HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-25; Design Review Board; Minutes*. .. _-
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (Special Meeting)
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: March 25, 1987
Place of Meeting: Safety Service Center, 2560 Orion Way
Chairman Rombotis called the Meeting to order at 5:OO
Present: Chairman Rombotis, Members Hall, Holmes, McCoy
and McF adden.
Absent: Norie.
Staff Present: Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Mike Decerbo, Associate Planner
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Rombotis.
Chairman Rombotis requested Item No. 4 be taken out of
order at this time. The Board Member concurred.
4. RP 87-1 - MYERS - Request for a minor redevelopment
permit to allow a mobile telephone, auto radio, and
windo tinting retail sales, seriice, and installation
outlet at 920 Elm Avenue.
Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation on
this item as contained in the staff report. Slides were
used to show the existing business.
Member McCoy asked about all of the signage on the
be approved by the Community Redevelopment Manager.
Brain Hunter replied the siqnage would have to
Member McFadden inquired why no one had asked the
applicant to do something about greenscaping at the
entrance. She stated this was very minimal at the present
time, and it is very minimal and very visible. She asked
if this would be the appropriate time to include that
request. Brian Hunter stated this would be the time to
ask that, if the Board desires more greenary at the site
of the project.
Captain Kurt Arensmeyer, 920 Elm Avenue, representinq 3oe
Meyers, stated he only had two questions of the Board at
this time. Occassionally, a vehicle in for a telephone
installation will be too large to fit inside the building.
If this only happens on an occassional basis, would it be
possible to work on that vehicle at the right of the
Chris Salomone stated the reason that condition was in the
Resolution was there was a problem with the previous
tenant who had a similar type of operation at that site.
Staff had received numerous complaints about it from the
adjacenty property owners.
Chairman Rombotis commented the last occupant had vehicles
all over the lot.
DEPARTMENTAL: (continued)
Mr. Arensmeyer stated he recognized the problem with the
previous tennant, and it would not be their regular
practice. However, if the vehicle would not fit into the
building, such as a van, he asked permission to work on
that van outside the building. This would he an unusual
set of circumstances and would not be the normal
Member Holmes stated that although it was against the
conditions, he was willing to 90 along with that until the
first complaint from the neighbors.
Mr. Arensmeyer continued stating there are six pieces of
plywood attached to the east side of the building. It is
not permissable to advertise on that side of the building
and behind the plywood is a window.
of his business and the value of the merchandise, he
wanted to know whether he needed to brick that window in,
paint it or just what would the Desiqn Review Board
prefer .
Becuase of the nature
Chris Salomone stated staff direction would be to paint
it. That would be the most appropriate method. It should
not be decorated in any way.
Mr. Arensmeyer stated they were within the restrictions on
the front of the building, but to use the plywood on the
east side of the building would put them outside of the
restrictions. He stated they did not want advertisinq
Chris Salomone added if the applicant wanted to brick up
the window, that would probably be the best solution.
Chairman Rombotis stated to the applicant either brick the
window up or paint it a color that blends in the existing
Member Hall asked the applicant if he had problems with
doing some landscaping in front of the property. Mr.
Arensmeyer stated the slide that was shown did not show
the actual front of the gas island. He stated that was
not within their lease and they would have to discuss that
with the landlord. He pointed out that the area on the
slide where landscaping would be possible, but said it was
not within the lease. He added he had no problem with
trying to develop more landscaping, provided the owner was
agreeable. Member Hall said if they would agree to
landscape the front of the location, he would not have any
problem with the outside work. They need to buffer it and
take the focul point off of the red sign and move it
closer to the street.
In answer to Member Holmes' question as to whether he had
approved the signs, Chris Salomone stated he had not seen
the permit. The previous tenant had a sign in that
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated if the Board was
willing to modify the condition about working entirely
within the building, he suggested they modify it so the
work would cease upon written notice from the City.
1. RP 86-23 - MARK T. GOMBAR - Request for a major permit
to develop a professional office at 2558 Roosevelt
Street in subarea 6 of the redevelopment area.
