HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-15; Community Television Foundation; MinutesCarlsbad Community Television Foundation Minutes, Regular Meeting March 15, 2007 Board Members: Present: Bob Bender, Harv Kauffman, Scott Pieratt, Phil •.Jrbina, Elisa Williamson Absent: City Staff: Present: Denise Vedder, Bill Richmond Absent: Time Wamer Cable Present: Ned Augustenborg Advisor: Absent: Also in Attendance: Diana Aaron, Winifi-ed Meiser CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Bender called the meeting to order at 4:40 pm. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson moved to approve the minutes of Febri ary 11, 2007. Member Pieratt seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: VOTE: 4-0-0 AYES: Bender, Pieratt, Urbina, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: ABSTAIN: Kauffinan II. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS A. Grant Applications for Consideration 1. ""Environmental Film Festival" Applicant: Winifred Meiser Amount Requested: $5,405.00 Second request to fimd the televised presentation ofthe Environmental Film Festival. The festival offers independent filmmakers a chance to show their concem for environmental Minutes - March 15, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of March 15, 2007 Page 2 ACTION: Chair Bender motioned approval. Vice Chair Williamson seconded the motion ^cZ^% ^f""." asked advisor Augustenborg about the content ofthe video since the Carlsbad Library sxplained that the set up for the production ofthe Festival ,,,Tn„.! ACTION: Chair Bender amended his motion to read "With the rerHnt nf . A. U Apphcant stating that all ofthe music in all the diff.ent pr^ 'ts^ o^^^^^ best of hL ^ knowledge in the Film Festival is released to be broadcast on T me Wamef Cah^^'^ VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Bender, Kauffinan, Pieratt, Urbina, Williamson NOES: CCTVF Minutes -March 15, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of March 15, 2007 Page 3 B. ABSTAIN: (Vice Chair Williamson left the meeting). changing the name ofthe Carlsbad Community Television Foundation to City of Carlsbad Community Television Foundation." Member Urbina suggested discussion ofthe item be tabled until Time Warner's Franchise Agreement with the City of Carlsbad is settled. Kauffinan recommended the Board reco^ize the agenda item now. Discussion ofthe name change and logo change occurred Ned Augustenborg will be drafting logos to present to the Board at the next meeting C. Discussion on method for public availability of archived grant projects. Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond will research this issue on behalf of the City of Carlsbad Library. Richmond asked for a written statement from the Board so the issue can be earned forth. 2. Review and file the City's Monthly Financial Report for the CCT VF Reviewed and filed after discussion ofthe outstanding grants and grants under production. Ill GRANT UPDATES A. Current Productions Time Wamer's Ned Augustenborg updated the Board on high school boys and eirls sports coverage. t> H IV. INFORMATION ITEMS V. OTHER BUSINESS The Board agreed to table discussion ofthe proposed name change ofthe Carlsbad Community 1 elevision Foundation until next meeting. CCTVF Minutes-March 15, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of March 15, 2007 ^ Page 4 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT eid X™S.™ ^""r *e Foundation's March2.,Z7atth^^°a:;rS[^s=^':L^^^ VIL DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The date of the next regular meeting was set for Thursday, April 12 offices of Time Wamer Cable. ^ ' 2007 at 4:45 p.m. at the VIII. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of Thursday, March 15,2007 was adjoumed by Respectfiilly submitted. proper motion at 6:00 p.m. DENISE VEDDER City Staff Liaison DV/tlg CCTVF Minutes -March 15, 2007 SUMMARY SHEET Project Title: Environmental Film Festival Category: Date: April 14, 2007 Check One: Individual • Nonprofit Org. XD Gov't Agency • APPLICANT Project Applicant Name: Winifred Meiser Organization: Through Children's Eyes, Inc. Business Address: 1912 Cresthaven Dr. Vista, CA 92084 Phone: (760) 643-9495 Home Address: 1912 Cresthaven Dr City: Vista. CA 92084 Phone: (760) 643-9495 Payee Name (If different from Project Director):Carlsbad City Library Organization: Carlsbad Dove Library City: Carlsbad Zip: 92011 Phone: (760) 602-2023 SIGNATURE: Project Director: Winifred Meiser Payee: Carlsbad Citv Librarv - Ac.