HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-22; Design Review Board; Minutes.-
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Time of Meeting: 5:30 p.m. Date of Meeting: February 22, 1984
Place of Meeting: City Council Chanters
The Meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by Chairman McCoy.
Present: Chairman McCoy, Mars Rcdmtis, Schlehuber and Marcus.
Absent: Menher Holmes.
Staff Merr33ers Present:
Chris Salomone, Comnunity Redevelopment Manager Patty Cratty, AAII, Redevelopment
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman McCoy.
2. Rp 84-1 - WIN INNS - Request for a Redevelopment
Permit to refurbish the Twin Inns restaurant, construct
163 hotel units and 11,025 square feet of retail space on property surrounded by Carlsbad Boulevard, Elm
§Avenue, Grand Avenue and Washington Stret in Sub-area
5 of the V-R zone.
Chairman McCoy announced that due to the absence of
Member Holmes and conflict of interest by two Members
of the Design Review Board, there was not a quorum
present for this item. The applicant has requested a
continuance until Monday, February 27, 1984, at 5:30
p.m. in the Council Chambers.
The Design Review Board continued Item 2, RP 84-1 -
TWIN INNS, until Monday, February 27, 1984, at 5:30
p.m. in the Council Chambers, at a special meeting.
Chairman McCoy announced a change in the Agenda order as follows: Review Board would be Item #3, followed by the approval of the Minutes. The mnsensus of the Board was to agree to this hange in order.
The next item to be heard by the Design
3. RP 84-2 - CARCQA, INC. - Request for a use permit
to allow an auto body repair service and upholstery shop at 2586-2598 State Street.
Chris Salomone, Comnity Redevelopment Manager, gave the presentation an this item as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the project site.
The Design Review Board adopted the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION No. 029, approving a redevelopment permit to
allow an auto body repair service and upholstery shop on property generally located at 2586-2598 State
McCoy Rombotis Schlehuber Marcus
McCoy -tis Schlehuber Marcus
February 22, 1984 Page 2
The Minutes of the January 25, 1984, Meeting were approved as presented.
1, Rp 813-15/CUP-240 - NEILSON -Request for approval of a Redevelopment Permit and a Conditional Use Permit to construct an 18-unit senior apartment project on the west side of Roosevelt Street, south of Pine Avenue in
the V-R zone.
Chris Salomne, Cormunity Redevelopment Manager, stated
the applicant has requested a continuation of this item.
Chairman McCoy cpened the public hearing at 5:42 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Kennith L. Chriss, Architect on the project,
addressed the Board representing Mr. Neilsen.
stated they needed to clarify the language with the
Redevelopment plan in order to determine the
possibility of this project hamning. Mr. Chriss
requested the item be mntinued until the next regular
meeting of the Design Review Board.
Chairman McCoy asked for testimony from anyone not able to attend the next Design Review Meeting.
Consuelo J. Trejo, 3383 Adams, addressed the Board, stating she apposed this project based on staff's findings. She submitted a list of names, which is made part of the record.
Mr. Ralph Martinez, 3243 Roosevelt, addressed the Board in apposition to this project, stating it is not conrpatible with the area.
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 5:46 p.m.
The Design Review Board continued this item, FP 83-15
CUP-240 - NEILSEN, to March 14, 1984,
By proper mtion, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. to Monday, February 27, 1984, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted,
-LJb-042 CHRIS S"E Conanunity Redevelopment Manager
Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk
McCoy Rombotis Schlehuber Marcus
McCoy Rombotis Schlehuber Marcus
Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: February 27, 1984 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 5:31 P.N. by Chairman McCoy.
Present: Chairman McCoy, Members Yarcus and
Absent: Members Rombotis and Schlehuber
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager
Marty Orenyak, Building and Planning Director
Ron Beckman, City Engineer Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
1. RP 84-1 - TWIN INNS - Request for a Redevelop- ment permit to returbish the Twin Inns restaurant,
construct 3.63 hotel units and 11,025 square feet of retail space on property surrounded by Carlsbad Boulevard, Elm Avenue, Grand Avenue and Washington Street in Sub-area 5 of the V-R zone.
