HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-22; Design Review Board; Minutes (2)1. RP 85-2 - GILBERT'S AUTO BODY Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 22, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Chairman McCoy at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman McCoy, Members Marcus, Holmes and Schlehuber. Absent : None. Staff Members Present: Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Brian Hunter Chris De Cerbo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman McCoy. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Request for a Major Redevelopment Permit to develop an Auto Body and Paint Shop at 3293 Roosevelt Street in Subarea 4 of the Village Redevelopment Area. Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report using a transparency to show the site and wall charts to indicate the site plan and elevation. He stated staff would rather wait for a more suitable use for this area as indicated in the Design Manual. Chairman McCoy opened the continued public hearing at 5:lO p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Gilbert Miranda, 3870 Valley Street, the applicant, addressed the Board, stating the area was auto-oriented, with the shops nearby all being related to the auto industry. He stated he wanted to build a beautiful shop that would not create a noise problem, since he planned to be open only in daylight hours. He asked what else could be built in that area if the City denied his request In answer to query regarding whether he had checked with the City as to whether an auto body shop could be built there, he said the City did not give him an answer. If he had been told he could not build an auto body shop there, stated he would not have purchased the land. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 5:16 p.m. Member Marcus stated her concern was still the lack of parking and Member Holmes concurred with that. He added there would be a noise factor with such a shop. Member Schlehuber stated this was the wrong place for an auto body shop. h \ MINUTES January 22, 1986 Page 2 Design Review Board adopted the 'following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 061, DENYING A MAJOR REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO DEVELOP AN AUTO BODY AND PAINT SHOP ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3293 ROOSEVELT STREET IN SUB-AREA 4 OF THE V-R ZONE. Chairman McCoy informed the applicant of his right to appeal this decision by filing with the City Clerk's office within ten days from today. INFORMATION ITEMS: 2. RP 86-2 VILLAGE CORNER (GRANT) Request for a Minor Redevelopment Permit to remodel existing store buildings at 2978-2998 State Street and 540-548 Elm Avenue. Chris Salomone gave the presentation as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site, and slides to show the property. He indicated the roof will be capped, but kept the same, and the rear of the building will be improved, including the parking area. Mr. Salomonc used wall charts of a rendering of the proposed remodeling and a color chart. He stated the rear elevation would be the same as shown for the front. Mr. Salomone stated staff would limit the use to retail-ty] shops and not a bone fide restaurant. In answer to query regarding newspaper stands, staff statec the City hasb no jurisdiction over such newspaper stands. John Grant, the applicant, spoke to the Board, stating he was not aware until today the preference of staff to not consider a cafe/deli for a portion of the space. He commented he was not expanding the square footage of the building, but just updating the facility. He asked not to be restricted in the selection of tenants. In discussion, the Board agreed they could re-consider an application for a tenant at the time it was submitted. Member Holmes inquired of Mr. Grant whether he would be willing to contribute to a parking district, if and when one were established. Mr. Grant stated he could not make a definite commitment at this time, but he certainly leaned in that direction for solving the parking problem in the downtown area. Design Review Board adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 066, FOR A MINOR REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO REMODEL EXISTING STORE BUILDINGS AT 1978-1998 STATE STREET AND 540-548 ELM AVENUE. 3. RP 84-9 - BESAW Design revision to office building on southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Grand Avenue. Chris Salomone stated this was an information item and the applicant had come up with this idea for changing the siding on the building. Using a wall chart, Mr. Salomone indicated the horizontal siding to be used, except for the windows, and indicated the applicant thought it would help the appearance to create vertical panels between the windows, stucco them and paint them cream to create a less massive feeling. They just want the Board's opinion. McCoy Marcus Ho lme s Schlehuber McCoy Marcus Holmes Schlehuber 3 8 - X X X X x x x x MINUTES January 22, 1986 Page 3 MEMBERS \ Member Holmes stated it would be the wrong thing to do to change this design and he opposed any change. Member Marcus stated she had no problem with the difference in textures and did not feel it would damage the building to make the proposed change. Member Schlehuber agreed that the building looked good as it is at present. Design Review Board voted to keep the building design the same as it is, with no change as proposed by applicant. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Chairman McCoy announced there would be a workshop next Thursday, with a luncheon to be served. Chris Salomone announced four Members were appointed at Council last night, Matt Hall, Bud Schlehuber, Bob Holmes and John McCov. Member Schlehuber requested staff provide a slip on the on the applicant with each item in order not to have a conflict in interest. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 22, 1986, was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS SALOMONE Community Redevelopment Manager Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk McCoy Marcus Holmes Schlehuber X X X