HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-13; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
The of Meeting: 5:30 p.m.
Date of Meeting: July 13, 1983 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
The Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Marcus.
Present: Chairperson Marcus, Vice-chairman
Rombotis, Members McCoy, Holmes and
Absent: None.
Staff Menkers Present:
Chris Salomone, Comnuni ty Redevelopment Manaqer Marty Orenyak, Director, Building b Planning Patty Cratty, AAII, Redevelopment
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairperson Marcus.
1. RP 83-10 - EARSON - A request for approval of a Minor Redevelopnent Permit to refurbish the interior of an existing office building at 2725 Jefferson St. on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Laguna Drive.
Chris Salomne, Comnunity Redevelopment Manager, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff memrandum.
Memher Schlehuber stated the entrance blocks off the offices on the first floor. to the fact that this work has already been mnpleted and this permit is after the fact.
Also, he stated he objected
Member McCoy agreed that the offices in the rear, on the first floor, are cut off from the Jefferson Street
entrance. He also irquired whether the building has been studied as far as an emergency exit.
Staff answered the buildinq had been inspected and there was no problem with the design.
Chairperson Marcus opened the public hearing at 5:37
p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public testimony portion was closed.
The Desiqn Review Board approved RP 83-lO-Barson, a Minor Redevelopment Permit to refurbish the interior of an existing office buildinq at 2725 Jefferson Street and Laguna Drive.
Chris Salomne, Comnunity Redevelopment Manager, stated
he would like to address the matter of permits for work
already conpleted.
the Director of Building and Planning, and the policy
had been to allow applicants to proceed with the work. However, this was done at risk that the work might have to be amended. Mr. Salomne stated that in the future the applicants will be notified that they cannot proceed
until discretionary approval has been received. that has been done prior to approval is subject to
revision or removal if not approved. Mr. Salomne
further stated this was not the proper way to proceed.
He stated he had discussed this with
Rombotis McCoy Holmes
July 13, 1983 Page 2
Redevelopment Permit to convert an existinq residence to
FU? 83-6 - FEINBERG -Request for modification of a
a Psoria& Treatment Center on the west side of
Jefferson Street at Home Street.
Chris Salomne, Cmnity Redevelopment Manager, gave
the report on this item as contained in the staff memrandum, using wall maps showing the asroved plan and the revised plan. The parking has been mved
farther back on the lot to save some mature trees which
would have been destroyed in the original plan.
parking meets all requirements. Also, the original plan
called for a masonry wall in the rear to screen the
parking from the neighbors.
a cedar, vine-covered fence instead of the wall.
The applicant is proposing
Drainage was a problem on this lot and the neighbor conplained to the City through his attorney that another
rainy winter would conplicate this problem.
applicant was notified approval would not be given until
the drainage problem was taken care of.
been done and inspected by the Building Department and
it meets City standards and would be accepted.
This has now
Chairperson Marcus opened the public hearing at 5:43
p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public testimony portion was closed.
Menber Holmes cormrented he had driven by this building
and the color scheme was not attractive. The bad features of the building have been accented.
The Board Menkers stated they would like to get back to seeing color schemes again and sanples of paint and materials.
Menher Schlehuber stated his concern regarding the handicapped parking space on this project, as it is not as close as it should be. for future projects as this one is already conpleted.
Also, Mr. Schlehuber stated the Board should see to it that the applicant adheres to the conditions and color schemes as set out originally.
He continued, stating this is
The handicapped parking space was discussed again by the
Board, with the thought that perhaps a space could be marked up closer to the entrance. Chairperson Marcus added that State handicapped guidelines mst be followed, and there is nothing that says the space mst
be in front of the entrance. can't do that.
If it is inpractical, they
The Design Review Board approved RP 83-6 - FEINBERG -
Request for modification of a Redevelopment Permit.
The Design Review Board voted to direct staff to enforce the color code previously approved on this project.
Marcus mnbtis McCoy Holmes Schlehuber
McCoy Holmes Schlehuber
July 13, 1983 Page 3
Application to remodel a vacant two-story building and
charge the uses at 2940 State Street.
Chris Salomne gave the reprt on this item as contained in the staff memrandum. and the property is in escrow at the present time. new Owner is proposing a different use than originally approved and also a new exterior and interior. use would be a retail sportinq goods store on the ground floor and office professional on the second floor. proposed use is conpatible with the area and the exterior plan is similar to the original plan.
Salomne used a wall map to show the proposed project and color sanples were attached.
This is a change in Ownership
The new
Member Schlehuber mmnted the Board had requested to
see the building fronts of adjoining buildings to see if the proposed exterior is mrrpatible with existing buildings, and Chairperson Marcus agreed this is somethinu the Board had discussed before and would like to have presented with each project.
Chris Salomne apologized to the Board for the lack of exanples of adjacent buildings and stated this is the first actual major facelift on the east side of State Street and the buildiinq to the south is proposing a facelift.
staff will work with the applicant to make certain the building fronts are conpatible.
At the time that proposal is considered,
Chairman Marcus opened the public hearing at 5:57 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Carol Anderson, the Owner, had a photoqraph showing what the building would look like and shawed this to the E3oard. In answer to query, it was stated the rock on
the building would be removed. there was a sanple of the type of wood below the wall
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public testimony was closed at 5:59 p.m.
The applicant stated
The Design Review Board approved RP 83-4 - GRINDELL (Anderson) Application to remodel two-story building and change uses at 2940 State Stret.
Member Schlehuber requested that elevations in packets
be colored up for Board Members.
4. RP 82-12 - (ROYCE) Application to remodel a 2,400- mare foot addition at 655 Laguna Drive in Sub-area 6
of the V-R Zone. (VFW Building)
Chris Salomone gave the staff report on this item as
mntained in the aqenda packet, usinq a wall map to indicate the revised plan.
Chairperson Marcus opened the public hearing at 6:03 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Marcus Romtmtis
Holmes Schlehuber
q P -
July 13, 1983 Page 4
Mr. Jack Matteson, Architect, 3255 Wing Street, San Diego, addressed the Board, stating the crux of the problem had been stated in the letter to Mr. Salomne,
which was attached to the packet. handicapped parking space right in the front of the building.
He added there was a
In answer to query, Mr. Matteson stated the roof was going to be left as is to save expense. He felt when the building was redone and the landscaping installed, the roof would not be as offensive. There is a stair structure in the rear that goes to the patio structure on the roof, which is also for maintaining the air conditioning equipment.
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public testimony was closed at 6:07 p.m.
Merrber McCoy asked staff whether the Board had approved
this without the sidewalk and Mr. Salomne explained the
sidewalk would be installed at a later time when the
other portions were installed, but the space has been dedicated by the applicant.
The Design Review Ebard approved FU? 82-12 - (ROYCE) Application to remodel office building at 655 Laguna Drive.
Member Schlehuber requested the name of applicant be given to the Board on the reports to enable the Menbers to determine whether any conflict of interest might exist.
5. FU? 83-11 - BIG BEAR SUPERMARKETS - Request to redesign parking lot and add 4,675 square feet of
building area at Poinsettia Plaza.
Chris Salomne gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report. submitted a sign design as requested by staff two meetings ago.
The applicant has not
Chairperson Marcus opened the public hearing at 6:13 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Roger Reynolds, Architect for Big Bear, addressed
the Board, stating he had not been informed about the sign situation. The redesign of the parking lot and building are a separate entity and he stated he was under the inpression the sign redesign was being taken care of by someone else.
Board approve the present request and consider the sign at a later date. the design of the building.
Mr. Reynolds requested the
He also referred to a wall map showing
The Board Merr33ers asked about the medians to be installed in that area and the traffic problems created
by Big Bear and the new motel across the street.
The suggestion was made the Board would like to have staff report back regarding the median work. Salomne stated he would report back to the Board on this.
Marcus Rombot&.;
McCoy Holmes Schlehuber
July 13, 1983 Page 5
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
public testimony was closed at 6:22 p.m.
Member Schlehuber commented the Board has not seen
enough of the plans for this project.
Member McCoy agreed and stated he would like to see the
elevation on the west side of the alley and for the store on the east side.
Marty Orenyak, Director of Building & Planning, stated
he agreed with the Board that mre information is needed and he remmnded this item be continued until the elevations are received and a mre adequate description of the parking lot is received and action is taken to clean up the center.
Member Ronbtis added that the problems existing on Oak Street should be addressed also.
The Design Review Board voted to continue this item for
30 days to enable staff to asshle mre information on
the proposed project.
6. the Redevelopment Area.
Amendment to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan within
Chris Salmne reported this was an informational item only and no action was necessary. Redevelopment Comnission approved this unanimously and the amendment had been forwarded to the Coastal Comnission. meeting, and the staff there has assured the staff at Carlsbad this will be approved. projects in the Redevelopment Area that are affected would only have to appear before the Design Review Board and not apply for a Coastal permit.
He reported the
?he item has been docketed for their August
After approval,
Chris Salolnone referred to the report mntained in the
The Minutes of the Meeting held May 11, 1983, were approved as presented.
By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted ,
CHRIS SACOMONE Comnity Redevelopment Manager
Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk
Marcus Ronbotis McCoy Holmes Schlehuber
Marcus Ronbtis McCoy Holmes Schlehuber