VOTE: 0-4-0 . AYES: NOES: Bender, Kauffinan, Pieratt, Williamson NOT PRESENT:; Urbina ABSTAIN: ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned approval to fund the grant for $6,000 towards the production of "A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community." Motion withdrawn. ACTION: Chair Bender motioned to approve the grant application for $6,000.00 for the production of "A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community" with the stipulation the applicant will raise the additional fiinds to total $12,110.00, allowing the applicant to produce the production as applied for. 4-0-0 Bender, Kauffinan, Pieratt, Williamson VOTE AYES NOES NOT PRESENT: Urbina ABSTAIN: 3. Review and file the Cify's Monthly Financial Report for the CCTVF Reviewed and filed af^er discussion of the outstanding grants and grants under production. Ill GRANT UPDATES A. Current Productions There was no update given. CCTVF Minutes -January 11, 2007 ) CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of January 11, 2007 Page 4 IV. INFORMATION ITEMS A. City Staff Liaison Denise Vedder gave a brief update to the Board on the Cable Franchise agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Time Warner Cable, state franchise implications, and the activation of a City channel. V. OTHER BUSINESS Member Kauffinan would like to propose an agenda item to change the name of the "Carlsbad Community Television Foundation" to "City of Carlsbad Community Television Foundation" so applicants and the public are aware that the City of Carlsbad generates the fimds to support the Foundation. The Board agreed to put this item on the next meeting's agenda. VL PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VIL DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The date of the next regular meeting was set for Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 4:40 p.m. at the offices of Time Warner Cable. VIII. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of Thursday, January 11, 2007 was adjourned by proper motion at 6:15 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, DENISE VEDDER City Staff Liaison DV/tig CCTVF Minutes -January 11, 2007 SUMMARY SHEET Category: Project Titie: 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Date: December 22. 2006 Check One: Individual Nonprofit Org. X Govt. Agency APPLICANT Project Applicant Name: Toni Padron Organization: Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce/Partners in Education Foundation Business Address: 5934 Priestly Drive Cify: Carlsbad. CA Zip: 92008 Phone: (760) 931-8400 Home Address: 5934 Priestly Drive City: Carlsbad. CA Zip: 92008 Phone: (760) 931-8400 Payee Name (if different from Project Director): Organization: City: Zip: Phone: SIGNATURE: Project Director: Payee: II. PROJECT SUMMARY: The production of a program featuring the nominees and winners of the most Outstanding Educational Programs of 2006, sponsored by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the Partners in Education Foundation. The program will be presented at a live event and subsequently aired on Times Warner Cable. III. BUDGET SUMMARY 1. Personnel Hours 2. Production Costs 3. Supplies & Materials 4. Other Production Costs Costs $3,180 $3,200 Total Costs $6,380 Total Amount Requested from CCTVF: $6,380 Attachment A NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION • Explanation of how this program idea evolved • Identification of the community's need for the program • Identification of potential audience and anticipated results • Explanation of anticipated impact the program will have in the community 1. Explanation of how this program idea evolved The Outstanding Educational Program (OEP) was first established in 1997 as an awards luncheon to honor teachers who "went the extra mile' in innovative educational programming. The program is now a dinner event, held at La Costa Resort and Spa. In May 2006, the OEP had 350 attendees and attendance is expected to grow to 400 in May 2007. To be selected as an OEP finalist, teachers have either developed an original educational program or made significant adaptations to programs derived from other sources. The criterion of an Outstanding Educational Program is a coherent collection of materials, activities, and strategies designed to: • Enhance the learning experience of students' by utilizing their talents • Expand the students' horizons and explore their potential • Apply students' theoretical knowledge to real life situations The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee selects four OEP program finalists in each of the four program categories: Innovative, Science, Entrepreneurial, and Adapted/Adopted, 16 finalists in all. At the awards dinner, all finalists are introduced and all are awarded a monetary prize. The video programs are shown in segments during the live awards presentation, then edited together to showcase Carlsbad schools to the community. The program is then aired several times on Times Warner Cable to allow the community ample access to view it. 1. Identification of the community's need for the program The Outstanding Educational Program encourages creative and innovative teachers, rewarding extra effort in using existing resources to help students learn. In addition, the Carlsbad Chamber's Partners in Education Foundation has a mission to create and enhance educational opportunities and programs for both students and faculty by developing a partnership between local schools and the Carlsbad business community. During the event, over $300,000 in grant money will be presented to the educational community. The program features the fine work of the foundation while showcasing the best of education in Carlsbad. It also raises community awareness about the outstanding programs created by local teachers and encourages business to participate in our schools. Presenting the videos will demonstrate and enhance public opinion of the creative teachers in the school districts. In addition, production of this program as a television program, suitable for airing on the local cable station, extends the reach of the program to the community, parents and students, and local business people. This serves to further the interest, knowledge and support of our schools. 3. Identification of potential audience and anticipated results Time Warner Cable TV's audience covers a wide section of our community: • Businesses that have contributed or may contribute in the future • School board members and superintendents • Principals, teachers and their peers • Parents • Other interested community members The anticipated result is increased community awareness in teacher and student initiatives, involvement and support of current and future programs, recognition of the hard work and dedication committed by the educational community. 4. Explanation of anticipated impact the program will have in the community The impact ofthe program is twofold: • Honor and recognize outstanding teachers and their students • Improve community awareness of the ongoing commitment to outstanding education in the Carlsbad area • Increase awareness for business education partnerships in the community • Support of future initiatives Attachment A-1 OUTLINE/SCRIPT OF PROGRAM • Attach additional sheets if necessary Outstanding Educational Program Awards - Video Program Outline There are 16 nominees. Each one will have a one-minute overview, including teacher and or student sound bites. The winner in each category will have an additional 30-second feature. With the open, host speaking between categories, and close, the show will run 29:30 minutes. *Note: No shooting is done ofthe actual awards program. VIDEO AUDIO Show Open Graphics Music, Voice Over Sponsor CCTV logo Music Open/Welcome by host, intro of program describing positive impact of Carlsbad schools, and award categories Video of stand up in community Innovative Category - video from each school, graphic with photo of school Music, Voice over of each nominee Winner of Innovative Category New video of winning program Entrepreneurial Category - video from each school, graphic with photo of school Music, Voice over of each nominee Winner of entrepreneurial categoty New video of winning program Science C:ategoty - video from each school, graphic with photo of school Music, Voice over of each nominee Winner of Science Category New video of winning program Adapted Category - video from each school, graphic with photo of school Music, Voice over of each nominee Winner of Adapted Category New video of winning program Close/Thanks from host Music and video of stand up in community Graphics of credits and donations Music as credits and donations roll PROJECT TIMETABLE • Provide a detailed timetable of project from planning to completion Outstanding Educational Program - Video Program Timetable Attachment B Date Activity Jan 12 Applications mailed to principals Jan 26 Applications due to Chamber Feb 23 Finalists determined March 16 Scripts due March 23 Shoot schedule due April 2-6 Shoot video at 16 schools April 13 Voice over recorded May 4 Video edited May 18 OEP dinner Program airs 2-4 times on Times Warner Attachment C PLAN FOR PROMOTING THE PROGRAM All promotion of your program must contain the following: 1. On all printed materials and during all credit rolls: "This production was funded through a grant from the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation." 2. For public announcements: "We would like to thank the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation for the funding that made this program possible." This statement should also be included in the final videotaped production. 3. For press releases: Include the dates and times your program will air on Time Warner Cable. Please request airdates from Ned Augustenborg prior to taping. Outstanding Educational Program Communications Plan The Chamber promotes the Outstanding Educational Program with: • Press releases to the local media two weeks before the event • Media pitch to the community sections of the Nortfi County Times and San Diego Union Tribune, North County Edition • Broadcast fax to all Carisbad Chamber members (over 1700 businesses) • Local school districts; Carisbad Unified, Encinitas Union and San Marcos Unified are advised through press releases, invitations and flyers of the event Text for all press releases, e-mail, flyers and news articles will have one of the following statements: "These videos made possible by a grant from the Carisbad Community Television Foundation" or "We would like to thank the Carisbad Community Television Foundation for the funding that made these videos possible," as well as air dates and information. As mentioned in our timetable, we will send information to schools approximately three months prior to the event. Our letters contained the fact that the program will air on Time Warner Cable through this grant. At the event we will hand out special brochures (sample attached) to all participants and audience, including the CCTVF promotion tag line and airing information. Before and after the event, an article is printed in the Carlsbad Business Journal andi we will name CCFV as sponsor, will thank Carisbad Community Television foundation for the funding and list air dates and times. Attachment D PROJECT BUDGET SHEET Please itemize the following budget categories: Total Cost: Personnel (includes hours & rates) Production Costs Supplies & Material Other Costs Total Costs Total Project Budget Amount Requested From CCFV $3,180 $3,180 (See Worksheet) $3,200 $3,200 $6,380 $6,380 Please list here all matching funds and/or other confirmed sources of funding: Attachment D-1 Production Costs: DV Tapes Supplies Total: BUDGET WORKSHEET Hours Rate Total Producer Pre-Production 10 40 400 Producer Shoot Days 24 40 960 Producer Footage 5 40 200 Producer Edit 20 40 800 Scripting 8 40 320 ENG DVCam 6 days 200 1200 Voice Over -Talent and Studio 4 125 500 Non-Unear Editing 20 100 2,000 Sub Total: 6,380 Supplies: # Total: $6,380 Attachment E PROJECT APPLICANT BACKGROUND The Carisbad Chamber of Commerce's education foundation was originally formed in 1994 as the "Carisbad Companies on Clampus" and evolved in 2000 into the Partners in Education Foundation. Partners in Education Foundation is a private