# 001-4050-5639/^y^^ . P'^^y^A) II. PROJECT SUMMARY An Environmental Film Festival celebrating Earth Day 2007, with a screening of "Roxy the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees" based on the award-winning play by Winifred Meiser, and a series of short environmental themed films by local and national independent and student filmmakers. A courtyard display will provide exhibits educational presentations, and related materials throughout the day. All material will be suitable for family viewing. The Festival will close with an Awards Ceremony for the top three films selected by judges and a People's Choice Aware. Festival attendance is free to the public. Donations are accepted and proceeds will benefit Through Children's Eyes, Inc. a nonprofit corporation using photography and performing arts as educational tools with gifted and talented children. III. BUDGET SUMMARY 1. Personnel 2. Production Costs 3. Supplies & Materials 4. Other Production Costs Costs $, 2585 $2,480 $330 Total Costs: $5,405 Total Amount Requested from CCTVF: $ 5.405 Attachment A NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION The Environmental Film Festival, the first of its kind in this region, offers independent filmmakers a chance show their concern for environmental issues. It also provides local, first hand sources of information and actions to help alleviate environmental problems in our own community. It also brings together a diverse group and students of all ages working towards the goal of educating the public about environmental concerns whether in our own back yard or around the world. There will be a main feature film of about 20 minutes and approximately ten short film screenings often minutes or less each. Filmmakers will present a brief discussion (approximately three minutes) about their work after its screening. After all entries have been screened, there will be a short presentation on recyclable and recycled products while votes are counted for "The People's Choice" award. To close out the Festival, the top three films (selected prior to the event by judges from educational and film industries) will be announced and all awards presented by representatives of the sponsoring organizations. Throughout the festival screenings, a courtyard display will showcase informational materials and presentations from environmentally conscious businesses including a display of Recycled Products. Nonprofit organizations, such as the Solana Center for Environmental Innovation, which provides a variety of programs to local schools and community groups, will present a series of watershed demonstrations, and Through Children's Eyes, Inc. will exhibit a series of nature photography by children from around the world. This will be the second Earth Day event organized by Winifred Meiser to be held at the Carlsbad Dove Library. A one-hour DVD of Earth Day 2006 Celebration was filmed on April 22, 2006 by the library's media services through a grant from the Carlsbad Community TV Foundation and broadcast for several weeks during the summer. Several newspaper articles were written about the event and an eight-minute excerpt from the film was screened at the Escondido First Night Film Festival on December 31, 2006. The "Every Day It's Earth Day" Environmental Film Festival will be publicized throughout the community and region, with posters and announcements in schools, newspapers and magazines through both print and internet resources. Attachment A-1 OUTLINE/SCRIPT OF PROGRAM 12:15 to 3:30 pm: Screenings of films, including the main event film of approximately 20 minutes and then approximately ten selected short (up to ten minutes each) films by independent filmmakers and students. Each screening will be followed by a brief (up to three minutes) discussion by the filmmaker. 3: 30 pm - 4: 00 pm: Presentation on Recyclable and Recycled Products Counting of ballets for People's Choice Awards. 