Chris Salomone gave the initial staff report on this item,
using a transparency to show the site.
was no magic to the success of the Redevelopment Area.
Everything has been discussed every step of the way. At
this point the City is becoming more critical and choosy
as each year goes by and the Redevelopment Area is more
successful. Mr. Salomone stated tonight they were dealing
with a period of re-examining where they are and later
they will discuss the policy items presented. The issues
that may arise in the next two items will be discuss
individually and discuss the policy issue when the Board
gets to Item 5 of the Agenda.
He stated there
Mr. Salomone presented slides showing the Roosevelt Street
area and the site of the Gombar proposal.
Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, continued the
report, as contained in the Agenda. He used
transparencies to show the elevation of the proposed
building and stated there were a number of issues
unresolved at this time. First, the rear set-back
encroachment. The read set-back encroachment is ten feet
into the rear set-back. Because of the height of the
building, the applicant wanted to increase the front set-
back, and increase that to 30 feet.
have a negative impact on the property behind the
applicants property and to the east.
lack of intergraded parking. If the parking lot is full
under the building, a car could not turn around and would
have to back out into the street. Staff felt the two
driveways should be connected within the parking area.
Another issue staff felt the height and the amount of the
building on this site exceeded what the City would like to
see in that area. It is an issue of compatibility with
the surrounding area. The slides indicated the existing
development is single family and single story. This would
be the first project that would be coming under the
redevelopment subarea 6 and it is very important. This
would set the tone for the area. It was felt the goals of
the Redevelopment Area were aeneral and difficult to
villaqe at pedistrian oriented and use streetscapes and
maximum open space.
pro,iect would be compatible with those goals.
recommended denial of this project.
Staff felt this could
Another issue is
The manual stated the qoal is to keep the
Staff has concerns whether this
Chairman Rombotis opened the public hearing at 5:25 p.m.,
and issued the invitation to speak. Chairman Rombotis
indicated he had received a letter from Mark Gombar
Company dated March 23, 1987, and this letter was made
part of the record.
this hearing, but Mr. Henry Tubbs and Mr. Robert Size were
authorized to speak on his behalf.
Mr. Gombar stated he would not be at
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
Henry Tubbs, 690 Elm Avenue, 8204, addressed the Board on
behalf of the applicant. He stated one of the major
problems was with the parking, and they have provide turn-
around spaces in each of the driveway portions to enable
people to turn around without backing out into the street.
This is desiqnated on the site plan, showinq the two
different locations.
Mr. Tubbs stated he had met with staff to develop the
project complying with the letter and spirit of the
Redevelopment Area. The project was designed and
redesigned several time due to the concerns of the staf
members. At the recommendation of the Redevelopment
Department, the building was moved back ten feet. Mr.
Tubbs referred to the drawings on display before the
Board. Mr. Tubbs stated these drawings are to scale and
were viewing from accross the street on Roosevelt Street,
on an average height of a person looking at the project.
He stated the fiaure of the people and the cars are all to
scales on these drawings.
Mr. Tubbs referred to the read yard encroachment, and
stated it abuts the rear of a car center and they are only
ten feet from the property line at the read of their
property. The property to the north is a single family,
and encroaching in the rear and side yard. The assessory
building takes up more than 50% of that rear yard. The
uses this project is being compared to should not be
there. Mr. Tubbs described the other uses in the area
surrounding this site and stated they are all in need of
urban beatification.
Mr. Tubbs stated they had tried to mitigate the negative
feedback and had complied with that height limitation of
the City.
be approved as a three story building.
steps back from the second story.
Mr. Tubbs felt the project breaks up the skyline and adds
interest for pedistrian and motorists in the area. A two-
story flat building is the most economical way to go, but
is not that attrative. Staff was afraid the applicant was
overdeveloping the site, but the project would not viable
without trying to make or use the guidelines laid down and
make the most of them. He stated it was in their interest
to have a beautiful project as they are trying to sell
that space to tenants.