non-profit fundraising organization that promotes and supports the children of the Carisbad local area. The specific and primary purpose of the Partners in Education Foundation is to engage in the solicitation and distribution of funds for the benefit of public schools (grades K through 12) serving the City of Carisbad, including, but not limited to, the development and enhancement of economic educational opportunities and programs for both students and faculty by developing a partnership between the schools and the Carisbad business community. The foundation strives to enrich education for the children of Carisbad and together with business and community leaders build partnerships that nourish local schools by providing funding for programs. With your help, we will continue to improve community awareness and provide schools with funds, grants, scholarships, endowments and services suited to individual school site needs and requests. The Chamber intends to hire The Wiltshire Group (TWG), to produce the program that will be shown at the event and later aired on Times Warner Cable. The company has more than 20 years of experience in television production. TWG produced the program for the Chamber last year and has also produced other programs for the Carlsbad Unified School District and the C:arisbad Educational Foundation. The principal, Nancy Held Loucas, has worked with the school district in several capacities and has produced the Kids Are Worth a Million Telethon. Attachment F (If applicable) 1. If applicant is an organization, list board of directors and staff. Identify the affiliation of all ijoard members. (See Attachment entitied Partners in Education Foundation Board Slate 2006) (See Attachment entitied C:arisbad Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2006) 2. Proof of non-profit status and the organization's operating budget. (See Attachment from the State of California) (See Attachment from IRS Dept. of Treasuty) (See Attached W-9) (See Attachment entitied Partners in Education Balance Sheet) 3. Provide a letter of support and participation from any other local groups participating in the project. (See Attached letters fi'om Kids Are Worth A Million) (See Attached letters from school superintendent) (See Attached thank you letters in support of this program) (See Attachment entitied "Carisbad Chamber & Kids Are Worth A Million, Salute Exceptional Teachers Programs at May 12 Awards Dinner," an excerpt from the June 2006 Carlsbad Business Journal) Page 10 Attachment G ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT I, Toni Padron. as Project Director/Producer of the proposed Carisbad Community Television production, entitied 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner affirm that: Individual - See Section A X Organization - See Section B Section A The individual is: A resident of Carisbad - The application requires a simple majority vote to be approved Not a resident of Carisbad - The application requires a unanimous vote to be approved Section B The organization is: JC Located in Carlsbad - The application requires a simple majority vote to be approved Not located in Carisbad - The application requires a unanimous vote to be approved Section C — For non-resident individuals or organizations only As a non-resident, please explain how your production would directly benefit the citizens of Carisbad: I,. _(titie) for_ _, will be acting in an official capacity as _(name of organization). (Note: A letter from the organization to this effect must be attached.) I also affirm that I am eighteen years of age or older. I understand that the Carisbad Community Television Foundation shall retain copyright interest in direct proportion to the funding provided for all programs produced. The approval of the Carisbad Community Television Foundation Board of Directors must be obtained prior to any reuse or reproduction of the cable product. Finally, I understand that the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules governing the content and nature of public access channels. I furtiher understand that local cable operators have developed additional rules governing the airing of proposed productions on public access television. I agree to comply wto--the appropriate rules governing the content and nature of prograniminfl^'red on puttNc agz^s television. Signature: Date: December 22. 2006 Page 12 Program Remarks and Introductions Special Guests Randy "Duke Cunningham U.S. Congressman Mark Wyland State Assembly Member Bill Horn San Diego County Supervisor Matt HaU Carlsbad City Council Member Arm Kulchin Carlsbad City Council Member Mark Packard Carlsbad City Council Member Jeff Segall Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Ciiairman ofthe Board Ted Owen President/Chief Executive Officer Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Presentation of Awards Lynn Crockett Co-Chair, Education Committee LEGOLAND, Califomia Chris Ross Education Committee Sylvari Leaming Center, Encinitas Outstanding Programs Aviara Oaks Elementary IOO" Day Celebration Kristine Rowe, Julie Severino, Beth Tiiomason, Jennifer Uri be & Leslie Wright Aviara Oaks Middle School Living Witlx Disability Day Lynne Decosmo Buena Vista Elementary Kids Care Katherine Gordon Calavera Hills Elementary Field Experiences Laura Bowen, Sally Estep, Aimee Smith & Jennie Vance Calavera Hills Elementary USS Lalce Champlain Partnerstiip'V^ Chris Duman Carlsbad High School Nortii County Vietnam Veteran Memorial Project Walter Frazier Carlsbad Village Academy The Opportunity Program WadeWilliford Carrillo Elementary Interim Assessment & Diagnostic Program Tracy Garcia El Camino Creek Lost Boys of Sudan Diane DeDonato Hope Elementary Literature Circles witii Claymation Animation Bob Peterson Jefferson Elementary KJEFNews Rob Alper, Chris Kopp & Luis Ponce Kelly Elementary Student Library Helpers Elizabeth Smith La Costa Canyon High School Intemsliips - Connecting Students to tiie Workplace Mark Embree La Costa Heights Sounding Off Against Juvenile Diabetes James Staton La Costa Meadows Special Days for Special Kids Carolyn McClure Magnolia Elementary Troutpals Tom Palenscar Mission Estancia School Garden Audrey Miller Olivenhain Pioneer Paws To Read Jeannie Benowitz Pacific Rim Elementary The Ecological Life Cycle Donna Billingsley Valley Middle School Peer Helper Program Karie Bruen SPECIALTHANKSTOTHEMUSICALPERFORMERS: • "Strolling Strings" - Directed By: Vi Panman and Dara Sheldon Andrew Cochran, Eric Correll, Andrew Crockett, Jeanette Fox, Dalton Haslam, Austen Hallett, Tyler Hoffman, Nathan Hose, Eric Ignacio, Sujin Oh, James Pond, Lindsey Reedy, Alexis Sebring, Emma Seemann and Sam Spindel Star-Spangled Banner - Carlsbad High School "Sound Express" Derek Brunner, Kevin Curry, Russel Dickerson, Jessie Hansen, Kellie Letts and Mehry Mohseni TodLr^.ne Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee and Partners In Education Foundation honor one of our community's most precious resources: the teachers who serve our Carlsbad students. One program from each participating school has been selected as a finalist and will receive a monetary award. From among the finalists, a program will be recognized as the 2004 most Outstanding Educational Program and will receive additional fimds. Funds are to be used exclusively for school educational materials and programs. The funds are provided through the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Partners in Education Foundation, a non-profit foundation. Special thanks to the following Outstanding Educational Program Committee members: Diana Aaron, Carlsbad Education Foundation Debbie Blow, El Camino Creek Elementary Tom B wane. The Bwarie Gift Basket Ruth Clark, CarlsbadHigh School-PTA Lynn Crockett, LEGOLAND Califomia Jose DeAnda, Buena Vista Elementary Mimi Gaffey, RAM Enterprises, International Eileen Letts, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Kelli Moors, Carlsbad Unified School District Jeannie Ramos, Gemological Institute of America Chris Ross, Sylvan Leaming Center Bernice Smarsty, Mission Federal Credit Union Kathy Winkler, Winkler Re Max Real Estate ^Filming of this program is made possible by a grant from the Carisbad Community Television Foundation. This program will air on Adelphia Channel 3 at the following times: April 20 @ 5 p.m.; April 23 @ 7:30 p.m.; April 27 @ 4:30 p.m. and April 30 @ 8 p.m. Please check your local listings for May showtimes. Funds for the Outstani^^ Educational Program Awards were raised from local business donations. Major Sponsors LEGOLAND, California Morrow Development Inc. RAM Enterprises Intemational Study Depot Sylvan Leaming Center Wells Fargo Bank Friends of Education Sponsors Army & Navy Academy Cabrillo Power Callaway Golf Kiwanis Club La Costa Resort and Spa Mission Federal Credit Union San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Table Sponsors California Bank & Tnast Four Seasons Aviara K2 Inc. LEGOIAND, California Westfield Shoppingtown Plaza Camino Real Decoration Sponsors Armstrong Garden Centers Coast Floral Inc. Flowers Forever Mellano & Company Sunfresh Flowers Plaque Sponsor A Action Awards/Champagne Recognition Printing Sponsor Aloha Printing CCC Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce PARTNERS IN EDUCATION FOUNDATION 2004 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner ''Unity in Community" April 16, 2004 La Costa Resort and Spa The mission of the Education Committee is to develop and provide specific and ongoing opportunities for the business and education communities to work as partners in preparing Carlsbad -youth for productive lives and vocations. Presented by the CARLSBAD V_> CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Partners in Education Foundation Board Slate 2006 Chairman - Tim Stripe, Grand Pacific Resorts Chairman Elect - Paul Thompson, Global Community Solutions Chairman of Bus and Civic Affairs - Chris Ross, Sylvan Leaming Centers CFO - Peter MacLaggan, Poseidon Resources Chair of Ed Ctte - Marion Paul, Junior Achievement President - Ted Ow^en Member of Ed Ctte - Mimi Gaffey Member of Ed Ctte - Steven Ahle Member at Large - Dr. John Roach (CUSD) Member at Large - Dr. Lean King (EUSD) Member at Large - Diana Aaron, Kids are Worth A Million (JRLSBAD V_> CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2006 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Ames Invitrogen Corporation 1600 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 603-7286/476-6886 (FAX) Julie.aines(g),invitrogen.com Fred Arbuckle Morrow Development 1903 Wright Pl# 180 Carlsbad, CA 92008 929-2701/929-2705 (FAX) farbuckle(a),morrowdevelopment.co 21 Kurt Burkhart Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau 400 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 434-6093/434-6056 FAX kurtbfa),visitcarlsbad.com Robert Cima Four Seasons Resort Aviara 7100 Four Seasons Point Carlsbad CA 92009-4908 603-6800/603-6801 FAX robert.cima@fourseasons.com David DaCosta Office DEPOT Business Services Division 6630 Top Gun St San Diego, CA 92121 (858)552-7762/(858) 452-9261 (FAX) ddacosta@officedepot.com Farrah Douglas CDS Printing 6971 El Camino Real, Ste. 203 Carlsbad CA 92009 438-1442/438-2512 FAX farrah@,cdsprinting.com Ofie Escobedo Lola's 7-Up Mexican Market 3292 Roosevelt St Carlsbad, CA 92008-3041 434-2191/434-9258 (FAX) lolasdeli@earthlink.net Gary Hill GIA Gemological Institute of America 5345 Armada Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008 603-4010/603-4034 (FAX) ghill@,gia.edu Thomas (Tom) Insley SkinMedica Inc 5909 Sea Lion PL, Ste. H Carlsbad, CA 92010 448-3613/448-3621 (FAX) tinslev@skinmedica.com John Jakobsen LEGOLAND California One LEGOLAND Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008 918-5401/918-5402 (FAX) John.iakobsen@legoland.com Robert (Bob) Ladwig Ladwig Design Group 2234 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 438-3182/438-0173 (FAX) ldg@,dwilsoiieng.com David Lloyd Cabrillo Power 1 LLC 4600 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad, CA 92008 535-2058/268-4005 (FAX) David.Lloyd(a),nrgenergv.com Carlton Lund The Lund Team c/o Prudential California Realty 7030 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 100 Carlsbad CA 92009 431-3338/ 431-3399 FAX lundmail@lundteam.com Jeff Lynch Lynch