HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-14; Community Television Foundation; MinutesCarlsbad Community Television Foundation Minutes, Regular Meeting June 14, 2007 Board Members: Present: Bob Bender, Harv Kauffinan, Phil Urbina Absent: Scott Pieratt, Elisa Williamson City Staff: Present: Absent: Denise Vedder, Val Brown Time Wamer Cable Staff: Present: Absent: Ned Augustenborg Also in Attendance: Tracy Gastelo CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Bender called the meeting to order at 4:50 pm. L APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: Member Phil Urbina moved to approve the minutes of March 15, 2007. Chair Bob Bender seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Bender, Kauffman, Urbina NOES: NOT PRESENT: Pieratt, WiUiamson ABSTAIN: n. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS A. Grant Applications for Consideration 1. "Carlsbad Community Programming" Applicant: City of Carlsbad / Lisa Hildabrand Amount Requested: $39,880.00 Request to fund partial costs for the Carlsbad Community Update as well as funding for special event programming, Val Brown, the Video Production Manager for the City of Carlsbad, presented the application on behalf of the City's efforts to continue to produce quality local features and programs providing infonnation on topics of general interest to Carlsbad residents and coverage of local events. Minutes-June 14, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of June 14, 2007 Page 2 Chair Bender asked Brown if the grant request is for the fiill budget of productions or a portion. Brown replied the amount requested is for a partial fimding ofthe productions and also noted there would be a separate grant proposal to fiind the City of Carlsbad's State of the City production. ACTION: Member Kauffinan motioned approval. Member Urbina seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Member Kauffinan commended Val Brown for her consistent outstanding programming efforts for the City of Carlsbad. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES; Bender, Kauffman, Urbina NOES: NOT PRESENT: Pieratt, Williamson ABSTAIN: 3. Review and file the City's Monthly Financial Report for the CCTVF Reviewed and filed after discussion of the outstanding grants and grants under production. Ill GRANT UPDATES A. Current Productions There were no grant updates covered at this meeting. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS V. OTHER BUSINESS The Board agreed to agendize discussion of the proposed name change ofthe Carlsbad Community Television Foundation for the next Board meeting of July 12, 2007. The Board agreed to agendize discussion of the 2007/2008 Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Budget for the next Board meeting of July 12, 2007. The Board agreed to agendize a PSA plan for the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation's public outreach efforts for the next Board meeting of July 12, 2007. CCTVF Minutes -June 14, 2007 » CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of June 14, 2007 Page 3 VL PUBLIC COMMENT VIL DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The date ofthe next regular meeting was set for Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 4:45 p.m. at the offices of Time Wamer Cable. Vni. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of Thursday, June 14, 2007 was adjoumed by proper motion at 5:50 p.m. Resp^ictfiilly submittec DENISE VEDDER City Staff Liaison DV/tlg CCTVF Minutes -June 14, 2007 CCTV FOUNDATION GRANT - SUMMARY SHEET Project: City of Carlsbad Community Programnning Applicant: The City of Carlsbad Project Applicant Name: Lisa Hildabrand Organization: The City of Carlsbad Business Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2823 Date:4/23/07 Individual Govt. Agency xx Non Profit SIGNATURE: Project Director: Payee Nanne: The City of Carlsbad PROJECT SUMMARY:, the City of Carlsbad is submitting a multi-part grant covering partial production costs for the Carlsbad Community Update as well as funding for special event programming. Working in partnership with CCTV - this grant funding will result in the production of quality local features and programs providing information on topics of general interest to Carlsbad residents and coverage of events occurring in Carlsbad. The intent is to engage citizens and help them connect with their community through relevant programming about services, activities and programs that are available to them as residents of Carlsbad using the medium of local television. The CCTV foundation would be a partner in providing