HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-23; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: April 23, 1986
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Rombotis called the Meeting to order at 5:OO
Present: Chairman Rombotis, Members Hall, Holmes, McCoy.
Member Schlehuber arrived at 5:05 p.m.
Absent: None.
Staff Present: Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner
Clyde Wickham, Assistant Planner
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Rombotis.
1. RP/CUP 86-7 - UNION OIL - Request for a minor
redevelopment permit/conditional use permit to expand
and 'renovate a service station at the northwest corner
of Elm Avenue and Harding Street in Subarea 1 of the
V-R Zone.
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave the
initial staff report, with Brian Hunter giving the report
on the planning concerns and Clyde Wickham giving the
engineering concerns.
the site and slides were presented showing the site from
different directions.
A transparency was used to indicate
Brian Hunter explained the concerns with regard to
parking, stating a new ordinance going to Council would
require four parking spaces for each automotive repair
bay. This plan has seven spaces and would need twelve to
comply with that Ordinance.
retail building for this project, which would require six
parking spaces. Most service stations have a special use
indicating the number of cars parked on this site.
Staff used standards for a
Photographs were shown to the Board Members
Staff feels some of the parking spaces proposed by the
applicant are not usable.
space were used, two of the spaces would require backing
into the pump spaces. Other spaces pull into the access
to the alley, and staff feels that should be left clear.
If the required 24-foot backup
Clyde Wickham stated circulation of traffic would be a
concern, with tankers coming through the alley on through
the driveway, exiting onto Harding to Elm Avenue.
Circulation would be restricted because of the size of the
site and the queuing areas for the gas pumps.
getting gas at the peak hour could overflow onto Elm
April 23, 1986 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 2
Chris Salomone summarized the report from a redevelopment
standpoint, stating there is an existing project on this site that does not conform to standards. There is a
proposal before the Board that does not conform to
development standards. There will be a gas station there for many years to come. The applicant is making an
attempt to landscape the area and provide parking. All
repair work being done at the station will be confined to
the interior of the station. Mr. Salomone stated from a
redevelopment standpoint, it would be desirable to allow
the applicant to meet the City's criteria. It would be
necessary to make findings for an exception, the same as for a variance. The project does need some work, but the
proposal is better than the existing station.
Member hall determined one 35-foot curb cut would be
eliminated with the new proposal, which would be an
Chairman Rombotis invited the applicant to make a
presentation at 5:12 p.m.
Don Trapp, Union Oil, 7219 Daffodil, presented drawings to
show the Board how Union Oil proposed to resolve staff's
concerns. He stated the company has a policy prohibiting
tanker trucks from backing up. Any tanker truck would come through Harding Street, exit, and circle back around
the block.
Mr. Trapp used a drawing to show how the parking area had
been redrawn, with the new desiqn providing eleven spaces.
If the two spaces were not allowed, there would still be
nine usable spaces.
Mr. Trapp stated Union Oil acquired the site in June of
last year, and at that time a plan was shown to the
Planning Department indicating another bay would be added.
Union Oil requires four bays on new construction. They
wanted to add one bay to the existing two at this station
and also provide inside secure storage. This would
eliminate the outside storage there now. Union Oil is
attempting to install landscaping at this time to improve
the aesthetics of the site. Numerous freestanding
planters have been added to gain back the landscaping lost
by adding the parking spaces.
Member Holmes asked Mr. Trapp whether, in the event
Council approved the new parking ordinance and this site would be short of the requirements, Union Oil would be
amenable to subscribing to a parking district in lieu of
the missing parking spaces. Mr. Trapp answered Union Oil
would be willing to proceed with anything to solve the
Chairman Rombotis inquired of the ratio of parking spaces
required by Union Oil in relation to the number of bays.
Mr. Trapp answered the policy is two parking spaces per
bay, but when there are more than five bays, the parking
requirement increases considerably.
Board Members commented about all the cars parked in that
area at the present time, and added that some of those
cars obviously do not belong there.
April 23, 1986 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 3
3ohn Grant, 7173 Hibiscus Circle, stated in the past this
site has had some kind of U-Haul or rental trailers and
extensive auto repair and used car sales. He inquired
whether these businesses were to continue there and Mr.
Trapp stated the lease with Union Oil prohibits any other
use. Mr. Grant asked why this process of landscaping and
redesigning was being done when the site was completely
altered by construction last year.
Chris Salomone explained the work done last year did not
require redevelopment permits.
building at that time.
There was no change to the
Mr. Grant stated he owned the property behind this
property and did not want visibility lost at the corner
because of a building expansion.
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public
testimony was concluded at 5:21 p.m.
Member McCoy stated he felt this station was a good
individual to control. He said if the applicant agreed to
have a clause inserted in the conditions to participate in
a parking district, eliminate the sale of automobiles and
rental of trailers, he would be in favor of the project.
The parking is a problem and would be up to the
Member Schlehuber agreed the parking is a problem. He
added he was cognizant of the arguments presented and
somewhat swayed by them.
Member Hall felt this would be a great improvement. He
favored the first plan submitted with the buffer in the
plus. Member Hall felt all the cars shown in the
photographs were not being serviced at the station, and
perhaps with the redesign that problem would be
The elimination of one curb cut was certainly a
Member Schlehuber was reluctant to approve parking in the
setback. Chairman Rombotis said the permit was issued a
long time ago, and anything on that site would not meet
present day standards. However, they are not violating
the law. This would be a chance to get the site improved,
and he felt something should be approved there. The new
design will not conform to present day planning, but would
be a great improvement over what is there now.
Member Holmes stated that over the years he has seen
numerous Union Oil Stations, and they do a good job of
trying not to resemble a gas station.
Chairman Rombotis stated he would like to see a revised
plan come to the Board with conditions of approval.
Design Review Board requested staff return as soon as
possible with conditions of approval for the Union Oil
request for a minor redevelopment permitfconditional use
permit to expand and renovate a service station at the
northwest corner of Elm Avenue and Harding Street in
Subarea 1 of the V-R one. Conditions to include:
1. The prohibition of rental vehicles, trailers and auto
2. Participation in a parking district for the shortfall
in parking.
Hal 1
April 23, 1986 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 4
There was a discussion about the setback required, with
the consensus of the Board being there probably is no
setback requirement in the commercial area.
By unanimous vote, Member Holmes was elected Vice-
Preview of Projects To Come Before the Board
Chris Salomone referred to a chart on the wall showing
major permits to be scheduled before the Design Review
Board over the next few months. He gave a brief
description of those projects.
ERA Reoort
Chris Salomone said Board Members' copies of the final
report will be available the end of new week. On May 19,
1986, a town meeting/workshop with City Council/Housing
and Redevelopment Advisory Committee and this Board will
be held, with the public invited. There will be
refreshments and the ERA team will come in and make their
presentation, show slides and present recommendations.
This will include approximately four and a half million
dollars in public improvements and four million dollars
for parking and circulation improvments. The Board will
discuss this on May 14 at their meeting and the town hall
meeting will present this to the public.
Member McCoy stated there was a problem with the office
building at 3efferson and Grand as far as parking. He
said the City needs to notify the contractor in writing
that he is illegal as far as parking.
Chris Salomone said he had met the contractor and toured
the premises. The improvements are in and he warned the
contractor there would be repercussions as office
professional use was approved and not medical. The other
developers have been warned not to rent to medical
off ices.
Member McCoy said he felt it was unfair to require one
parking space for every 200 square feet of office space
for medical offices and one parking space for every 400
square feet of professional office space, and then not
enforce the condition when space approved for professional
is rented to medical offices.
Member Schlehuber felt staff should prepare a report to be
brought back and set on an agenda for this Board to
examine the possibilities and take action.
Design Review Board requested staff return next week with
a report on the parking violations for professional offices rented to medical offices. A special meeting is to be held Wednesday, April 30, 1986.
Rombotis Hall
Sch 1 ehu ber
Rombot is
McCoy Schlehuber
April 23, 1986 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 5
Minutes of the March 26, 1986, meeting were approved as
amended to correct the spelling of Chairman Rombotis'
name on the last page and a half.
By proper motion, the meeting of April 23, 1986, was
adjourned at 5;48 p.m., to Wednesday, April 30, 1986, at
5:OO p.m., in the City Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Redevelopment Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
HB: tc
Rombot is