Interactive Inc 1945 Camino Vida Roble, Ste 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 729-1390/729-1386 (FAX) ilvnch@lynchinteractive.com Peter MacLaggan Poseidon Resources Corp. 501 W. Broadway, Ste. 840 San Diego, CA 92101 (619)595-7802/(619)595-7892 FAX pmaclaggan@poseidon 1 .com Gina McBride McBride Financial Advisory 2131 Palomar Airport Rd., Ste. 360 Carlsbad, CA 22008 602-5242/633-1186 FAX GinaM@McBrideFinancial.com Varinda Missett North County Times 1722 S Coast Hwy Oceanside, CA 92054 739-6632/740-5454 (FAX) vmissett@,nctimes.com Rob Moynan K2 Inc 2051 Palomar Airport Rd Carlsbad, CA 92009 494-1000/494-1062 (FAX) rmovnan@,k2inc.net John Osborne AT&T 101 W. Broadway, Ste. 1440 San Diego, CA 92101 (619)23 7-2144/ (619)231 -075 8 (FAX) iohn.osbome@sbc.com Ted Owen, President & CEO Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 5934 Priestly Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008 931-8400/931-9153(FAX) towen@,carlsbad .org Toni Padron Executive Vice President Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 5934 Priestly Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008 931-8400/931-9153 FAX tpadron@carlsbad.org Ray Patchett City of Carlsbad (City Hall) 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 434-2821/720-9461 FAX rpatc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Michael "Mick" Pattinson Barratt American 5950 Priestly Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 431-0800/929-6427 FAX newhomes@barretthom es .com Lynn Pressey San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station AWS #D3C San Clemente, CA 92674 (949)368-6351/(949)368-1165 presselv@songs.sce.com John Roach Carlsbad Unified School District Asst: Ellen Durham 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 331-5002/331-5094 FAX edodd@,sdcoe.net Mark Rohrlick WestMark Development Corporation 1902 Wright PI., #200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 918-5960/918-5961 (FAX) mark@westmarkdev.com Chris Ross Sylvan Learning Center of Encinitas 130NEI Camino Real #B Encinitas, CA 92024 942-5454/942-1871 (FAX) RossSvlvan@aol.com Jeff Segall Tri-City Medical Center 2095 West Vista Way, Ste 214 Vista, CA 92083 940-5337/940-5790 segalli@tcmc.com Jeffrey R. Stoke Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch, LLP 1917 Palomar Oaks Way, Ste. 300 Carlsbad CA 92008 (619)515-3286 J rs@procopio. com Louis (Lou) Storrow Law Offices of Louis A. Storrow 5963 La Place Ct #306 Carlsbad, CA 92008 929-9141/438-7587 (FAX) Lstorrow@,hrlawver.com Tim Stripe Grand Pacific Resorts Inc. 5900 Pasteur Ct #200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 431-8500/828-4221 (FAX) tstripe@grandpacificresorts.com Paul Thompson The San Diego Foundation 1420 Kettner Blvd., Ste. 500 San Diego, CA 92101602-1021 (619)814-1364 paul@sdfoundation.org state of California Secretary of State STATEMENT OF INFORMATION (Domestic Nonpront Corporation) • Filing Fee $20.00. If amendrT>ent. see Instructions. IMPORTANT — READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM CORPORATE NAME jP-ease *; -a after / narw a zncr.-t^ ) C1S54273 Cartsbad Cva-mtor o' Co-n.-r>exe Partners <n Ectjcatkjn 5934 Priestfy Drjve CansbacJ CA 32;>D5 5 553515 "^offlceof the S^yetwyof State JAN I 7 200S Tha Space For Filing Use Onty DUE DATE: COMPLETE PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADO.tESS (Oo rv« abbrev^le tne ni-ne of the oty Item 2 cannot be a P.O. Box) 2. STR=£T AOCSESS Or PKf*Z!~K. QfT,CI S CM^O=l>M. F ANY 5934 Priestfy Dnve crrv Ca-isbad STATE CA Zip C00£ 92008 NAMES ANO COMPLETE ADDRESSES OF THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS (The cofpofation m«;t have tf>ese three officers A comoarable tiOe ty 'Tie specific oftser rnay be aaded: howevgf. the prepnnted tiBes on tf*s fcrm must not t>e aRered.» CITY A.^D STATS Charies T. Owen AOOfSSS 5934 Priesay Dnve Carfebad CA 2? CODE 92008 * SECRET A.^Y: Tim Stripe AOC«ESS 5900 Pasteur Court cmr AND STATE Carfebad CA aPcooE 92008 ADO=SSS )1Wi Bro^lKay SiMtl840 crrc A.NO STATE SaTDiego ZIP CODE 92101 AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS (If ihe agent is an individuaL tie agentmust reside in CaSfomia and Kem 7 must be compteted with a Calrfomia a^lness. If tne ajert is ancwher corporation, the agent must have oo file nwth r« Califoma Seaetary of State a oertifcate pu.-suant to Corporations Cede section 1505 and Rem 7 must be left blank) 5 fiAVE OF A;^NT FOR SETNTCE OF «^OCESS - Charles T. Owen Jsw AODRESS OF ASEVT FORSe^VKEOF PROCESS IN CAL,'=ORN!A. F AM BOVOUAL : CTTf 5934 Priestty Drive Ca-fet»d DAVIS-STIRUNG COMMON INTERESTOeVELOPMENT ACT (Caa«o>7Ta Qvil Code section t350 et seq ) jT^^T^c ZJP cope /• CA 92008 - ; • . • • • ' ^—• — _v w w» • vw-h. -^M'^ . S rn Check .here if the corporaton is an assooatxxi tscned to manage a carrimon interest devetopment under the Daws-Stirling Common Interest "—' Devctoprnent Acs a.Td proceed to Items 9. 10 and 11 ^<-"'-"-~>.^ NOTE: Corporatioris forrned to rnariage a ia>mrnon rtenKt dev ^ SI-CID) as reojred t^y Calrtomia C-vi Code secaon 1363 6. Please see ADDRESS CF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICE OF T-€ ASSOOATON. IF AVY ->0 FROfiT STR^ A.NO «eAR£ST CROSS STREET FOR Tve P^SOW. LOCATJOM OF iCompteie / tne Surtess or oa W'jie offia n not on ^^€ e« y r« conrn^. eterts Sev 51 ANO ADDRESS OF ASaX:iAT>pVS VU«.NlAG!NGAC^^ IF ANY i-non ir»eresi Development Association (Forrn ' of this form. STATE ZIPCODE .'ELOPME^•' 3-OtGIT ZIP COOE STATE ZJP CCCE -.Z. Tr£ INFORMATION CONTAi«eD HER3N IS TR-JS AVO CORRSCT: Toni Padron TYPE OR PR9<T \A.\I= OF PERSON COM?SJET1.N>G0>€ Exec. Vice President rrriE DATE REV0&2OO5) APPROVED BY SECRETARY OF STAT rmmmu.mtmn AM., INTERNA.L RErrEVTO'E SEIiVICE DISTRICT DxR-lCTOR 2 CUPMJIA ci.^ci.:-: MONTEREY PARK, CA ?17jl3-74,0e DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Date NOV 15 1994 CARLSBAD COMP.WIES ON CAMPUS FOUNDATION 5411 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Employer Identification Number: 33-0625999 Case Number: 954238079 Contact Person: NORMA JULES Contact Telephone Number: (213) 725-7002 Accounting Period Ending: December 31 Foundation Status Classification: 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) Advance Ruling Period Begins: March 1, 1393 Advance Ruling Period Ends: December 31, 1997 Addendum Applies: No Dear Applicant: Based on inforr-.ci'cion you supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from fedsi^ral income tax under section 501(a) bf the Intemal Revenue Code aa an organizatiorr-described in section 501(c) (3). Because you ar^ <t newly created organization, we are not now making a final deterrrdnatioi: of your foundation status under section 509(a) of the Code. However, we have detertdined that you can reasonably expect to be a pviblicly supported organization described in sections 509(a) (1) and 170(b) (1) (A) (vi). Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a ptiblicly supported organization, and not as a private foimdation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above. Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must send us the information needed to determine whether you have met the require- ments of the, applica.ble support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish thcit YP^ I-.^TB .c5'5n a publicly supported organization, we will classi- fy you as a section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) organization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requ.j.rements during the -advance ruling period, we will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, if we classify you as a private foimdation, we will treat you as a private foimdation from your beginning date for purposes of section 507(d) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end of your advauice ruling period. If you send us the required information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the advance determination until we make a final determination of your foundation status. If we publish c. notice in the Intemal Revenue Bulletin stating that we Letter 1045 (DO/CG) -2- CARLSBAD COMPLIES ON CAMPUS will no longer treat you as a publicly supported organization, grantors and contributors may not rely on this determination after the date we publish the notice. In addition, if you lose your status as a publicly supported organi- zation, and a grantor or contributor was responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, that resulted in your loss of such status, that person may not rely cn this determination from the date of the act or failure to act. Also, if a grantor or contributor leamed that we had given notice that you would be removed from classification as a publicly supported organization, then that person may not rely on this determination as of the date he or she acquired such knowledge If you change your sources of support, your purposes, character, or method of operation, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status. If you amend your organizational document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws. Also, let us know all changes in your name or address. As of Ja.nuary 1, 1984, you are liable for social securities taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act on amounts of $100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the pri- vate foundation excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, you are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other federal taxes, please let us know. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the . Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. Donors may deduct contributions to you only to the extent that their contributions are gifts, with no consideration received. Ticket purchases and similar paitn.^nts in rjonjlimction with fundraising events may not necessarily qualify as deductible contributions, depending on the circumstances. Revenue Ruling 67-246, published in Cumulative Bulletin 1967-2, on page 104, gives guidelines regarding when taxpayers may deduct payments for admission to, or other participation in, fundraising activities for charity. , You are not required to file Form 990, Retum of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, if your gross receipts each year are normally $25,000 or less. If you receive a Foirm 990 package in the mail, simply attach the label provided, check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less, emd sign the return. If you are required to file a return you must file it by the 15th day of the fifth mcnth after the end of your annual accounting period. We charge a penalty of $10 a day when a retum is filed late, unless there is reasonable Letter 1045 (DO/CG) CARLSBAD COMPANIES ON CAMPUS cause for the delay. However, the maximum penalty we charge cannot exceed $5,000 or 5 percent of your gross receipts for the year, whichever is less. We may also charge this penalty if a return is not complete. So, please be sure your return is complete before you file it. You are not required to file federal income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax retum on Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre- lated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no en^jloyees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, we will assign a number to you and advise you of it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Intemal Revenue Service. If we said in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies, the addendum enclosed is an integral part of this letter. Because this letter could help us resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it in your permanent records. We have sent a copy of this letter to your representative as indicated in your power of attorney. If you have any questions, please contact the person whose name axid telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter. Sincerely yours. ' Richard R. Orosco Richard R. Orosco District Director Enclosure(s) Form 872-C Letter 1045 (DO/CG) Form W-9 (Rev. January 2005) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. 5^ . ^ , Business name, it different from above // 1—1 Individual/ fv^ 1—1 1—1 Checl< appropriate box: 1 1 Sole proprietor UrTCorporation 1 1 Partnership 1 1 Other • 1—1 Exempt from backup 1 1 withholding Addtessjnurnber, street.