this service. BUDGET SUMMARY CARLSBAD COMMUNITY UPDATE 1. Personnel 2. Production Costs 3. Supplies & Materials 4. Other Production Costs $22,680 $275 CCTV Request: $22.681 $7,560x3 BUDGET SUMMARY ARTS & LIBRARY PROGRAMMING 1. Personnel 2. Production Costs 3. Supplies & Materials 4. Other Production Costs $16,280 $920 CCTV Request: $17.200 City in-kind contribution through staff, talent, aerials, materials Total Amount Requested from CCTVF: $39,880 Attachment A - Narrative PROGRAM IDEA: Produce quality local programs focusing on programs, lifestyle and cultural events in Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad is submitting an umbrella grant to produce the following local programs: Program Description Carlsbad Community Update public Information Video Magazir a. (3) Arts & Library Programming Sharing the arts in Carlsbao Together, these features and programs offer a "slice-of-life" in Camhad. The purpose of t; .is grant is to provide quality local programming to: • Encourage citizen participation (to the extent they choose) • Improve understanding of the civic process, city issues, anci how to "connect" • Engage viewers and enhance communication about events and programs in Carle ad COMMUNITY NEED: Citizens, especially in a community such as Carlsbad, have keen interest in their city. An effective citizen population is an informed one - and local tvOsevision is a unique rn^vdium through which residents can learn about their city and community, As the city grows prv viding information to residents about programs and services through a variety of media that pf vides an opportunity to help them connect to their new city through a historical and cultural cont<t. Since the 1980s when CCTV first outlined their mission, the population in Carlsbad ha; more than doubled. As Carlsbad continues to welcome new residents, -ocal television progra; iming provides an opportunity for citizens to gain a sense of city geography, citizen viewpoin; i and services and events in Carlsbad. More citizens are using technoiogy to get information about their community, and local television is one way the City of Carisbad communicates v. ih its citizens. AUDIENCE & IMPACT: This grant request reflects the diversity of the activities, eveni i and community discussion occurring in the City of Carlsbad. It's an avenue for citizens, new ai d not so new, to connect with their community through a visual medium that highlights local events and programs of interest while providing information to make effective decisions avid to participate in the civic process to the extent they desire. Carlsbad's population will continue to grow, and this programming provides a simple resonrce to help citizens acclimate to their new community. It provides an avenue to services and citizen involvement as it acknowledges the values and traditions that built this City. Program Descriptions THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY UPDATE The Carlsbad Community Update is a 30-minute video magazine about Carlsbad produced three times each year. The format is straightfonrt/ard and informative making it simple for citizens to keep up with their community. It includes updates on parks, trails, and roads, along with history, culture and profiles on community/city partnerships and tours of various locations in the city. Inten/iews with citizens are regularly included in each program. The community has embraced the program as a source of relevant information to help them navigate more effectively in their community. The program airs on Monday nights at 8 p.m. Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. The program is mailed to Boards and Commissioners and interested residents upon request and is placed in the libraries for check out. The Carlsbad Community Update has been nationally recognized for excellence by: • The National Association of Telecommunications Officers (NATOA) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,g006 (Inten/iew/Talk Show) • 3 CMA SAVVY Awards of Excellence honoring creativity in programming 2003 Best Single and Series Programming, 2005 - Silver Circle Award of Excellence • Emmy nominations (2005) for segments on Hosp Grove and Copter One ARTS AND LIBRARY PROGRAMMING The cultural arts and library programming showcases a variety of talent, information and visual presentations. Funding of this portion of the grant request will provide flexibility for the arts and library to tape select performances and programs offered through the arts office representative of the quality of the programs presented by the City. Colleen Finnegan, the City's arts programming coordinator, will oversee the choice of programs to be videotaped in,4he community or at Schulman auditorium as a part of the community arts education program. Programming will include performances at the Schulman presented by the cultural arts office or a behindrthe-scenes look at arts programming in the community including interviews with the artists in the program. Jessica Padilla, the library community coordinator will oversee programs or segments to be taped presented by the library. Attachment A-1 Sample Outiine - "The Carlsbad Community Update" Residents can learn about their community, programs, and services available to them. Community member voices are woven into the program through interviews at community events. From "how-to" segments on parks and trails, to "Basics" which are short segments about city services available to all citizens, the content is for anyone looking to learn more about the community. SEGMENT LENGTH DESCRIPTION 1 :30 SHOW OPEN - RUNDOWN OF SEGMENTS 2 :15 RECORDED OPEN WITH MUSIC 3 3:30 SEGMENT ONE - Let's Plant a Forest This spring over 200 community members gathered in Hosp Grove to plant 300 trees as part of the ongoing reforestation effort of Hosp Grove. Those that did not plant trees spent time beautifying the forest and trails in this community wide volunteer event. Comments from participants provide the narrative of the story. 4 2.00 Interstitial - how'to use a trail in Cari.sbad - offers tips on how to locate a trail, . things to corfsider to enhance your outdoor experience. " 5 3.30 SEGMENT TWO - Carlsbad Conse»-ves Rainfall is at record lows and water use is a constant headline in southern California. In Carlsbad, there are an abundance of programs and options residents have to make an impact on conservation. Whether it's water use or using native plants in the garden to reduce pollutants that enter our Watershed and ocean Carlsbad has many progrf^ms and options for citizens to explore and discover how they impact their environment. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Discovery Garden serves as a backdrop for discussing reduced water use and its impact on watershe.1 health. 6 2:00 Interstitial - , ^ Public Works - "Who Ya Gonna Call" .eatures frequently reqiie«ted numbers for services and tips on keeping our beaches clean. 7 3:30 SEGMENT THREE - Fire Safety Drought conditions create a heightened fire danger and with Carlsbad's open spaces and trails abutting residential ^reas, the need for city and citizens to work together is critical. Tips about fire resistant planting and ways to help keep citizen's property clear from fire hazai ds are offered. 8 2:00 Road Updatei - an update of road conditions and projects in Carllbad including estimated completion/opening dates - I.e. Faraday Avenue . ? ^ 9 3:30 SEGMENT FOUR - Project Updates Golf course update and projected ope ning, Faraday Avenue and Alga Norte Park progress will be discussed. 10 2:00 Library Self-Checkout System How to use the library's new automated check out system. 11 3:30 SEGMENT FIVE - Carlsbad High School's 50'" Anniversary The Carlsbad Historical Society is working to gather memorabilia from the community as it commemorates the 50**^ anniversary through a variety of events and programs. 12 :1:30 Interstitial Graffiti Hotline - where to report graffiti. 19 :30 SEGMENT 10 - UPCOMING EVENTS Preview of events in Carlsbad. 20 CREDITS Information about the Triathlon, Passport office, and trails programs also included. Attachment A-1 "Arts & ybrai^ Progra^^ Documentation of cultural arts and library events will allow residents the opportunity to appreciate the arts in Carlsbad. CULTURAL ARTS POTENTIAL PROGRAMMING CHOICES: Carlsbad Vocal Competition - would include taping of the performance. This year the Karlovy Vary opera finalist was featured. Music Festival - taping of event - one day of the performances Communitv cultural art events - family open studio and events related to Cannon art gallery or segments on community cultural arts events. LIBRARY POTENTIAL PROGRAMMING CHOICES: Plavreaders - tape from an event along with inten/iews and footage of behind the scenes work in the community Spring Music Festival - program presentations Segments in the Field - features on library programs such as the Adult learning Center, Teen Programs, Book Clubs 6r special events. Attachment B - Production Schedules THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY UPDATE PRODUCTION SCHEDULE TIMELINE December, January, February February March, April, May May August, September, October November November, December, January