1: 00 pm to 4:00 pm Courtyard displays and Presentations by participating organizations 4:00 pm - 4: 30 pm Film Awards Ceremony presentations by representatives of the sponsoring organizations. Attachment B PROJECT TIMETABLE 1. January 16, 2007 2. January 19 S.February 8, 2006 4. April 14, 2007 11:45-12:15 pm: 12:15- 3:30 pm: 3:30-4: 00 pm: 4:00-4: 30 pm: 4:30 - 5: 00 pm: Submit grant application to Media Services staff at Carlsbad Library for review/correction. Submit 18 copies completed grant proposal to CCTV Present proposals at CCTV meeting at Time Warner Office 12:Noon to 4:30 pm Environmental Film Festival at Dove Library. Set up for festival & courtyard displays. Screenings & discussions Recycled Products/counting of People's Choice ballets Film Awards Ceremony Take down/ clean up. It ^1 V f av Environmental Film Festival April 14, 2007 Noon to 4: 30 pm Carlsbdd Dove Library Share your love for Mother Earth Be a Star part of it.. . Earth Day -It's Every Day DIKCTOfl W. Scene Dovts Library Take One Roll One Oate: Aprt) 14 2007 nm. m Film FtyskJiv^il * Submit a DVD Uniltr fmt miMviim% & $20 •ntry ff«» * Volunteer * Attend Proceeds benefit www.throughchildrenseyes.org For Info on participation or sponsorships: Email tartanstar@earthlink.net (sybject Enviro Film Fest) or caii: Winifred Meiser (760) 643-9495 DOVE UBRARY, CARLSBAD 1775 Oov* Umm, emsWcmA Sat. April 22, 2006 11:00 am •> 2:00pm f ©y are m^tfe4 lie Show EmniM-HwafrtWiniiing t. Wilderness for clilld§©fi^sll ages - the play anfMj^ery if tHe iiisslni Tries' piloftiprbv Altars Oaks mmw Sctiool siudetls Pitts Cstirtvafd Sispliys & tcMtfss ALL EVENTS FRFF TO THE PUBLIC 10:00 am - 1:30 pm Or. WlWerness sh&wt 12:1S -1:13 Cartsbad HS. Envtronmtmaf Citd>, Randstad, SoianaCamar* Tartan^. Tha Aaeydad Prodiiclt Coofmaiive. Today Local Nmvar, aixl Vi^wta MwM^amantt of Itofti ^ sponsor <^ m^'pn^ w^twnmM group parddpatlon, oor^act: (760) 643-949S or mtti tmamvtrilhaglMgik,rm (subiect EartiN 6ay) Attachment C PLAN FOR PROMOTING THE PROGRAM Posters will be created and distributed to area libraries, schools and other community locations and organizations and in community calendars. Information will also be distributed via the Internet by participating and sponsoring organizations, including the San Diego International Children's Film Festival. Local print media have been contact and arrangements made to interview and photograph participants. The April Time Warner "Take Five" program will include a segment about the Environmental Film Festival and any CCTVF project connected with it. They will also include the event in their Community Calendar. All promotion of the program will contain the following: 1. On all printed materials and during credit rolls: "This production was funded through a grant from the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation." 2. For public announcements: "We would like to thank the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation for the funding that made this program possible." This statement should also be included in the final videotaped production. 3. For press releases: We will include the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation in the listing of sponsoring organizations on promotional materials and in interviews, along with the dates and times the program will air on Time Warner Cable Channel 3. Personnel # of Personnel Total Project Budget Total Amount Requested From CCTV PROJECT BUDGET SHEET Attachment D Director (14.00 Hours @ 20.00/Hr) 1 $280.00 $280.00 Lighting Director (5.00 Hours @ 125.00/Hr) 1 $625.00 $625.00 Camera Operator (8.00 Hours @ 20.00/Hr) 2 $320.00 $320.00 Video Engineer (8.00 Hours @ 75.00/Hr) 1 $600.00 $600.00 Technical Director (8.00 Hours @ 20.00/Hr) 1 $160.00 $160.00 Sound Engineer (8.00 Hours @ 75.00/Hr) 1 $600.00 $600.00 Sub-Total $2,585.00 $2,585.00 Production Costs # of Hours Graphics (Building of Character Graphic or Post-Production Graphics) 5 $375.00 $375.00 Multi-Camera Production (@ 75.00/Hr) 8 $600.00 $600.00 Protools 8 Channels Production 1 $150.00 $150.00 Digital Video Capture (@ 40.00/Hr) 12 $480.00 $480.00 AVID Editing w/ Operator 7 $875.00 $875.00 0.00 Sub-Total $2,480.00 $2,480.00 Supplies & Materials DVCAM Tape 124 & 184 4 $124.00 $124.00 DVD Duplication 18 216.00 216.00 TOTAL COST $5,405.00 $5,405.00 Please list here all matching funds and/or other confirmed sources of funding: None BUDGET WORKSHEET Attachment D-1 Production Costs: MULTI-CAMERA PRODUCTION CREW (2 CAM, 1 DIR, 1 TD) VIDEO ENGINEER SOUND ENGINEER LIGHTING DIRECTOR DIGITAL CAPTURE NON-LINEAR EDITING GRAPHICS POST AUDIO PRODUCTION WINDOW DUBS SUB TOTAL Supplies Sony DVCAM Tapes DVD Duplication Supplies Total Weekend taping fee HOURS 8 38 8 8 5 12 7 5 1 0 RATE 75 20 75 75 125 40 125 75 150 40 4 18 31 12 200 TOTAL $600 $760 $600 $600 $625 $480 $875 $375 $150 $0 $0 $124 $216 $340 $0 TOTAL: $5,405 Attachment E PROJECT APPLICANT BACKGROUND Winifred Meiser, Founder and President, Through Children's Eyes, Inc. Through Children's Eyes, Inc. has used photography as an educational tool with gifted and talented children since 1982. The program has been conducted in cooperation with schools and youth organizations throughout the United States, and in Russia and Indonesia. The children's work has been exhibited locally, regionally, and nationally, at sites from local libraries to the United Nations and Washington DC. Some ofthe children's work can be viewed at www.throughchildrenseyes.org During the forty plus years that she has lived throughout the United States and Europe, Winifred Meiser left her mark in many ways - as a military wife writing the informational column "WinLine" in Naples, Italy, organizing intercultural activities for the host country and U.S. Families in Greece and Sardinia, and as a writer for military family publications. Now a U. S. citizen living permanently in Vista, CA, she continues her community involvement through activities such as the "Vista in Bloom" mural project and as originator of an Artist in Residence project which brings artists into the schools. A designer and writer of environmental education and tobacco prevention materials, she has participated in and organized numerous community Earth Day programs over the last decade, including events in Thousand Oaks, Vista and Carlsbad. Winifred received the "Recycling Gold Award" and the California Conservation WRAP award for her original children's environmental play entitled "Roxy the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees". She was a contributing writer for the family activities book "Playing Smart" and her photography has been featured in various magazines and newspapers, such as "Photographic" and "Shutterbug", and two of NewsAge Press's "Women and Work" book series. Winifred's creative works also garnered awards in poetry, art, and photography. Past community commendations include citations from the U. S. Navy and the City of Los Angeles. The American Businesswomen's Association also honored her as a regional "Woman of the Year". Attachment F (If applicable) 1. If applicant is an organization, list the board of directors and staff. Identify the affiliation of all board members. Winifred Meiser, Founder and President Richard Vickers, CPA, Treasurer Laura Worrell, Secretary 2. Provide proof of non-profit status and the organization's operating budget. Through Children's Eyes, Inc. is a State and Federal tax-exempt (502) © (3) corporation. State ID #1222720 Federal Employer ID: 95-3854794 See attached Copies of State and Federal status. The Through Children's Eyes photography operating budget for 2006 was approximately $3000 in donations of equipment, supplies and services, and cash donations of $750.00. All board members are volunteers. 3. Provide a letter of support and participation from any other local groups participating in the project. Attached letter from Khevin Barnes, President Dr Wilderness Show, a nonprofit organization. Intamat Rcvsnue Service District OJreclor o P 0 BoK 2350 l?oo« 5137 Los CA S0(}53 D«t»t JUL. 11, 199e THROUJ CNILDREN EVCS IIC 7341 KISH *Vt VAN MtrvS, CA 9140S0OO0 E«|}loy«r Idcntif teatien Huii4>«r: CAM Mu^Mir: 95613SO0« Conttct Pvmoni TQNEMCK, NARK I. ContAct TAi«pbonA Nwn|>er: (213) »94-A895 Da&r Appt i c»nt: BAMd on ttiA lnf<»rwit»0n you riiowitfv •yt>»i tt***, mm hav* ei*A0tf<«4 yotM' ac3int2;>tior« cc w that tm not s f>r(v«t« fourKjatton within th* mining of soction 599(a) of th* Intormt R«v*nu* Codb 1>*c«u«» you are an organisation d*Bcr!bed in »*ctiott |70Ci9}<tHA}vK Voiir ex«Bf»t Atstt** gndor »#ctiec« 501 tOO) of tha Code i» stitl m «ff*ct. Thjfi claasif reat>o« it i»»«*d on tha aisuaiptjon that your ap«ratton« MI 1 f cont ing* «« you haw sta tad. If your source* of aupport, or your p^rposo*^ character, or Mettiod of operation change, pl*a«* l*t ua know •« H* can conatder tf>a effect of tha change on yoor ^utmpt ttfetuc and foimdation statu*. Thia superaedes our letter dated Aprtt 22» 198S. Bacauae ^t* tetter could help resolve any duestionc aboi^t yocir fourKietton status, you ahould keep it in your pereanent record*. If tha heading of Idht* letter indicates that a caveat appliea, the cavMt below or OJI the enc/oaure an mtegrai part of thi* fetter. If you hava any <|uestio>m, piease contact th» p»r«on Hhose naee and teiephene nueber