Yr. Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, presented staff report giving an overview of the
procedures that have taken place since November 198: regarding this project. Mr. Salomone stated that
staff and the applicant (developer) have worked hard to come up with conditions for approval of thi: project. Mr. Salomone noted that engineering conditions were handed out prior to the commencemeni of the meeting.
Presentation was given by Chris Salomone using
graphics and site plans on display which depicted
the events that have taken place over the last
several months in regard to the proposal and change! that have occured as a result of many scoping meetings with staff and the developers. Staff
reiterated that the applicant has worked very hard
to come up with the present site plan that was now
before the board. *Mr. Salomone stated that a key
element of this project was that it did not precludc
the citizens and public from access to the project.
Site plan indicates applicants attempt to complimeni
the present Victorian structure and architecture of the Twin Inns. Discussion was held on the condi-
tions of the parking problem and the circulation
problem since the project is located at a prime arterial and secondary collector.
Discussion held on parking stating that it will be in an underground configuration approximately 45-
50% of lot with access to structure off Washington Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. Public access has
been opened up on all four sides of project. Mr. Salomone noted that t5.e qoal of the Redevelopment Area was to create a iriilaue and ~;des+rian type
atmosphere. The developer has oriented project to direct guests towards the downtown area. Will be
providing pedestrian access betwen Eim and Grand.
February 27, 1984 Design Review Board Page 2
Rotary Park will no longer be involved in project other than being adjacent. All parking will be on
property of applicant or on lot across on Grand. Applicant agreed to provide one way circulation
with right turn only at front, entering on Carlsbac
Boulevard exiting on Elm Avenue. Entrance to
underground parking will be a two way entrance. Two entrances and exits on Washington Street will be consolidated at northern most aisle. Number of parking spaces was discussed. Mr. Salomone noted that at this time the Twin Inns only had 66 parkin<
spaces and if applicant were to come in today it
would require 153 spaces. Applicant was asked to
bring Twin Inns up to code to meet parking
requirements in addition, providing parking for
hotel, banquet and retail. In consideration of
"shared use" a 15% reduction is allowed. Therefort
to meet City ordinance the number of parking spaces is 309. At this point, with off site parkir underground and surface facilities designed, applicant is providing 288 parking spaces. Staff feels that on this size of project this parking was acceptable for recommendation of approval on
parking issue. Mr. Salomone also noted that there were a number of public parking lots that could be
used in the area (within 300 foot radius) includin<
an 81 space parking lot that could credit project.
It was pointed out that this time North County Transit District could still loop through Washingtc Street and onto routes. Question was that there
are 12 on-street parking spaces now on Grand and
North County Transit District needed that area as
a timing stop. This results in buses being
stationed directly in front of the proposed retail site.
Discussion was held for clarification of issues
being given by staff.
Chairman McCoy opend public hearing with the
following persons addressing the Board:
Ken Reed, 4051 Sunnyhill, Carlsbad, California, representing applicant addressed board. Pointed
out that this project was a destination resort. The intention of the project was and is to bring
people into Carlsbad. Project will have luxury
suites and large banquet facility, also retail
shops. Plr. Reed stated that since the last Design
Review Board meeting alot of the major issues have
been resolved. He felt Mr. Salomone covered the
issues and concerns in his staff presentation.
John Landry, 4075 Sunnyhill, Carlsbad, California, architect, gave brief presentation. With the assistance of the site plans on display Mr. Landry gave an overview of how applicants and staf: have met an2 worked on the project. Presentation was given on the multiple phases of the project revisions. Mr. Landry emphasized that they are trying to keep with the Victorian detailing and vocabulary of the existing structure.
