HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-21; Design Review Board; Minutes.
Time of Meet inq :
Date of Meeting: October 21, 1987
Place of Meeting:
4:OO p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chairman Rombotis called the Meeting to order at 4
Present: Chairman Rombotis, Board Members Ha
Holmes, McCoy and McFadden.
00 p.m.
Absent: None.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Rombotis.
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Director
Brian Hunter, Associate Planner
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Hauser, Assistant City Engineer
Dee Landers, Associate Planner
Request for mafor redevelopment permit to develop
a specialty retail shoppinq center at the
northeast corner of Carlssbad Boulevard and
Carlsbad Village Drive (Elm Avenue) in Subarea 5
of the VR Zone (Zone 1).
Chris Salomone gave the staff report, using a
transparency to show the location of the project.
He gave an overview of the project, using wall charts,
to show the new design of the project and the
He stated parking is the most critical
Mr. Salomone explained the applicant planned to
enhance the present public right-of-way east of his
project, which involves utilization of Washington
Street and dedication to the City of a portion.
This also would involve enhancement of Rotary Park.
Mr. Salomone used a transparency to show the parking
proposed and stated this corner is an important site
for the City as far as cultural value and key to the
Redevelopment area. The site will provide revenue and
taxes for the Redevelopment area and provide 150 to 200
employment opportunities in the community. There will also be other spinoff benefits to the City. Mr.
Salomone stated the Design Review Board should colisider
all these things in considering this project.
A transparency was used to show the standards, and Mr.
Salomone explained the parking proposed, with 250
square foot middle ground to allow for various uses,
and a 15 percent mixed use credit. A 2,000 square foot
maximum gross area for any food service use was imposed
on the project.
October 21, 1987 Page 2
The nine spaces in front of Neimans would be deleted
for better pedestrian access and landscaping, and are to be subtracted from the parking requirement for the
project. preferably at the entrance areas.
be allowed on Grand Avenue, and 90 deuree parking on
Washington Street was acceptable. All of the
statistics on the parking were included in the staff
Bike parking will be provided onsite,
Offsite parking will
Chairman Rombotis opened the public hearing at 4:20 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Steve Densham, 3965 Monroe Street, General Partner TIO/TIL, stated representatives from the different firms involved in this project were present to answer
Mr. Densham stated the impact of this project would be
approximately $300,000 into the City's general fund and similar increases in bonding limit as well as new jobs. He reiterated this would be a retail project with no office space planned or anticipated.
The offsite parking involves two parcels across the street, and employees and tenants would be encouraged to use that parking. The 71 parking spaces across the
street was reduced to 63 due to aesthetics rather than
necessity. If the project were eight spaces short, a
change in the buildings to eliminate 2,000 square feet
could be made.
Mr. Densham stated that the bikers wanted the bike
racks closer to where they were going to be and would
prefer interior racks.
Mr. Densham requested relief from Condition 19, page 5
of the Resolution, and would like that to be a
negotiable point. This condition related to the "Twin
Inn Chickens" being installed at the north end of
Rotary Park.
The southeast corner has been re-designed to eliminate
the queuing of cars, and a right turn in and out
designated on Elm Avenue.
Mr. Densham referred to Option 47, which pertained to
Condition 46 of the Resolution, and Mr. Salomone stated
if the streetscape is approved, stdff proposed the
improvements be funded by Redevelopment Agency and nut
be a condition of this project.
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated this Board
could impose the condition and the costs if they
decided to do so, with the difference being the
discretionary permit this applicant is applying for.
The final decision on the streetscape should be made
within six to eight weeks. At that time, the applicant
could talk about the improvements in Condition 46.
October 21, 1987 Page 3
The undergrounding of utility lines on Grand Avenue was
discussed, with Mr. Densham stating all lines on their
property are underground and staff indicating Council
wants to underground other areas rather than to fund
undergrounding lines in this area.
Mr. Densham asked for relief from items A, 8, C, 0, G,
one half of H, and I, all part of Condition 46 of the
Board Member McFadden stated she wanted a condition
included regarding employee and tenant parking across
the street at the offsite parking lot. Chairman
Rombotis suggested this be included in the CC&Rts for
the lessees.