ara shomn above. Sincerely yeure. ntCDCRrcK c. MEUEK DISTRICT OlRECTOfI 9^ STATE OF CAUFORWIA rRAMCHISe TAX BOAPiO SACRAMS^TO. CALlPO«NfA 95867 a*n«atry 10^ 198S In reply xefer to rhsoufh Childiren'a Eyes, 7 3tl1 HisJi Ivenu* V»n Kuys. C* 9ltio6 IJIC Purpose For* o£ 0x5«ni»atien Accoun t;iA5 ?etiod Iridi.ns arg*ixxzition Kimbex Educatlon&l Cozporatlon December 3t 1222720 On the i>asx« of th* infoxaation subwltted mnd provided your present operations continue unchanged or eonforit to those proposed xn youx application, you axe exempt iron $t«te iranohis* or inoome tax under Section 2370 td« Revenue a^nd Taxation Code. &ny chanje in opezetzon, character ox purpose oi the oryanisataon must be reported Iflwnadiately to this oiiioe so thet we nay determine tha effect on your exenpt: status. *ny change of naae or address also «ust be reported. lOU are re^u^ Inforaation Inforaation 1/2 months instructions ^ou are not requized to file state franchise oz incone tax returns unless you have .inconie subject to the unrelated business incoase tax under Section 2373 1 oi, the Cod*. In this event, you axe required to file Form 109 <Exe»pt Otganization Business Income Xax Return) by th* tSth day of the Sth south (<» 1/2 aonths) after the close of your annual accountinff period- li the orgtaniiatlon is incorporating, this approval will expxre unless incorporation is coapleted wath the 5ecr«t»sy oi State within 60 days, Exeaption irom federal income or other taxes and other state taxes tfe^tuires separate applications- IhiS exeaptjin of January 31, 1-9fiM. Hareid. Supervisor Exeapt Judlt Unit Telephone (800} SS2-S711 cc: Robert A. Kandel Registrar of Charitable Trusts Ct lc 1= January 15, 2007 To Whom It May Concem: As Director of the •*Dr. Wilderry^s Show", and host of the April 22, 2006 Earth Day Celebration at the CaHsbad DoveLlbrary, it is my pleasure to offer nny complete support and participation to Through Children's Ey^, Inc." and aii those involved with conducting the April 14, 2007 Erwironnr«r»tal Film Festival at the Carisbad Dove library Auditorium. As a resident of Carisbad, I will encouragie rr^ neighbors to partake in this opportunity to leam from artd be entertained by these dedicated individuals and groups whose goal in creating this festival is to demonstrate that each one of Js can - and do - make a difference. Yours tm\y, Khevin Bames Director—The Dr. Wikierness Show, Inc. A 501 (c) 3 nonprofit company bringing environnrMsntal awareness to chikiren and families worldwide. www.drwildemess.com Attachment G ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT I, Winifred Meiser, as Program Director ofthe "Earth Day It's Every Day" Environmental Film Festival, affirm that the applicant is an Organization Section A The individual is: IZl Applicant is a resident of Carlsbad The application requires a simple majority vote to be approved Section B The organization is: • Located in Carlsbad - The application requires a simple majority vote to be approved • X Not located in Cartsbad - The application requires a unanimous vote to be approved Section C - For non-resident individuals or organizations only With close proximity to the ocean, freshwater lagoons and numerous nature trails, Carlsbad's residents are well-placed to benefit by participation in the Environmental Film Festival, whether as filmmakers using their artistic talents to address environmental problems or accomplishments, or simply as audience members increasing their knowledge and appreciation of subjects that affect everyone's quality of life. It offers Cartsbad's families direct benefits of free entertainment, environmental education and camaraderie in a family-oriented setting. Creating a DVD of the event allows us to expand these positive effects with the community at large over longer period through broadcast on public access TV. Carlsbad residents and students from Aviara Oaks and Carlsbad High School's TV production group, the Carlsbad High School & San Dieguito Academy Environmental Clubs can exhibit or assist at the Festival. As a North County (Vista) resident for the past seven years, I am keenly aware that all North County residents are affected by the same environmental concerns for our land, sea, and air. It benefits everyone when our families, friends, neighbors, and local businesses are motivated to practice good stewardship of our communities, influencing the quality of life in this region. If we can