^ma apt. or suite no.) \ h^SU-Ph^^hh. hc^va.- Requester's name and address (optional) Requester's name and address (optional) 2 c S-2 Q. w ffi CO List account number(s) here (optional) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on Line 1 to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note. // ttie account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Part II Social security number I I 4 I 4 or ^Employer identification number Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are cun-ently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandopment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement an-angement (IRA), and generally, payments oitnjptmn interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must provide your conect TIN. (Seg-thSTristructTOjn^/on pege 4.) Purpose of P^jrm A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS, must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. U.S. person. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. Note. If a requester gives you a form otiier tiian Form W-9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to tiiis Form W-9. For federal tax purposes you are considered a person if you are: • An individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States, • A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, or Cat. No. 10231X • Any estate (other than a foreign estate) or trust. See Regulations sections 301.7701-6(a) and 7(a) for additional information. Foreign person. If you are a foreign person, do not use Form W-9. Instead, use the appropriate Form W-8 (see Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities). Nonresident alien who becomes a resident alien. Generally, only a nonresident alien individual may use the terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on certain types of income. However, most tax treaties contain a provision known as a "saving clause." Exceptions specified in the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to continue for certain types of income even after the recipient has otherwise become a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes. If you are a U.S. resident alien who is relying on an exception contained in the saving clause of a tax treaty to claim an exemption from U.S. tax on certain types of income, you must attach a statement to Form W-9 that specifies the following five items: 1. The treaty country. Generally, this must be the same treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a nonresident alien. 2. The treaty article addressing the income. 3. The article number (or location) in the tax treaty that contains the saving clause and its exceptions. Form W-9 (Rev. 1-2005) 1:28 PM Partners in Education 11/28/06 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2005 Dec 31, 05 ASSETS Current /Usets Checking/Savings Partners in Educ-Money Market 30,872.89 Partners in Education Checking 10,769.06 Total Checking/Savings 41,641.95 Total Current Assets 41,641.95 TOTAL ASSETS 41,641.95 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings 52,096.46 Net Income -10,454,51 Total Equity 41,641.95 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 41,641.95 Page 1 Kids Are Worth A Mill i O n Carlsbad, CA 92015-0205 A program ofthe Carisbad Educational Foundation Tel: (760) 929-1555 Fax: (760) 929-6765 www.kidsareworthamillion.com November 28,2006 The Carlsbad Community Television Foundation City of Carlsbad City Manager's office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear CCTV Foundation Board members. Last year was the first time that Kids Are Worth A Million partnered with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce for the Outstanding Educational Program (OEP). It was a wonderful collaboration and highlighted to the community the importance of education. The evening celebrated the great work our teachers do and the unique leaming opportunities for students. The pre-produced pieces showed how innovative teachers can be and the benefits that students receive from the programs. This letter is to encourage the CCTV Foundation to support the production of the pre-produced pieces that bring to life the educational programs. It is interesting to see the programs. The pre-produced pieces or the entire evening could be aired several times. Your support of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Educational Program would also give CCTV exposure as a partner in this worthwhile event. This event showcases teachers' efforts in creating outstanding programs. The teachers are recognized for their hard work and dedication. Please contact me if you have any questions, (760) 929-1555. Sincerely, Diana Aaron Executive Director Kids Are Worth A Million & Kids' Care Programs of the Carlsbad Educational Foundation Founded 1983 • Tax 1D# 95-3768448 arisbad Unified Schoo! District 6225 El Camino Real • Carlsbad, CA 92009 w f • f ^ (760) 331-5000 • FAX (760) 431-6707 ...a world class district November 28, 2006 The Carlsbad Community Television Foundation City of Carlsbad City Manager's office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear CCTV Foundation Board Members, This letter is to give support to the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Outstanding Educational Program. This event showcases teachers' efforts in creating outstanding programs. The teachers are recognized for their hard work and dedication. The vignettes showcasing the outstanding programs in Carlsbad Unified School District schools are an important component because they tell the story and highlight the value for our students. This is an opportunity for the community of Carlsbad to share in these wonderful programs. The teachers receiving recognition are filled with pride as their programs are acknowledged. The entire program should be aired often so that friends, family and the community can see these outstanding educational programs. Ifyou have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at (760) 331-5001. Sincerely, John Roach District Superintendent CARRILLO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Excellence in Education for Tomorrow's Leaders 2875 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 290-2900 ' Fax (760) T36-2203 Dear CorlsbadL CKamfcei- of Commj&rGe, Tkonk yott so* iriuek fot tke recognitlott of our sckool program, Cai-rlUo' Kids Care, at tke Outstancling SdUuiational Program, OLwarcU Dinner. Uie ajjpreoiate tke o^pottunity to* skare tke impottance andL signifUiamie of tkls student otganization witk otker memkers of tke Gommunitij. Our students are emkracing tke fjersotuxl satlsfaetion tkat wymjes from, partioifjating in Gommuruty servioe aetivities. Uie are gratefuLfot tke motietarij ootitrikutiotit wkick wid allow us txy eotitinue oixr efforts in tke u|3C0'ming Mear. Uie loo4 forward to' providing servioes, mjotietarij eotitributiotis, and- dotiotlotis tO' tke (o<iat (iommunities of Carisbod, Vista, and San Maroon. Please ootitajct us if you beco^me aware of a partitMxIar event ot manner tkat tke Carrilixy Kids Care Prog rom oould partioipote in ot spotisot. Tkanfc. you fot tkis konot and tke elegant awards dinner. Uie oppreoiote tke LtKioL businesses tkat spotisotedtkis event a special tkonk yott is directed tO' tke Corlsbod Ckomber of Co'mmfi.rce Staff fot yotir otctstonding otgonizotioti of tke recognition dinner. Sincerely, Noncy DanielsotL and DoriTeague Corrillo' fCids Core Cootdinotots Carisbad Chamber & Kids Are Worth A Million Salute Exceptional Teachers Programs at May 12 Awards Dinner By By Misti Cain Jun 01, 2006 The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, their Partners in Education Foundation and Kids Are Worth A Million presented the annual Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner on Friday, May 12 at the renowned La Costa Resort and Spa. More than 350 people were in attendance that evening to salute 41 exceptional teachers and their outstanding educational programs, as well as recognize 18 schools from three local school districts; Carlsbad Unified, | Encinitas Union and San IVIarcos Unified. During the event, Kids Are Worth A Million's Julie Balder ' presented a check for more than $300,000 to Dr. John Roach, Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District and Lisa Rodman, President of the Board of Trustees. 5TA For the first time in the event's ten-year history, the Carlsbad Chamber partnered with Kids Are Worth A Million. The partnership was established due to a shared vision to support education. The mission of both foundations is to create and enhance educational opportunities and programs for both students and faculty by developing a partnership between local schools and the Carlsbad business community. Wine tasting, compliments of Orfila Winery, was included in the evening reception preceding the dinner and awards presentation. Display boards illustrating the honored programs adorned the foyer of the Costa del Sol Ballroom and the dinner tables were ornamented with beautiful glass bowl centerpieces filled with flowers donated from local shops (Dos Gringos, Flower of La Costa Farms, Flowers Forever, Ocean Breeze Flowers, Ghana Creations, and Sunfresh Flowers). Awards were presented for outstanding educational programs. The categories were: Innovative Program, Entrepreneurial Program, Adopted or Adapted Program and Science Program. Finalists received certificates from elected officials and a $100 check from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Partners in Education Foundation - a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization that obtains, raises, and administers funds for educational purposes to K-12 public schools serving the City of Carlsbad. Award winners received a $500 check, a commemorative plaque and a day of indulgent spa treatments at the beautiful Spa at La Costa. The resort was the co-sponsor of the event. Award sponsors were LEGOLAND California, North County Times, RAIVI Enterprises International, Sylvan Learning Center of Encinitas and Invitrogen Corporation. Dan Cohen from Channel 8 News served as Master of Ceremonies for the event. IVIayor Bud Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Matt Hail, and City Council Member Norine Sigafoose were in attendance, along with reps from the offices of Senator Bill Morrow and Assemblyman Mari< Wyland. Other VIPs included Dr. John Roach (Superintendent of Cartsbad Unified School District), Lisa Rodman (Carisbad Unified School Board President), Dr. Lean King (Superintendent of Encinitas Union School District) and Lisa Kuder (Encinitas Union School Board President). Congratulations to our award winners! Most Outstanding Innovative Program • Mission Estancia Elementary School Mayla Guth Pef Sponsorship Program Most Outstanding Adopted or Adapted Program (tie) • Aviara Oaks Middle School Jennifer Irlen AOMS Orchestra • Carisbad High School Doug Green CHSTV Most Outstanding Entrepreneurial Program • Calavera Hills Elementary School Kris Hejny Doggie Dollars Most Outstanding Science Program • Kelly Elementary School Marta Arroyo, Michelle Gizzi, Erica Gross, Judy Pounds, Pat Slattery Germs Make Me Sick SUMMARY SHEET Category: Project Title: "A Communitv Makes Music / Music Makes a Communitv" Date: 12/27/06 Check One: • Individual Nonprofit Org. • Govt. Agency I. APPLICANT Project Appiicant Name: Gary Adcock and Judy Pisciotta Organization: The Coastal Communities Concert Band Business Acidress: 3651 Mt. Ashmun Court City: San Diego Zip: 92111 Phone: 858 472 5071 Home Address: 2941 Sondra Court City: Carlsbad Zip: 92009 Phone: 760 918 2449 Payee Name (if different from Project Director): Edward Kramer Organization: Y productions Address: 4255 Conquistador City: Oceanside , CA Zip: 92056 Phone: 760 845 9181 SIONATURE: Prolec, 0.o«on^^J ^'.