HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-19; Community Television Foundation; MinutesCARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of July 19, 2007 Page 1 Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Minutes, Regular Meeting July 19, 2007 Board Members: Present: Bob Bender, Scott Pieratt, Phil Urbina, Elisa Williamson Absent: Harv Kauffinan City Staff: Present: Val Brown, Joe Garuba Absent: Time Wamer Cable Present: Ned Augustenborg Staff: Ned Augustenborg Absent: Also in Attendance: Tracy Gastelo CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Bender called the meeting to order at 4:55 pm. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: No action taken due to lack of a quorum attending from the Regular Meeting of June 14, 2007 II. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS A. Grant Applications for Consideration 1. "Carlsbad State of the City 2007" Applicant: City of Carlsbad / Lisa Hildabrand Amount Requested: $13,150.00 Request to fund the production of this year's State ofthe City program. Val Brown, the video production manager for the City ofCarlsbad, presented the application on behalf of the City in order to produce a record ofthe events and issues ofthe past year and to provide the opportunity to advise the citizens about changes in the near future. CCTVF Minutes-July 19, 2007 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting Of July 19, 2007 Page 2 ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned approval. Member Pieratt seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Vice Chair Williamson asked the Brown when the production event will take place and stated that this information was missing from Section C in the application. Brown replied the date would be August 20, 2007 at the Schulman Theatre. Member Urbina informed the Board that the production will now be broadcast on Channel 19 on the new Time Wamer Cable Chaimel lineup. Williamson also made note to the Board that Section G of the application was missing the applicant's signature. Staff Liaison Garuba volunteered that the signature would be in place. VOTE: 4-0-0 AYES; Bender, Pieratt, Urbina, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Kauffman ABSTAIN: 2. Discussion of proposed name change of the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Time Wamer Cable Representative Ned Augustenborg presented a new logo to the Foundation's Board reflecting a proposed name change: City of Carlsbad Community Television Foundation ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to approve the name change. There was no second to the motion. ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to keep the logo and name as it is. Member Pieratt seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: There was no discussion. VOTE: 4-0-0 AYES: Bender, Pieratt, Urbina, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Kauffman ABSTAIN: CCTVF Minutes -July 19, 2007 1 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of July 19, 2007 Pages 3. Discussion of the 2007/2008 Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Budget" ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to direct City Staff to draft the 2007/2008 CCTVF Budget and present it at the next CCTVF Board meeting. Member Pieratt seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: There was no discussion. VOTE: 4-0-0 AYES: Bender, Pieratt, Urbina, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Kauffman ABSTAIN: 4. Discussion of a PSA plan for the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation's public outreach efforts The Foundation's Board discussed avenues to raise public awareness ofthe availability of the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation's grant funding program to the citizens of Carlsbad. ACTION: <There was no action taken> B. Review and file the City's Monthly Financial Report for the CCTVF Reviewed and filed after discussion of the outstanding grants and grants under production. The Board requested to have City Staff reconcile the Open Grants to have the available funds match the balance. Ill GRANT UPDATES A. Current Productions Ned Augustenborg will follow up with Grantees on the status of open grants/productions. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS OTHER BUSINESS V. PUBLIC COMMENT CCTVF Minutes -July 19, 2007 1 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of July 19, 2007 Page 4 VII. DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The date ofthe next regular meeting was set for Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 4-45 p m at the offices of Time Wamer Cable. VIII. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of Thursday, July 19, 2007 was adjoumed by proper motion at 5-30 p.m. Respectfully submitted CNISE VEDDER 'City Staff Liaison DV/tlg CCTVF Minutes -July 19, 2007 CCTV FOUNDATION GRANT - SUMMARY SHEET Project: 2007 Carlsbad State of the City Address Applicant: The City of Carlsbad Date:6/26/07 Project Applicant Name: Lisa Hildabrand Individual Organization: The City of Carlsbad Govt. Agency xx Business Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2823 SIGNATURE: Project Director: Payee Name: The City of Carlsbad PROJECT SUIVIMARY:. The Carlsbad State of the City Address is an annual report on events and issues in the city that are of wide interest and significance to all residents. A review of the city's economic status and major projects including the General Plan Update, downtown and major projects such as Alga Norte Park and desalination. Sustainable quality and the programs undenway to support and maintain the quality of life in Carlsbad are major topics in the program. An on camera host will bridge the various segments in the program divided into economic, environmental and social categories. BUDGET SUIVIIVIARY CARLSBAD COMIVIUNITY UPDATE 1. Personnel 2. Production Costs $26,475 City in-kind contribution through staff, talent, aerials, materials $13,325 Total Amount Requested from CCTVF: $13,150 Attachment A - Narrative Program Idea: Each year the city of Carlsbad produces the State of the City address as a public service that creates a record of the events and issues of the past year and provides an opportunity to describe future projects and challenges. COMMUNITY NEED and Potential Audience: The City continues to advance toward build out - this year our population hit the 100,000 mark. While many still think of Carlsbad as a sleepy beachside town, the reality is that Carlsbad as edges closer toward build out we are facing many of the challenges and issues of a mid-sized city. This program will explore some of the efforts underway to ensure sustainable quality in Carlsbad in the future by examining social, economic and environmental programs designed to support a balanced quality of life along with a review of completed projects including the golf course arid Pine Park. Currently there is a wide range of programs in the works - from the livable communities' initiative, to the general plan update, downtown redevelopment, Ponto vision plan, Prop D, and open space to public works and safety. These programs are integral to the quality of life and the discussion about sustainable quality. The role of the citizen in developing a vision for sustainable quality is another topic to explore in the program. Citizens interested in their role in helping to shape the future of the city should find this program especially enlightening. AUDIENCE & IMPACT: The city continues to advance toward build out and this program is a way to share the status of the city including future projects, status of programs with residents in an informative, concise presentation. Citizens will gain a stronger sense of the role they play in ensuring a quality future in the city. The program will include interviews with the Mayor and council members and staff from community development, public works and special projects. Attachment A-1 - Outline 1. Opening - Mayor's greeting 2. Economic status and projections - budget, tourism 3. Environmental projects and progress including the CERMT program, desalination, open space 4. Social sustainability - programs designed to foster connections in the community that support the quality of life in Carlsbad 5. Summary - Mayor closing Attachment B - Production Schedule STATE OF THE CITY PRODUCTION SCHEDULE: TIMELINE Late June July August EVENT Pre-production, research, scripting Shoot, log etlit Shoot stand-ups and final edit Program airs Attachment C - Promotion Plan All promotion of the programs will contain an acknowledgment of CCTV Foundation funding. Dates and times that the finished production will air on channel 19: All programming will be publicized in the following manner and will include funding acknowledgments to the CCTV Foundation: On the City website On flyers posted in all public buildings On the City's on hold message In press releases In the City Scene section ofthe Community Services Guide In graphic acknowledgment at the beginning and end ofthe program Notes: Residents can find DVD's of the program in the library and in the City's history archives as a source of historical documentation of the events and programs that shaped the community. Residents can also view it on the Internet at their leisure. Attachment D - Budget CARLSBAD COMMUNITY UPDATE: Each program airs 24 times (in its regular time slot) and is available for check out from the library and distributed to all City staff and public buildings for airing. Production Costs Total CCTV Production Logging, $3500 $1750 assistance digitizing ENG 12 days $9000 $5,000 Editing 20 days $7200 $6400 Graphics 5 days $2000 Supplies/Materials Tape, DVD's & Duplication $275 Other Costs Aerials, talent $4500 $1000 Total: $26,475 13,150 CCTV Request: City in-kind contribution/show: staff, equipment. Attachment E- Applicant/Production Team Background Lisa Hildabrand, Carlsbad Assistant City Manager, has been actively involved in the citizen learning initiative Connecting Community, Place and Spirit. Her understanding of the importance of consistent clear communication with citizens provides a solid perspective in producing these programs. Denise Vedder, Carlsbad's Communication Manager oversees the communications department for the city and serves as the city liaison to the foundation. She is involved in the creation of community programming through a variety of media and brings a wide range of experience to the table. Val Brown, the City's Video Production Manager has been producing community programming for over 20 years. Her background includes local news, public affairs and a wide variety of genre including the arts, education and local government. She is the primary producer for the Carlsbad Community Update and State ofthe City. 8 Attachment G - Acknowledgment Statement The City of Carlsbad represented by Lisa Hildabrand as Project Director/Producer of the proposed community television production, entitled City of Carlsbad Community Programming, affirm that the applicant is: an individual (see section A) XX an organization (see section B) A) a resident of Carlsbad nof a resident of Carlsbad and understand my application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved. B) XX an organization and is located in Carlsbad an organization and is not located in Carlsbad and understand the application requires a unanimous vote by the Foundation to be approved. I, Lisa Hildabrand, am acting in an official capacity as Assistant City Manager for the City of Carlsbad. 