They were never told that the project could not
The third story
Parking is screen and
Member McCoy stated his agreement with having the
driveways go around.
driveway and would like to see if that was possible.
He had thought about a continous
Bob Royce, Architect, 2956 Roosevelt Street, addressed the
Board stating there is a potential for internal
circulation in the parking area. They did parking studies
and they were concerned about having people back out onto
Roosevelt Street. turnouts for cars to make a three point turn. As a matter
of fact, having a loop throuqh the entire area might cause
a safety concern for pedestrians. It was felt there would
be the least impact from traffic looping around the site
by permittinq cars to enter and make a three point turn
and return if there was no parking available under the
They revised the plan and provide
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
Chairman Rombotis inquired whether the hammerhead was not
for the last two spaces at the end. Mr. Royce explained
they were at each end of the alley, to enable the cars to
come back. Mr. Royce showed a blueprint of the building
and the proposed traffic circulation.
would encourage higher speed traffic, which could be
He stated a loop
Member McFadden inquired about the six foot masonary wall
around the property, and Mr. Royce stated that parking
would be permitted in the side yard set back and the
landscape would provide relief against the wall. That
would be planted with ivy.
Member Hall asked about where the edge of the building was
and would the cars be protruding out from under the
building. The screen wall surrounds the parking and each
stall will be screened from view. The building is ten
feet and the parking will be in the ten foot on the
Lilian Gordon, 605 Laguna, addressed the Board stating she
was not certain whether he was referring to her house as
the single family house. She asked how many offices would
be in the building, and Chairman Rombotis stated that
would be according to what amount of space was leased for
each tenant. Mrs. Gordon asked how many parking spaces
were allotted, and Chairman Rombotis stated there is one
parking space per 300 square feet of office, which is per
the code of the City.
Mrs. Gordon asked whether the 34 feet included the entire
roof, and staff explained that this is to the midpoint of
the gable. This would be the midpoint of the pitch of the
roof, which would make the top of the roof more than 34
feet. Mrs. Gordon asked how late there would be people in
these offices and how late they could stay open. She felt
there could be a great deal of noice and traffic going in
an out at all hours. Chairman Rombotis stated that is not
normally conditioned in an application for office spaces.
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the pub
testimony was concluded at 5:46 p.m.
Member McFadden stated she felt the parking could be
improved, the buildina was too massive, too tall, too b 2,
and she was concerned about the surrounding area and she
felt this was not oriented to pedestrians. Also, there
was a variance asked for the rear yard to ten feet and she
felt the project needed to be done better an scaled down.
Member Holmes stated he had looked at the proposed
project, and felt the "Village" was the keq to the
Redevelopment Area. He felt the colonial design was
uninterestinq and he did not see it as an asset to the
Village. As to the comment made to other buildings, this is the economical way to build and from the appearance it
would not be an asset to the village.
Member Hall stated he would like to have seen the parking
put down at least four feet or completely subterranean.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
Chairman Rombotis stated he felt they should lower the
overall structure.
Member McCoy stated we have three hearing in the same
wavelength as far as size. Member McCoy stated he did not
like the architecture and felt it was not in character
with the Village atmosphere. He was also not satisfied
with the parking. It was not a good situation to have to
back into a parking space in order to turn around to go
back out. He stated he could not approve this project.
Chairmain Rombotis stated he felt parking needed to be
circulatory in nature and the building could be lowered in
height. He stated the ten feet rear yard did not bother
him because of what it backed up to, but the building
appeared to be massive from the street and perhaps it
should have a step back effect so it would not look so
high from the sidewalk. If this were done, he felt he
could approve this request.
Member McFadden questioned the over buildinq of office
space, and Chris Salomone answered the Council had
accepted the study that was made merely as guidelines.
However, all of the office space in the downtown area is
being leased.
Member Hall made a motion to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 097.
Member Holmes seconded the motion.
Chairman Rombotis stated if this project were to be sent
back to staff with the Board's input, it could come back.
