HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-13; Community Television Foundation; Minutes> Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Minutes, Regular Meeting August 13, 2007 Board Members: Present: Bob Bender, Scott Pieratt, Hary Kauffman, Elisa Williamson Absent: Phil Urbina City Staff: Present: Absent: Denise Vedder Time Wamer Cable Staff: Present: Absent: Ned Augustenborg Also in Attendance: Tracy Gastelo CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Bender called the meeting to order at 4:45 pm. I. MINUTES A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 14, 2007 ACTION: No action taken due to lack of quomm attending from the Regular Meeting of June 14,2007 B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2007 ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of July 19, 2007. Member Pieratt seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: None. VOTE: 3-0-1 AYES; Bender, Pieratt, Williamson NOES: NOT PRESENT: Urbina ABSTAIN: Kauffinan II. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS A. APPROVAL OF THE 2007/2008 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION BUDGET The Foundation reviewed a drafted 2007/2008 Budget with City Staff Liaison Vedder. Vedder communicated to the Board a discrepancy in forecasted income from Time Wamer to the City of Carlsbad in franchise fees, affecting the CCTVF Budget. Vedder and the Foundation's Board discussed approving a 2007/2008 Budget so open grants and Minutes ~ August 9, 2007 V CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION MINUTES Meeting of August 9, 2007 Page 2 encumbered expenses may be paid as well as have some funding for new grants. The Board and Vedder also discussed reviewing the approved CCTVF Budget in future months for possible amendments. ACTION: Vice Chair Williamson motioned to approve the 2007/2008 CCTVF Budget with the forecasted Total Expenditure of $174,300 and forecasted Total Revenues of $134,000.00. DISCUSSION: The Board discussed the deficit spending of the past year, the balance of reserves, and the possibility of amending the Budget in the CCTVF meeting of September 13, 2007. City Staff Liaison Vedder suggested having a City Staff Accountant attend the next meeting of the CCTVF to answer any detailed questions the Board may have. VOTE: 3-1-1 AYES: Bender, Kauffinan, Williamson NOES: Pieratt NOT PRESENT: Urbina ABSTAIN: III GRANT UPDATES A. CURRENT PRODUCTIONS Ned Augustenborg discussed open grants and the Community Sports televised schedule. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The date of the next regular meeting was set for Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 4:45 p.m. at the offices of Time Wamer Cable. VIII. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of Thursday, August 9, 2007 was adjoumed by proper motion at 5:45 p.m. Respectfially submitted, DENISE VEDDER City Staff Liaison DV/tlg CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) I - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) PI - Public Information (20) CVE - Comedy/Variety/Entertain. (31) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 04/05-1 The Election Process PI Crowley, Mary Approved $4,142.00 $4,142.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-2 Static TV CVE Hinkle, Amanda Approved $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/04 Closed 04/05-3 Youth Oriented Shorts for Channel 3 CVE Dixon, Alii Approved $3,179.28 $3,179.28 7/04 Closed 04/05-4 Council Candidates Forum PI Morel, Jamie Approved $2,056.55 $2,056.55 9/04 Closed 04/05-5 Kids Are Worth A Million Telethon '05 C Aaron, Diana Approved $12,784.00 $12,784.00 10/04 Closed 04/05-6 Sailing North County A Robinson, Mark Approved $4,400.00 $4,400.