1 also affirm that I am eighteen years old, or older. I understand that the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation shall retain copyright interest in direct proportion to the funding provided for all programs produced. The approval of the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Board of Directors must be obtained prior to any reuse or reproduction of the cable product. Signature: Date: 1/26/06 (If applicant is under 18 years old, signature(s) of parent(s) is required.) Attachment G (2) I understand that the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules governing the content and nature of public access channels. I further understand that local cable operators have developed additional rules governing the airing of proposed productions on public access television. I agree to comply with the appropriate rules governing the content and nature of programming airing on public access television. As a non-resident, please explain below how your production would directly benefit the citizens of Carlsbad: CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11 ] C - Community Events (7) PI - Public Information (20) CVE - ComedyA/ariety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 04/05-1 The Election Process PI Crowley, Mary Approved $4,142.00 $4,142.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-2 Static TV CVE Hinkle, Amanda Approved $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-3 Youth Oriented Shorts for Channel 3 CVE Dixon, Alii Approved $3,179.28 $3,179.28 7/04 Closed 04/05-4 Council Candidates Forum PI Morel, Jamie Approved $2,056.55 $2,056.55 9/04 Closed 04/05-5 Kids Are Worth A Million Telethon '05 C Aaron, Diana Approved $12,784.00 $12,784.00 10/04 Closed 04/05-6 Sailing North County A Robinson, Mark Approved $4,400.00 $4,400.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-7 Capoeira Abada - A Fighting Dance D Silva, Rosalva Approved $7,950.00 $7,950.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-8 Every 15 Minutes - LCCHS PI Logan, Nancy Approved $4,100.00 $3,350.00 3/05 Closed 04/05-9 Land of the Fr6e D Galgano, Richard Approved $5,257.36 $5,257.36 4/05 Closed 04/05-10 Lake San Marcos Chamber Music Society A Sushel, Diane Approved $15,726.00 $5,242.00 4/05 Closed 05/06-1 History of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad D Ron Sipiora Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8/05 Closed 05/06-2 An Encounter with Karl Renz C Gary Elliott Approved $4,157.00 $4,157.00 9/05 Closed 05/06-3 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '06 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $16,934.00 10/05 Closed 05/06-4 A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol CVE Walton Jones Approved $5,332.00 $5332.00 11/05 Closed 05/06-5 Kelp: Rebuilding the Forest D Jeff Stone & Tracy Phillips Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 1/06 Closed 05/06-6 Carlsbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $38,690.00 $38,690.00 2/06 Closed 05/06-7 Earth Day 2006 Celebration CVE Khevin Barnes Approved $5,095.00 $4,000.00 4/06 Closed 05/06-8 Carlsbad State of the City 2006 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,000.00 $13,000.00 6/06 Closed 06/07-1 Carlsbad Council Chambers Audio Lisa Hildabrand Approved $14,907.38 $14,907.38 9/06 Closed 06/07-2 CHSTV - Carlsbad High School Broadcasting E Doug Green Approved $3,821.00 $3,821.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-3 2006 City Council Candidates' Forum C Michael Babowal Approved $3,056.00 $3,056.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-4 Classical Piano Recital A Bonnie Violi Approved $3,853.00 $3,853.00 11/06 Closed 06/07-5 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '07 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $17,334.00 11/06 Closed CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) PI - Public Information (20) CVE - Comedy/Variety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 06/07-6 The Hutchins Consort Presents All That Jazz CVE Joseph McNalley Approved $4,093.00 $3,973.00 12/06 Closed 06/07-7 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner E Toni Padron Approved $6,380.00 $6,380.00 1/07 Closed 06/07-8 A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community CVE Gary Adcock & Judy Pisciotta Approved $12,110.00 $6,000.00 1/07 Open 06/07-9 Environmental Film Festival CVE Winifred Meiser Approved $5,405.00 $5,405.00 3/07 Open 06/07-10 Carlsbad Community Programming •*iPI*| Lisa Hildabrand Approved $39,880.00 $39,880.00 6/07 Open 07/08-1 Cadsbad State of the City 2007 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,150.00 $13,150.00 7/07 Open