encourage and inspire our next generation of citizens to both learn and teach each other these values, what better way to ensure a population that understands the responsibilities and the rewards of living in our beautiful yet vulnerable coastal region? Attachment G (Continued) I, Winifred Meiser, will be acting in an official capacity as Program Director for Through Children's Eyes, Inc (Note: A letter from the organization to this effect must be attached.) I also affirm that I am eighteen years of age or older. I understand that the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation shall retain copyright interest in direct proportion to the funding provided for all programs produced. The approval of the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Board of Directors must be obtained prior to any reuse or reproduction of the cable product. Finally, I understand that the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules governing the content and nature of public access channels. I further understand that local cable operators have developed additional rules governing the airing of proposed productions on public access television. I agree to comply with the appropriate rules governing the content and nature of programming aired on public access television. Signature: „^ lA'^^ ///'^ Date: 10 THROUGH ^ EYESf BVC. < % t' ij A Gifted & Talented Childrens Photsogr^hy Program u'vs'U'.ThrougJiChildrensEyes.org (760) 643-9495 January 16, 2007 To Whom It May Concem: This is to certify that Winifred Meiser will be acting in an official capacity as the Program Director for Through Children's Eyes, ® Inc. in coordinating the Environmental Film Festival to be held at the Carlsbad Dove library auditorium. Laura Worrell, Secretary cc Winifred Meiser, Program Director r-l C. U.l.'\ CP Form W-9 (Rev. December 1996) Dapartmant of tha Treasury Internal Ravenua Service Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give form to the requester. Do NOT send to th© IRS. o a a 9 Name (If a joint account or you changed your name, see Specific instructtons on page 2.) Business name, If differeat from above. (See Specific Instructions on page 2.) CITY OF CARLSBAD .• . Cfieck appropriate box: • Individual/Sole proprietor ^ Corporation • Partnership • Other • AddresS'(nu(nt\er, street, and apt. or suite no.), 1635 FARADAY AVS City, sta$e, and ZIP code. CARLSBAD CA 92008 Taxpayer identification Number (TIN) Part I Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, If you are a resident alien OR a sole proprietor, see the Instructions on page 2. For other entitles. It Is your employer Identiflcation number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How To Get a TIN on page 2. Note: If the account isJn more than one name, see ttie chart on page 2 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Social security number I I M I I I I Requester's name and addrass (optional] Ust account number(s) here (optional) OR Part II Employer, Identification number 9 I 5-1^6 lo lo |4'|7 |9 |3 Part III For Payees Exempt From Backup Withholding (See tha instructions on page 2.) Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to badcup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from bacl<up withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to bacl^up withholding. Certification Instructions.—You must cross out Item 2 above tf you have been notified by the IRS that you are cunrently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax retum. For real estate transactions, Item 2 does ndt apply For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement arrangement (IR^, and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. (See the instructions on page 2.) Sign Here Signature Purpose of Form.—A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must get your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example. Income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage Interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property,- canceilation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W-9 to give your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) ahd, when applicable, to: • 1. Certify the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be Issued), ' 2. Certify you are not subject to backup withholding, or « 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are an exempt payee. Note: If a requester gives you a form other than a W-9 (o requesf your TIN. you must use the requestor's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W-9. What Is Baclcup Withholding?