Chairman McCoy asked if anyone would like to give
additional testimony in favor or opposition to the
February 27, 1984 Design Review Board Page 3
Gerald Signcolf, 23011 flaulton Parkway, Suite 1-9 Laguna Hills, California, addressed board speaking on behalf of the Fisherman Supply Center. He stated that they are in favor of the project. He asked if
Engineering Department addressed sewer easement that is going through the project. He requested this to
be a condition of approval.
Mr. Salomone stated that it has not been addressed,
staff was not aware of an easement but it will be addressed.
Mr. Landry replied that the sewer easement had been
checked into. Their surveyor inspected it and it
was abondoned, man hole had been filled with sand.
They were told it was a matter of a routine legal matter to have if officially abandoned.
Dr. Harold Jensen, 2924 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Carlsbad, addressed board stating he owns property
next door and that sewer does go over to Fisheman
Supply and through lot. Dr. Jensen noted that last
week sewer people were out because they a problem
with the line.
Vr. Tom Lichterman, Associate Planner, North County
Transit District addressed board representing North
County Transit District. Reviewed site plan and staff report based on the project as they knew it two weeks ago prior to this evening's changes and stated that North County Transit District has to
recommend denial.
Xr. Lichterman, used site plan to address board for his presentation noting that this was not just a bus
stop, it was a transfer point. System in North County is a timed transfer bus system. Mr. Lichterm explained North County Transit District timed tranfe system. Location has to accommodate five buses to
provide type of service. A shortened bus stop would
not accommodate services. Need to use curb line on Grand Avenue. Discussion was held depicting concern of North County Transit District and it was pointed out that all concerns were addressed in a letter to the board and staff which they had received (and
here attached). Transfer point is in ideal location and concern was raised on parking on west side of
Washington Street with buses coming down to make the
loop. Mr. Lichterman also addressed the unsafe
situation that would occur if buses had to make the turn around on State Street. Concern was raised on
impact project would have if not designed with consideration of future light rail transit use.
Xr. Lichterman noted that North County Transit District was and is willing to work with staff and
developer to modify project in a manner that would be satisfactory to everyone's needs.
February 27, 1984 Design Review Board Page 4
Jhairman McCoy asked if North County Transit District had made any attempt to relocate in area.
Yr. Lichterman replied he did not receive any infor- nation on the project prior to February.
"airman McCoy asked if there was anyone else who
qished to speak either for or against project.
Zhairman McCoy also asked staff if there was ny 3iscussion regarding the reworking of the traffic signals at Elm Avenue and Grand and Carlsbad Boulevard.
W. Salomone replied that originally that was
included as condition of approval, since then the
Zity Engineer has indicated that those are capital public facility improvement items and City will deal
Ath those issues.
Since there was no one else wishing to speak in
regard to RP 84-1 Twin Inns the public hearing was
zlosed ,
3iscussion among board was held with Member Marcus
3ddressing the floor with the suggestion of ?ossibility of using part of Rotary Park for North Zounty Transit District to relocate.
3iscussion held regarding a compromise for the bus situation. Plr. Lichterman noted that North County Transit District could not move transfer point too
far and that Elm and Grand Avenues are the only
signalized thoroughfares in the area.
W. Salomone stated that they could work with the
rransit District and try and determine if there was somewhere within a few blocks to move transfer point.
Yember Holmes stated that he finds the sewer ease-
nent, bus stop and Roarty Park being major problems
here and would not like to see park cut up or eliminated. Major concern was the exterior
elevations. Felt plan should be taken further in Victorian styling. like part of the original building. Can go along
Mith parking and bus problem can be solved,
Can accept project if it looked
Yember Marcus would like it to look a little more uniform. Would look better if it matched in color rather than the gray.
LUlr. Salomone asked that one condition should be that
if we are going to agree with the off-site parking,
an agreement be made with the City to assure that the project is brought into conformance at the end
of the ten year lease period. Also meandering
sidewalk be put in through Rotary Park as discussed at earlier meetings.
February 27, 1984 Design Review Board Page 5 MEMBERS
4ember Marcus made motion to recommend approval of iP 84-1 Twin Inns and forward recommendation of 3pproval to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission
*iith the following amendments and conditions:
Include Engineering conditions that Board received.
Stipulation regarding off-site parking 10 ye lease and conversion to conforming use.
Resolution of the sewer easement issue.
Resolution of the NCTD bus transfer point issue.
Meandering sidewalk be constructed through
Rotary Park.
Landscape plans subject to the approval of the
City's Landscape Planner.
Parking as indicated to be 288 spaces including
parking off-site.
Board recommends that they keep color uniform
and not use gray as proposed, prefer to be whitc
Approval of all standard planning and fire
3y proper motLon, t..e meeting was adjourned at
5:35 PM.
?espectfully submitted,
W ZHRIS SALOMONE :omunity Redevelopment Manager
3ibi Leak
jecretary 11, Acting Minutes Clerk
tedevelopment Office
February 27, 1984
This project is approved upon the express condition that Building
Permits will not be issued for development of the subject
property unless the City Council or respective Sewer Agencies
determine that sewer capacity is available at the time of
application forsuch permits and will continue to be available
until time of occupancy.
The Developer shall obtain a Grading Permit prior to the commencement of any clearing or grading of the site.
The grading for this project is defined as "controlled grading"
by section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Gradbig shall be perfromed under the observation of a civil engineer whose
responsibility it shall be to coordinate site inspection and testing to insure compliance of the work with the approved grading plan, submit required reports to the City Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdivision unless a Letter of Permission is obtained fron the owners of the affected properties.
Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit, the haul route shall be submitted for review and approved by the City Engineer. A separate
grading plan shall be submitted and approved and a separate Grading
Permit issued for the borrow or disposal site, if located within
the City Limits.
All slopes within this project shall be no steeper than 2:l.
Improvements including, but not limited to, the following shall be installed by the Developer and approved by the City Engineer. The Developer shall obtain approval of the plans from the City Engineer
an2 pay all associated fees and performance guarantees prior to
issuance of any Building Permit. The Developer shall install said
inprovements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or occupancy of any new portion of the project for any purpose.
A. Half-street improvements for the Easterly side of Carlsbad
Boulevard, plus half median strip improvements, from Elm Avenue to Grand Avenue.
To wit:
B. Street Lights. C. Street Trees.
D. Wheelchair ramps.
E. Drainage Facilities.
F. Curb return at the Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad and Elm
G. Sidewalk, and curb and qutter on Elm Avenue.
The Developer shall dedicate a two-foot wide strip of right-of-way
along the Northerly side of Elm Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Washington Street in accordance with City Standards.
.'February 27, 1984 -
9. The Developer shall dedicate to the City a one-foot wide strip of
right-of-way along the Easterly side of Carlsbad Boulevard from Grand Avenue to Elm Avenue in accordance with City Standards where
they own.
10 The Developer shall dedicate to the City a curb return area of 20
foot radius at the Northeasterly corner of Elm Avenue and
Carlsbad Boulevard.
11. Land for all public streets shall be dedicated to the City prior to
the issuance of any Building Permits and shall be so dedicated free and clear of all liens and encumberances.
12. The Develo2er shall provide planting islands at the entrance to each surface parking.
The parking area travelled lane from Carlsbad Boulevard through the proposed entry canopy shall be one-way from Carlsbad Boulevard to the driveway exit onto Elm Avenue.
14. The Developer shall provide a single 32 foot wide driveway into his parking structure from Washington Street. The driveway shall be two way, with one 14 foot lane in each direction. The lanes shall be separated by a 4 foot wide median. with northerly aisle of underground parking layout.
and devices to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Driveway opening shall align
15. The Developer shall provide on site traffic flow control markings
16. The Developer shall construct 50 foot long throats at each end of of Washington Street. There shall be no parking in the throat
sections. The throat sections shall be aligned with the existing portions of Washinton Street laying to the North and South of the
project site.
herein, all driveways shall have minimum 20 foot deep throats. The throats shall be measured from the parking space nearest the street to the property line.