EVfENT Logging/editing/publicity Editing/shbbting for next video Logging/editing/publicity Editing shoofmg for next video Logging/editing/publicity Editing shooting EVENT Scripting/shooting Present Video Script and log for next video Scripting/shooting Present Video Script and log for rtext video Scripting/shooting Present Video Script and log for next video '•: Start the process again! This is the rotation used to produce three programs each year with the State of the City woven in between this schedule. This allows for coverage of events as they occur. SAMPLE PRODUCTION TIMELINE FOR ARTS & LIBRARY PROGRAMMING March-July Select Programming, Pre-prbdiiction, Scripting, and graphic design March Program Taping, Publicity, Editing May Program Airs, July Production Follow-up The cultural arts programming coordinator and library coordinator for programs and exhibits will each select programs/segments to produce - this is a sample of the timeline each could follow. Attachment C - Promotion Plan •Mi:mm^mmis^mmism^^mmmmm^^s^mmm^^m. All promotion of the programs will contain an acknowledgment of CCTV Foundation funding. Dates and times that the finished production will air on channel 3: n The Carlsbad Community Update currently airs in its regular time slot, Monday nights at 8 p.m. and Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. a The library currently has airtime reserved on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. when there are no school board meetings. If no other programming is scheduled, the library and arts programming could air in those time slots as well as other times to be arranged. n All programming will be publicized in the following manner and will include funding acknowledgments to the CCTV Foundation: 4t On the City website 4^ On flyers posted in all public buildings 4* On the City's on hold message •4 In press releases 4. In the City Scene section of the Community Services Guide 'n graphic acknowledgment at the beginning and end of the program Notes: Programs will also be duplicated on DVD and placed in the City's history archives for future Carlsbad residents to use as a source of historical documentation of the events and programs that formed their community. Segments from the programs are also used on a stand-alone basis for community education and at the Citizen's Academy. Actually, the entire program has been shown at the Academy. CCTV Foundation funding will be acknowledged in all of these areas, increasing awareness of the Foundation to an audience beyond local television. Now that the City has the ability to stream video, these programs will be made available on the Internet for residents to view at their leisure. Many of these segments are evergreen in nature and will be useable over an extended period of time. 8 Attachment D - Budget CARLSBAD COMMUNITY UPDATE: Each program airs 24 times (in its regular time slot) and is available for check out from the library and distributed to all City staff and public buildings for airing. Production Costs Total CCTV ENG 12 days $5,400 $2700 Editing 22 days $7920 $3960 Graphics 4.5 days $1800 $900 Tape, DVD's & $275 Duplication Other Costs Total: CCTV Request: City in-kind contribution/show: staff, equipment, tape $15,395/program $7560 x 3 = $22,680 Arts & Librarv Programming: Shelf life would depend on subject matter. All programs are placed i the library for check out and listed on the website as available. in Production Costs Crew and camera operators $2,040 X 4 Total $8,160 CCTV $8,160 4 days ea@$450/day Supplies/Materials Tape, DVD's & Editing/graphics $1,800x4 $7,200 $115/prbgram $920 Duplication $7,200 $920 Total: CCTV Request: City in-kind contribution: Staff, equipment, facility, fees as needed $16,280,00 $16,280 $16,280 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: $16,280 Attachment E- Applicant/Production Team Background Lisa Hildabrand, Carlsbad Assistant City Manager, has been actively involved in the citizen learning initiative Connecting Community, Place and Spirit. Her understanding of the importance of consistent clear communication with citizens provides a solid perspective in producing these programs. Denise Vedder, Carlsbad's Communication Manager oversees the communications department for the city and serves as the city liaison to the foundation. She is involved in the creation of community programming through a variety of media and brings a wide range of experience to the table. Val Brown, the City's Video Production Manager has been producing community programming for over 20 years. Her background includes local news, public