^^^ Q^WS^-. Payee: II. PROJECT SUMMARY - "A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community" 60 min. documentary In North County San Diego, 80 dedicated musicians meet weekly to preserve tradition, memory, and community by playing a wide range of classic band music. They enrich our community in sell-out performances as they share music from the Big Bands, Broadway, movies, marches, and more. This group of seasoned music veterans has a mission to inspire future generations to continue their passion for this American art form. Viewers will see the Coastal Communities Concert Band collectively treat audiences in Carlsbad, CA to moving musical performances and see individual band members personally pass along their love of music to young and old alike through teaching, performing and promoting their art in our community. This public broadcast documenting the band's performances and community outreach activities will both inspire and encourage viewer involvement. III. BUDGET SUMMARY Costs 1. Personnel $11700 2. Production Costs $160 (Included with Y productions) 3. Supplies & Materials $250 4. Other Production Costs Total Costs: Total Amount Requested from CCTVF: $12,110 Attachment A NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION - "A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community" Every community needs opportunities for its citizens to perform and enjoy live musical performances in a variety of venues if this treasure is to endure. The Coastal Communities Concert Band was organized in 1983 to provide a place for adults to share the joy, beauty and excitement of playing an instrument with other musicians. The band has developed into a world renowned symphonic band comprised of members from all walks of life who are dedicated to very high musical standards. Yet this group of devoted band members goes beyond mere performances to touch people on a personal level throughout the community as they teach, perform and promote their music everywhere. The Coastal Communities Concert Band is a place for musicians to make music and much more. It is a cultural focal point for many Carlsbad and North County residents. Musicians build a community that gives them a foundation with which to give back to the larger community. Many local programs promoting, supporting, and mentoring musicians of all ages have been born and maintained through the The Coastal Communities Concert Band. Carlsbad's elementary school children benefit from a special after school music program where 90 new students are learning to play musical instruments for the first time. Area senior citizens benefit from the band's annual holiday concerts which have raised over $80,000 for the Meals on Wheels organization of Greater San Diego. The community at large benefits from the band's many annual concert performances in Carlsbad and North County and small group ensemble performances at Carlsbad's own Museum of Making Music. Audiences are also culturally enriched by exposure to world renowned guest performers and composers. With such an ambitious yearly schedule the 80 member band goes through a great deal of rigor, bonding, soul searching, and plain hard work. This documentary will provide a behind the scenes look at how the Coastal Communities Concert Band prepares for several important performance events. Their camaraderie, their dedication, their commitment to each other are an inspiration to not only making music but also making community. Individuals and institutions in Carlsbad that help make The Coastal Communities Concert Band the success it is, will be featured in the program. The contributions they make and the stories surrounding them will make up the content of the program along with breathtaking performances from some of the premier events the band participates in and around Carlsbad. Project Description Production of the program will involve two formal concert performances recorded on three cameras capturing the musicianship and elegance of a big band performance. The documentary will also go beyond the classic multi-camera sequences of "the grand performance" to show the viewer the community building aspect of the band. Interspersed within this framework of the whole band we'll follow individual band members to see how individuals can make a difference in their community. These segments will highlight people who are determined to propagate their art. People like: Mickey Janelli began an after school music education program in local schools to fill in the gaps made when instrumental music programs were eliminated. Her program continues to grow and provides the middle schools with budding musicians. Former student Anna Waite took private lessons from a band member, received a scholarship from the band which enabled her to attend a first rate summer music camp, and who has decided to pursue music education as her vocation. Don Caneva, a third generation band director and beloved leader of the band, has made a vocation of teaching, encouraging and promoting community bands in America. He inspires the band to excellence and connects with audiences through pleasing concert programs. Musician Eleanor Tibbals Pennington passes on her love of music by teaching the flute to both children and adults. She shows us it's never too late to learn something new. Band member Chris Montgomery invites a professional trumpet player to join him and friends at a performance at the Museum of Making Music where we see first hand the high level of performance offered the community. Big Band legend Bill Tole and world renowned composer Sammy Nestico will also lend their support to the program with interviews and performances while visiting the band in Carlsbad. The program culminates when the band hosts a shared concert with a band from Japan and we see first hand how the common language of music reaches beyond our community to connect the world. The magic that occurs when people are treated to music and the bond that is created when we share music, leads us to the time honored realization that music in our community is an important resource worth preserving for years to come. It is worth finding where; "A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community". Attachment A-1 OUTLINE/ SCRIPT OF PROGRAM Location: Carlsbad, Encinitas. Format: Documentary Style, Interviews interspersed with character slice of life shooting, classes and workshops, rehearsal sequences, formal concert. TRT: 56:00 min CCTV Tag 15sec. Opening - A verite sequence of a musician leaving their domestic environment packing up their instrument and making a liberating transformation into a Coastal Communities Concert Band member. Title of Program appears. 3:30 min. About the Band - At a rehearsal we meet the characters of the film and introduce their individual connection to the band. Band leader Don Caneva introduces us to the background of the band and the immanent deadline of an approaching performance. 3:00 min Performance Sequence #1 Carlsbad - TBD 3:00 min Retired corporate executive picks up the old horn to start playing music again. 6:00 mIn. Performance Sequence #2 Carlsbad - TBD 3:00 min Section Rehearsal/interviews in preparation for the Big Show. 3:00 min Mickey Janelli - teaches an after school program for middle school children 6:00 min Section Rehearsal/interviews in preparation for the Big Show. 2:00 min Sammy Nestico, Conductor/Arranger talks about passing music on through the "Communiy Band" 3:00 min. Anna Waite took lessons from a band member and goes on to pursue musical studies in College 6:00 min. Performance Sequence #3 Chris Montgomery and Special Guest play at the Museum of Making Music 3:00 min. Interview with Bill Tole on his involvement with the "Community Band" 3:00 min. throughout his career. Excerpts from his high school and community workshop. Performance Sequence #4 Bill Tole on Trombone preparing with Band members. 3:00 min. Dress Rehearsal/interviews in preparation for the Big Show. 2:00 min Performance Sequence #5 - The Big Show in Carlsbad 5:00 min. Credits over Performance 1:30 min. CCTV Tag 15sec. TRT 56:30 min. Attachment B Production Schedule Research and Planning January 15*^ - February 15* 2007 ENG taping February 1 ^' - April 29'^ Interviews: Selected Band Members (5-10) Band Leader Bill Tole - Big Band Musician, Conductor, Instructor Sammy Nestico - Legendary Big Band Arranger, Conductor Rehearsals Classes Museum of Making Music Concert Taping (Multicamera) 24^^ Anniversary Concert February 25* Hands Across the Sea Spring Concert April 29* Post Production May 1 ®' - May 30* Duplication and Distribution for airing. June 1 - June 4* Attachment C PLAN FOR PROMOTING - "A Communitv Makes Music / Music Makes a Communitv" • Air Dubs distributed by June 4th to Time Warner Carlsbad, Del Mar TV, and KOCT, for airing in July. • Press releases sent to local newspapers, UT.NC Times, Coast. • Announcements made through local Band venues • Band events are promoted to Carlsbad residents through flyers, mailing lists, newspaper articles and word of mouth invitations. The band already boasts an enthusiastic local and loyal audience. These 2,000 plus people, also cable subscribers, will enjoy seeing how the band puts together a performance. By a well placed word of mouth campaign they will be moved to tell friends and family about the program which will ultimately increase channel viewership. SPONSOR & UNDERWRITING CREDITS CCTV Tag to be placed at the beginning and end of program as well as a title in the closing credits. Attachment D-1 PROJECT PERSONNEL/EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL WORKSHEET PERSONELL Pre Production Research, Coordination, and Planning 1000 Principle Production ENG - 5 days @ $500/day 2500 EFP - 2 days @ 3000 Post Production NLE Editor (160 hrs @ 35/hr) 5200 Titles/Graphics Audio engineering SUBTOTAL $11,700 EQUIPMENT Office, Cameras, Audio, NLE editing suite 0 (included with Y productions) MISCELANEOUS Duplication and Distribution Betacam, DVCAM, DV, 3/4 160 Supplies and Materials Tapes DVCAM 250 SUBTOTAL $410 Grand Total $12,110 7 Attachment E PROJECT APPLICANT BACKGROUND The Coastal Communities Concert Band was organized in 1983 with fourteen members and today is a complete symphonic band made up of eighty experienced musicians, many of them retirees who have again found the pleasure of music after careers in other fields. Eleven band members (14% of the band) currently reside in Carlsbad and many others live in surrounding North County communities. In 1998 the band received the prestigious Sudler Silver Scroll Award from The John Philip Sousa Foundation, an honor earned by only the most outstanding community bands in the United States. The CCCB is a self-supporting, nonprofit organization operating under the auspices of the San Dieguito Adult School. The Band performs regular major concerts at the Carlsbad Community Church drawing upwards of 1600 people per event. In 1991, the band traveled to Lucern for the celebration of Switzerland's 700* anniversary. It also performed both at the 1994 American/Japanese Bandmasters Association Convention in Honolulu and the 1997 American Bandmasters Association Convention which it hosted in San Diego. The band also performed at the 1997 World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles conference held in Schladming, Austria. In 2001 the band earned a Gold Medal at the 4* Annual Alpine Music Festival in Saas-Fee, Switzeriand, performing as well in Bern, and Salsomaggiore, Italy, that year. In 2003 the band traveled again to Europe, presenting a series of concerts near St. Tropez, France. The band's members promote music education in our public schools, provide financial support to charitable organization partners, and work to preserve and advance the rich heritage of community bands in America. You can learn more about the band by visiting its website: www.CCCBand.com. 8 Attachment E - continued Production Company 7PRODU( U VWWV IONS vproductions.tv info@vproductions.tv office: 760 724 9724 studio: 858 755 3268 Y Productions is dedicated to the idea of public access to the television medium and the production of community generated subject matter. By consolidating diverse presentations, messages and points of view on a community television channel "the electronic town square" is created where an exchange of ideas and information can take place which bonds a community in its self-perception. Y Productions has produced nationally award winning television programs of various formats including; Talk Shows, Children's variety shows. Sports, Concerts/Theatre, Documentaries, News Magazine, News Segment, Commercials and Public Service Announcements, lectures/conferences. Award Credits include: 2003 Telly Awards - Entertainment, Cultural, Health and