HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-18; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meetinq: May 18, 1988
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Hall called the Meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Present: Chairman Hall, Board Members McCoy,
McFadden, Rombotis and Schramm.
Absent: Board Member Rombotis.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Hall.
The Design Review Board Procedures were shown on an
There was no one present to address the Board on an non-
agenda item.
Staff Members Present:
Chris Salomone, Housing & Redevelopment Director
Nancy Rollman, Associate Planner
David Hauser. Assistant City Engineer
Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Dee Landers, Associate Planner
1. RP 87-10 - ROWE-BECHMAN
Request for a Major redevelopment permit and to
construct an office/warehouse building at 3275
Roosevelt Street in Subarea 4 of the Villaqe
Redevelopment Area and also in Local Facilities Zone
#I .
Chairman Hall abstained from discussion and vote on this
item due to a possible conflict of interest. Board Member
McCoy chaired the meeting for this item.
Chris Salomone introduced this item and Dee Landers
continued the staff presentation as contained in the staff
the block where the proposed building would be located. Ms. Landers stated there would be small businesses or
contractors using the first floor with offices on the
second floor. Wall charts were used to indicate the
architecture of the proposed building and samples of the
materials to be used.
Transparencies were used to show the Subarea and
Ms. Landers explained the Engineering Department's
objection to the queuing and loading areas.
indicated objection to the meandering sidewalk and said a
condition would be added to straighten the sidewalk.
She also
May 18, 1988 Page 2
In answer to Board query regarding the residence that was
torn down on that lot, staff indicated the house was
condemned and could not be rebuilt.
Board Member Rombotis stated he did not object to the
meandering sidewalk and David Hauser indicated the
Engineering Department would not object to the sidewalk
being left as indicated in the plans.
Board Member McCoy opened the public hearing at 5:22 p.m.,
and issued the invitation to speak.
Charles Rowe, applicant, 2910 Jefferson Street, addressed
the Board, presenting a picture board to the Members for
their perusal, showing the property adjacent to this
Mr. Rowe stated he would install a separation fence
between his property and the property to the north. He
indicated there would be very little grading necessary,
and the property slopes from Roosevelt to Tyler Street.
Mr. Rowe explained the height of the building and the
setbacks. He added their utilities will be undergrounded
to the transformer across the street, and he felt the
meandering sidewalk would be better maintained.
Mr. Rowe said they had wanted to have affordable housing
on the second floor, but that was rejected, and they
returned to offices in that area.
In answer to Board query about the possibility of
converting the warehouse area into offices and creating a
parking problem, Mr. Rowe stated he would agree to a
condition that would prevent him from turning the
warehouse area into offices. He added the renting of the office space is separate from the warehouse renting.
Mr. Rowe stated that the parking would be marked and
assigned so that anyone blocking the area would be
blocking their own people.
Board Member Rombotis suggested a deed restriction on the
conversion of the warehouse area.
Board Member McCoy stated his concern with the parking,
adding there is a parking problem in that area. He was
not happy with the loading doors on the front of the
building, and felt they could be more decorative. He felt a block wall on the north side of the property line would
be more acceptable, and the applicant concurred.
Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public
hearing was closed at 5:37 p.m.
Board Member discussion determined the preference for a
block wall on the north property line, 6 feet in height; a
deed restriction to prevent the warehouse area ffom being
converted to offices and a waiver of consent to inspection
of the interior.
May 18, 1988 Page 3
Board Member Rombotis stated he would like this project
brought back with conditions of approval; with internal
loading condition where they don't load from the parking
lot, but internally (half internally and half outside).
The suggestion was made to not assign one parking space
that would be blocked by the loading area.
Design Review Board returned RP 87-10 to staff to be
returned with conditions of approval as discussed above.
Chairman Hall returned to the dais at this time.
2. RP 86-23 - GOMBAR
Request for extension of permit for six months.
Chris Salomone stated the applicant had requested an
extension of the permit for six months and staff was
recommending that a one-year extension be granted.
said the project was being re-designed.
Board Member Schramm stated she had read the review on
this item and was able to cast a vote.
Mark Gombar, applicant, 2725 gefferson, addressed the
Board statinng the re-design involved changing the
location of the stairway to the front of the building.
This took six months to go through the Planning
Board Member McCoy stated he would like a copy of the
revised plans and would like to area to be cleaned up
before construction starts.
Design Review Board granted the extension of RP 86-23 as
requested, with an added condition that the applicant is
to clean up the property now.
Board Member McFadden opposed the request as she would
like to see the location of the stairway before
granting the extension.
Chairman Hall requested staff to furnish a copy of the
elevation print as an information item at the next
Minutes of the Meeting held April 6, 1988, were approved
as presented.
Hal 1
McFadde n
Rombot is
Sch r amm
Rombot is
May 18, 1988 Page 4
Minutes of the Meeting held April 20, 1988, were
approved as presented.
Minutes of the Meeting held May 4, 1988, were approved as
By proper motion, the Meeting of May 18, 1988, was
adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Housing & Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
Hal 1
McFadde n
Rombot is
S ch r amm
Rombot is
Sch r amm
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