HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-28; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (Special Meetina)
Time of Meeting: 4:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: October 28, 1987
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Rombotis called the Meeting to order at 4:OO p.m.
Present: Chairman Rombotis, Board Members McCoy and
Absent: Board Members Holmes and Hall.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Board Member McCoy.
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Director
Brian Hunter, Associate Planner
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Lance Schulte, Associate Planner
Preliminary design review of proposed 15,506 square
foot office building to be located at the southwest
corner of Laguna Drive and Roosevelt Street.
Chris Salomone gave the staff report, using a
transparency showing the location map, slides to show the
site and artist drawings of the buildings.
Mr. Salomone explained the parking configuration had been
the main concern on this project, and previously there
had been two curb cuts close to Laguna Drive.
concerns have been addressed to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
down ramp and come back out onto Laguna. All issues on
the previous proposal have been mitigated at this time.
Ingress and egress will take place on the
3eff Chandler, 1949 Pacifica Street, Oceanside, the
applicant, stated he was present to answer questions. In
answer to query, stated he was aware of the improvements
on Laguna and Roosevelt.
Board Member McCoy stated he would like the parking on
Laguna eliminated from State Street to this property.
Chris Salomone explained the riqht-of-way situation in
that area, stating it was being reserved for future use,
and may or may not happen.
Concern was expressed about the sight distance,
particularly with onstreet parking and the street
unimproved. Staff indicated that would be considered in
the staff report. The applicant also indicated he would
focus on parking to make certain the demand would be less
than the supply based on tenant occupancy.
October 28, 1987 Page 2
Board Member McFadden stated her concern with the
unimproved street.
Chris Salomone stated there is a future improvements
agreement with this applicant.
The consensus of the Board was this was a vastly
improved project with a nice-looking building.
Request for preliminary review of proposed two-
story office building over parking to be located at
2815 3efferson Street.
Chris Salomone gave the staff presentation, using
slides to show the site, stating this was an unsettled
neighborhood with a lot of activity. The Design Review
Board will have to be concerned with the look in five or ten years.
indicating a three-story building, with the first floor
for parking,. and the second and third floors
professional offices. The parking at grade as shown by
the site plan met all ordinances, with 34 spaces
required and provided.
Drawings of the building were shown,
The architecture is SpanishIMediterranean mixture, with
an arbor for cars to enter, and a second-story outdoor
patio to break up the roof line and provide amenities
for the tenants on 3efferson Street.
Mr. Salomone stated the question of whether the
dedicated right-of-way benefits the project or should
it not be al.lowed was to be considered by the Board, as
well as the size of the structure itself and whether it is acceptable in that neighborhood.
Kevin Kelso, 3350 Ridgecrest Drive, the applicant,
stated they felt this type of building would add to
the City, and the arbor with a vine on it would add
softness to the large structure.
Mr. Kelso stated the roof line could be changed, if the
Board desired, and the color of the building would be a
light salmon. The outdoor patio would benefit three of
the tenants and add to the Spanish flavor.
Chairman Rombotis expressed concern with the
massiveness of the building and asked whether the
pdrking could be depressed. The applicant replied with
the width of the lot being 65 feet, this made it
difficult to compact the parking any more. He stated
they do intend to screen the parking with a three-foot
plastered wall.
Board Member McCoy stated the building was too massive,
and a three-story building in that neighborhood was not
Chairman Rombotis added it is an intense development
and he felt would set a precedent.
October 28, 1987 Page 3
Board Member McFadden agreed, stating is was too much
on too little -- and very bulky. She stated she felt
the parking should not go to the lot line. She did
not like the appearance of the building and felt it
should be lowered.
Chris Salomone summarized the Board's comments, saying
the building should be lowered, as three stories in
that area was out of character; that the building was
too massive and too intense for the site.
should be screened and the architecture was not
The parking
Board Member McFadden stated the trellis did not appeal
to her, particularly in the right-of-way.
Mr. Kelso inquired whether going partially subterranean
with the parking would alleviate the massiveness, and
Chairman Rombotis answered it would help. This item is
to be brought back at the next regular meeting.
Chairman Rombotis stated the Board needs to discuss
meeting times at the next meeting, as there is a
possible conflict for Planning Commission Members.
By proper motion, the special meeting of October 28,
1987, was adjourned at 4:50 p.m., to November 18, 1987.
Respectfully submitted,
Community Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk