HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-20; Design Review Board; Minutes_- .
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: April 20, 1988
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Hall called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m.
Present: Chairman Hall, Board Members McCoy,
Rombmotis and Schramm.
Absent: Board Member McFadden.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Hall.
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomone, Housing & Redevelopment Director
Nancy Rollman, Associate Planner
David Hauser, Assistant City Engineer Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst
Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
3ohn Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager
There was no one present requesting to speak before the
Board on a non-agenda item.
1. RP 88-1/CUP 88-4 - LUBIN - Request for a Minor
Redevelopment Permit and Coastal Development Permit
(CDP) to open a Chiropractor's Office at 3021
Jefferson Street.
Chris Salomone introduced the item and Nancy Rollman
continued the staff presentation as contained in the staff
report. She used a wall chart to show the site plan and
the on-site parking, explaining the plan complies with the
parking requirements and the Coastal regulations.
existing parking spaces were re-organized and four
additional spaces provided. The site plan should be
modified to show the changes in the parking and a
condition added for a wooden fence on the south side of
the lot in order to screen the parking from the neighbor.
In answer to Board query regarding the parking spaces, Ms.
Rollman stated that in widening the parking spaces, two
spaces were lost--#7 and #I on the map, leaving 18 spaces.
Board Member comment indicated the trash area should have
some type of enclosure, and the electrical should be
upgraded as soon as possible.
area was questioned, and staff indicated the
Chiropractor's office would not be open at night, and
staff was asking the Board to add that as a condition.
Lighting in the parking
Chairman Hall opened the public hearing at 5:13 p.m., and
issued the invitation to speak.
April 20, 1988 Page 2
Marshall Lubin, Chiropractor, 3536 Woodland Way, the
applicant, stated there were two lights in the back of the businesses operating on Elm Avenue at this time. He
stated he would like to discuss some of the conditions at
this time.
Condition 112 would require the office to be closed down and
Mr. Lubin stated he could not afford to close the business
down until all conditions of approval were met.
Condition 116 asked for the applicant to prepare a detailed
landscape and irrigation plan for the parking lot and Mr.
Lubin stated he did not think it was fair to ask him to
revamp the entire project for the four businesses that
were not his concern. That plan would go beyond his
property and really involved the other side. He asked
this Condition be dropped.
Condition 87 called for parking lot trees of 15 gallons in
size, and Mr. Lubin stated that due to the small size of
the lot, there was no need for any more trees or bushes.
Mr. Lubin stated the sign on the front of the building
conforms to City rules and he would like to see it stay
there. This was Condition #9.
Condition 812 called for interim fees for daily traffic
trips, and Mr. Lubin stated he was not intensifying the
traffic over the previous occupants--real estate and
marking offices.
which were made part of the record, one from the Good
Shepherd Assembly of God, 825 Elm Avenue, extending the
use of their parking lot to Mr. Lubin without insurance
coverage; one from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vitalie stating their
approval of his office next door to their residence. Mr.
Lubin added that Cliff's Pantry had offered the use of
their parking, as they close at 2:30 p.m. His office
opens at 2:OO p.m., and there would be no conflict.
He presented two letters to the Board,
Condition 1114 required the electrical service to the
proposed medical office meet the adopted codes of the
City, and Mr. Lubin explained that his office did not use
any more electricity than a residence and less than the
previous office there. Mr. Lubin's office hours are from
2:OO p.m. to 7:OO p.m., four days a week, with three
treatment rooms and three therapy machines. The machines
function for seven minutes with each patient and draw two
amps. One machine is on self-contained batteries, and an
X-ray machine has its own line.
half second at a time. The developer takes 20 amps and is
on 20 seconds at a time. There is a stereo and a
typewriter and lights are seldom used. Mr. Lubin
reiterated his office used less current than an average
home. He stated he had not intensified the electrical use
and there was no need for a change in the service.
That machine is on one-
Mr. Lubin stated that with the parking agreements he had
obtained from the neighbors, there was no need for the
parking behind the house.
In response to Board query as to whether he had discussed
the conditions with staff, Mr. Lubin stated he was unaware
he could do that. He does not own the property, but only
leases the office.
April 20, 1988 Page 3
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the
public testimony was closed at 5:25 p.m.
Staff indicated the conditions were standard and there
was nothing to waive in Condition W14 with regard to the
electrical service, and Condition 812 with the traffic
impact fees was established by Ordinance and would have
to be waived by City Council.
changed to get the required number of spaces, and staff
indicated they had tried two other plans before arriving at the plan submitted tonight.
The parking had to be
Board Members felt the property owner or representative
should be present to discuss this. The consensus of the
Board was that the electrical condition had to be
addressed immediately.
Chris Salomone commented the parking had to be presented
the way it was, or an amendment would be necessary from
the Coastal Commission.
Board Member McCoy reiterated his concern with no
enclosure around the trash area. He also felt the south
wall should be concrete blocks and not wooden.
Design Review Board continued this item to the next
meeting (two weeks), but requested Condition 814 be
enforced immediately, the trash area be enclosed, and
the building being used for storage be eliminated.
The Board recommended any time uses change in this area
or permits are applied for, that those projects come
before this Board.
3ohn Cahill narrated a slide presentation showing the
proposed Senior Center and giving an update on the
construction of the Center.
Board comment was that the Members felt the building stark-
looking on the one side and it was felt that if a private
builder presented this plan, they would be scolded and
told to re-design.
This item was continued to the next meeting.
Chris Salomone stated there would be a regular meeting May
4, and he would like to recommend the May 18 meeting be
postponed until May 25. The consensus of the Board was to
concur with this suggestion. Mr. Salomone stated he would
check with Board Member McFadden.
Rombot is
April 20, 1988 Page 4
By proper motion, the Meeting of April 20, 1988, was
adjourned at 6:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, -
Housing & Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
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