HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-28; Design Review Board; Minutes (2)MINUTES
Meeting of: Date of Meeting: March 28, 1984
Time of Meeting: 7:OO p.m.
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COW SSlONERS
The Meeting was called to order by Chairman RorrJ30tis at 7:OO p.m.
Present: Chairman Ronbotis, Condssioners
Rawlins, Schlehuber , Smith, Marcus, Farrow and Lyttleton.
Absent: None.
Chairman Rdtis stated this was a Joint meting of the Design Review Board and Planning Comnission. Planning Comnission would only vote on the tentative map
on the item to be omsidered, and a joint hearing mld
be held. He mncluded, stating Chairman McCoy of the Design Review Board would amduct the meting.
Present: Chairman McCoy, Wrs Rombotis,
Schlehuber, Marcus and Holmes.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present:
Charles Grim, Principal Planner
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner
Ex-Of f icio M-rs Present:
Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
Chris Salonme, Comunity Redevelopment Manager
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Hauser, LIeputy City Ehgineer
1. CT 84-6/CP-274 - CARLSBAD INN - Request to allow
construction of a mixed use resort cmplex including;
132 time-share oondominium units, a 66-unit hotel, a retail building, and a restaurant, all located on the
entire city block at the southwest mrner of Carlsbad
Boulevard and Elm Avenue.
Chris Salome, Comunity Redevelopment Manager, gave the presentation on this item as mntained in the staff report, using a transparency of a location map showing
the site of the project and wall maps showing views of
the buildings to be included in the entire project. parking will be onsite and underqround, with the structure above grade along Ocean Avenue, falling back to where it is totally underground. There will be no access off of Ocean, one access on Carlsbad Boulevard and access and exit on Oak and Elm. There will be a
planted median on Carlsbad Boulevard. displayed on a wall map and Mr. Salamne referred to this site plan to explain how the restaurant would be retained where it is, with the historical house being restored to its original splendor.
The site plan was
An amndment to the local Coastal Plan will be required, since time-share amdominiurns are considered as
condominiums, and staff mld support such an amendment.
Mr. Salomone stated this project was exciting to the Redevelopment staff. atmosphere-village atmosphere, and a lot of pedestrian access and mixed uses. provided with additional amenities, with diagonal parking on Elm and Oak and parallel parking on Ocean. emndc benefit to the village area will be tremendous
and the City will benefit from the room tax, sales tax and property taxes.
It will have a pedestrian
On-street parking will be
In answer to a question from Conmissioner Schlehuber, Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, stated that when there is a difference in elevation from the front to back of mre than ten feet, the zoning ordinance, under
case. A transparency showing the determination of building height was used to demonstrate how the definition works. The difference on this pmperty is 13 feet. The ordinance also gives a bonus on non-flat mftops hy measuring to the mid-point of the pitch of the roof.
- the height definition, gives a ten-foot bonus in this
Cdssioner Smith inuuired about the width of Elm Avenue, stating it is narrow in that block and the proposed underground parking entrance extends out into the street. He was also mncerned about the traffic.
Kent Whitson, Traffic Engineer under mntract with the
City, stated full widening wld be done on the mrth side of the roadway. Conmissioner Smith asked whether Elm Avenue would be -roved before the underground parking was built. jutting out into the street. Chris Salomone stated that was done to provide a safety factor for the pedestrians at that exit.
He also mmnented on the raplp
Commissioner Schlehuber questioned that only one parking
space was provided for each csondominium. that this was the minim required. condominiums are to be restricted to one mnth, with the
thought that this would lower the chances €or visitors to become a problem.
Staff stated The time-share
Comnissioner Smith asked whether the electric poles would be eliminated and was asssured that utilities would be underground.
Chairman McCoy cpned the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Jim Watkins, 355 - 14th Street, Del Mar, spoke as the applicant, stating he agreed about the utilities--they are ugly and will be buried. project and stated they are excited about the village- type atmosphere. to accomnodate it. walkways and amenities of the oonplex.
Mr. Watkins described the
They took Carlsbad's plan and tried He described the pedestrian
Mr. Watkins stated they had only gotten together with
Fidel's this week. He stated that rather than tear that building clawn, they are goinq to inoorporate the existing
building and bring it back to the elegant building it was.
In answer to query, Mr. Watkins stated he was President of Winner's Circle Resorts International, Inc., who would be the eventual property owner.
Mr. Don Schoell, Architect, San Diego, .*e in favor of
this project, showing a poster with photographs of some
of their work in Del Mar, adding that mthing of this similar nature had been planned for Carlsbad. Schoell used the wall chart of the site plan to indicate how the project will be oriented for views to the ocean
and open space.
Mr. Schoell explained that the restaurant would have decks to look toward the Ocean and the green areas.
Acmrding to Mr. Schoell, there would be mny different
textures on the buildings, with warm colors and heavy landscaping to create a warm, friendly atmosphere. He used the site plan mp to indicate the trees shown there are trees that are already there and would not be moved.