—Persons making certain payments to you must withhold and pay to the IRS 31 % of such payments under certain conditions. This is called "backup withholding." Payments that may be subject to backup withholding Include int^est. dividends, broker and barter exchange transactions, rents, royalties, nonemployee pay, and certain payments from fishing boat operators. Real estate transactions are not subject to t>ackup withholding. If you give the requester your con-ect TIN, make the proper certifications, and report all your taxable interest and dividends on your tax return, payments you receive will not be subject to backup withholding. Payments you receive will be subject to backup withholding if: 1. You do not fumish your TIN to the • requester, or 2. The IRS tells the requester that you ' furnished an incorrect TIN, or 3. The IRS tells you that you are subject to backup withholding because you did not report all your interest and dividends on your tax return (for reportable interest and dividends only), or 4. You do not certify to the requester that you are not subject to backup withholding under 3 above (for reportable interest and dividend accounts opened after 1983 only),, or 5. You do not certify your TIN when required. See the Part III instmctions on page 2 for details. Certain payees and payments are exempt from backup withholding. See the Part II instructions and the separate Instructions for the Requester of Form W-9. Penalties Failure To Furnish TIN.—.If you fail to furnish your correct TIN to a requester, you are subject to a penalty of $50 for each such failure unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect. Civil Penalty for False Information With Respect to Withholding.—If you make a false statement with no reasonable basis that results In no backup withholding, you are subject to a $500 penalty. Criminal Penalty for Falsifying Information.— Willfully falsifying certifications or affirmations may subject you to criminal penaities including fines and/or imprlsonrrient; Misuse of TINS.—If the requester discloses or uses TINs in violation of Federal law. the requester may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Cat. No: 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 12-96) Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Revenues, Expenditures and Available Cash Balance For month ended May 31, 2007 Cash before encumbrances Revenues Time Warner Payments Interest allocation Total Revenue Expenditures Grant Funds Disbursed High School Sports 2006-07 CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 Special Live Coverage of City Events Web site hosting/maintenance Minutes clerk Printing Office Supplies Postage Tax preparation & state tax filing fees Miscellaneous Total Expenditures Encumbered funds Grants (approved not yet disbursed) Special Live Coverage of City Events CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 Total Encumbrances Total Expenditures & Encumbrances Available Cash Balance Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adopted Budaet YTD Actuals Balance $ 238,384 $ 238,383 $ 173,000 $ 123,549 $ (49,451) $ 7,469 $ 12,975 $ 5,506 $ 180,469 $ 136,524 $ (43,945) $ 283,383 $ 97,100 $ 186,283 $ 60,000 $ 65,848 $ (5.848) $ 20,000 $ 11,499 $ 8,501 $ 5,000 $ -$ 5,000 $ 500 $ -$ 500 $ 2,500 $ 1,137 $ 1,363 $ 1,000 $ -$ 1,000 $ 250 $ -$ 250 $ 150 $ 150 $ - $ 650 $ 720 $ (70) $ 250 $ -$ 250 $ 373,683 $ 176,454 $ 197.229 $ -$ 8,184 $ (8,184) $ -$ 5,000 $ (5,000) $ -$ 8,501 $ (8,501) $ -$ 21,685 $ (21,685) $ 373,683 $ 198,139 $ 175,544 $ 45,170 $ 176,768 C:\DOCUME~1\Klinb\LOCALS-1\Temp\CBTV05-07.xls FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPEN GRANTS AS OF May 31, 2007 FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 06/01/07 DATE ORIGINAL ISSUED PO# AMOUNT 07/05 115917 20,000 02/06 Multiple 38,690 03/06 117618 5,000 05/06 Multiple 13,000 07/06 117522 20,000 07/06 117282 60,000 09/06 117525 14,907 10/06 117559 3,821 10/06 3,056 11/06 3,853 11/06 117678 17,334 12/06 118146 3,973 01/07 118328 6,380 01/07 6,000 03/07 5,405 GRANT NAME PROD. ENTITY BALANCE 07/01/06 ADDED PAID ADJ. through 05/07 through 05/07 ENC. BALANCE 05/31/07 162,782 CUSD BOARD MEETINGS 2005-06 Adelphia CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING SPECIAL LIVE COVERAGE OF CITY EVENTS Time Warner CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OFTHE CITY CUSD BOARD MEETINGS 2006-07 Time Wamer HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAMMING 2006-07 Ned A. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUDIO CHSTV-CARLBAD HIGH SCHOOL BROADCASTING Time Warner 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES FORUM CLASSICAL PIANO RECITAL KIDS ARE WORTH A MILLION TELETHON 2007 THE HUTCHINS CONSORTS PRESENTS "ALL THAT JAZZ" 2007 OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AWARDS DINNER A COMMUNITY MAKES MUSIC/MUSIC MAKES A COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL 5,283 25,835 6,049 13,000 31,884 20,000 60,000 14,907 3,821 3,056 3,853 17,334 3,973 6,380 6,000 5,405 (29,056) (13,124) (11,499) (65,848) (16,501) (3,821) (3,056) (3,853) (17,384) (3,825) (6,480) (5,283) (1,049) 124 5,848 1,594 50 (148) 100 119,092 (127,612) 4,800 (3,221.25) 5,000.00 8,501.25 6,000.00 5,405.00 21,685 C:\DOCUME-1\Klinb\LOCALS-1\Temp\CBTV05-07.xls CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) PI - Public Information (20) CVE - ComedyA/ariety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 04/05-1 The Election Process PI Crowley, Mary Approved $4,142.00 $4,142.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-2 Static TV CVE Hinkle, Amanda Approved $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-3 Youth Oriented Shorts for Channel 3 CVE Dixon, Alii Approved $3,179.28 $3,179.28 7/04 Closed 04/05-4 Council Candidates Forum PI Morel, Jamie Approved $2,056.55 $2,056.55 9/04 Closed 04/05-5 Kids Are Worth A Million Telethon '05 C Aaron, Diana Approved $12,784.00 $12,784.00 10/04 Closed 04/05-6 Sailing North County A Robinson, Mark Approved $4,400.00 $4,400.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-7 Capoeira Abada - A Fighting Dance D Silva, Rosalva Approved $7,950.00 $7,950.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-8 Every 15 Minutes - LCCHS PI Logan, Nancy Approved $4,100.00 $3,350.00 3/05 Closed 04/05-9 Land of the Free D Galgano, Richard Approved $5,257.36 $5,257.36 4/05 Closed 04/05-10 Lake San Marcos Chamber Music Society A Sushel, Diane Approved $15,726.00 $5,242.00 4/05 Closed 05/06-1 History of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad D Ron Sipiora Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8/05 Closed 05/06-2 An Encounter with Karl Renz C Gary Elliott Approved $4,157.00 $4,157.00 9/05 Closed 05/06-3 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '06 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $16,934.00 10/05 Closed 05/06-4 A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol CVE Walton Jones Approved $5,332.00 $5332.00 11/05 Closed 05/06-5 Kelp: Rebuilding the Forest D Jeff Stone & Tracy Phillips Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 1/06 Closed 05/06-6 Carlsbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $38,690.00 $38,690.00 2/06 • Closed 05/06-7 Earth Day 2006 Celebration CVE Khevin Barnes Approved $5,095.00 $4,000.00 4/06 Closed 05/06-8 Carlsbad State of the City 2006 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,000.00 $13,000.00 6/06 Closed 06/07-1 Carlsbad Council Chambers Audio Lisa Hildabrand Approved $14,907.38 $14,907.38 9/06 Closed 06/07-2 CHSTV - Carlsbad High School Broadcasting E Doug Green Approved Approved $3,821.00 $3,821.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-3 2006 City Council Candidates' Forum G Micnaei Babowal Approved Approved $3,0"56.06 ^ $3,056.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-4 Classical Piano Recital A Bonnie Violi Approved $3,853.00 $3,853.00 11/06 Closed 06/07-5 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '07 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $17,334.00 11/06 Closed CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) CVE - ComedyA/ariety/Entertain. (31 ] Pl - Public Information (20) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 06/07-6 The Hutchins Consort Presents All That Jazz CVE Joseph McNalley Approved $4,093.00 $3,973.00 12/06 Closed 06/07-7 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner E Toni Padron Approved $6,380.00 $6,380.00 1/07 Closed 06/07-8 A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community CVE Gary Adcock & Judy Pisciotta Approved $12,110.00 $6,000.00 1/07 Open 06/07-9 Environmental Film Festival CVE Winifred Meiser . ., ,. Approye.d . .. $5.405.00., $5,405.00 3/07 Open