Medecine 2002 Hometown Awards - Children's Programming, News Segment 2001 Wave Awards - Public Service Announcement, Community Issue Segment. Y productions is a CCTV approved vendor for video production. Past productions produced for CCTV and airing on Adelphia ch.3; • San Diego Locals Live @ Cafe Elysa 2004 • La Costa Canyon High School Air Bands 2002 & 2003 • Carlsbad High School Alumni Soccer Match 2001 • Lagoons for Laypeople - "A field trip through the lagoon" 2003 • Del Mar Life - continuing local lifestyle magazine series • Powerhouse Live - Concert in the park • 1 ^' Thursday's at the Powerhouse - a six part series of live concerts at the Del Mar Community Center Since it's inception in 1996, Y productions has enjoyed many national awards for its community television productions. Y productions has also enjoyed a strong working relationship with various community groups and City Governments solidifying its commitment to community generated and community service media. Y productions works through the Del Mar TV studio facility creating an ideal hub for contact and production, with state of the art equipment. Producer/Director/Writer: EDWARD KRAMER- Y Productions is headed by Edward Kramer, a native San Diegan with 10 years experience in TV- Video production. Edward acts as Producer, Director and Technical Support for various studio and field productions for television. Edward's overall experience ranges from international documentary work to station management at Del Mar TV - a community television station serving Del Mar, California. Edward is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Edward Kramer VProductions@earthlink.net 760 845 9181 4255 Conquitador Oceanside, CA 92056 EXPERIENCE Y productions - Del Mar, Ca June 2001 - Present Independent Producer, Director, Technical Supervisor Responsible for various types of community productions including talk shows, documentaries, lectures, town meetings, concerts, sporting and community events. Instructor for classes in studio production, field production, analog and non linear editing. Daniels CableVision - Carlsbad, CA February 2000 - June 2001 Community Program Coordinator Responsible for the daily operation and production of Del Mar TVS, a community television station serving the cities of Del Mar and Solana Beach California. Activities include all phases of production; writing, producing, studio production (live and live to tape), field production (ENG, EFP), editing (linear and non-linear). Work closely with community volunteers in the production of public access programming and the City of Del Mar in the production of government programming. 'Y' Productions - Sao Paulo, Brazil April 1996 - July 1999 Producer/Director/Writer Creator and owner of a video production studio which produced promotional and training videos for several multi-national companies in the Sao Paulo business community and English learning videos for over 80 English language schools throughout greater Sao Paulo. EDUCATION University of Sao Paulo - College of Communication and Arts January 1997 Graduate Studies Program in Image and Sound - Emphasis in educational video production Thesis - "The application of commercial film and television in the language classroom". California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA June 1990 Bachelor of Architecture Degree 10 Attachment F (If applicable) 1. If applicant is an organization, list the board of directors and staff. Identify the affiliation of all board members. The Coastal Communities Board of Directors is as follows: Debbie Hyde-Duby, President Patrick Russo, Treasurer Bill Brackman, Secretary Gary Adcock, Public Relations Judy Thum, School Liason and Personnel Manager 2. Provide proof of non-profit status and the organization's operating budget. Attached you will find a letter supplying proof of our organizations non-profit status and the 2005 Statement of Income and Expenses. 3. Provide a letter of support and participation from any other local group participating in the project. The following letters of support are attached for your consideration. Sammy Nestico, world renown composer and Carlsbad resident, has agreed to support this project. Mr. Nestico has worked with band member Mickey Janelli to instruct and conduct high school jazz musicians and he features these area students on his website. He attends band concerts, provides musical scores and is an ardent supporter of the band. Carolyn Grant, Executive Director of the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, has agreed to participate in this project. The museum has been recognized by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce as The Best New Business of 2006. The band has consistently supplied small ensemble groups to provide quality musical venues to members of the community. The following area band directors are just a sample of those willing to support our program. These music teachers are willing to work with their administration to tell the story of how band members work to pass along their love of music to young people in the community. Amy Villanova, Music Director at Canyon Crest Academy Jeremy Wuertz, Music Director at San Dieguito Academy High School Sean Salehi, Music Director at Oak Crest Middle School 11 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Date: HAR 1 h 2003 COASTAL COMMDNITIES CONCERT BAND FOUNDATION 3651 MT ASHUN CT SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Employer Identification Niimber: 91-2157402 DLN: 602360014 Contact Person: CHITRA MAMLATDARNA ID# 52471 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Accoimting Period Ending: December 31 Form 990 Required: Yes Addendum Applies: No Dear Applicant: Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Intemal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). We have further determined that you are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code, because you are an organization described in section 509(a)(2). If your sources of support, or your purposes, character, or method of operation change, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status. In the case of an amend- ment to your organizational document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws. Also, you should inform us of all changes in your name or address. As of January 1, 1984, you are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security taxes) on remuneration of $100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax inroosed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Since you are not a private foundation, you are not subject to the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However, if you are involved in an excess benefit transaction, that transaction might be subject to the excise taxes of section 4958. Additionally, you are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other federal taxes, please contact your key district office. Grantors and contributors may rely on this determination unless the Internal Revenue Service publishes notice to the contrary. However, if you lose your section 509(a)(2) status, a grantor or contributor may not rely on this determination if he or she was in part responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, or the substantial or material change on the Letter 947 (DO/CG) -2- COASTAL COMMUNITIES CONCERT BAND part of the organization that resulted in your loss of such status, or if he or she acquired knowledge that the Intemal Revenue Service had given notice that you would no longer be classified as a section 509(a)(2) organization. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106, and 2522. Contribution deductions are allowable to donors only to the extent that their contributions are gifts, with no consideration received. Ticket pur- chases and similar payments in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily qualify as deductible contributions, depending on the circum- stances. See Revenue Ruling 67-246, published in Cumulative Bulletin 1967-2, on page 104, which sets forth guidelines regarding the deductibility, as chari- table contributions, of payments made by taxpayers for admission to or other participation in fundraising activities for charity. In the heading of this letter we have indicated whether you must file Form 990, Retum of Organization Exempt From Income Tax. If Yes is indicated, you are required to file Form 990 only if your gross receipts each year are normally more than $25,000. However, if you receive a Form 990 package in the mail, please file the return even if you do not exceed the gross receipts test. If you are not required to file, simply attach the label provided, check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less, and sign the return. If a retum is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period. A penalty of $20 a day is charged when a return is filed late, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. However, the maximvmi penalty charged camnot exceed $10,000 or 5 percent of your gross receipts for the year, whichever is less. For organizations with gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 in any year, the penalty is $100 per day per return, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. The maximiim penalty for an organization with gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 shall not exceed $50,000. This penalty may also be charged if a return is not complete, so be sure your return is complete before you file it. You are required to make your annual information retum. Form 990 or Form 990-EZ, available for public inspection for three years after the later of the due date of the return or the date the retum is filed. You are also required to make available for public inspection your exemption application, any supporting dociaments, and your exemption letter. Copies of these documents are also required to be provided to any individual upon written or in person request without charge other than reasonable fees for copying and postage. You may fulfill this requirement by placing these documents on the Intemet. Penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with these requirements. Additional information is available in Piiblication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, or you may call our toll free number shown above. Letter 947 (DO/CG) COASTAL COMMUNITIES CONCERT BAND You are not required to file federal income tax retums unless you are subject to the tax on tinrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tcix Retum. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre- lated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification ntumber was not entered on your application, a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it. Please use that number on all retums you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. This determination is based on evidence that your funds are dedicated to the purposes listed in section 501(c)(3) of the Code. To assure your continued exemption, you should keep records to show that funds are expended only for those purposes. If you distribute funds to other organizations, your records should show whether they are exempt luider section 501(c)(3). In cases where the recipient organization is not exempt under section 501(c)(3), there should be evidence that the funds will remain dedicated to the required purposes and that they will be used for those purposes by the recipient. If distributions are made to individuals, case histories regarding the recipients should be kept showing names, addresses, purposes of awards, manner of selection, relationship (if any) to members, officers, trustees or donors of funds to you, so that any and all distributions made to individuals can be substantiated upon request by the Intemal Revenue Service. (Revenue Ruling 56-304, CB. 1956-2, page 306.) If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies, the enclosed addendum is an integral part of this letter. Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it in your permanent records. If you have any questions, please contact the person whose name and telephone number are shovm in the heading of this letter. Sincerely yours. Lois G. Lerner Director, Exempt Organizations setter S47 (DO/CGj CCCB 2005 Income/Expense 2005 Cash Basis Income Expense 1. Members Benefits Tuition Uniforms CDs Printing (newsletter, friendship dir., Iiandbook) Anniversary dinner party Trips Other (cards, flowers, gifts, awards) Subtotal 2. Concerts Anniversary Spring La Jolla Cove Encinitas July 4 Balboa Park Ocean Hills Fall Previous year holiday Current year holiday Subscriptions Subtotal Scholarships Donations & Sponsors Endowment Fund P/(L) Subtotal 4. Operations Advertising Conductor rehearsal stipend Dues Entertainment Equipment & repairs Gifts Insurance Misc. (office supplies, etc.) Music library Postage Taxes, tax return prep, filing fees Travel Web site Subtotal $ 3,765 $ 5,685 $ (1,920) $ 585 $ 1,856 $ (1,271) $ 4,419 $ 2,895 $ 1,524 $ -$ 718 $ (718) $ 2,021 $ 3,322 $ (1,301) $ 355 $ 897 $ (542) $ -$ 411 $ (411) $11,145 $15,784 $ (4,639) $ 5,556 $ 6,142 $ (586) $ 6,755 $ 2,825 $ 3,930 $ 800 $ 780 $ 20 $ -$ 80 $ (80) $ 1,300 $ 525 $ 775 $ 200 $ 275 $ (75) $ 2,000 $ 275 $ 1,725 $ 5,060 $ 2,397 $ 2,663 $ 84 $ 697 $ (613) $ 1,368 $ 1,721 $ (353) $ 2,425 $ 187 $ 2,238 $25,548 $15,904 $ 9,644 $ -$ 500 $ (500) $ 4,228 $ -$ 4,228 $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 4,728 $ 1,000 $ 3,728 $ -$ 149 $ (149) $ -$ 2,450 $ (2,450) $ -$ 100 $ (100) $ -$ 133 $ (133) $ -$ 2,140 $ (2,140) $ -$ 234 $ (234) $ -$ 642 $ (642) $ -$ 233 $ (233) $ -$ 550 $ (550) $ -$ 53 $ (53) $ -$ 639 $ (639) $ -$ 578 $ (578) $ -$ 300 $ (300) -8,201 $ (8,201) GRAND TOTAL $41,421 I $40,889 | $ 532 December 20,2006 Judy Pisciotta Coastal Communities Concert Band Dear Judy, I am delighted that you plan to develop a documentary about the Coastal Communities Concert Band and their community outreach activities to be used on public access television. As a composer and friend of the band I would be happy to support your project and grant an interview to be used in the documentary. Best Regard, MUSEUM OF MAKING MUSIC Our Mission: "To celebrate the rich history and encourage the future of music making." 5790 Armada Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Tel. 760.438.5996 Fax 760.438.8964 Web: www.museumof makingmusic.org E-mail: museum@museumof makingmusic.org December 13,2006 Judy Pisciotta Coastal Communities Concert Band Dear Judy, I am delighted that you plan to develop a documentary for the Coastal Communities Concert Band to be used on public access television. As Executive Director of the Museum of Making Music, I will work with my organization's management to support access for the crew to shoot the footage of the small groups' performances in our venue, and will be happy to grant an interview to discuss the impact of the program in our community. Best regards, /en / Carolyn Grant Executive Director" December 20,2006 Jeremy Wuertz, Music Director San Dieguito Academy High School Encinitas, CA 92024 Judy Pisciotta Coastal Communities Concert Band Dear Judy, I am delighted that you plan to develop a documentary for the Coastal Communities Concert Band to be used on public access television. As Music Director at San Dieguito Academy, I will work with my administration to support access for the crew to shoot the footage that documents the band's engagement with my program, and will be happy to grant an interview to discuss the impact of their program in our students' education. Sincerely, 2femy Wuertz Music Director, San Dieguito Academy High School Amy Villanova Program Coordinator, Instrumental Music Canyon Crest Academy San Diego, Califomia December 13,2006 Judy Pisciotta Coastal Communities Concert Band Dear Judy, I am delighted that you plan to develop a documentary for the Coastal Communities Concert Band to be used on public access television. As the Program Coordinator for Instrumental Music at the Canyon Crest Academy, I will work with my administration to support access for the crew to shoot the footage that documents the band's engagement with my program, and will be happy to grant an interview to discuss the impact of their program in our students' education. Amy Villanova Sean Salehi Music Director Oak Crest Middle School Encinitas, Califomia December. 2006 Judy Pisciotta Coastal Communities Concert Band Dear Judy, I am delighted that you plan to develop a docimientary for the Coastal Communities Concert Band to be used on public access television. As Director of bands at the Oak Crest and Diegueno middle schools, 1 will work with my administration to support access for the crew to shoot the footage that documents the band's engagement with my program, and will be happy to grant an interview to discuss the impact of their program in our students' education. Sean Salehi Attachment G ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT I Gary Adcock and Judy Pisciotta as Project Directors/Producers of the proposed community television production, entitled; "A Community Makes Music/Music Makes a Community". Vv/gr , affirm that the applicant is: • an individual -see Section A) ^ an organization - see Section B) 21 a resident of Carlsbad /^G^/^i^/}£>COCKj nota resident of Carlsbad and understand my application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved. • B) an organization and is located in Carlsbad an organization and is not located in Carlsbad and understand the application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved I. \J//py 'P'.TrSCLjrar^T'.y^ , am acting in an official capacity as reprte^/Sr^iT./fr/oS for TUS (^CA^rAL. Comi^nijj^'x:rrES /^cfJcjSnry3A/^'i> • (A letter from the organization to this effect must be attached.) I also affirm that I am eighteen years old, or older. I understand that the Cadsbad Community Television Foundation shall retain copyright interest in direct proportion to the funding provided for all programs produced. The approval of the Cadsbad Community Television Foundation Board of Directors must be obtained prior to any reuse, or reproduction of the cable product. SignatureiU^y) '"^^ Date: /2-/2.7/0(, (If applicantwi under 18 years old, signature(s) of parent(s) is required.) Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Signature(s): Date: 12 •-12/27/2006 12:43 7507380456 POSTAL DEPOT PAGE 02/02 ^Coaslt Coastal' * Communities • Concert Band December 27,2O06 Carlsbad Community TV Foundation 5720 H Camino BLeal Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sirs: This letter is to inform you that Ms. Judy Pisciotta, a member ofthe Coastal Community Concert Band, is our representative and has our pennission to submit a grant proposal for the TV documentary entitled "Community Makes Music/Music Makes a Community". On behalf of the CCC Band, let me thank you for considering this grant application and for the good work that you do in the community. If you have any questions, please contact me at the address or telephone number listed below. Sincerely, William D. Brackman CCC Band Foundation - Secretary 1538 Dublin lane Escondido, CA 92 027 760-489-2383 Page 2 of Attachment G I understand that the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules governing the content and nature of public access channels. I further understand that local cable operators have developed additional rules governing the airing of proposed productions on public access television. I agree to comply with the appropriate rules governing the content and nature of airing on public access television. As a non-resident organization, please explain below how your production would directly benefit the citizens of Cadsbad: This production will be about and for Cadsbad residents. In addition to many members of the band being Carisbad residents, Carisbad is also home to major performances each year for the band. The band enjoys a long running and loyal following with the Carlsbad community. Fourteen percent of the band members reside in Carisbad. The program will inform other Carisbad residents about the quality band in their backyard and create new musical opportunities for them both in terms of performance and music appreciation. This program will appeal to many adults who took music lessons as children, to children currently in music programs, and to all community members who value music in their community. Three major performances take place at the Carisbad Community Church and are offered as a subscription series. This subscription series makes high quality musical performances available to Carisbad residents at affordable prices. Additionally, these annual concerts offer Carisbad residents and the residents of neighboring communities a chance to enjoy rich cultural events in the Village. This approach has made Carisbad a cultural hub recognized for its innovation and support of the arts, not only to the band but also to its listeners. It is through this strategy that The Coastal Communities (Concert Band has been able to create such a following for its music in Carisbad and it is through this documentary that the band would like to continue its mission of bringing quality music to a listening public. The band regularly provides small group ensembles for community enjoyment and enrichment at The Museum of Making Music in Carisbad, among many other programs. This documentary will inform the Carisbad community of these and similar programs available to them locally. 13 Additional Background Newspaper Articles General Background 14 The San Diego Union-Tribune • Thursday, December 14,2006 Bravo for concert by Coa$tal Communities Otir thanksior a wonderful Sunday afternoon of hofidajr nitertainment that ¥Qs (Mxyvided by conductor Don Caneva aid^ tiie members of the Coastal Conimunities Concert Band. Ttus band is so extnordinary that we would fike to suggest tiu^ tiie Califomia Center for the Arts of EsoMidido conad^ a s^nes cf teiOGiicerts due to tiieir popularityyid^iqualily of perfonnance. As always. Marines from Camp Pendleton presented tiie colors with perfection, and Vocalist Michael Ruhl once again graced the stage with his talented voice. The guest i»ano soloist, Joseph Valent, was magnificent in performing the "Warsaw Concerto." Thanlcs to all the sponsors and everyone who took part in presenting this very fine Holid^ Concert JIM and BONNIE HESTER Vista December 6, 2006 Dear Judy, For the 12th year in a row our Holiday Concert was a huge success and it i entirely due to the hard work and dedication of the Coastal Communities Concert Band. Once again your talents and philanthropic spirit shined through your thoughtfully planned-out Holiday program. What a wonderful way to start the Holiday Season! This being my first concert I can tell you how much I personally enjoyed the music and festivities. We greatly appreciate your continued involvement with Meals-on-Wheels. Organizations such as the Coastal Communities Concert Band are vital partners in our effort to provide nutritious meals for seniors in San Diego. Thank you for supporting the independence and well-being of seniors. With gratitude. Dr. James A. Johnson. President/CEO Sunday, May 14, 2006 ARTS IN EDUCATION Band's sense of community shared with local students By Marcia Hanna COMMUNITY NEWS WRITER ENCINITAS — Ifyou are in the brass section ofthe Coastal Communities Concert Band, don't get caught picking up your instrument seconds before it's time to play. Proper intonation requires preparation, and conductor Don Caneva will stop every- thing — a whole row of tubas, seven slide trombones, boom- ing kettle drums and an entire wind section — just to let you know. "It's not grab your horn and play," Caneva said at a rehearsal for Movie Magic: A Tribute to the Silver Screen, the concert to be staged next Sunday at Carlsbad Commu- nity Church. "Doc Severinsen didn't do that, and he's a pretty decent trumpet player. He had that horn up two measures before he played, and he was ready here (pointing to his head) and here (hitting his chest)." The 85-member band Anna Waite, 17, a senior at San Dieguito Academy, was chosen to play clarinet with the band last year and Is back again this year. started again, playing a med- ley from "Star Wars" with a rich symphonic sound that one rarely hears Uve. It's one of the reasons the Coastal Communities Concert Band draws large audiences and grows in membership every year. The group has a handful of pros, including Mickey Janelli, who heads Band in Black, and her husband, Carl, who leads a saxophone quartet. Amy Vil- lanova, part of the wind sec- tion, is a program coordinator for instrumental music at Can- yon Crest Academy. The musicians represent all walks of life, from surgeons Conductor Don Caneva led the Coastal Communities Concert Band In rehearsal for a performance In which outstanding local students will join the band. Scott Linnett/ Vnion-Tribunephotos and lawyers to teachers. Many were skilled players who put aside musical interests while ihey built their careers, then returned to performing. Caneva, born into a family of band directors, has taught and led orchestras for about 50 years. He got involved with the band 17 years ago. 