HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-22; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Time of Meeting: 5:30 p.m.
Date of Meeting: December 22, 1982
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairman
Pro Tem Jerry Rombotis.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Pro Tem Jerry Rombot
Members Present: Jerry Rombotis
Clarence Schlehuber
John McCoy
Robert Holmes
Absent: Mary Marcus
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Mgr
Charlie Grimm, Principal Planner
Dan Henstchke, Assistant City Attorney
Item #I RP/CUP 82-3, LADWXG - Request for a redevelopment
permit/conditional use permit to allow for the construction
of a 48-unit senior citizen housing project on the northeast
corner of Jefferson Street and Oak Avenue in the V-R zone.
Mr. Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave the
staff report. This is a CUP application 82-3 for a redevelop
ment permit/conditional use permit for the construction of a
48-unit senior housing project on the northeast corner of
Jefferson Street and Oak Avenue in the Village Redevelopment
zone. This project has been around for a long time. It
spawned the senior ordinance that we now have in the city
which resulted in density bonuses for senior projects for
which this project was the beneficiary. There are three
exhibits showing this project. The density for khis project
is 75 dwellings per acre and is in conformance with the zonin,
ordinance. The project was at one time okayed by the Redevel
ment Commission and the City Council for a block grant assist
Federal assistance--but it was not necessary. At this time
the project is submitted for final approval. The applicant
is here to give a presentation and smff recommends approval.
In answer to Member McCoy's question and Chairman Pro Tem
Rombo tis reques t, Mr. Salomone reviewed the Revised Site
Plan and said that would be the conditioning document for
the project. Mr. Salomone stated the Resolution as included
in the packet has been revised. It is a new Resolution. The
reason for the error in the first place is that two other
senior projects have recently been approved by the city and
they had certain conditions that applied to them. These
conditions automatically were included in this project. This
project is the grandfather of all senior projects in the city
and has gone through discretionary approval before and it
seemed unduly restrictive to make them adhere to the other
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 22, 1982 Page 2
RP/CUP 82-3 (Continued)
Resolution No. 002 replaces the copy attached to the staff
report for this project. It eliminates Condition No. 5 of
the old Resolution because it was in conflict with Condition
No. 17. Condition No. 12 in the old Resolution was revised
by the addition of the following wording:
Part of this yearly review will be to determine if all
buildings, landscaping and parking areas are being
maintained in a condition acceptable to the Building
and Planning Director, Fire Marshal, Parks and Recreation
Director and Land Use Planning Manager.
Condition No. 14 of the old Resolution was revised to elimi-
nate Section "d", which required two-thirds of the units shal:
be limited to occupancy by tenants who do not have automobile!
This condition had been applied to the two previous senior
housing projects due to limited number of parking spaces
provided in those projects. Since this project is providing
one space for every two units, which is significantly higher,
staff and applicant feel there should be no restriction on
automobile ownership by the tenants. Staff is satisfied
there is plenty of parking.
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis opened the public hearing at 5:40 p
and extended the invitation to speak.
Mr. Bob Ladwig, Carlsbad, addressed the Board. He stated the:
agree with the clauses in the new Resolution. They are
acceptable to them and they were pleased a new Resolution
was presented. There is one change in the plan. Mr. Ladwig
used maps placed on the wall to show this change. He explain1
there would be patios added at the first level. This was not
on the original plan. They are at 3 feet and 6 feet and are
the only change. This is a good addition to the plan and
provides a buffer between the people and the street and ask
that the Board approve. He stated their Architect was presen
and willing to answer any questions.
Chairman Pro Tern Rombotis asked for questions to be addressed
to either Mr. Ladwig or their Architect.
Mr. Ladwig stated he did have one coment regarding Condition
No. 21 of the Resolution. This pertains to the alley improve
ment along the back of the project. Stated they are trying
to hold costs down and would like the Board to consider
delaying this to the future, with the provision if the projec
ever converts to a standard project, it would be improved at
that time. The property across the alley is improved up to t
alley and is in pretty good shape. Would like to delete this
condition unless converted at a future time.
Chairman Pro Tern Rombotis asked Mr. Ladwig whether their acce,
came off that alley and Mr. Ladwig answered it comes through
the alley but the main access is off of Jefferson Street.
Member McCoy asked Mr. Ladwig how far the 6-ft. patios extend
into the right-of-way and also what was involved in the city
standards on the 20-ft. alley. Mr. Ladwig answered the patio
were 6 feet into the setback--20 feet from the property line.