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-7 Capoeira Abada - A Fighting Dance D Silva, Rosalva Approved $7,950.00 $7,950.00 2/05 Closed 04/05-8 Every 15 Minutes - LCCHS PI Logan, Nancy Approved $4,100.00 $3,350.00 3/05 Closed 04/05-9 Land of the Free D Galgano, Richard Approved $5,257.36 $5,257.36 4/05 Closed 04/05-10 Lake San Marcos Chamber Music Society A Sushel, Diane Approved $15,726.00 $5,242.00 4/05 Closed 05/06-1 History of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad D Ron Sipiora Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8/05 Closed 05/06-2 An Encounter with Karl Renz C Gary Elliott Approved $4,157.00 $4,157.00 9/05 Closed 05/06-3 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '06 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $16,934.00 10/05 Closed 05/06-4 A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol CVE Walton Jones Approved $5,332.00 $5332.00 11/05 Closed 05/06-5 Kelp: Rebuilding the Forest D Jeff Stone & Tracy Phillips Approved $3,500.00 $3,500.00 1/06 Closed 05/06-6 Carlsbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $38,690.00 $38,690.00 2/06 Closed 05/06-7 Earth Day 2006 Celebration CVE Khevin Barnes Approved $5,095.00 $4,000.00 4/06 Closed 05/06-8 Carlsbad State of the City 2006 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,000.00 $13,000.00 6/06 Closed 06/07-1 Carlsbad Council Chambers Audio Lisa Hildabrand Approved $14,907.38 $14,907.38 9/06 Closed 06/07-2 CHSTV - Carlsbad High School Broadcasting E Doug Green Approved $3,821.00 $3,821.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-3 2006 City Council Candidates' Forum C Michael Babowal Approved $3,056.00 $3,056.00 10/06 Closed 06/07-4 Classical Piano Recital A Bonnie Violi Approved $3,853.00 $3,853.00 11/06 Closed 06/07-5 Kids are Worth a Million™ Telethon '07 E Diana Aaron Approved $17,334.00 $17,334.00 11/06 Closed CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION FOUNDATION Grant Applications Sorted by DATE OF ACTION October 1995 through August 2004 Legend: A - Arts/Culture (20) 1 - Instructional/How To (11) C - Community Events (7) CVE - Comedy/Variety/Entertain. (31; PI - Public Information (20) S - Sports (28) D - Documentary/Info (17) SR - Seniors (4) E - Education (32) Grant No. Program Name Cat. Applicant Action Taken Amount Requested Amount Approved Date of Action Status 06/07-6 The Hutchins Consort Presents All That Jazz CVE Joseph McNalley Approved $4,093.00 $3,973.00 12/06 Closed 06/07-7 2007 Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner E Toni Padron Approved $6,380.00 $6,380.00 1/07 Closed 06/07-8 A Community Makes Music / Music Makes a Community CVE Gary Adcock & Judy Pisciotta Approved $12,110.00 $6,000.00 1/07 Closed 06/07-9 Environmental Film Festival CVE Winifred Meiser Approved $5,405.00 $5,405.00 3/07 Closed 06/07-10 Carlsbad Community Programming PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $39,880.00 $39,880.00 6/07 Open 07/08-1 Cadsbad State of the City 2007 PI Lisa Hildabrand Approved $13,150.00 $13,150.00 7/07 Closed Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Revenues, Expenditures and Available Cash Balance For month ended November 30, 2007 Cash before encumbrances Revenues Time Warner Payments Interest allocation Total Revenue Expenditures Grant Funds Disbursed High School Sports 2007-08 CUSD Board Meetings 2007-08 Special Live Coverage of City Events Web site hosting/maintenance Minutes clerk Printing Office Supplies Postage Tax preparation & state tax filing fees Miscellaneous Total Expenditures Encumbered funds Grant Funded Programs Special Live Coverage of City Events High School Sports 2006-07 CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 Total Encumbrances Total Expenditures & Encumbrances Available Cash Balance Fiscal Year 2007-08 Adopted Budqet YTD Actuals Balance S 243,060 S 243,060 $ 124,000 $ 116,684 $ (7,316) $ 10,000 $ 5,467 $ (4,533) $ 134,000 S 122,150 $ (11,850) $ 40,569 $ 41,821 $ (1,252) , $ 60,000 $ 27,020 $ 32,980 $ 20,000 $ -$ 20,000 $ -$ -$ - $ 500 $ -$ 500 $ 2,500 $ 315 $ 2,185 $ 1,000 $ -$ 1,000 $ 250 $ -$ 250 $ 150 $ -$ 150 $ 650 $ -$ 650 $ 250 $ -$ 250 $ 125,869 $ 69,156 $ 56,713 $ $ 1,082 $ (1,082) $ -$ -$ - $ -$ 32,980 $ (32,980) $ -$. 