HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-28; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
The of Meeting: 5:30 p.m.
Date of Meeting: March 28, 1984
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
The Meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by Chairman McCoy.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Member Holmes.
Present: Chairman McCoy, Menhers Fbnhtis, Schlehuber, Marcus and Holmes.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomne, Conmnity Redevelopment Manager
Patty Cratty, AAII, Redevelopment
Chris Salomne announced Item #2, RP/CUP/CP 84-3 - Carlsbad Inn, wuld be the first Item on the Agenda at the joint meting tonight at 7:OO p.m. with the Planning
Chris Salomne also announced the Continued Public
Hearing on Item #3, RP 83-15/CUP-240 - Neilson, had been withdrawn. deny this request, as sub-area four does not allow
residential. He stated staff would do a study of sub- area four, listing the pros and cons of residential
development in that area.
The Design Review Board would have had to
The Design Review Board withdrew Item #3, RP-83-15/CUP- 240 - Neilson, from the Agenda, and requested staff to
bring back a report on the feasibility of residential development in that area.
The Design Review Board, by csonsensus, postponed the hearing on Item #2, RP/CUP/CP 84-3 - Carlsbad Inn, until
7:OO p.m. that time.
tonight, with all public testimny to be at
1. Rp 84-5 - INDIANA PLUMBING - Request for approval of
a Major Redevelopmnt Permit to mnstruct a 7,000 square foot warehouse at 3135 Tyler Street.
Chris Salomne gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report, using a transparency of the location mp showing the project site and wall mps
showing the old warehouse and the new one planned. He
stated there would be landscaping added and a small
decorative wall to disoourage the unsafe walkway in the
area. Fourteen parking spaces will be created, and there
will also be handicapped parking spaces.
Chairman McCoy qxned the public hearing at 5:39 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. to speak on this matter, the public testimny portion
was ooncluded.
Since no one wished
Holmes mmbotis
Schlehuber Marcus
March 28, 1984 Page 2
Member Schlehuber inquired regarding the width of Tyler Street and the fact that it is sub-standard. He added that truck traffic in that area is a problem. Salomne stated engineering had made a study of the street, and there is to be no parallel parking on the eastern side of Tyler. Once that is enforced, the traffic problem will be eased, Mr. Salomne stated he would ask engineering if they wanted to consider widening the street.
Member ROPTS30tis stated he agreed with the philosophy- but it is too late at this time.
Menber Holmes stated at the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Cdttee meting this street was referred to as an alley. He added the truck problem was discussed, and there would be some inmnvenience, but beyond doing anything about.
Chairman McCoy inquired about the drainage and was informed the drainage goes toward Tyler and Oak.
Mr. Howard Klecker, the Manager of the property, stated the drainage runs toward the back of the property and the City yard. usage of the City property would be changed. hundred yards of fill would be required in the back to flatten it out for the proposed building.
will be guttered on the back with a downspout.
Klecker concluded, stating there was no problem with the drainage, for drainage.
He stated he understood in 1985 the
The building
Staff stated engineering did not condition
Marty Orenyak, Director of Building and Planning, stated drainage cannot cross property lines, but this would be
taken care of as the planning progresses.
Chairman McCoy stated he muld like the drainaqe to be
approved by the Engineering Department.
In answer to query regarding the gas punp remaining on the property, Mr. Klecker stated this was needed for their two delivery trucks.
The Members asked whether color samples were available for the type of siding to be used, and Mr. Klecker stated that was no problem.
Member Schlehuber stated he would not vote for this
project until Engineering had given their okay.
Chris Salomne stated that the project goes to all departments, and if no conditions are added, that is
because they are not needed.
Chairman McCoy asked Mr. Klecker whether a antinuance of two weeks would inmnvenience him at this time, and he answered it would not.
Member Holmes asked that color sanples be submitted at
that time.
Menber Marcus added that a drawing showing how this fits
in with the surrounding buildings should also be submitted.
March 28, 1984 Page 3
The Design Review Board continued this item to April 11,
1984, with instructions to bring mlor samples, Engineering Department cornnents on the width of Tyler Street and whether it will remain that way for all time. Also, more drainage information was requested.
2. the first item to be heard at the joint meeting of Design Review Board and Planning Comnission tonight at 7:OO p.m.
Rp/CUP/CP 84-3 - CARLSBAD INN - This item will be
3. Rp 83-15/CUP-240 - NEILSON - This item was withdrawn .
4. DRB #9 - JOE'S TRANSMISSION - Revision to Rp for office building (formerly Joe's Transmission) located at
2995 State Street.
23, 1981.
DRB #9 originally approved February
Chris Salomone gave the staff report on this item, using a transparency of the location map showing the site. He stated Joe's Transmission has vacated and Mr. Salomone had a poster with photographs showing how the site did look as Joe's Transmission. He stated the plan is to give the building a face-lift and redo the interior. The new use will be a terrrporary one, and ultimately this would be office, professional and mixed-offices use.
Mr. Salomne referred to two wall mps showing proposed designs and asked the Board for its remrnnendations and comnents.
Mr. Ken Chriss, who designed the master plan for the
2900 block of State Street, addressed the Board, explaining the designs and referring to the wall mps. He asked the Board for comnents and recomndations to
help the project.
Member Holmes stated he was not thrilled with either elevation. He felt these were not mnpatible with the village design. there three, four ar five years and would be a part of the village.
This tenporary building muld easily be
Member R-tis agreed with MerrS3er Holmes and stated he knew the financial expenditure was a factor, but felt samething better axlld be designed.
Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke stated that a Redevelopment permit would have to be issued for whatever is done on that building. At that time, the
Design Review Board muld have an cpportunity to ask all questions of design and just what teqorary means.
Chairman McCoy stated mncrete had been poured inside the building and stud walls erected. Mar Schlehuber wondered whether that constituted some kind of a start.
He also stated he would like a drawing to study the design details mre closely.
Marty Orenyak stated the work that has been done to the interior of the building has been done with the full knowledge of the City.
McCoy Holmes Rxbotis Schlehuber
March 28, 1984 Page 4
The outside mrk mld have to be approved by the Design Review Board.
The Assistant City Attorney stated it would have to be determined whether it is a major or minor permit, and he suggested the Board merely give winions tonight about the designs submitted.
Menbers Schlehuber, McCoy, -tis, Holmes and Marcus all agreed they were not happy with the designs submitted and asked Mr. Chriss to try to redesign with sanething mre corrpatible with the village design.
Also, the Members muld like to see the rest of the block shown with this building, to shaw how it blends with the rest of the area.
The Minutes of the February 22, 1984, Meeting were approved as presented.
The Minutes of the Adjourned Reqular Meeting, February
27, 1984, were approved as presented.
By proper rrotion, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:14 p.m. to 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers, for a joint Meeting with the Planning Comnission.
Respectfully submitted,
CHRIS SAIxmoNE Comnity Redevelopment Manager
Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk
Holmes R&t is
Schlehuber Marcus
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