Mr. Tubbs stated he would like something specific as far
as what the Board would like to have done with the
Mr. Tubbs stated if they did a flow through as far as the
parking, they would loose parking spaces, the would reduce
the mass of the project due to the lose of the parking.
He stated if they reduced the height, that would change
the entire project.
Charles Grimm commented staff would take the direction of
the Board as stepping the building back, with the three
stories still being possible. The staff would work with
the applicant to interpret what the Design Review Board
Member Holmes stated it was important to get back to the
word "Village".
on where the building is located.
The height limitation of 35 feet depends
At this point, Member Hall withdrew his previous motion,
with the consent of the second.
Design Review Board returned this request for a major
permit for a professional office at 2558 Roosevelt Street
back to staff for further review to work under the
guidelines for the Redevelopment Area.
Rombot is
PUBLIC HEARINGS: - (continued)
2. RP 86-21 - CALIFORNIA BUILDERS - Request for a major
permit to develop a professional office at the s/w
corner of the 3efferson and Grand intersection in
subarea 1 of the redevelopment area.
Chris Salomone gave the initial report on this item, using
slides to show the site of the proposed building.
is a single story structure on the site at the present
time .
Mike Decerbo continued the staff report, as contained in
the packet. He described the structures to the north arid
the south of this building and the single family
structures. An artist drawing was shown of the project.
Staff indicated that there were too many compact parking
spaces, and the Design Review Board may approve up to 40%
compact parking spaces.
and could be resolved through redesign. The plan does
include integrated parking, with a two way alley, this
could be eliminated. This project does not help create
the villaqe atmosphere in design and use of pedestrian-
scaled structures. There is no relief in the structure,
and it is truly no the village type of structure. Low
rise buildings are preferable with towers.
buildings in the neiqhborhood referred to were approved in
the Redevelopment Area at a time when the economic
revitalization was the primary driving force behind the
consideration, but also it is important to consider the
Village goals.
addressed with pedestrian orientation, streetscape and
village architecture continuity.
Staff felt this was a minor issue
The other
The economics are still a vital
It was felt that those goals needed to be
Chairman Rombotis opened the public hearing at 6:07 p.m.,
and issued the invitation to speak.
Charles Rowe, 2910 3efferson Street, Suite 202, addressed
the Board stating this was a two story buildina, not a
three story building and not 35 feet in height. There are
only two 12 foot floors and the roof structure of
approximately seven foot high. If they went to the middle
of the roof, it would be about three and one half feet.
From the curbing, there is about 30 feet overall as far as
the height. Mr. Rowe asked staff what kind a building
they would like for this corner, because this building was
the type of building they wanted to see build in the
downtown Carlsbad area. He stated he had the Community
Redevelopment Manager's input, as well as the Planning
Department. The ten foot set back on the front side and
ten foot in the rear is including the parking. The
underground parking is services by a well in the middle.
This qoes to the basement parking with natural
ventillation and light and there is a tree growing out of
that well. Mr. Rowe stated they planned on putting a
mature tree that would come up to the height of the second
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
Mr. Rowe referred to the artist rendering showing the
round portion of the building, stating this gives
architectural relief to the north side of the building.
Mr. Rowe stated they felt they had addressed all the
concerns of the staff. He explained further that the
upper parking enters on 3efferson Street and exits on the
alley to provide good circulation pattern. If anyone
enters on the top parking at Jefferson, they can make a
right hand turn and enter the underground parking just
north of Jefferson. He indicated the parking circulation
for the Board Members. He stated there was no dead end on
the parking circulation.
Peter Longanbach, P.O. Box 8193, Rancho Santa Fe, Mr.
Rowe's partner, was recognized by the Board and spoke
regarding the purchase of the land for this site and the
instructions to Mr. Rowe to work with the City. He stated
they had not intended to request any variances, exceed set
backs and wanted to build a building the City would be
proad of. Mr. Longanbach stated staff had said the
project conforms to development standards of the design
manaual and was in conformance to the zoning requirements.
He stated his disappointment that this project did not
provide the village atmosphere in downtown Carlsbad.
wanted a village look. The building has been set back
14,000 square feet with a very impressive entry way.
thought this was a far more appealing building.