Loading areas were discussed, and the Board suggested
deliveries be made prior to 1O:OO a.m., and recommended
this also be placed in the CC&R's.
Board Member McFadden stated she would like to have
Conditions 18 and 19 referred to the Parks & Recreation
Commission, and subject to their approval. Condition
18 refers to the gazebo in Rotary Park and Condition 19
refers to the "Twin Inn Chickens". She also requested
there be some kind of ground cover that would take foot
traffic to make it safe for people to get from the
parking spaces into Rotary Park.
Mr. Densham further explained the area in front of
Neimans, stating there would be 25 feet of landscaping
where the nine parking spaces did exist.
Ted Klement, 377 Elrn Avenue, stated he would like a
copy of the conditions on this project. He said the
problem is with the parking and the access to the south
side of Elrn Avenue. His restaurant is being denied
access to parking by the Rotary Park and there would be
no parking on Elm. He suggested a crosswalk on
Washington Street and staff stated that was being
considered .
Kay Christiansen, 280 Carlsbad Boulevard, spoke in
favor of this project, stating it was vital to the
growth of Carlsbad, and provided a wonderful
circulation through the Redevelopment part of the
village. This would help host those tourists who bring
good, clean money to the City.
Bill Hosmer, 4030 Syme Drive, spoke in favor of the
project, stdtinq it is dn outstanding project and will.
bring d good tdx base into the City. He urged the
Board to approve the project.
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the
public testimony was concluded at 5:20 p.m.
October 21, 1987 Page 4
Board Member Holmes called attention to page 4, and felt
Neimans should be separate as far as parking.
the word should be "needed" instead of "credit" for
Neimans parking requirement. On page 7, the outdoor
eating area, Mr. Holmes asked where that parking was,
and on page 8, Section F, Mr. Holmes stated the parking
was "not consistent" with the Local Coastal Plan, and
unless the appllcant joined a parking authority, felt
this was destroyinq any chance of solving the parking
problems in the Redevelopment area.
He added
Board Member McFadden stated if Alternative B is the
only way to go, she would like to know definitely where
the 2,000 square feet is to be deleted. She stated she
could not support that, and felt it must be Alternative
same amount of tax increment bonds on Elm and Carlsbad
Boulevard with regard to the streetscape improvements.
Mrs. McFadden stated she would not go along with relief
of the undergrounding of utilities on Grand Avenue.
She recommended the applicant be relieved for the
Board Member McCoy stated he was willing to let the
undergrounding of utilities on Grand go, as the center
itself is undergrounded.
Steve Densham stated they would be willing to buy into
a parking district and added additional parking spaces
could be put in the railroad right-of-way.
Board Member McFadden stated she wanted this item to be
returned to the Board for further discussion.
Chairman Rombotis mentioned the two additional
conditions, one under Planning, regarding a detailed
sign program with no pole signs; and one under
Engineering, regarding the bus transfer location.
Design Review Board approved the Negative Declaration
issued by the Planninq Director and adopted the
following Resolution:
conditions as changed on memmorandums dated
October 21, 1987, reaarding Conditions 25, 30, 45 and 47;
adding the Planning and Engineering conditions regardinq
signing and the bus trdnsfer. Option 47, per memordndum
regarding this; with relief from Sections A, R, C, D, one-
half of H. Subject to approval of Parks and Recreation
Commission on Condition 18, the gazebo, and 19, including
the four chickens.
Washington Street to allow access to Rotary Park; CC&R's
to contain provisions for loading prior to 1O:OO a.m.,
and to address employee/tenant parking across the street
on Grand Avenue.
implemented, this project will return to the Design
Review Board for deletion of 2,000 square feet of space.
Reducing the landscaping on
If Alternative B on parking has to be
Rombot is
October 21, 1987 Page 5
Board Member McCoy made a motion to amend the motion to
eliminate the undergrounding of utilities on Grand.
motion died due to the lack of a second. The
By proper motion, the meeting of October 21, 1987, was
adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk