HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-11; Design Review Board; Minutes_-
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (Regular Meeting)
Time of Mee-ing: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: 3une 11, 1986
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Vice-chairman Holmes called the Meeting to order at 5:04
Present: Vice-chairman Holmes, Members McCoy and
Absent: Chairman Rombotis and Member Hall.
Staff Present: Patty Cratty, Administrative Assistant,
Community Redevelopment Department
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner
Marty Orenyak, Community Development
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Vice-chairman Holmes.
1. RP 86-5 - PUCCI - Request for approval of a major
redevelopment permit to construct a 5,700 square foot
warehouse and add 1,000 square feet of office to an
existing building at 3235 Tyler Street.
Vice-chairman Holmes announced that staff is requesting
that the public hearing on the above-named matter be
continued to June 25, 1986.
Vice-chairman Holmes declared the public hearing opened at
5:05 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
There being no person in the audience desiring to address
the Board, Vice-chairman Holmes declared the public
hearing closed at 5:05 p.m. and advised that the public
hearing will be renoticed for a future date.
The Design Review Board continued the public hearing on RP
86-5 - PUCCI to 3une 25, 1986.
2. RP 84-3(A) - CARLSBAD INN - Revision to deck
Patty Cratty, Administrative Assistant, introduced Brian
Hunter who will give the presentation on this matter.
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation on
this item as contained in the supplemental staff report.
He pointed out that although the deck has a railing around
it that makes the usuable space less than the 900 square
feet, the deck area would still require an additional
parking space.
Board as: (1) to allow the applicant to apply for an
amendment to the redevelopment permit to satisfy the as-
built dimensions of the deck; or (2) to require the
applicant to comply with the originally approved plan.
He listed the options available to the
Vice-chairman Holmes declared this matter opened to the
public at 5:08 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
3 i
3im Watkins, Carlsbad Inn Ltd., addressed the Commission
and stated that he is open to doing whatever the direction
of the Board is. He showed drawings of the deck how it is
presently built, and stated that they had incorrectly
assumed that the Board's concern was to limit the seating
in the deck area and not the actual size of the deck
itself. For that reason, a railing was constructed to
reduce the actual usuable space.
There being no other person present in the audience
desiring to address the Board, Vice-chairman Holmes
declared the matter closed at 5:lO p.m.
Member McCoy stated that there was nothing wrong with the
appearance of the deck itself, but it was just a question
of the way the deck was done.
Member Schlehuber stated that at some point the Board
needs to make a decision and follow the rules. He stated
that he would be more interested in seeing how much is
involved in reducing the deck size to comply with the
original approved size. He stated that it is not a
question of appearance; if the Board allows this to go
through, it would set a precedent.
Vice-chairman Holmes stated that he saw no reason why the
deck could not have been built to the approved dimension,
and the position of the railing had nothing to do with the
deck size itself.
A motion was made to require the applicant to remove 2 1/2
feet from the front setback of the deck in order to make
it comply to the originally approved dimension of 15 feet
front setback.
Member Schlehuber pointed out that the width of the deck
ties into the building itself, and stated he was more
concerned with getting the front setback to the approved
In a discussion that ensued whether the applicant would
have to comply with the approved dimension for the width
of the deck, 42'1'', Mr. Hunter confirmed that the
additional feet of the width the deck as it is built now
will not require an additional parking space.
The Design Review Board ordered the applicant to remove 2
1/2 feet from the front setback of the deck making it
comply with the originally approved dimension of 15 feet,
and to accept the width of the deck, 46'8'', as built.
Patty Cratty, Administrative Assistant, stated that this
item is a sign program for the retail shops at the
Northeast corner of State Street and Elm Avenue. She
deferred to Mr. Hunter.
RP 86-2 VILLAGE CORNER - Sign Program
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation on
this item as contained in the staff report, and stated
that this matter is presented for the Board's information.
He described the colored renderings of the various signs.
Vice-chairman Holmes declared this matter opened at 5:16
p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
There being no person present in the audience desiring to
address the Board, Vice-chairman Holmes declared the
matter closed at 5:16 p.m.
In response to a question by Member Schlehuber, Mr.
Hunter stated that the canvas awning does not have a
Vice-chairman Holmes stated that he felt that the signs
are an asset to Carlsbad.
The Design Review Board approved RP 86-2 - Village Corner
(Grant) Sign Program as presented.
Member McCoy noted that there has been a lot of
alterations on Mr. Grant's building, and inquired whether
the Planning or Building Department objected to the
Board's original authorization. Marty Orenyak, Comnunity
Development Director, replied that staff met with the
contractor and assured him (Mr. Orenyak) that the original
intent of the Board was continuing .to be met.
Patty Cratty, Administrative Assistant, advised the Mr.
Orenyak would be making the presentation on this item, but
prior to that a slide presentation would be shown. She
presented the slide show of various free-standing signs in
the city and gave the locations of the signs.
Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director, gave the
presentation on this item as contained in their memorandum
to the Board. He stated that although these signs may
have been acceptable in the past, some are pretty tacky.
The problem is enforcing the code regulations prohibiting
these signs. He stated that with the proper types of
signs, proper locations and proper text, it may be an
acceptable program to have in the redevelopment area. He
stated that if the Board wants to have these signs, then
staff can design a program that meets setback requirements
from the right-of-way, incorporating any recommendations
that the Board may have. This program can then be brought
back to the Board for its formal approval. He added that
from a code enforcement standpoint, it would be easier to
not allow any of these signs in the redevelopment area.
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, emphasized that
free standing signs in public right-of -ways (sidewalks)
are not allowed anywhere in the City, and there should be
no exceptions to that in the redevelopment area.
Vice-chairman Holmes inquired whether the City has a
potential liability when these signs are located on public
property and the code is not enforced. Mr. Hentschke
stated that they are illegal on public property; however,
if some decided to sue the City, it would be a defensible
Member McCoy inquired if the newsstands fall into the same
category. Mr. Hentschke stated that they fall into a
different category.
the sidewa k as long as they do not obstruct people
walking on the sidewalk.
particular location, the news vendors have been notified
and reques ed to place their newsrack in such a manner
that the sidewalk is not obstructed. By doing this,
Carlsbad has avoided litigation, a problem many other
cities are facing.
They are protected by the first
There is not a newsrack ordinance per se in
The ordinance says that they may be located on
When a problem has come up in a
Member Schlehuber stated that although he could see some
benefit in allowing some of these signs in the
redevelopment area, he questioned how a program could be
accomplished with the public right-of-way problem.
Orenyak stated that there is always the possibility of
granting individual encroachment permits in the right-of-
Mr. Hentschke cautioned that when you are regulating
signs, you are regulating the first amendment's right of
the people to speak. Once special permits are given to
people, you need to be evenhanded. You get into a
regulatory problem that would invalidate the ordinance.
Member Schlehuber inquired whether the lights that are in
the trees constitute a sign, and are therefore a
violation. Mr. Orenyak stated that he believed this was
permitted under the ordinance.
Vice-chairman Holmes stated that if signs can be located
on private property, as many storefronts are set back for
that purpose, there is no problem. Otherwise, the signs
should meet the sign ordinance.
The Design Review Board directed that the sign ordinance
be enforced in the City, with no exceptions.
Mr. Orenyak advised that the individuals are given thirty
days to remove their signs, upon which staff goes out and
enforces the code.
Member McCoy noted the following correction in the Minutes
of May 28, 1986, Page 2: After Item No. 1, Resolution No.
072, it goes directly into the discussion of Item No. 2.
The heading of Item No. 2, however, was not inserted.
The heading would be as follows, and will be inserted
after Item No. 1 Resolution No. 072:
2. RP 85-17 - JOHNSTON, 3ESS - Request for a major
redevelopment permit to develop a mixed use project
including a 496 square foot offic with two apartment
units attached, located at the second lot south of
Pine Avenue/Roosevelt Street intersection along the
east side of Roosevlet Street.
The Design Review Board approved the Minutes of May 28,
1986, as corrected.
Sch lehuber
McCoy Schlehuber
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of 3une 11, 1986, was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Redevelopment Manager
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk
EC: tc