As to office demand in Carlsbad, Mr. Longanbach stated
there is a trremendous demand for office space in downtown
Carlsbad. The building built across the street from this
proposed building was 80% preleased during construction
and is now 100% leased. He stated they put a rendering on
their site and the response to that by prospective tenants
was overwhelming.
Steven Densham, 3965 Monroe Street addressed the Board
stating he owned two business.
buildinq at Elm Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard.
to addres comments relating to both projects the Board has
been discussing and a point of discussion on the review of
the Design Manaual. Mr. Densham stated he is Chairman of
the Village Merchants Association and circulation and a
key element of the Village is people and the circulation
of the people.
people, there will be no people in the village.
the Board to keep in mind the people that are important as
far as the downtown area where they come to shop and
return with their families.
One at 840 Grand and the
He wanted
If this is no circulation pattern for the
He asked
Mr. Densham continued, stating when they discuss the
design manual, he asked the Board to keep in mind that you
do not want buildings all of the same height and same kind
of architecture. The difference in architecture and
styles of buildings is what makes a village atmosphere.
He felt the village much better than when it started, but
it is necessary to look at individual projects and to
determine what the Village will eventually become.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
3eanine Marrow, 2879 3efferson Street, a nearby property owner, addressed the Board stating the project does not
offend her and she like the project. This project is
across the street from the property she owned and she
finds it as a nice addition to Carlsbad. She asked the
Board to approve the design.
Kathy Parker, 3215 Maezel Lane, owris property on Madison
Street, he agreed with Mr. Densham, stating he did not
think the City should become a "cookie cutter". The thing
that makes a village is the difference in architecture and
style. He felt it was important to have different design
criteria throughout the village and important to have
density. The density is needed. You have to build more
than one story in order to have more people in the
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public
testimony was concluded at 6:24 p.m.
Member Holmes stated the Board needs to look at the Design
Manual and needs to give the applicant and staff more
direction and have the applicants get approval when they
come before the Design Review Board.
Member Holmes felt this piece of property was one of the
best in the City and felt it was deserving of something
more outstanding than the proposed building. He felt the
subterrdnian parking should have been here some time ago
and he did commend the applicant for doing that.
like to see something different above ground.
He would
Member McCoy stated the projects have not followed the
Design Manual. They are massive in height and dense and
tight as far as parking.
there were too many compact parking spaces percentage
He commented on the fact that
Member McCoy stated the architecture did not bother him as
much as the fact that they are not following the Design
Manual. He felt they should be considering commercial
with residential above. This was to be one of the prime
factors in the Redevelopment Area. He did not believe
that this was being accomplished.
Member Hall stated that there was more quality needed in
the visual aspects. This is a prime corner and even the
type of roofing on the building would not be the type to
call attention to the village flavor.
Member McFadden agreed with Member McCoy that architecture
is a personal thing. She stated she felt the applicant
could do better with the outside of this building. She
felt the internal part of the propose project was better,
but there was too much on too little ground.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
Member McFadden questioned the traffic in the alley.
stated something had been mentioned about putting lights
in the alley.
Member McFadded stated she agreed with Member McCoy and
felt the Board should look at the heiaht more positively
if it included residential above the off ice space.
Chairman Rombotis stated he liked the parking, and they
are dedicating two feet on the alley.
architecture did not bother him, but he felt it could be
more pedestrian oriented and more inviting to come into
the courtyard. He stated he would like to see this
project reworked and have it brought back before the
He stated the
Member Hall stated he supported the parking, with the
constraints of the downtown area.
Member McCoy commented he would only approve the parking
on the condition that no medical offices were permitted in
this building.
Chris Salomone stated the comment was made of residential
over the commercial area. He stated this was a different
situation than staff was looking at in this project. This
is office as such and the Board was not here to design the
building. They do want quality material and to work on
the design to show more character.
Chairman Rombotis commented the entry way could be open
more to invite the people to come into the building.
