HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-28; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of: HOUSING Am mmpMEwT ~SSICN
Tim of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. (Special Meeting) Date of Meeting: Januq 28, 1986
Place of Meeting: City council Chers
The Meeting was mvned at 6:26 p.m.
The following Carmissioners were present:
Cdssioners Casler, Lewis, Kulchin,
Chick and Pettine.
Minutes of the Meeting held Novedxr 19, 1985, were
approved as presented.
Chris Salonme, cannun 'ty Reaevelopmt Manager, gave
the staff report as cmtained in the Agenda Bill,
using a transparency to skww the site and wall maps
showing the lxildings mtained in this project.
In answer to Council query regarding possible location
for the 23 additional parking spaces to be provided by
the applicant, staff stated that preliminary studies were generating some alternatives including the
possibility of closing Garfield Street and making that
area a piblic lot. The applicant axld be mde to pay his share of that lot. to pr&ase nearby and lxlild a parking lot. Also, he auld find praperty
COmnissioner Lds asked if it mld nut be better to have the traffic study in the Reaevelopnent Area conpleted before any action was taken cn this request.
Marty Orerryak, Building Director, stated m wrk had
been done on the praposed oondomi niums.
cond&niums mld sit cn top of the existing parking
structure. permits.
He stated there was a hold cn issuing
Staff, in answer to query, stated they intended to work an the problem of the additional 23 parking
spaces and within three mths wtxlld have this back
before the dssion.
Cdssioner Casler clpened the Public Hearing at 6:-
p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Jim Watkins, 355-14th Street, Del Mar, the wlicant,
addressed the Carmission &scribing the Carlsbad Inn
project. He added they had received hilding permits for exactly what they were doing as far as their
project. They had wrked with staff and had provided all parking requiremerrts. He stated they wanted anple parking and good service and there were 198 spaces for
the cx>ndOminiums and ktel roca~~s; 49 s-paces for
Fidel's, and 34 spaces for the retail area, making a
total of 281 parking spaces.
Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick
January 28, 1986
Mr. Watkins stated he agreed to provide the additional
23 spaces, ?mt he did not feel this was as rmch a
problem as the City visualized. staying at the hotel would use the restaurant there
and the restaurant acms the street. The code states
with retail establishmnts, there are m additional parking spaces required. This praposed establishment
is half retail and half food. He stated that Fidel's
is not qen for breakfast, so that is 49 spaces that are available for parking frmFidel's. middle of the day, the people will go to the
recreational areas, 80 the period fran1O:OO a.m. to
4:OO p.m. wuld be =cant time for the parking lot.
He stated the people
During the
Mr. Watkins mped to have 75% occupancy, lxrt that would still leave 25% vacant, mi& wuld be 49 spaces
available at ni@t. Because those spaces are runbered
and assigned, it wuld be possible to have the valet service lrcrte the spaces that are available and park
cars in those unoccupied spaces.
Mr. Watkins further stated ae tourists staying at
their resort wuld be staying a week and would be
spending mney in Carlsbad.
breakfast facilities ibr those tourists. It is mt
practical for man service to be provided, and .the
Grunion Run muld provide that breakfast. This also would be a retail area with items for sale.
They nust provide
Cdssioner Lewis asked whether this restaurant was
part of the uriginal plan, and Mr. Watkins stated in
his letter of Januq 4, 1984, the prqx>sed plan
included a -lex of interesting boutiques,
major restaurants, terrace Viw dining and a sidewalk
cafe to better serve the Oomrunity and the general
Marty Orenyak stated this was discussed at staff
level, and at that tke the <xnrmerrt was mde by staff
that there mst be mre parking if there was another
Roger Peterson, 180 Cherry Avenue, @e in qrposition
to a waiver of the additional parking requirement, as
he understood frm last June that City Council was to
alleviate parking and circulation for the beach area.
Hap L'Heureux, 1731 Kalava Court, President of the
Carlsbad chamber of -re, stated they support the
cqranise offered this evening for a nmber of reasons. Obviously, the Wen is placed m the
applicant to solve the situation of the additional
parking spaces, by not allawing them to proceed with
the mndaninium units.
additional 43 spaces aver and dbove the 23 parking
spaces needed. The ultimate decision should be deferred until the traffic circulation study has been he.
This Will provide an
He felt that was adequate protection.
January 28, 1986 Page 3
pUBL1c"G: (continued)
Mary Melideo, 159 Hemlock, stated this was a beautiful
project and she cmrplhted Mr. Watkins for it. However, she stated they skbauld continue with their original project, because at no time was another restaurant mentioned. She felt that once the restaurant was ~ed the situation might not be
Richard Pitd-tford, 2409 Jadcaranda, General Manager of
Carlsbad Inn, addressed the Carmission, stating in
view of the nurrber of spaces Mr.Watkins was willing to give to the City and the mnditions under &dh this
was controlled by the City, he felt this request
should be approved.
taken to amtrol the underground parking and the
signage wxld be in before the end of the we&
indicating the underground parking.
be mde to utilize all available spaces.
system they have at the front desk, they will block off certain spaces and those will be available to
people caning to the retail area and the Grunion Run
He stated that steps had been
All efforts wmld With the
Daniel Digiovanni, mner of Henry's restaurant,
addressed the Carmissicn stating there is a mjor
parking prdblem in that area. He stated he is an
independent restaurant mer and the spaces in their
parking lot are needed for their patrons. He stated
he is willing to cp along with the Carlsbad Inn mers
because they do have a good relationship with them, but it is very inportant that the spaces in his
parking lot be saved for his patrons and not be used
by beachpers or people going to the restaurants in the Carlsbad Inn -lex.
think very seriously about this request, and stated there are approximately 260 errplayees in that entire
comer area, as well as the beachgoers, and there will
they all park.
He asked the Carmission to
Carol WatkinS, 35 14th Street, Del Mar, stated she did
not see the parking as a problem.
would be a place to shop as we11 as eat. Watkins stated it mld be a hardship if they were mt
allowed to open the Grunion Run.
The Grunion Run
Ridhard Goldberg, cu-wner of Henry's, asked to sj on record as favoring the cpening of the Grunion Run Restaurant.
problem is parking. ni#t time, because it is easier to use Henry's lot
than use the underground parking.
should be given approval.
He had talked with Mr . Watkb , and the
He stated their min problem is
He Said the project
Since no one else wished to speak op1 this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:24 p.m.
Cdssioner Kulchin stated the 23 spaces needed wuld
be offset by 66 spaces for the Wilt amdominim, giving a surplus of 43 spaces.
alternative staff had presented. She suppxted the
January 28, 1986
PUBLIC "G: (continued)
Coarmissioner Lewis stated he felt Mr. Watkins had this
type of restaurant in mind &en the crriginal
application was filed, and expressed mcern that he proceeded &en the ariginal approval did not include
the second restaurant.
Cdssioner Pettime mcurred with &missioner
Lewis, and added the problem should be solved m. He
felt this item should be mntinued for 90 days to get the parking problem solved.
Cdssioner Chick agreed with Camnissioner Kulchin
and felt the additional spaces muld be fourd.
Cdssimer Casler stated we have mntrol aver everything and the CUP could be for a period of me
year. She stated she had 110 problem with the
recamndation that Mr. Salamme had suggested,
putting a hold on the om do^^^ 'nium Milding permits until an agreeable parking area is provided.
The Housing and Redeveloprent Ccarmission directed the
City Attorney to return with documents granting the
appeal, approving the staff recomnendation to issue 110 building permits for the 66-unit mddnium building
until the parking requirement is mt for an additional
23 parking spaces for the Gdm Run Restaurant, and approving the aTp for a period of me year.
City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated the City
Attorney's Office wuld return with the necessary
Resolution to amend the previously approved
Redevelw Permit and set out in detail .the intent of rrotion to approve. those tern froanMr. Wtkins before placing this bad on the Agenda.
Also, to get an agreement to
By prcper rrotion, the Meeting of January 28, 1986, was adjourned at 7:38 p.m..
Respectfully Sutxnitted,
ALmsnL. City Clerk
Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk
Cas ler