Also, on the alley, if it needs to be improved, it should
be done. They only wanted to hold costs down.
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis asked for staff's comment on the
request to delete the half-alley improvement. Mr. Salomone
h \
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 22, 1982 Page 3
RP/CUP 82-3 (Continued)
stated that staff would like to see it included.
Member Holmes asked what was going to happen to the tree on
the property; agreed with the paving of the alley. Felt it
would be a mess within a year.
sidewalks on both sides of the street is bad. The shrubs
and trees are kicking them up. Asked if there is a plan to
upgrade them. Mr. Ladwig answered that the tree is going to
stay and they would do whatever the Engineering Department
required with regard to sidewalks.
Stated the condition of
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis stated that a final inspection woulc
be made.
Member Schlehuber asked what staff felt on the 6-ft. setback
and Mr. Salomone answered they had no objection.
Member Holmes asked of the patios would be enclosed and Mr.
Ladwig answered there would be fencing 6 ft. high on Oak
Street and 42 inches high on Jefferson--42 inches where set-
back is 10 ft. and 6 ft. where setback is 20 ft.
Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Chairman Pro
Tem Rombotis closed the public hearing at 5:46 p.m. and openec
Board discussion.
Mr. Salomone stated if the Board approved the request for
fencing in the encroachment area, the date of March 27, 1982,
for Exhibits A & D should be changed to December 22, 1982.
This is in the Resolution and would then be the plan the
city would use.
The Board adopted Resolution 002, recommending approval of
Condition Use permit for a privately funded senior citizen
housing project on property generally located on the northeast
corner of Jefferson Street and Oak Street, subject to changing
the date in the General Conditions of the Resolution to
December 22, 1982. If the condition isn't set out, as revisec
resolution presented tonight. Member McCoy seconded the motic
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis announced that CUP 82-2 has been
Item #2 - Rp/CUP 82-4, FRED HOWE GRADING, INC. - Request for
approval of a Redevelopment Permit to allow use of a trailer/
mobile home as a temporary commercial office on the west side
of State Street, west of Beech Avenue, in the railroad right-
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis announced the Board had received a
letter requesting continuance to January 12, 1983 on this
ma t ter .
The Design Review Board approved the request for continuance
to January 12, 1983 for Item #2 - RP-CUP 82-4, FRED HOWE
GRADING, INC. Member McCoy seconded the motion.
Rombo tis
Rombo tis
Sc hl e hube r
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 22, 1982 Page 4
Item #3 - RP 82-5, WEBER - Request for a Development Permit
to allow the establishment of an office building on the
northwest corner of Beech Avenue and Roosevelt Street.
Mr. Salomone gave the staff report on applicant's proposal fo:
a combination one-story, two-story office building to contain
3,859 square feet. This is in the Village Redevelopment Zone
The proposal meets the ten parking spaces requirement (one
space for 400 square feet of office space) and is the type
of development staff feels should be encouraged. This projec
would replace a delapidated duplex at that location. Exhibit:
were posted on the wall. The applicant was present to answer
questions. Staff recommended the Design Board approve the
Negative Declaration and adopt this Resolution No. 003.
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis asked for any questions.
Member Holmes asked about the tree at the rear of the propert:
and staff did not know at this time.
Member McCoy asked whether the new business license tax appli
and Mr. Salomone stated the ordinance was not yet in effect.
The Assistant City Attorney stated this was the first project
under the new provision and it had been omitted.
request that the conditions be changed to include the require
ment of execution of public facilities agreement and payment
of the fee.
He would
Member McCoy stated he understood all outside improvements ar
in and Mr. Salomone added that they are voluntarily putting
in new sidewalks and a wheelchair ramp.
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis opened the public hearing at
5:55 p.m. and extended the invitation to speak.
Mr. Jim Weber, 2653 Roosevelt Street, owner and applicant,
addressed the Board. He stated the tree at the back will hav
one large limb removed, but the tree itself will be retained.
However, the trees in front will not stay.
Member Schlehuber asked if the ten parking spaces would make
the parking tight and Mr. Weber said the ten spaces would not
crowd the parking. They are more than meeting the minimum
requirement, including a handicapped space and none of the
spaces indicated compact cars, Two of the occupants fall
under the 800 square feet requirement, as they have no
customer service at all. They are substantially over the
minimum on the parking and do conform to the one space for
every 400 feet.
Member McCoy asked if five spaces were covered and five space
uncovered and Mr. Weber answered they were tucking five under
neath due to the slope of the property.
Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Chairman Pro
Tem Rombotis closed the public hearing at 5:56 p.m.
The Board approved the Negative Declaration issued by the
Land Use Planning Manager and adopted Resolution No. 003
approving RP 82-5, subject to the payment of the public
facilities fee. Member Holmes seconded the motion.
Rombo tis
Ho lme s
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 22, 1982 Page 5
Item #4 - RP 82-7, SIGN PERMIT - LA JOLLA BANK - Approving
RP-82-7 - sign permit for La Jolla Bank allowing signing at
northwest corner of Elm and Jefferson Streets.
Mr. Chris Salomone gave the staff report on this application
for a sign permit from La Jolla Bank to allow a sign at the
northwest corner of Elm and Jefferson. Staff asked them to
reduce the size and they agreed. Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis opened the public hearing, but sincc
no one wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was
closed at 5:58 p.m.
The Assistant City Attorney stated this is a minor change and
the Design Review Board has final authority. The word
"recommends" should be deleted and the word "approval" changec
to "approves".
The Design Review Board adopted Resolution No. 005 approving
RP 82-7 - a sign permit application for La Jolla Bank.
Member McCoy seconded the motion.
Item f5 - RP 82-8, SIGN PERMIT - OLD WORLD CENTER - Denying
application for tree guard signing at northwest corner of
Madison and Grand.
Mr. Chris Salomone gave the staff report on this application
for a sign at the northwest corner of Grand and Madison Avenut
by the Old World Center, Mr. Murphy is the applicant.
Member Schlehuber stated he would abstain from this item as
he represents.Mr. Murphy at times.
Mr. Salomone stated the unique sign proposal was a duplicatioi
of one Mr. Murphy saw in Europe. The sign is located wholly
in the public right-of-way and staff recommends the Design
Review Board deny the request as it does not conform to the
Municipal Code. Since it is on the public right-of-way, it
would present many problems, such as maintenance, liability,
etc. If it were on their own property, it would be different
As the Assistant City Attorney recommends, the word "recommenc
should be struck and the word "deny" inserted. The Design
Review Board has final authority. It was felt that staff
could amend the Design Manual so this type of sign might be
considered at some future date. As the ordinance is set up
now, this sign could not be approved.
Members Holmes, Schlehuber and Rombolis all agreed they liked
the concept of the sign and felt it could be a unique signin]
in what is to be a unique part of the city. Would like to
see the sign drawn in proportion and would like to have staff
bring it back for design review.
to have it re-submitted at a later time. It was felt it
could become a theme to be carried out in that particular arel
All agreed they would like
Member Schlehuber asked what the filing fee was and Mr. Salomi
answered there was none as it was against the ordinance and
he did not feel they should file for a permit. He wanted to
get the Board's opinion at this time.
Rombo tis
Schl ehub er
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 22, 1982 Page 6
The Design Review Board adopted Resolution No. 006 denying
RP 82-8 as submitted. Member McCoy seconded the motion.
Salomone gave a report on the discussion of procedures for
the Design Review Board. Staff was directed to return with
Rules of Conduct for Planning Commission. These rules can
be adopted for the Design Review Board.
back for your consideration officially as rules of conduct
for the Design Review Board.
They are brought
Chairman Pro Tern Rombotis asked for discussion.
Member McCoy asked if the meeting date is included and Mr.
Salomone replied it will be. The staff will revise these
rules and bring them to the meeting in January for you to
consider .
Chairman Pro Tem Rombotis stated these rules of conduct would
be used as a guide line for rules for the Design Review Board
Member Holmes stated he had read through these rules quite
thoroughly and since this Board is an extension of the Planni,
Commission, felt it should be guided by the same format as
the Planning Commission.
There was a discussion about the Planning Commission not havi
a time limit on speakers. It was determined they do have one
but it has not been enforced.
The Design Review Board instructed staff to adapt the Rules
of Conduct of the Planning Commission to the Design Review
Board with proper phrases relating to meeting dates, times,
revisions necessary in the language, and bring these rules
to the January 12, 1983 meeting. Member McCoy seconded the
No action is required on this item.
The minutes of the Design Review Board Meeting, November 24,
1982, were approved as submitted. Member McCoy seconded
the motion.
Member Schlehuber made a motion that Chairman Pro Tem Romboti
be named Vice-chairman for the coming year. Member Holmes
seconded the motion.
By proper motion meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m. until
January 12, 1983.
Rombo tis
Rombo tis
Sc hlehuber
Rombo tis
Rombo tis