The palm trees on the property will be re-located on the site, qiving a well-developed feeling from the beginning.
In answer to query, it was determined the driveway exit onto Elm would be 15 ft. wide and would be a one-way exit only.
Cdssioner Schlehuber stated that many letters had been received frm the Historical Society regarding this historical buildinq and haw important it is to Carlsbad.
He stated he wanted the remrd to reflect that the building will be saved.
Cdssioner Lyttletm inquired regarding the applicant's umnitment to keep the building, and Mr. Watkins stated the building is beautiful, but it does need refurbishing. It will be a plus for the project and the they will retain it. He stated it auld stay there forever.
Cdssioner Lyttleton stated, with the agreement the building is to stay, taking off some additions made, and
renovating and changing, she asked whether the 2lpplicant intended to study the original building that makes it historically significant, and retain those elements.
Mr. Watkins stated the lean-to was added and the storage shed-they were not part of the original building.
In answer to question as to the kind of exterior planned for the restaurant, Mr. Watkins stated it would be old world desiun-and he felt the villaqe plan promtes
harmonious diversity. for inside the historical structure. Pictorial exhibits are planned
PLANNING a3MMISsIrn March 28, 1984 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS \I
Cdssioner Lyttleton asked Mr. Watkins why, if they were sensitive to the village, didn't they study the
original architecture of Carlsbad and design a project
harmonious with that, rather than bringing Del Mar character to Carlsbad. Mr. Watkins answered that Carlsbad is a German name and they had considered both
types of architecture. The balance of the property as it is does not represent good design and they felt it was cold.
of architecture. The diversity will Mke for a warmer type
Judy Carroll, Director of Developnent, P. 0. Box 5000,
spoke for the applicant, statinq she would cover the conditions they wanted to address and would give a schedule of production plans.
conditions, there were only three the applicant questioned.
She stated of the 46
The first condition questioned was 27B, which Ms. Carroll
asked be waived, as the applicant feels that additional five feet is very important to them to enable them to
develop landscaping. answered the City intended to cpen that street up and the
wall would be pushed back, unless the applicant =lied
for an encroachment permit. Comnissioner R-tis stated the 4 1/2 feet section to the praperty line for
utilities, underground electricity, etc., auld be
utililzed for landscaping. Fls. Carroll stated there is a wall at the property line m, and they wanted a sidewalk on the other side of it. soften the impact.
Deputy City Engineer Dave Hauser
with the 50 feet, they axld
The second condition questioned was 29A-the
installation of the median an Carlsbad Boulevard. Carroll stated the applicant wld be pleased to install the median, but felt the City should pay half. Salomne explained that the condition was identical to that imposed on the Twin Inns project. median, with the City Redeveloprent to pay half.
This was a half
The third mndition questioned was 29G-a modification of the signal at Carlsbad Boulevard.
the applicant hoped that was a minimal dification and not a redesign of the sianalization system itself.
Deputy City Engineer explained the signal is not up to
City standards, and the applicant is responsible for modification on the southwest corner of Elm Boulevard
only. Chris Salomne stated this same condition had been asked of the Twin Inns project and had been rmved, as it was a capital irrprovement. It was stated
the City would deck on this, as the requirement should
be equal for both projects.
Ms. Carroll stated
Ms. Carroll indicated that the production schedule is to
break ground June 1, and start the hotel and garage June
30. The retail stores and 60 condominiums start Septenber 30.
finished by Decenber 31, and the first phase of 60 condominiums and back half of the site work to be ccarpleted by the end of March, 1985. Phase two will
proceed as the marketinq of the axldominiums progresses.
The front half of the project is to be
In answer to whether Fidel's wuld have to close, it was stated there wwld be limited remodeling and it wwld not entail closing Fidel's. extensive, after mre study, it could involve closing the restaurant for a time, but only if Fidel's agreed to that.
If the remodeling became mre
The Historical Society will be wrking with the applicant to retain the palatial residence and the specimen trees,
There will be a galley of historical sites and cormunity events, and the business plan calls for significant budget munts for mmnunity projects.
Conmissioner Schlehuber stated he would like it conditioned that the basic historical site be kept. stated any planned refurbishing should come before the Comnission and not be left up to the applicant.
Member Holmes stated that after looking at the quality of design, he had no reservations about the architects king able to blend their structures in with the existing structure. Staff stated Conditions 19 and 20 should be deleted as they are redundant.
Fidel Montanez, mer and operator of Fidel 's Restaurant, addressed the Conmission and Board, stating there was a verbal agreement and he was willing to support this, moperate with the applicant, and restore the building to its original state.
Mrs. William Skinner, 3065 Ocean Street, spoke as a resident of Ocean Street. She stated no one has
mentioned the beach-the parking or the congestion. stated that in the sumner, the residents there can hardly get in or out of their driveways. She stated she did not understand why Engineering had stayed with parallel parking on Ocean, and diagonal parking on Oak and Elm. She ooncluded, stating the traffic would be increased on all of the streets.
Kent Whitson, Traffic Engineer, stated that, of Owrse, traffic would increase. equals 1,000 trips a day and this project will generate 3,000 trips a day. enforcible by law. area, particularly on weekends, but with this parking plan it should be mre orderly.
Fidel's square footwe new
The speed limit is 25 mph and There is never enough parking is this
Mrs. Skinner suggested parking meters, and speed burrps m Ocean Street, as there is a safety factor that should be addressed.
In answer to Mrs. Skinner's question regarding the streetlights, the Deputy City Engineer stated they mld be high pressure sodium with an orange glow.
Mrs. Skinner asked about the storm drain facilities on Ocean Street and staff stated the storm water will qo into an existing drain and nothing will mme across to
the west side of the street.
B S P -
PLmNIMG m1sSrau March 28, 1984 Paqe 6 COMMISSIONERS
Mrs. Skinner further stated that the beach in that area
is a stepchild. and she felt the residents should not have to maintain that beach area for the time-share owners. Also, there is 15 to 20 feet of ocean frontage, and Mrs. Skinner asked whether the applicant intended to advertise "beach- front time share condominium". Also, she stat&, at the present time, beach-goers walk through her gate and down her sidewalk to gain access to the beach.
There are no provisions for clean up
Mrs. Mary Melideo, Carlsbad, addressed the COmnission and Board asking about the exit onto Elm arid where was the entrance. Staff stated the main entrance is on Carlsbad Boulevard. Ocean Street, staff stated that the applicant is proposing to keep it, and there muld be sidewalks next to the wall-and parking, too. It was stated that the
City needs the additional five feet on Ocean, however.
In answer to a question about the wall on
Mame HawardJones, Historical Society, presented qies of history of the Cohn hone to the Conmissioners and Eoard Members and explained the photographs mntained there. she stated this represents a very inportant time in Carlsbad's history. $40,000 to build and had 18 rams and inported tile. The map used for the tour last fall was also referred to
and an article that appeared in the Journal. HawardJones stated these are guidelines for the applicant to use, along with pictures taken this morning.
She stated this home mst
Mrs. F'rankie Runzo, 355 Elm, spoke in favor of this project .
Mr. Watkins stated they were not going to advertise
"beach-front" praperty. setbadc planned, this should help the privacy on Ocean Street.
He stated with the wall and
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public testimony was mncluded at 8:31 p.m. and the item was opened for Design Review Board discussion.
Mhr Holmes stated this was the first project with all
the parkirq included on the property. cannot be considered as part of required parking in
Carlsbad, because of the beach-qoers. He stated he was
concerned about the trash storage areas and felt it was not adequate.
Street parking
Member Schlehuber stated he supported the plan, subject to definite amnitment to keep the original Cohn home.
He felt Condition 27B should be retained, with the City
keeping the five-foot strip. He added that 2% was not needed, as the City mld pay for the median. Marty
Orenyak stated the City wld mdce every effort to pay
for the other half of the median, but it is up to the City Council to determine whether they will pay for it.
Meer Ronbtis stated this dition should be left in and staff wuld make the remmndation.
3 t -
me Design Review Board approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution:
THE soummsr OOmEROF CARLSBRD BaJLEmm AND EL&¶ AVENUE. Including the following: applicant the same as the Twin Inns project with regard
to the median and signal amditions. me historical house to remain part of the pmject, with any modification to this house to be brought back to the
Board before it is initiated.
Staff will treat this
By proper mtion, the Design Review Board adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Chairman Ronhtis called the Planning Conmission back U order at 8:39 porn., with all Members present.
Cdssioner Smith stated he felt Elm Avenue should be widened dawn to Ocean Street, and would like this to be done before this project is ampleted.
The Planning Comnission adopted the following Resolution:
CARLSBAD BOULENARD AND EX84 AVENUE. Including the following: the same as the Twin Inns project with regard to the median and the traffic signal. The Historical house where Fidel's restaurant is located to remain part of
the project, with any mdification to ame back to the
City before it is initiated. Staff to look at possible widening of Elm Avenue to a uniform width, with Engineering to study this prior to the mnstruction of this pmject.
Staff to treat the applicant
In answer to query as to whether the five-feet is needed on Ocean Street, the Deputy City Engineer stated it would bring that side of the street up to City standards.
Chairman RcdmtiS announced Item 2 and 6 will be continued .
Chairman Ronbotis declared a recess at 8:50 p.m. and the Planning Comnission reconvened at 8:57 p.m., with all Cdssimers present.
McCoy Holmes
Rmbotis Schlehuber
Rdmt is Rawlins Schlehuber smith Marcus Farrow Lyttletm