'There were about 30 in the band then. Now we have about 85," he said. "As we got better, we started attracting better musi- cians." llie reputation of the band draws top high school band students, who jump at the chance to play ynih a large orchestra. Every year, young instru- mentalists from North County high schools are invited to au- dition for the concert. Seven students were chosen to perform this year, and schol- arships will be awarded to two musicians for displaying expert musicianship. Trumpeter Sean O'Donnell, a sophomore at La Costa Can- yon High School, played in the band last year and will do so again this year. "I like it because everyone in the band loves music, and they love to play. It's a great atmosphere — different than high school. In high school What: Movie Magic A Tribute to the Silver Screen When:2pjn.May2t : Where: Carlsbad Community Church, Jefferson Street and Pine Avenue • Tickets: $10 to $12 Information: (760)436-6137 or www,cccband.com you don't have as many people who are into it." Anna Waite, a senior at San Dieguito Academy, auditioned and played with the band last year and won a scholarship for $250. She used the money to help pay for Interlochen Arts Camp, a six-week course in Michigan that she described as "incredible." Anna, who will return this year, said she is looking for- ward to performing with the band for the same reason she chose to play clarinet. It's a challenge. 'They are an advanced group of musicians, and I knew it would be a good experience," she said. Also chosen to perform in Movie Magic were sophomore Michael Kuski and senior Rob- ert Van der Reith of \JA Costa Canyon High. Freshman Sam Johnson of Canyon Crest Academy and and senior Josh Perkins of San Dieguito Academy will also play The concert will showcase compositions by Henry Man- cini and scores from "The Wizard of Oz," "Harry Potter." "Jurassic Park" and Disney films. Along with sharing a love for performing orchestral music, the large community band shares laughs. Caneva's favorite number is the romantic soundtrack from "Superman." Two years ago, he underwent an operation for cancer and had to forgo direct- ing the band. "1 lost my spleen, right be- fore Christmas, and I barely made it to the concert," he said. "But I asked if I could conduct that song, and they said, 'Of course.'" Caneva slowly made his way to the podium, still frail. He asked the audience if he could remove his jacket. No one minded. Underneath, Caneva wore a Superman outfit, and when the laughter finally sub- sided, he directed the band with the energy and passion of a super hero. Let us know about North County arts and leisure events. Contact Marcia Manna at marcia.manna@uniontrib. NoRTi COUNTY Thursday, May 18,2006 CCC Band performs movie music The Coastal Communities Concert Band presents 'Movie Magic — a Tribute to the Silver Screen' at 2 p.m. Sunday at Cartsbad Community Churcti, at Jefferson and Pine streets in Carlsbad. The program will feature all-time favorite movie music from the past 60 years, including themes from 'The Wizard of Oz. Disney films 'Star Wars,' a Henry Mancini spectacular, 'Harry Potter Symphonic Suite,' 'Highlights From Jurassic Park' and several other pieces The concert will also inciude seven lop student mu- sicians from the San Dieguito Union High School District who rfr ceived scholarships from the CCC Band. Tickets are $12 for adults $10 for students and seniors (ages 60 and up). Call (760) 43&6137 or (760) 489-2383 for tickets. i.^ V.'-. A.^ news H«twr(lay, May 20.1*M»6 I |PHIL^ ppiJ^ j^^^'^ Concert band pays tribute to Silver Screen Perfonnance featua^s students from San Diepito Union High Schoo! District ChrfStina Chomut •ri- ii- is • ; . i ("oast.'ii *"onimimitif-'s ('onctrt "r.'^r*.. t^iontr v.'ith !?r^.VT! ptiidrntr froin "- .-initss' San nieguUii T'liioi; Hivi!; brhool Disfrict, will bring the magic • :iiov':'.'^ iilive biiiiJay alv.ino.iii. I'he ofiiormErirr hefins af 7 p.m and features crirripof^ilifins .such as 'A •.s•,ir^ Medley"' Kv lohn Wii- 'TroriS, 'iicrir;' V.:mcini tpectaciilar" arranged by Warren Barker, "March to 'h? Mm-ic?" nT'rir.rcd >>y I arry Cbrk. "Robin H<»<vj! Prince of Thirvw"" V-v •'•-'•.-I'l K;-!hv:., "Tlarty rott-'i Syn> phonic Suite" John V.'illianis, "Hol- :y.vtK!..ii" ;irr;;aped by \V.,i rori Barker Mnd "HipbliL-hts from Jurn?sic Park" .irr.iii^'riJ by Pan! LavcnJcr. Thv b.mc. I'.ndcr the diiection of ~ <on Caneva, wiii have a guest vocal- ist, San Dieeo resident Michael Ruhl. wiio wili be ieatur«(' in arrangetnents of "The Mapic of Disnev," "The Wiz- ard of O7" and "Tbe Sounds of HoUv- .1;..! sfli-suppo.'ting, iionprolU orga- nization operating under the auspices nf the fsr: nicfyviito .Mv}t School, the h?nd consists cf ?(> e^rperienccd and dediiattJ musicians, according to 'William Brackman, trumpeter and band member since r>",'7. "Part of our mission as a concert orpanixatior. is to fur- thrr Tinj'ir programs and mtisic edu- cation wi'.hi;! locai schools." Hraciunan said. "Each year, in connection with our spring concert, we hold auditions for c:!t«tsnd!Tir band str.dents (from) the San Dieguito Union High School Misrncs, STA tiiis year v.-e sciecTcd 'ev- en c: the 15 thai auditioned.' Two of the seven high school students have hecn selected to rccori'o h^md ?diol nrship? of ?5Pr! s piecf. Thc-?e schobr- shi]}s wii! he announced and awarded at the sprine concert Sunday. •h it were nof tor the music pro- grams in the schools today, I doubt tliat v/e %vould be .ibk' to r)i"ar man> ton; iiiunity banc's in ihv fuiuti.'" BiacVcir.a} said. "This is one of the resson? wp sup- port miKic in the schools, ?« well a? the fnct that music snd tho arts offcrr students a whole new (understanding) !•.( lilo that cnnnct be found ir. nu-:; aione. education of the heart is iusi as important as the education of the -niild." Mcssfi roponer Christina Chomut at 7S0.752.6756. CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) PI - Public Information (20) CVE - ComedyA/ariety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 04/05-1 The Election Process PI Crowley, Mary Approved $4,142.00 $4,142.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-2 Static TV CVE Hinkle, Amanda Approved $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-3 Youth Oriented Shorts for Channel 3 CVE Dixon, Alii Approved $3,179.28 $3,179.28 7/04 Closed 04/05-4 Council Candidates Forum PI Morel, Jamie Approved $2,056.55 $2,056.55 9/04 Closed 04/05-5 Kids Are Worth A Million Telethon '05 C Aaron, Diana Approved $12,784.00 $12,784.00 10/04 Closed 04/05-6 Sailing North County A Robinson, Mark Approved $4,400.00 $4,400.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-7 Capoeira Abada - A Fighting Dance D Silva, Rosalva Approved $7,950.00 $7,950.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-8 Every 15 Minutes - LCCHS PI Logan, Nancy Approved $4,100.00 $3,350.00 3/05 Closed 04/05-9 Land of the Free D Galgano, Richard Approved $5,257.36 $5,257.36 4/05 Closed 04/05-10 Lake San Marcos Chamber Music Society A Sushel, Diane Approved $15,726.00 $5,242.00 4/05 Closed 05/06-1 History of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad D Ron Sipiora Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8/05 Closed 05/06-2 An Encounter with Karl Renz C Gary Elliott Approved $4,157.00 $4,157.00 9/05 Closed 05/06-3 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '06 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $16,934.00 10/05 Closed 05/06-4 A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol CVE Walton Jones Approved $5,332.00 $5332.00 11/05 Closed 05/06-5 Kelp: Rebuilding the Forest D Jeff Stone & Tracy Phillips Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 1/06 Closed 05/06-6 Carlsbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $38,690.00 $38,690.00 2/06 Open 05/06-7 Earth Day 2006 Celebration CVE Khevin Barnes Approved $5,095.00 $4,000.00 4/06 Closed 05/06-8 Carlsbad State of the City 2006 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,000.00 $13,000.00 6/06 Closed 06/07-1 Carisbad Council Chambers Audio Lisa Hildabrand Approved $14,907.38 $14,907.38 9/06 Closed 06/07-2 CHSTV - Carlsbad High School Broadcasting E Doug Green Approved $3,821.00 $3,821.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-3 2006 City Council Candidates' Forum .c sjVlichael Babowal Approved .,$3,056.00 $3,056.00 10/06 Open 06/07-4 Classical Piano Recital A Bonnie Violi Approved $3,853.00 $3,853.00 11/06 Closed 06/07-5 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '07 E Diana Aaron'. Approved $17,334.00 $17,334.00 11/06 Open CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) Pl - Public Information (20) CVE - ComedyA/ariety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 06/07-6 The Hutchins Consort Presents All That Jazz CVE Joseph McNalley Approved $4,093.00 $3,973.00 12/06 Open 06/07-7 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner E Toni Padron Approved $6,380.00 $6,380.00 1/07 Open 06/07-8 A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community CVE Gary Adcock & Judy Pisciotta Approved $12,110.00 $6,000.00 1/07 Open 01/29/07 FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPEN GRANTS AS OF JANUARY 31, 2007 FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 DATE ORIGINAL PROD. BALANCE ADDED PAID ADJ. BALANCE ISSUED P0# AMOUNT GRANT NAME ENTITY 07/01/06 through 01/07 through 01/07 ENC. 01/31/07 02/06 Multiple 38,690 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING 25,835 (17,010) 8,825.00 03/06 117284 5,000 SPECIAL LIVE COVERAGE OF CITY EVENTS Time Wamer 6,049 (1,049) 5,000.00 07/06 117522 20,000 CUSD BOARD MEETINGS 2006-07 Time Wamer 20,000 (1,363) 18,637.25 07/06 117282 60,000 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAMMING 2006-07 Ned A. 60,000 (34,079) 25,921.00 10/06 3,056 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES FORUM 3,056 (950) 2,106.00 11/06 3,853 CLASSICAL PIANO RECITAL 3,853 (3,853) - 11/06 P117678 17,334 KIDS ARE WORTH A MILLION TELETHON 2007 17,334 17,334.00 12/06 3,973 THE HUTCHINS CONSORTS PRESENTS "ALL THAT JAZZ" 3,973 3,973.00 01/07 6,380 2007 OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AWARDS DINNER 6,380 6,380.00 01/07 6,000 A COMMUNITY MAKES MUSIC/MUSIC MAKES A COMMUNITY 6,000 6,000.00 136,690 31,884 120,596 (57,255) (1,049) 94,176 Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Revenues, Expenditures and Avaiiabie Cash Balance For month ended January 31, 2007 Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adopted Budqet YTD Actuals Balance Cash before encumbrances $ 238,384 $ 238,383 Revenues Time Warner Payments $ 173,000 $ 74,546 $ (98,454) Interest allocation $ 7,469 $ 9,716 $ 2,247 Total Revenue $ 180,469 $ 84,262 $ (96,207) Exoenditures Grant Funds Disbursed $ 283,383 $ 55,259 $ 228,124 High School Sports 2006-07 $ 60,000 $ 34,079 $ 25,921 CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 $ 20,000 $ 1,363 $ 18,637 Special Live Coverage of City Events $ 5,000 $ -$ 5,000 Web site hosting/maintenance $ 500 $ -$ 500 Minutes clerk $ 2,500 $ 687 $ 1,813 Printing $ 1,000 $ -$ 1,000 Office Supplies $ 250 $ -$ 250 Postage $ 150 $ 77 $ 73 Tax preparation & state tax filing fees $ 650 $ 525 $ 125 Miscellaneous $ 250 $ 70 $ 180 Total Expenditures $ 373,683 $ 92,060 $ 281,623 Encumbered funds Grants (approved not yet disbursed) $ -$ 44,618 $ (44,618) Special Live Coverage of City Events $ -$ 5,000 $ (5,000) High School Sports 2006-07 $ -$ 25,921 $ (25.921) CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 $ -$ 18,637 $ (18,637) Total Encumbrances $ -$ 94,176 $ (94,176) Total Expenditures & Encumbrances $ 373,683 $ 186,236 $ 187,447 Available Cash Balance 45,170 $ 136,409