affairs and a wide variety of genre including the arts, education and local government. She is the primary producer for the Carlsbad Community Update. Colleen Finnegan, the city's art coordinator has been involved in the production of numerous television programs over the years including artist-in-residence and programming on the multi- cultural festival, Festejando a Las Madrecitas and numerous other productions. She has also done extensive on camera and voice over work for city productions. Jessica Padilla, the community coordinator for the library brings strong writing experience along with producing experience from her various professional capacities. She has co- produced programming on Carlsbad's Adult Leaming Program. 10 Attachment G - Acknowledgment Statement The City of Carlsbad is represented by Lisa Hildabrand as Project Director/Producer of the proposed community television production, entitled City of Carlsbad Community Programming I affirm that the applicant is: an individual (see section A) XX an organization (see section B) A) a resident of Carlsbad nof a resident of Carlsbad and understand my application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved. B) XX an organization and is located in Carlsbad an organization and is nof located in Carlsbad and understand the application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved. I, Lisa Hildabrand, am acting in an official capacity as Assistant City Manager for the City of Carlsbad. I also affirm that I am eighteen years old, or older. I understand that the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation shall retain copyright interest in direct proportion to the funding provided for all programs produced. The approval of the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Board of Directors must be obtained prior to any reuse or reproduction of the cable product. Signature: rTYVU^/^ Date: 4/26/07 (If applicant is under 18 years old, signature(s) of par9nt(s) is required.) 11 Attachment G (2) I understand that the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules governing the content and nature of public access channels. I further understand that local cable operators have developed additional rules governing the airing of proposed productions on public access television. I agree to comply with the appropriate rules governing the content and nature of programming airing on public access television. As a non-resident, please explain below how your production would directly benefit the citizens of Carlsbad: Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Revenues, Expenditures and Available Cash Balance For month ended June 31, 2007 Cash before encumbrances Revenues Fiscal Year 2006-07 Adopted Budaet YTD Actuals $ 238,384 $ 238,383 Balance Time Warner Payments $ 173,000 $ 123,549 $ (49,451) Interest allocation $ 7,469 $ 13,670 $ 6,201 Total Revenue $ 180,469 $ 137,219 $ (43,250) Expenditures Grant Funds Disbursed $ 283,383 $ 101,049 $ 182,334 High School Sports 2006-07 $ 60,000 $ 65,848 $ (5,848) CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 $ 20,000 $ 11,499 $ 8,501 Special Live Coverage of City Events $ 5,000 $ -$ 5,000 Web site hosting/maintenance $ 500 $ _ $ 500 Minutes clerk $ 2,500 $ 1,332 $ 1,168 Printing $ 1,000 $ -$ 1,000 Office Supplies $ 250 $ _ $ 250 Postage $ 150 $ 151 $ (1) Tax preparation & state tax filing fees $ 650 $ 720 $ (70) Miscellaneous $ 250 $ -$ 250 Total Expenditures $ 373,683 $ 180,598 $ 193,085 Encumbered funds Grants (approved not yet disbursed) $ -$ 51,285 $ (51,285) Special Live Coverage of City Events $ -$ 5,000 $ (5,000) CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 $ -$ 8,501 $ (8,501) Total Encumbrances $ -$ 64,786 $ (64,786) Total Expenditures & Encumbrances $ 373,683 $ 245,385 $ 128,298 Available Cash Balance $ 45,170 $ 130,218 C:\DOCUME~1\Klinb\LOCALS~1\Temp\XPgrpwise\CBTV06-07.xls FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPEN GRANTS AS OF June 30, 2007 FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 07/05/07 DATE ORIGINAL ISSUED PO# AMOUNT 07/05 115917 20,000 02/06 Multiple 38,690 03/06 117618 5,000 05/06 Multiple 13,000 07/06 117522 20,000 07/06 117282 60,000 09/06 117525 14,907 10/06 117559 3,821 10/06 3,056 11/06 3,853 11/06 117678 17,334 12/06 118146 3,973 01/07 118328 6,380 01/07 6,000 03/07 5,405 06/07 118505 39,880 GRANT NAME PROD. ENTITY BALANCE 07/01/06 ADDED through 06/07 PAID through 06/07 ADJ. ENG. BALANCE 06/30/07 162,782 CUSD BOARD MEETINGS 2005-06 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING SPECIAL LIVE COVERAGE OF CITY EVENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF THE CITY CUSD BOARD MEETINGS 2006-07 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAMMING 2006-07 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUDIO CHSTV-CARLBAD HIGH SCHOOL BROADCASTING 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES FORUM CLASSICAL PIANO RECITAL KIDS ARE WORTH A MILLION TELETHON 2007 THE HUTCHINS CONSORTS PRESENTS "ALL THAT JAZZ" 2007 OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AWARDS DINNER A COMMUNITY MAKES MUSIC/MUSIC MAKES A COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Adelphia Time Warner Time Warner Ned A. Time Warner 5,283 25,835 6,049 13,000 31,884 20,000 60,000 14,907 3,821 3,056 3,853 17,334 3,973 6,380 6,000 5,405 39,880 158,972 (29,056) (13,124) (11,499) (65,848) (16,501) (3,821) (3,056) (3,853) (17,384) (3,825) (6,480) (5,283) 3,221 (1,049) 124 5,848 1,594 50 (148) 100 5,000.00 8,501.25 (127,612) 4,800 6,000.00 5,405.00 39,880.00 64,786 CADOCUME--1\Klinb\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\CBTV06-07.xls CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) PI - Pubiic Information (20) CVE - Comedy/Variety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 04/05-1 The Election Process PI Crowley, Mary Approved $4,142.00 $4,142.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-2 Static TV CVE Hinkle, Amanda Approved $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-3 Youth Oriented Shorts for Channel 3 CVE Dixon, Alii Approved $3,179.28 $3,179.28 7/04 Closed 04/05-4 Council Candidates Forum PI Morel, Jamie Approved $2,056.55 $2,056.55 9/04 Closed 04/05-5 Kids Are Worth A Million Telethon '05 C Aaron, Diana Approved $12,784.00 $12,784.00 10/04 Closed 04/05-6 Sailing North County A Robinson, Mark Approved $4,400.00 $4,400.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-7 Capoeira Abada - A Fighting Dance D Silva, Rosalva Approved $7,950.00 $7,950.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-8 Every 15 Minutes - LCCHS PI Logan, Nancy Approved $4,100.00 $3,350.00 3/05 Closed 04/05-9 Land of the Free D Galgano, Richard Approved $5,257.36 $5,257.36 4/05 Closed 04/05-10 Lake San Marcos Chamber Music Society A Sushel, Diane Approved $15,726.00 $5,242.00 4/05 Closed 05/06-1 History of the Boys & Giris Clubs of Carisbad D Ron Sipiora Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8/05 Closed 05/06-2 An Encounter with Kari Renz C Gary Elliott Approved $4,157.00 $4,157.00 9/05 Closed 05/06-3 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '06 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $16,934.00 10/05 Closed 05/06-4 A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol CVE Walton Jones Approved $5,332.00 $5332.00 11/05 Closed 05/06-5 Kelp: Rebuilding the Forest D Jeff Stone & Tracy Phillips Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 1/06 Closed 05/06-6 Carisbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $38,690.00 $38,690.00 2/06 Closed 05/06-7 Earth Day 2006 Celebration CVE Khevin Barnes Approved $5,095.00 $4,000.00 4/06 Closed 05/06-8 Carlsbad State of the City 2006 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,000.00 $13,000.00 6/06 Closed 06/07-1 Carlsbad Council Chambers Audio Lisa Hildabrand Approved $14,907.38 $14,907.38 9/06 Closed 06/07-2 CHSTV - Carisbad High School Broadcasting E Doug Green Approved $3,821.00 $3,821.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-3 2006 City Council Candidates' Forum C Michael Babowal Approved $3,056.00 $3,056.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-4 Classical Piano Recital A Bonnie Violi Approved $3,853.00 $3,853.00 11/06 Closed 06/07-5 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '07 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $17,334.00 11/06 Closed CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) i - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) CVE - Comedy/Variety/Entertain. (31) PI - Public Information (20) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 06/07-6 The Hutchins Consort Presents All That Jazz CVE Joseph McNalley Approved $4,093.00 $3,973.00 12/06 Closed 06/07-7 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner E Toni Padron Approved $6,380.00 $6,380.00 1/07 Closed 06/07-8 A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community CVE Gary Adcock & Judy Pisciotta Approved $12,110.00 $6,000.00 1/07 Open 06/07-9 Environmental Film Festival CVE Winifred Meiser Approved $5,405.00 $5,405.00 3/07 Open 06/07-10 Carisbad Community Proqramminq PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $39,880.00 $39,880.00 6/07 Open