20,000 $ (20,000) $ -$ 54,062 $ (54,062) $ 125,869 $ 123,218 $ 2,650 $ 251,191 $ 186,347 1 of 1 Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television Program Status as of November 30, 2007 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Year-to-Date Date Authorized Program Funding Authorized Expended/ Over/ Final Source Status Reference Amount Disbursed Encumbered Total Available (Under) Total 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 High School Sports Budgeted Complete CUSD Board Meetings 2007-08 Budgeted Complete Carlsbad Community Programming Grant Funded Incomplete A Community Makes Music/Music Makes a Community Grant Funded Complete Environmental Film Festival Grant Funded Complete Carlsbad State of the City Grant Funded Complete Mulitple P118840 Mulitple PI19046 Multiple Multiple 60,000.00 20,000.00 39,880.00 6,000.00 5,405.00 13,150.00 27,020.00 17,435.00 6,000.00 4,689.00 13,697.00 32,980.00 20,000.00 836.25 246.00 60,000.00 20,000.00 18,271.25 6,000.00 4,689.00 13,943.00 21,608.75 (21,608.75) 716.00 (716.00) 793.00 60,000.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 3,973.00 14,736.00 Totals $144,435.00 S 68,841.00 $ 54,062.25 $122,903.25 $22,324.75 $(21,531.75) $104,709.00 Grants budgeted for FY2007-08 Grants authorized as of November 30, 2007 Remaining Balance 40,568.70 64,435.00 (23,866.30) Budget entry error Corrected in December (BU004353) C:\DOCUME-1\Klinb\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\CBTV_11-30-07_Dec 28-07.xls Carlsbad Community Television Foundation Revenues, Expenditures and Avaiiabie Cash Balance As of December 28, 2007 Cash before encumbrances Revenues Fiscal Year 2007-08 Adopted Budaet YTD Actuals $ 226,129 $ 226,129 Balance Time Warner Payments $ 124,000 $ 116,684 $ (7,316) Interest allocation $ 10,000 $ 5,467 $ (4,533) Total Revenue $ 134,000 $ 122,150 $ (11,850) Expenditures Grant Funds Disbursed $ 109,569 $ 41,821 $ 67,748 High School Sports 2007-08 $ 60,000 $ 34,850 $ 25,150 CUSD Board Meetings 2007-08 $ 20,000 $ 8,936 $ 11,064 Special Live Coverage of City Events $ -$ -$ Web site hosting/maintenance $ 500 $ 165 $ 335 Minutes clerk $ 2,500 $ 315 $ 2,185 Printing $ 1,000 $ -$ 1,000 Office Supplies $ 250 $ _ $ 250 Postage $ 150 $ -$ 150 Tax preparation & state tax filing fees $ 650 $ _ $ 650 Miscellaneous $ 250 $ -$ 250 Total Expenditures $ 194,869 $ 86,087 $ 108,782 Encumbered funds Grant Funded Programs $ -$ 12,082 $ (12,082) Special Live Coverage of City Events $ -$ _ $ High School Sports 2006-07 $ -$ 25,150 $ (25,150) CUSD Board Meetings 2006-07 $ -$ 11,064 $ (11,064) Total Encumbrances $ -$ 48,297 $ (48,297) Total Expenditures & Encumbrances $ 194,869 $ 134,383 $ 60,485 Available Cash Balance 165,260 $ 117,347 1 of 1 Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television Program Status as of December 28, 2007 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Year-to-Date Date Funding Authorized Expended/ Over/ Final Authorized Program Source Status Reference Amount Disbursed Encumbered Total Available (Under) Total 08/13/2007 High School Sports Budgeted Complete Mulitple 60,000.00 34,850.00 25,150.00 60,000.00 --60,000.00 08/13/2007 CUSD Board Meetings 2007-08 Budgeted Complete P118840 20,000.00 8,935.75 11,064.25 20,000.00 --20,000.00 08/13/2007 Carlsbad Community Programming Grant Funded Incomplete Mulitple 39,880.00 17,435.00 11,836.25 29,271.25 10,608.75 (10,608.75) - 08/13/2007 A Community Makes Music/Music Makes a Community Grant Funded Complete PI19046 6,000.00 6,000.00 -6,000.00 --6,000.00 08/13/2007 Environmental Film Festival Grant Funded Complete Multiple 5,405.00 4,689.00 -4,689.00 716.00 (716.00) 3,973.00 08/13/2007 Carlsbad State of the City Grant Funded Complete Multiple 13,150.00 13,697.00 246.00 13,943.00 -793.00 14,736.00 Totals $144,435.00 $ 85,606.75 $ 48,296.50 $133,903.25 $11,324.75 $(10,531.75) $104,709.00 Grants budgeted for FY2007-08 Grants aulhorized as of 12/28/2007 Remaining Balance 109,568.70 64,435.00 45,133.70 C:\DOCUME-1\Klinb\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\CBTV_12-28-07_Dec28-07.xiE