Member McFadden stated she wanted the City to look into
the matter of the alley traffic.
Mr. Rowe explained how there parking would work, and the
fact the tenants would not be backing out into the alley.
He also commented that nothing had been said about living
units above the office units. He stated this might not be
the site for that type of construction. Mr. Rowe also
commented the site plan trees were not shown on the
drawings, and that would tend to bring the building height
Design Review Board sent back to staff the request of
California Builders for a major permit to develop a
professional office area at the southwest corner of the
3efferson Street/Grand Avenue intersection in subarea 1 of
the Redevelopment Area, with instructions to bring the
project back as soon as possible.
Rombot i
PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued)
3. RP 86-22 - KELSO - Request for a major permit to
develop a professional office building at 2933
Roosevelt Street in subarea 1 of the redevelopment
Chairman Rombotis stated there has been a request for a
continuance on this item.
Design Review Board continued RP 86-22 - KELSO - request
for a major permit to develop a professional office
building at 2933 Roosevelt Street in subarea 1 of the
redevelopment area, to the meeting of April 15, 1987.
4. RP 87-1 - MYERS
This item was taken up out of order. (See page 1)
Chris Salomone referred to the memorandums in the packet
to review the Design Manual. The general criteria and
specific criteria should be considered and should be
brought to the Board for their consideration. He felt the
manual could come closer, to focus on what the City wants
in the Redevelopment Area.
Mr. Salomone stated a workshop could be held to reflect on
what Redevelopment Area is trying to do. Staff proposes
that the Planning staff and Mr. Salomone review the Design
Manual, and to review the criteria developed for the
various subareas.
Chairman Rombotis asked whether Mr. Salomone had a date in
mind at this time, and Mr. Salomone stated he was willing
to have a workshop. This could be half a day meeting with
lunch to look at visually and talk with the Planning staff
and direct staff to do your bidding.
The date of April 13th was suggested.
There was a comment made to perhaps review the
Redevelopment Plan itself, and it was suggested this not
be done, inasmuch as this is within the realm of the
Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. It was
stated this Board is the Design Review Board and has to
deal directly with the Design Manual. It was felt it
would be a full day task to review the Design Manual and
make an revisions.
Design Review Board will hold workshop on April 13, 1987,
to review the Design Manual. As far as pending
applications, this review of the Design Manual would not
hold up any review of said applications.
The location for the workshop will be determined at a
later date.
Rombot is
Hal 1
Rombot is
Hal 1
.. ..
DISCUSSION ITEM: (continued)
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated the notice for
this workshop could be posted at City Hall and/or the
Library so people interested in this review could find out
the place decided upon for the workshop.
The agenda for the workshop was discussed, and it would
involve whether to change the purpose as far as the
Village area is concerned, and also the style of
architecture. The standards for each area would be
discussed and prioritized what this Board feels the
intention should be in each area.
Chris Salomone introduced this item, and asked for
direction from the Board as to how they wished to proceed.
Mr. Salomone said this is not a standard type of fee,
there are different ways this could be done basically at
this point the Board would be asking him to push this item
and get some information available to bring back to the
Design Review Board directed staff to get all facts and
figures with regard to forming a parking district and
bring this report back to the Design Review Board.
The Minutes of the meeting held February 18, 1987, were
approved as presented.
By proper motion, the Special Meeting of March 25, 1987,
was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Redevelopment Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
HB: tb
Rombot is
Hal I
McF adden
Rombot is
Hal 1
McFadde n
MARCH 25, 1987
This agenda contains three major Redevelopment Permit proposals. For all three, the recommendation is for denial.
I see this meeting as an opportunity to give direction to staff. The Design Manual is broad in guidance and not specific in most of its criteria. For this reason, I support a recommendation that staff review and update this document. However, the flexibility to view each project on its own merit will necessarily have to remain.
I would like to see this Design Review Board meeting function as a workshop. I will present a short redevelopment review for each proposal in addition to the planning department report enclosed. After your review of the agenda materials please feel free to call with any concerns.
CS : a1