The Southerly driveway on Carlsbad Boulevard, marked "New Driveway" on the Developer's plans, shall be omitted.
The Developer shall construct a direct storm drain connection with
the Central Business District Storm Drain to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Developer shall obtain all permits, licenses,
and approval required by the Santa Fe Railroad to construct said connection.
17. Exclusive of Washington Street, which has been separately conditioned
All driveways shall be right turn in and out.
20. The Developer shall combine the two lots that comprise the project site.
procedures prior to the issuance of any Building Permit.
The consolidation shall be completed in accordance with City
February 22, 1984
Mr. Charles Grim, Principal Planner City of Carlsbad
Planning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Grim:
North County Transit District (NCTD) staff has reviewed the site
plans and Staff Report on the Twin Inns project (RP 84-1). number of concerns with the project, and recarmend denial of the We have a
Redevelopnent Permit for the project as currently proposed. -_
Among our concerns are the following:
Presently, NCTD uses approximately 200 feet of curb space
on the south side of Grand Avenue, west of Washington Street, as a passenger transfer point. The purpose of the transfer point is to provide timed-transfers between dif- ferent routes serving Carlsbad, so that passenger waiting is. mi nimi zed. Currently, there are approximately 800 passenger boardings and alightings at this location daily.
Because up to five buses must use the space simultaneously
to provide timed-transfers, the 200 feet of curb is ne ces s ar y .
The Twin Inns project, as proposed, would remove some sidewalk area, and create parallel parking for autos where our buses currently park. cating the transfer point.
The cost of relocation could be high, and would be at public expense. The transfer point must be located near the Highway 101 and A.T.S.F. railroad corridors due to
current and future route alignments. A location farther away would require more time to access, and could require the addition of equipllent and driver resources. It costs NCTD approximately $170,000 a year to add the service of
one bus.
This would necessitate relo-
3. When our buses leave the transfer point, they continue east on Grand, then turn right onto Washington Street. turn right again at Elm, and continue their routes. They
303 Via Del Norte Oceanside, California 92054 Phone (619) 433-8202
The project would close Washington Street completely, to
through traffic (both bus and auto), and would create a private driveway and parking area for the Hotel. Buses would have to be re-routed to State Street to make a turn- around. In addition to the added time this would take, there would be an increased potential for accidents due to diagonal parking on State Street.
4. The project, as proposed, could severely hinder or elimi- nate future light-rail transit service at this location. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) has iden- tified the A.T.S.F. railroad corridor as part of the future
regional light-rail transit system. In planning studies
conducted by SANDAG, Metropol itan Transit Developnent Board (MTDB), and NCTD staffs, a downtown location in the vici-
nity of Grand and Washington has been identified as a light
rail station site. This site was chosen because of its current proximity to the rail line, existing nearby bus transfer point to provide feeder service, and close proxi-
mity to downtown Carlsbad.
The Twin Inns project would use much of the existing nearby undeveloped land (Rotary Park, Washington Street) for a private driveway and parking area. The potential for a bus
and rail loading platform on Washington Street would be eliminated, forcing use of less desireable, more costly st at i on opti ons .
For these reasons, NCTD opposes the Twin Inns project as currently proposed. However, our staff is willing to work with the City and the devel oper to modify the project in a manner benef ici a1 to a1 1. Through a similar process, the re-developed Cardiff Towne Center was
modified to provide a transfer terminal for NCTD, as well as benefits for the developer. that will serve Carlsbad's short-term and long-term transportation
We feel a similar modification is possible here
Please let us know if any of this information requires clarification. We look forward to working with you on the project.
Paul W. Price Manager of Planning & Marketing
cc: Richard L. Fifer